ALEX. STEWART Mosier needs a Drug Store. — LOCAL — A full line of Ladies’ and Miss­ es’ Oxfords snd Ties just received at Stewart’s. Bean Spray Pumps at Stewart’s D E A L E R IN If you want the best grubbing We repair shoes at the B u l ­ machine, buy a Swenson. l e t i n Office. Alex Stewart. A good line of Shirts and Un- George Chamberlain this week dei clothes at Nichol’s purchased 0 1 J. N. MoSier, lot 8, .. f Harold Sto tz was a pleasant v 'm block 2 of the townsite of caller at our office on Tuesday. i Mosier. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Stroup j Ira Evans went to The Dalles visited in The Dalles last Tues­ j on Monday to consult the physi- day. | cians at the hospital. He re­ Mi’s. Wm. Johnson is reported turned on Tuesday’s local. s riously ill at her residence near Miss Maude Bateham returned town. home last Friday from Portland, J. M. Elliott returned last Sun­ where she has been attending day from a fortnight’s visit at school. Portland. Mrs. Elmer Coyle, of Carlton, C. F. Stauffer and John Dav­ Oregon, visited her parents, Mr. enport were Hood River visitors and Mrs. Chas. Graham, from this week. Saturday to Tuesday. If you want a good Spray Frank Mer.efee and A. W. Pump, buy a Bean for sale b> Mohr, of The Dalles, were down A. S t e w a r t . i yesterday running out lines to lothin les, Or. \ When you want that G. C. Banta, of The Dalles, B u l l e t i n office. was locking over the town yes­ For Sale terday with a view to establish­ ing a plumbing shop here. Mos­ A team of bay horse and mare. ier would welcome him. four and seven years old, 1050 Grand Ball at Stroup’s Hall, lbs. Inquire at B u l l e t i n office Saturday, April 24. Music by the Trio Orchestra of Hood Riv­ For Sale er. Tickets 75 cents, ladies free. An “ Old Trusty Incubator,” Good Time. i 160 egg capacity, excellent con- Miss Josephine Niekelsen, of I dition and alwavs successful.— The Dalles, arrived in Mosier on $9.50. Brooder free. Inquire at Monday last, and will spend the B u l l e t i n office. summer with her parents, Mr. ----------------- and Mrs. Christian Wyss, near W a r n in g . — Parents o f boys town. who have been tampering with 3 1 R ach el S te w L. E. Ward, editor of the lone Proclaimed was a pleasant caller at our office last Monday. Mr. Ward was en route home from Portland, where he attended the annual meeting of the Oregon Editorial Association. Luther Tryon, aged 24 years, a son of R. D. Tryon, of Mosier, died last Wednesday morning at the home of his mother. Mrs. Hopkins, in The Dalles, of con- | sumption. He leaves a wife, mother and two brothers funeral was held yesterday, in­ terment being in the Odd Fel­ lows’ cemetery. art , P. M. Poultry Hill Boomlets Ether’s waves waft happy thoughts from Poultry Hill, The women of Poultry Hill seem possessed by the Petaluma spirit. Look out for some tall chicken stories in the near fu­ ture. Ote Hogg came home with lumber for chicken coops last Saturday afternoon. The Poul- . q) is a scientific, sani- • 11 tary one and will have to be seen to be appreciated. J I We received a communication this week intended as an "a d ,” which was unsigned. To those who may not know the rules of a news paper in regard to such matters, wo will state that we do not publish “ ads” or commitnic i- tions of any kind where no name is signed to them. The name not required for publication, but it is necessary for the publisher to know who sends in the article for publication. In the case of an “ ad.” it would be impossible for as to collect forsame from “ John Doe.” We require a different kind of “ dough” with which to do business. A communication must be signed by the person sending it. to prove his responsi­ bility. Names will I k * withheld when requested. A. M. Roop’s theme at the next Grange meetirg will he: “ How to Make Five Dollars Worth of Wheat Produce Fifteen Dollars Worth of FJggs.” Grang­ ers take notice. Our new*neighbor, Mrs. Mira H. Winegar, is a fine flower art­ ist. She has specimens that are superb and would In* a credit to any show. If any of Mosier’s young folks have ambitions in that line here is a chance to de­ velop them. J. E. N I C H O L S A ll calls pnxi.ï fly a iu tili«d. ni» EnìhoUììiny «; ‘ 7 \-r.-llii S i*» ’• unno*.* ï M om « •* p«*« pif U .A .« ii .