Mosier Bulletin MOSIER.......................... OREGON EVENTS OF THE DAY Newsy Items Gathered from All Parts of the World. Less Important but Not Less Inter* esting Happenings from Points Outside the State. Four cattlemen were lynched in Ok­ lahoma for murder. Roosevelt w ill make Mombasa his headquarters for ten days. in Asia Calhoun lawyers charge Heney with coercion o f witnsses, butth is is denied. The property o f the Waters-Pierce Oil company in Texas is to be sold by the state. The merger of Southern Pacific and Union Pacific lires is to have a hearing in Portland May 3. Chief Justice Beatty, o f the Califor­ nia Supreme court, subdued a bully by calling a bluff to fight. The Japanese government is investi- gatingthe grafting by members o f the diet and more arrests are expected. Constantinople, April 21.— Sultan Abdul Hamid is awaiting in his palace for whatever may befall. Hie grand vizier, Tewfik Pasha, has announced that, without fear, the sultan w ill re­ main with his family and accept re­ signedly the fate prepared for him and his country. Tewfik Pasha and the minister of war, Edhem Pasha, who sent their res­ ignations last night, decided to with­ draw them today, and the grand vizier is passing most o f the time with the sultan. Nazim Pasha is still in command of the garrison, but no preparations have been made to resist the advance o f the Salonica troops. The Constitutionalist lines now envelop the city, but the commander in chief, General Husni Pasha, is still at Hademoki and it is not likely that the invaders w ill enter the city before tomorrow night or the following day. It is understood that the Salonicans have submitted to the government a list o f persons whose punishment is de­ manded for complicity in the recent mutiny. This list includes deputies and journalists. But apparently there is the utmost good feeling between the invaders and the residents o f the city, many o f whom visited the camps o f the Salonica troops today and were receiv­ ed hospitably. PA SSEN G ER T R A F F IC LARG E. The Great Northern and St. Paul are both struggling for the beat route Thousands W ill S e e k Hom es on P a ­ cific C oast. through a narrow canyon in Montana. Chicago, A pril 21.— Officials o f the President T a ft has completed all ar­ rangements for his summer vacation, North Pacific coast roads expect an un­ which w ill be spent at Beverly, Mass., usually large passenger traffic to that in June. country during the coming summer. Russia plans to deal directly with It w ill not be created wholly by the China in a settlement o f the Harbin Alaska-Yukon-Pacific fair, though that troubie and then hopes to arrange a treaty with the United States on the will be a great drawing card. There w ill also be a vast volume o f travel Far Eastern question. brought about by the large number of Teamsters o f New York are on persons going to the coast with the ■trike. intention o f becoming permanent Italy has sent a cruiser to Turkey settlers in the Northwestern country. The business depression which has to protect her interests. been keenly felt in all the industrial A Philadelphia man left $2,500,000 and commercial centers of the East to establish a home for fatherless girls. has caused a great many people to seek Dynamite has been used to break the out pastures new as the fields for their ice jam in the Niagara river near the future exertions, and large numbers of falls. these have come to look upon the Pa­ The Santa Fe road has a device cific Northwest coast country as offer­ which it is believed w ill prevent many ing them the greatest inducement of making their future homes there. train wrecks. Already inquiries are being made of T a ft wants to visit the Pacific coast the railroads in great numbers as to and Alaska and w ill ask congress to facilities for transportation and reser­ provide the funds. vations are being made for sleeping car and other accommodations away in ad­ G. M. McCain, o f Philadelvhia, has been arrested in Turkey as a spy be­ vance of anything believed to be possi­ ble a short time ago. cause he was taking photographs. A New York man has been arrested for attempting to bribe a naval officer to get a recommendation for a patent. Judge Hunt, o f Montana, is coming to Portland to dispose o f the remaining land fraud cases. He is expected about May 1. Philadelphia has not yet decided de­ finitely to jet the Liberty bell come to the coast, but it is probable there will be no opposition. Castro