PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY SIER BULLETIN BY H. G. KIBBEE, Proprietor s u b s c r ip t io n r a t e s O ne Y ear.......... Six M onths T hree M onths .$ 1.50 .. .75 . .£0 E n tered as second-class m atter M arch 12, 1909, at th e post office a t Mosier, O regon, under th e A ct of M arch 3. 1879. MOSIER, WASCO COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1909 VOL. I NO. 7 ADVERTISING RATES Professional C ards.............................per m onth $ ..50 O ne sq u a re ............................................... “ “ l og O ne-quarter Column ..................... “ “ 3 . 0 § O ne-half Colum n................................. M ** 5 59 O ne Culaaaa ...................... ............. " +* 9 oy Burnne** i.,m ls will * e chan»:«l*t 5 omits p e r line for each insertion. I^eiral advertisem ents will in all cases be charged to the tm rty ordering th e » , a t legafl rates, and paid for before affidavits .are furnished. Sid M. Nichol A ll B usiness entrusted to New Use for Goats T he C are of the See It is perfectly right and proper “Better an army of goats with for people to send away for arti- a lion for a leader than an army 1 cles which cannot be purchased of lions with a goat for a leader, ” of their home merchants, or se­ is an impressive old Spanish of The Dalles, Oregon cured thru them; but if the citi­ proverb, but the United States WILL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION DEALER IN zens of a town have the business government has considerable Capital - $100,000.00 interests of their town at heart, faith in an army of goats with a Surplus and undivid­ they will not send money away goat for a leader. It is an­ ed profits - 100,000.00 nounced that 3000 of them of the for goods that can be bought in J. S. SCHENCK, P r esident FLOUR, FEED, GLOVES. FAMILY MEDICINES, ETC. their home stores quite as cheap, Angora variety, from the Cal- E d M. W illiam s M ax A. V ogt and sometimes cheaper, than the ifonia foothills, will be set at He can make your watch keep time Exclusive agent for same quality would cost any work in the spring, blazing mile Vice Pres. Cashier where else. It is more or less a after mile of fire lines through practice with some people in the bushy chaparral growth of GRAHAM’S BAKERY small towns to send to some the natural forests. The plan is OREGON PIONEER GONE no sorrow or suffering, and for to run fire lines parallel with the larger town or city for their she was fully prepared. and goods because, in their minds, it contour of the slopes by cutting Death of Mrs. Davenport which The funeral will take place seems to add to the value or trails about 80 rods apart, and RESTAURANT this forenoon at 10 o’clock. Ser­ quality of an article if they (and these are to serve as guides for vices at the house, conducted by other people) know that it was the goats. They will graze in A deep shadow was cast over the Rev. Mr. Boulton, of The each direction, killing, it is esti­ our little town early last Wednes­ ;; “purchased in Portland.” Interment will be in Fresh Bread and Pastry every day It shows a sad lack of interest mated, strips of brush about 300 day morning when Mrs. Mary Dalles. Meals at All Hours in a town when its citizens send yards wide, which are expected Davenport died suddenly at her Lark Grove Cemetery. away for goods, many of them to make ideal fire lanes for the residence here. It had been staple articles, which our mer­ protection of forest covered lands known for some time that her G. P. Berry, of Portland, vis­ MRS. E. L. GRAHAM, P rop . chants keep constantly on hand. and also to provide ground for condition was critical, and her ited last week with Arthur M osier - Q regon It hurts a town when a dollar is the reproduction of merchant­ entire family had been called to Kuhn, at the latter’s ranch near spent unnecessarily out of it able trees. This scheme, if it her bedside several times; but town. Mr. Berry is very favor­ which could be spent in it. Peo­ works as anticipated, will save the end was nearer than any one impressed with Mosier, and G e o . C h a m b e r l a i n ple congregate in towns and the engineers much labor and