has been ordered arrested by Venezuelan courts for murder. A pioneer miner o f Sheridan, Mont., has been killed for his savings. Famine in Macedonia and Servia are adding to the revolutionary troubles. T a ft is having much trouble in find­ ing suitable persons for foreign posts. President Zelaya, o f Nicaragua, is preparing to move against Honduras. The Cudahy Packing company has been indicted for wholesale oleomar­ garine frauds. The University o f Nevada has just received two gifts, one o f $250,000 and one o f $100,000. The Waters-Pierce Oil company, re­ cently ousted from Texas, w ill pay the state $2,000,000 fines and costs. Mrs. Castro hints at revolution in Venezuela and advises present officials to “ make hay while the sun shines.” It is reported on good authority that H. W. Scott, o f Portland, will be offered the ambassadorship to Mexico. A raid was made on a Chicago, M il­ waukee & St. Paul diner while it was passing through Iowa and a quantity of liquor seized. A Chicago man has married his step­ mother. A dispatch from Naples says Mount Etna is in eruption. German East A frica deaths from the plague. has had 60 Flour has advanced in price in all sections o f the United States. The first act o f the new chief o f po­ lice o f Los Angeles was to throw the “ king of Chinatown” bodily out o f the station. Poland is preparing to honor Mod- jeska’s memory when her body is taken there for burial. A statue may be erected. Two dynamite bombs were found un­ der a Santa Fe bridge near Stockton, Cal. Several members o f the Japanese diet have been arrested for having taken bribes. Wilbur Wright, whose successful aeroplane flights pleased France, is now giving exhibitions in Italy. A large part o f Elyria, been destroyed by fire. «(• («• • • • tM (*(S t*M **M ****************lltM »‘' • : S U L T A N A W A IT S T R O O P S . T urk ish C apital Ready to Fall at Feet ot A rm y Issued Euch I rider Massacres were stopped Minor after 400 were killed. | Ohio, has The Brazilian government has con­ cluded arbitration treaties during the past week with the United States, France, Portugal, Spain and Mexico. The Massachumsetts assembly has turned down a direct election bill. Mme. Nordicn, the singer, will marry a New York banker. Roosevelt declined a public reception at Mombasa. Good hunting is in pros­ pect. A new cabinet has been installed in Turkey and the Young Turkey party defeated. I P IO N E E R S W IL L C IL t B R A T E . F O W L S A R E S T R IC K E N . Provision al G overnm ent Day to Be O b served at C ham poeg M ay I. Epid em ic o f T ub erculosis Reported in O regon Poultry. F. X. Matthieu Cabin No. 12, N a­ tive Sons o f Oregon, o f Butteville, has issued the program and invitations for the annual celebration at Champoeg, for Saturday, May 1, in commemora­ tion o f the first provisional government meeting, held at Champoeg, May 2, 1843. This w ill be the 66th annivers­ ary o f that event, and the ninth anni­ versary o f the dedication of the monu ment erected to its memory. Joseph Buchtel, o f Portland, w ill act as chair­ man, and Hon. P. H. D ’Arcy, o f Salem, w ill deliver the annual address. Par­ rott’s band w ill furnish good music for the day. A ll who attend are requested to bring their lunch baskets well filled for the day. Mr. Buchtel, who w ill preside, de­ sires to form an organization to handle future celebrations, as the expense is burdensome on Matthieu cabin. He will propose at the conclusion o f the program at the celebration that a so­ ciety be formed, with a president and secretary and executive committee. An effort will be made to change the place for holding future celebrations from Champoeg to Wilsonville, be­ cause o f the greater conveniences at the latter place. Mr. Buchtel has looked up a ten-acre tract at Wilson- ville, on the river and electric car line, which he proposes should be purchased and made a permanent state park in memory o f the first meeting o f the provisional governmenat, May 2, 1843, which he says is the right place. He would not remove the monument al­ ready erected at Champoeg, but erect another on the Wilsonville state park, and there held all future celebrations. The organization which he w ill under­ take to form at the celebration will be authorized to adopt plans to finance the movement. Portland— According to reports re­ ceived by Dr. R. C. Yenney, secretary of the state board o f health, there threatens to be a serious spread of tu­ berculosis among poultry flocks o f the state. Dr. S. W. McClure, chief of the state bureau o f animal industry, advises Dr. Yenny that a flock o f 59 chickens bought at Eugene and taken to Forest Grove was found to be afflicted with the disease and that 16 died at last re­ port. He estimates that 80 per cent of the flock was affected. Dr. McClure reported in addition that a large flock o f chickens at Pendleton was found to be affected with tuberculosis, but no connection had been established be­ tween the two districts affected. At Pendleton it was found that the disease had attacked turkeys in an adjoining field and also pigs had been seized with the disease after eating dead chickens and turkeys. Dr. Yenney said that the fact o f the disease being communicable to human beings from affected fowls had not been fully established, but the pigs taking the disease from having eaten the affected fowls was significant. NO M O N E Y Y E T . Increase in A gricultural College Funds Not Available Till I9 IO . Salem— It has developed here that the increase in the annual appropria­ tion for the Oregon Agricultural col­ lege does not take effect until January, 1910, and that the supposed appropria­ tion for the institution is diminished to the amount o f $30,000. The legis­ lature amended the annual appropria­ tion, increasing it from $50,000 to $80,000 a year, and it has been suppos­ ed all along that it would be effective for the current year. President Weath­ erford and Regents W. W. Cotton and J. H. Ackerman have had an interview with the attorney general, and that official has held that no funds provided for in the increase can be drawn until J U R Y P R O B E S S M U G G L IN G . 1910. It is stated by the regent’s com­ mittee that the discovery is a disap­ Fed eral Body T a k e s Action in New pointment to the institution, where, on Y o rk Gow n Im portations. account of the great increase in the New York, April 21.— Further inves­ number o f students, the funds are bad­ ly needed. tigation of the systematic smuggling o f Paris gowns into this port led the W a te r B o ard Gets Pointers. customs officials to declare that the Salem— That the state o f Oregon syndicate probably had smuggled in w ill be enabled to save thousands of $1,000,000 worth o f goods each year dollars on surveys and other reclama­ for the last 10 years, thus defrauding tion work by taking advantage of the the government out o f $600,000 an­ experience of others is the opinion of State Engineer John H. Lewis, who, nually in customs duties. Efforts to avoid criminal prosecution with F. M. Saxton, of Baker City, has and to shield from publicity the prom­ just returned from a tour of Idaho, inent women for whom the $55,000 Wyoming, Colorado and Utah. The worth of gowns recently seized were Oregon men made a special study of intended resulted in the offer by repu­ the administration o f the watgr laws table attorneys representing anonymous and the methods o f keeping the office clients of $260,000 to the government records pertaining to this work. Mr. Lewis states that Wyoming has the to drop the investigation. The Federal grand jury is investi­ best irrigation system in the country. gating the case, and it is intimated the identity of the smugglers w ill be re­ Reduced F a re fo r Rose Festival vealed. Portland— Rates for the Rose Festi­ val this year from points in the Pacific C olim a P o u rs Out Lava. Northwest will be a fare and a third Mexico City, April 21.— A severe for the round trip, according to an eruption of the Colima volcano, follow ­ agreement reached by passenger men ed by an earthquake shock, has spread at a meeting held here. From poii ts terror and confusion among the inhabi­ on the Spokane, Portland & Seattle and tants of nearby towns, a number of the North Bank west o f Pasco and whom deserted their homes, and fled to Pendleton the sales dates for excursion points outside the affected zone. The tickets w ill be June 7, 9 and 11, with eruption began at 6:10 o’clock yester­ a return lim it o f June 14, and for day morning. It covered a wide area points east of Pasco, such as Walla with ashes and lava, and subsided at Walla, Dayton, Spokane and Lewiston, nightfall. Just as confidence was be­ the dates are June 7 and 9. ing restored, the region was shaken by a violent explosion, and the populace Big M oney in Potatoes. once more was thrown into a panic. Klamath Falls--That Klamath coun­ ty is the “ place where things grow ” is Illinois Election Even B re a k . particularly emphasized in the potato Chicago, April 21.