anticipated. On Tuesday eve­ ably his intention of return­ communities for mutual protec­ furnish excellent browsing for ning Mrs. Davenport’s condition expressed ing later with a possible view of REAL ESTATE tion and convenience. It is cer­ the goats who will be wholly un­ did not appear to be alarming; in tainly convenient to have stores conscious of the fact that they fact she was reported as being locating among us. in a town. What, for instance, are public servants in the world. quite comfortable. Late that Addison Bennett, proprietor of Fruit would Mosier do without a gen­ night, however, a change for the Lands Dalles Optimist, the Irrigon eral merchandise store, a grocery Following the plan of the O. worse occurred and she grew 1 ! The Irrigator and the lone Proclaim- a store or a hardware store? If R. & N. Co., the North Bank rapidly weaker, passing away at and the father of the ‘ ‘Rab- the people in this community road will establish places along 7:30 Wednesday morning, sur­ j I er, bittville Letters,” spent a part were forced to send away for the line on the Columbia River. rounded by her children and a j of two days in Mosier last week every article they needed, they Cascades, below Cascade Locks few faithful friends. and made the B ulletin office a Mosier Oregon would consider it a great incon­ and almost directly opposite Mrs. Mary Hintz Davenport very pleasant call. Mr. Bennett venience and would clamor loud­ Bonneville, has been selected as was born in Neideiweisel, Ger­ is writing articles ly for stores. We have the a site for a park where picnics in 1848. She came to about Oregon illustrated for the Portland stores, and they should be pat­ can be held and pleasure parties many, General Real Estate Dealer America when 16 years of age, Journal, and his visit here was can get away from the cities for crossing ronized. the Isthmus of Panama to get views of Mosier and vicin­ Therefore, deal with your home a day’s outing. Ball grounds Town Property and Fruit Lands Improved and residing in San Francisco a ity and general data. Come merchants and all other business will be laid out, a dancing pavil­ and short time, then coming to Was­ again, Brother Bennett. Unimproved. Information Cheerfully Furnished men when you can. That is the ion will be installed and other county, living in The Dalles way to build up a town and make forms of amusement. This will co GAY YOWELL, Mgr. ! I 1884. She was married in Write or call be done in time for the present until it prosperous. 1866 to Louis John Davenport, I T At the meeting of the Mosier Harness and Saddlery Goods \ Mosier summer season. Patronize home trade. :: Oregon who died in 1902. Mrs. Daven­ Valley Commercial Club, held Tents, Wagon Covers, Etc port was the mother of ten chil­ last Monday the following Hand-made Harness a Specialty j dren, nine of whom survive her. directors and night, officers elect­ They are: Mrs. Rose Robinson, ed to serve until next were December: HOOD RIVER - OREGON of Portland; Mrs. F. S. Gunning, Directors—C. L. McKenna, of The Dalles; Geo. L., Portland; J. M. Carroll, A. P. John T., Mosier; Mrs. R. H. Portland, Geo. Chamberlain and Kemp, Hood River; Chas. N., Bateham, David Robinson. Officers: Pres­ and Mrs. E. B. Wood, Portland: ident, A. P. Bateham; Vice-Pres. Alice M. and Gertude M., of Geo. Chamberlain; Sec., DENNY & HARVEY David Mosier. One sister in Germany Robinson; Treas., J. M. Carroll. also survives her. d e a l e r s in meeting will be held Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. Fruit Land Mrs. Davenport was a member Another next Monday night, when the of the Lutheran Church. She different committees will be ap­ in large and Small Tracts. We have some very Fresh and Cured Meats was a woman of noble qualities pointed and the work of properly rare values for the investor and the homesceket. and endeared herself to all with advertising Mosier will be taken Country Produce Write or call for full information. whom she came in contact by her up, and other matters of import­ gentle and loving disposition. ance wiil be discussed. JtlW W . She was a devoted wife and mother, a true friend and neigh­ bor and faithful to her ideals of For Sale. ? 