— Elections were line. Elmer Applegate has a 17-acre held in many cities and towns through­ tract south o f the city a large portion out the state today, interest centering of which will be planted to potatoes chiefly in the license question. Where this year. Last year Mr. Applegate this did not enter into the campaign made on an average o f $400 an acre on This was after de­ and politics was the issue, the honors his potato crop. are about even between Republicans ducting all expenses and allowing for His entire acreage averaged and Democrats. As for the fierce bat­ labor. tle between the temperance forces and over 300 bushels to the acre. old King Alcohol, it appears to be a M ed fo rd S c h o o ls at A.-Y.-P. draw. In a few sporadic cases the “ wets” reclaimed a town, but this was Medford— A. B. Robinson, superin­ in every case offset by a “ dry” tendent o f Multnomah county schools, victory. who has been touring the state in an effort to arrange a school exhibit for Ice Dam s N iagara R iver. the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition, Niagara Falls. N. Y ., April 21.— Ice met with the faculties of the different conditions in the Ningara gorge are Medford schools and as a result the worse than ever tonight. Immense local schools will prepare an exhibit blocks of ice have grounded on a sand for the fair. Superintendent Robinson bar at the river mouth forming a solid reports that he is meeting with the barrier against which thousands of tons best of success in his efforts through­ are piling "P every hour. Tonight the out the state. river is five feet above the high level o f Monday, nnd at the highest mark F 'n t Gray W cl Skin Taken. ever recorded on that stretch o f the Albany—The first gray w olf skin river. The ice is within 18 feet o f the which has been brought to the county Hoot of the Lewiston suspension bridge. clerk’s office since Linn county offered bounty on these animals was pre­ C a s tro 's W ife Goes B a c k . sent*^ a few days ago by John F. Colon, April 12. The steamer Guad­ Short, who resides between Foster and alupe came into port today from Port Cascadia. The w olf was an unusually I.imon, Costa Rica and sailed this large one and was trapped by Short, afternoon for France via Venezuela. who also presented the skins o f eight Among her passengers are Señora Cas­ wildcats which he had captured in tro, w ife of the ex-president o f Vene­ traps. zuela, who is returning to Europe to join her husband. She could have S w ift Plant at Med o-d. landed here or in Costa Rica, but Medford— S w ift <& Co. are to estab­ elected to proceed to France. lish a warehouse in Medford, and the actual work of construction will begin Ste am s 29 Knots an H o u r. within the next three weeks. The Liverpool, April 2 1 .--The Maure­ company has leased railroad land, and tania, which arrived from New York it is on this they will place the build­ today, concluded the last portion o f her ing, which is to be 100x180 feet in trip, about 200 miles, at a speed o f 29 size. Medford will be the distributing knots, a feat never before accomplished point for all Southern Oregon o f the S w ift wares. by an ocean liner. Race for a -BY- W ife HAWLEY SMART « her hand had been brought up a gentle­ C H A P T E R V I. The solicitor drove away, fuming with man, had the mark of the university indignation. "Pompous, poverty-stricken!" stamped on bis based composition, and, were the epithets he applied to the squire, in short, had done much to compensate in these first moments o f his wrath. Even for the deficiency o f birth with which he H e had seen a usurious solicitor is possessed o f pride had entered the world. o f some kind, and though he may hold it young l’ earman upon tw o or three occa­ in tolerable subjection during the early sions only. That gentleman, though the stages o f his career, like other men’s, blood o f his father ran strong in his it waxes fat and thrives wonderfully un­ véins, had quite sufficient tact to avoid der the accumulation o f wealth. Harold showing it. H e dressed quietly, and ab­ Denison had trampled it remorselessly un­ stained from self-assertion when mixing der foot. Then the irritation subsided, with the class in which he was so anx­ and the astute old head once more began ious to establish himself. H e was, nat­ to reckon up the chances o f the game. He urally, too careful o f his money to fall played it all over again in his own mind. into the error o f most parvenúes, that of "N o ," he m uttered: "don’ t think l made ostentatious display. 'The little he knew any mistakes 1 I was a fool to lose my b f him had not jarred on Harold Deni­ As to Maude, her affections must temper, though. Hadn't 1 made up my son. I f she could be mind, all along, that he'd take it pretty be wholly unfettered. much in that way, to start w ith ? When brought to think o f this man as e hus­ 1 think how muny o f 'em I'v e seen run band, it would really he a good thing for rusty about their family names, places, her in the end. And by such reasoning worked himself and p la te ! It was foolish— ay, very fool­ the squire gradually ish— to be annoyed at Denison's tantrums. round to the conviction that it was, at all Names?— bah 1” continued the old man, events, his duty to submit I’ earman’s contemptuously. “ I f it came all the way proposal to Maude, and, further, to press from the Conqueror, its worth on stamp­ it strongly on her attention. ed paper is the only valid test." But before Harold Denison had arriv­ Le vy Tax fo r L ib ra ry. Sam Pearman, when he heard the re­ ed at this conclusion, there had been Ashland— By unanimous vote the sult o f his father's mission, took rather much grief at Glinn. H e had told his city council ordered an ordinance a different view o f it from his progenitor. w ife o f the contemplated foreclosing of drawn creating a public library under As a younger man he lacked the patience; the mortgage, and explained to her that it the state law, and set aside a fund for and then, moreover, was there not the meant ruin— that is, ruin inevitable, as maintenance, thereby officially taking blow to his self-esteem? Between twenty far as their still continuing the possessors charge o f the present library, which and thirty we feel that acu tely; from o f Glinn went. has been maintained by the women o f thirty to forty, with a sort o f modified "Y es , Nellie, it's all over,” said the Ashland for the past 17 years. The soreness; at fifty the conceit has been squire; " I ’ m beaten at lust. Dear old council also guaranteed a site for the taken out o f most of us, and we are no Glinn must go through the hands o f the $20,000 library building recently asked longer astonished at finding that the world auctioneer, and become the property of of the Carnegie library board, and rates us a little lower than our own val­ whatever greasy trader happens to have pledged the city to levy a tax sufficient uation. Electroplate may pass for gold most money at his disposal just now. I t ’s to raise $2,000 annually for its main­ for a short season, in these days, but so­ hard lines for you to have to leave the ciety is pretty certain to detect the ring place wherein 1 installed you as mistress tenance. of false metal ere very long. so many years ago.” Samuel the junior had so far been a “ Don't think o f me,” replied Mrs Ready to B o re fo r O il. fortunate man in pursuit o f his ambi­ Denison, tearfully. " I shall be always Astoria— A scow load o f machinery tions. Though not so successful as he has been taken to the Hess ranch on could have wished, yet, to a certain ex­ happy as long as I have you and Maude with me. It w ill be sad to leave all my the south shore of Youngs bay, where tent, iie had worked his way into tile old cottagers nnd almoners to the tender Harrison, Brenner & Palmberg, o f this county society. There were many houses mercies o f oth ers; but o h ! it will fall city, w ill bore for gas and oil. Boring that he was occasionally asked to, as an heaviest on you. Harold, to give up what will be commenced as soon as the ma­ odd bachelor to make up. Despite all his has been the home o f your people for so chinery can be set up. The firm has father had said at the time, a man with many generations 1" secured leases on a large tract o f land Sam I ’ earman’s eye to the main chance “ I don't deny it. It will be a dread in this vicinity and arrangements have could not conceive a man in Harold ful wrench to think o f Glinn passing to been made to sink several wells at va­ Denison's position rejecting a proposal so strangers; hut I suppose it must be so. rious places in case the first one does very much to his own advantage. He T h e follies of our youth, Nell, smite us might recognize a certain amount o f d if­ sharply as we grow old. W e shall have not prove successful. ficulty on the part o f the lady, but men to end our days