1 a „ Christian life, and her death 47 cords good 16-in. pine and ’ causes genuine sorrow among a wide circle of friends. May He fir wood, cheap. Call at B ullet ­ . Notary Public Has made a mark in the history of Slaughtering Prices. who has taken her unto Himself in Office. bind up the bleeding hearts of Every article is marked in plain figures. No matter how and the stricken children, and may W a n ted — At once, one good, low or cheap you have ever bought before, we claim and i they consolation in the Fire Insurance prove it by prices and material, that we are selling out l thought find that ‘ ‘mother’ ’ has passed sound work horse, about 1100 Will be at Nichol’s Store, Mosier, on Wednesday. every piece of furniture at prices that amaze the most into another life where there is | lbs. Inquire at B u lletin Office. Mosier - Oregon April 14th, and on each following Wednesday. shrewd and economical buyers. You positively cannot Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jew elry afford to stay away from this sale. Sooner or later you will need the article that you can now buy for one-half of all kinds. Satisfaction guaranteed ; : JOHN G. ZOLLS & SONS the manufacturer’s cost. A delay means so much loss Leave all work at Nichol’s Store. Contractors in Stone, Brick and Con- for you. It is our aim to sell every piece of furniture in the house. Mr. Perlman is going out of business and crete Work has turned over the store to our management. We need Hood River Oregon the money. Never has such an opportunity stared you in the face. DAVIE ROBINSON, M. D. JOHN WELLBERG, Prop. Goods sold for cash only, No mail orders filled. No P hysician and S urgeon goods sent C. 0. D. MOSIER - OREGON To the Biggest Sale this section of the country ever had. C. H. JENKINS, D. M. D. Patronize Home Trade LARAWAY Hood Rivers Reliable Jeweler for (From th e Boston T ranscript.) First National Bank Groceries and Gents’ Furnishings Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry D ougherty-Fithian Shoes Mosier - Oregon j J.K. McGREGOR 1 davenport ! HARNESS Co. j| The GreatNorthem Furniture Co.’s MOSIER MARKET Gigantic Closing Out Sale! B r id a l V e il I Act at Once. Kann Bros. Co. of San Francisco, Managers Now is the time to spray! To do it Properly, get a Cog Gear Spray Pump Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. OR A COMPLETE GASOLINE OUTFIT FROM D.C. M c D o n a l d Proprietor of the Square Deal Store HOOD RIVER - ORE. Oregon | HOOD RIVER - OREGON j E. C. BROCK, Res. Manager | .tW W W I' ! -UOtKI' .«» <» PH O N E S: Q fic e 28 Residence 28 R HOOD RIVER - OREGON! S. E. BARTMESS Undertaker and Embalmer Furniture and Carpets, Etc. HOOD RIVER, : OREGON “FINE LAUNDRY WORK” The Latest in Spring Styles ( Hood River Laundry Company Done with neatness and dispatch ------------^ ------------ Shoes, Hats and Clothing JO H N W ELLBERG , M o m bk A g en t M. E. WELCH R egister V eterinary S urgeon Office at Fashion Stables H ood R iv er at J. G. VOGT’S The Outfitter Hood River - Oregon Hood River, - Oregon PINES HOTEL Rates $L00 per day and up D entist OFFICE OVER BUTLER BANUM !COM PANY Home Phone 62 K Jewelry Good Accommodations (Branch) | F. H. C oolidge T he LUMBERING CO. Follow the Crowd Great Northern Furniture Co. The Dalles - Oregon H. Mosier F. BOTHFUR Mosier - Oregon Alex. Stewart 1 - O regon PARADISE POULTRY YARDS Thoroughbred Rhode Island Red and White Leghorn Eggs for Hatching. JAS. E. COLE, Mgr. H. G. KIBBEE NOTARY PUBLIC OREGON MOSIER - - MOSIER, OREGON Ï \ BUTLER BANKING COMPANY Ì Bfttablithrd 1900 IncoriKirated 1906 HOOD RIVER, OREGON Pioneer Bankers of Hood River Valley. Transact a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time Deposits LSI .if. BUTLEK. (’resident J. N. TEAL, Vice I’«*ido»t TRUMAN BUTLER, Cashier A Complete Line of Feed, Grain, Field Seed, Poultry Suppfies, Spr^y Materials, Fertilizers, Etc. SPECUL PRICES ON RED PLOVER SEED WHITEHEADS FEED STORE HOOD RIVER : OREGON We need a lumber yard in M»sier is on the map. Mosier. That bank we have been harp- Advertise in the B ulletin — ing so much about is materializing and get results. all right. Watch developments.