in some cheap conti­ o f his age are not wont to be diffident nental town.” N ew Depot fo r B a k e r. about their own powers o f attraction on Baker C ity— The O. R. & N. com­ these occasions, and Sam Pearman was C H A P T E R V II. pany has just purchased additional one of the last to entertain apprehensions Very sad was Maude when she heard grounds for the erection o f a depot. on that score. the evil tidings, and that she had but a The consideration was $16,000. The H e don’ t know what's good for him, short time left to look upon the grand new depot w ill cost approximately and that’s about the size o f i t !” was that old chestnuts, the groves of laurel, and $30,000. The present depot w ill be gentleman's remark, as his sire retailed the soft, pleasant, tu rfy vistas amid which remodeled and used for a freight depot the account of his interview with Deni­ she had been born. B itterly she thought and warehouse. Baker is the second son. " W e shall have to exercise a little how the loss o f all the accustomed sur­ city in Oregon in volume o f freight bus­ gentle pressure. I'm not going to be roundings would be felt by the gentle iness. The building o f the new passen­ choked off my game, at all events at this mother she adored ; and well she divined stage o f the proceedings. Invalids often what would be her father’s sensations ger depot and freight warehouses calls require coercion to make them take the when, having left the home o f his ances­ for a rearrangement o f sidetracks. tonics necessary for their existence, and tors, he should find himself exposed to the it will be for you to make Denison under­ monotonous existence of some watering Elgin Lo se s W o o l Sales. stand that he will cease to he Denison of place or dull continental town 1 H ow he Pendleton— Elgin w ill have no wool (Jlinn, at all events, unless he is prepared would brood over the extinction o f the sales dates this season, the date set for to welcome me as a son-in-law.” Denisons o f Glinn none realized more that city having been cancelled by the “ Leave it to me, Sam, and don't he fully than Maude. She knew her father executive committee of the State Wool- In a hurry. I made up my mind about it thoroughly; she was a clever girl, and growers’ association and the date o f the other night. I don't sav all, my boy, fully recognized his foibles and weak­ July 6 given to Enterprise. The build­ but a good many things I have made up nesses. She comprehended the shock it ing of the Wallowa railroad, making my mind to have come to pass in course of would be to his fam ily pride— what the unnecessary the freighting of wool to time. Leave me alone to work the oracle loss o f country pursuits would be to h im ; just now, and, depend upon it. I 'll give what it would be to find himself a mere Elgin, is responsible for the change. you due notice when it's time for you to Mr. Denison on straitened means in some make a move.” quiet place where gossip was rife, and B a k e r H o rse S h o w M ay I. T h e son acquiesced. I f at times he your social status was pretty nearly ^ Baker C ity— Baker county’s annual thought his father waa getting a little gauged by the bills incurred at the butch­ horse show w ill take place in Baker slow at tu rf tactics— a pursuit from which er's and the wine merchant's. And then, City May 1. The Baker City Concert' h* had in great measure w ith draw n — he the girl thought, sorrowfully, how little band w ill furnish music. Prizes w i l l ' still held a firm belief that his parent she could do to alleviate all this. T o be offered for the best single and dou­ was difficult to beat in the great game o f her mother— ah 1 yes, she could do much ble teams, and there w ill be parades life, more especially when he held a win­ to lighten her troubles, and be a comfort ning card or two in his hand. to h e r; hut for her father, nothing— and and other features. Some two or three weeks elapsed : and the tears trickled through Maude's long then, one spring morning, Harold Deni­ W o o l Sells fo r 14 C ents. lashes as she thought how little she could Pendleton— A phenomenal wool sale son received a letter to the effect that Mr. be to him. l ’earman o f Mannersiey felt it incumbent Such, so far, were the results o f the is reported from Arlington, Pat Farley on himself to call in his money lent on having sold for 14 cents 18,000 pounds, mortgage, a more favorable opportunity machinations o f that experienced “ fisher o f men," Mr. Pearman, on the unfortu­ for which last year for a like amount for investment having offered. nate fam ily at Glinn. he was paid only 53* cents. Difference That this would probably be the result I have told the ingenious process of in quality due to climatic conditions is o f their last interview, the squire had reasoning by which Harold Denison had, largely responsible. foreseen. Y et, as days went by without at last, not only soothed his conscience, any such notince, he began fondly to hope but arrived at the conclusion that, like PO RTLAN D M A R K ET S. that the attorney had seen tne presump­ the grim old Grecian, his duty required tion he had been guilty of. and that things him to sacrifice his daughter. I often Wheat— Bluestm milling, $1.27>^*0f far, the speciousness of the reasoning became easy and rapid. "T h e lands I re­ to her husband's. Decision, on any point, 9c; heavy, 7o/8c. ceived from my ancestors it is my duty to was painful to her. and she was too well Pork— Fancy, 9 S,0/10c; large, 80/9c. transmit to my descendants." A fine coun­ aware, from former experience, that this Heps— 1909 contract, 9c; 1908 crop, try gentleman’s sentiment, that would was but the prelude to some scheme in 6oz 6 SiC; 1907 crop, 3c; 1906 crop, have invariably insured a round o f ap­ which her concurrence had already been IV - plause at the farmer's ordinary in any practically marked out by her lord and Wool— Eastern Oregon, 130fl8c; market town o f respectable dimensions. master. Harold Denison’s consultations, va'.ley, fine, 19 V ; medium, 18 V ; Now, o f course, it was all plain sailing, at such times, generally comprised a mere coarse, 17c; mohair, choice, 23•,B(«24c. morally. As a personal matter, the mean­ synopsis o f his intentions, revealing some Cattle— Top steers, $5 25of5.50; fair est lodgings at Hastings or St. Leonards minor unpleasantness which he looked to to good, $4.750/5; common to medium. tvould have sufficed. It were better so her to carry out. P oor Mrs. Denison $3.250/4.50; cows, top, $4.25; fair to than to see a Denison o f Glinn so vilely might well be diffident about such confi­ good, $3.50(1/4; common to medium, mated. But there were other ties to be dences : as a rule, they had born* but $2.500/3.50; calves, top, $5015.50; considered. He. Harold Ilenison, had un­ bitter fruit. "W h a t should you say," continued the heavy, $3.500/4; bulls and stags, fat, doubtedly betrayed the trust o f a long line o f ancestors. squire, “ i f I tell you that It is possible to $3(i/3.50; common, $20/2.75. Then he began to think once more o f Hogs Best, $7.250/7.50; fair to via daughter. He felt compunction at save Glinn to us yet?” “ Oh. Harold, can it be so?" cried Mrs. good, $6.75o/7; stockers, $5.500/6.50; the idea of yielding his handsome Maude Denison with clasped hands and beating China fats.$6.75. to this low-born suitor. But then Maude heart. "N o . you don't look like i t ; I see Sheep— Top wethers, $50/5.75; fair had never been to him what an only child in your face there is more to follow . It to good, $4.500/4.75; ewes, V less on is to most fathers. H e had never quite is some bare chance, and your sanguine all grades; yearlings, top, $6.500/7; forgiven the fact o f her not being a son, nature has led you astray concerning It.” fair to good, $6o/6.25; spring lambs, and she had ever been more her mother’s “ Nellie, don't be foolish. There la a fit than his. Again, this candidate for way o t arranging all these miserable $7(ecome sm aller. M ean w h ile, there is a con traction o f th e cartilagin o u s tissue betw een th e v e rte b ra e o f the backbone, w h ich causes a loss o f height, a man o rig in a lly six fe e t ta ll freq u en tly los­ in g as much as an inch and a h a lf o f his statu re by th e tim e he is 70 years old. H a p p ie s t f on p ie In E u rop e. P rin cess Ire n e and P rin ce H enry, o f G erm an y, a r e said to be th e happiest ro ya l cou ple in a ll E urope. T h e ir home Is a d elig h tfu l, th irteen th cen tu ry c a s t!« a t K iel. P rin cess Ire n e has fu rn ished th e room s In b righ t chintzes and ga y hangings and has m ade It most m odern and c o m fo rta b le lookin g. T h e y are sel­ dom sep arated fo r any length o f tlm s and th e ir p erfe c t happiness Is the w on ­ d er and e n v y o f th e m any discontented ro ya l couples num bered am on g th e ir ac­ quaintances. More than 450,000,000 picture postal carda were consigned to the mall la England laat year.