-. i .TAt o We are ready to meet any bona fide cash price on any line that we carry. Hartwick & Nerd '0 m m § -w Contractors & Builders Popular Clothier ESTIMATES F U R N I S H E D I Ccr. 2nd & Washington Sts. | tA N IT E W A R E S p e c ia l FLY-CATCFIERS, B E W A R E ! Do not go around at the mercy of the flies, providing a skating rink and parade ground for the disease carrying insects. Get a hair restor­ er that really restores. W e will guarantee you a new thatch in a short time if you use Clarke’s Dan- dercide. W e have depilitories also that are sure, safe and speedy in action, as well as all kinds of toilet and dressing room article at moder­ ate prices. O N A P P L IC A T IO N Mosier - Oregon if I DR. H. L. DUMBLE PHYSICIAN and HOOD R IVER SURGEON OREGON Will practice in Mosier and T H E G L A C IE R P H A R M A C Y May be reached by long dis­ tance phone, Home phone 16. CHAS. N. C LA R K E We are offering some tixtra j good values this week at j - ICc 15c Get your Job W ork done at the Bulletin office. I»*- W e have the latest in type and stock. An order for printing is sure to be gotten out on time : : : Our work is neat and guar­ anteed to be satisfactory in every respect : : : 25c - It will pay you to See them WN fi A V b- G Oregon MISS M. L. MF. rCAI.K. Assistant \V. l>. KOCFKS. Proprietor Ì Photographs and Phonographs : : Oregon | SEE H ER E Why pay 500 t > 1,000 dollars an acre for fruit land when W A R R E N & STA TER at Mc­ Minnville, Oregon, can sell you first class fruit land for $65.00 an acre? Send for Price List. (First Pub. April 2. Last Pub. May 7) -««-»Uto-*** FIRST NATIONAL BANK HOOD R IV E R C A P IT A L , $100,000.00 R esources a * O R EG O N : over ) SU R PLU S . $20,000.00 $425,000.00 Interest paid on time deposits and in our Savings Department Banking by mail prompt and satisfactory Go TO Dabney’s Furniture Store You can get anything you want either Last Pub. Apr. 30) Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon March 24th, 1909 Notice is hereby given that Hans H. Nielson, of Mosier, Oregon, who, on Vugust 8th, 1907, made Homestead En- ig ,. (Serial No. 04182,) No. 15668, for .s I 1-4 S W 1-4, S< ction 14, Township 2 North, Range 11 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final commutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above des­ cribed. be fore the Register and Receiv­ er of tin- United States Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 7th day of May, 1909. Claimant names witnesses: V. C. Young, o f Mosier, Oregon. C. F. Stauffer, o f “ “ J. R. Huskey, o f “ “ Nathan Sturgess o f “ “ C. W . MOORE. Register. i T he New or Second Hand - Notice for Publication Hocd River Studio Hood River (First Pub. April 2. H O O D RIVER, OREGON .* * - Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon March 19th, 1909. Notice is hereby given that William L. Rowland, o f Mosier, Oregon, who, on August 17th. 1907, made Homestead Entry. (Serial No. OiltiS,) No. 15676, for S'W 1-4 S W 1-4, Section 11, Town­ ship 2 North, Range it East, Willam­ ette Meridian, has filed notice o f intent ion to maki Final commutation Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Rt- ceiver o f the United Status Land Office, at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 5th day of May, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: W . E. Husk>, of Mosier, Oregon; Karl J. Bailey, o f “ “ James Camp, o f “ “ Alex Stewart o f “ “ C. W . MOORE. Register. - for your Home very cheap. Agents for CH ARTER O A K Stoves and Ranges Hood R iver THE Oregon HALL DRUG STORE PR E SC R IPTIO N SPE C IALISTS HOOD R IV E R O REG O N . I. C. Niekelsen Books The Dalles, Or. j .. Musical j Instruments ! P E U ’HFIS ! PEACHES ! ! Notice for Publication W e have a fine lot of 3-ft Department o f the Interior. • each stock to o Ver at a bargain U. S. Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon Geo. Davenport and wife re­ Have you subscribed for this March 29th. 1909 at 10 cents each. Write or turned to Portland Tuesday. Lime and Cement paper? If not, why not? Notice is hereby given that William phone. Bo\ Stokes, of Mosit r. Oregon, who, Fred Evans and wife were vis­ C h a t m a n & K ot l o c k December 21st. 1904, m a r ie Home- B ase B a l l P l a y e r s ! itors in The Dalles on Monday. - t«n! Entry, (Serial No. 03431.) No. The Home Nursery Co., Come ‘ out Sunday afternoon Washington St., bet. l.,d and 3d >40.-3, for N H i-4 N E 1-4. Sec. 15, and Mr. Grandlund is reported very and try out for the team. Hood River, Oregon 1 SW 1-4 N L 1-1. W 1-2 SÉ 1-4. Section We It*. Towns!.in 1 North. Range 11 Ea*t, sick at his home on Seven-mile. need another pitcher. TH E D ALLFS : ORE. '¡¡amette Mi ri ban. lin?2 filet! notice of John F’.vans and Kay Sturges intention to make Final commutation Shoe Hospital Proof, to establish claim to the land were Hood River v.sitors last Pulls stump 7 Don’t f.-tget that . ■* Bulletin 0NAPCH S teel diameter. O n l y All persons desiring their foet- above described, before the Register Tuesday. 5 t u ¡ i p - Steel Stump Pulle* f i ,, .. ' Receiver o f the United States Land printery is able to turn out first F a c to ry she P uller v .v a r r e p a ir e d call at th e Bulletin office a, The Dall-s. Oregon, on the world mat’*.« their L. Lamb and W. F. Huskey class job work on short notice ( Y j »awn Steel Castings. lay c1 ’ May. 1OT». o.Tice and leave work. Ail work F. in r« for G uaranteed paid The Dalles a business visit Clai»"'.ct name« a« witnesses: reasonable rat« s. 500 ¡one neatly and with dispatch. l' mas God’. e-M.-n, Ole I,. Olson, Roy yesterday. Address: «run C ita Irene Mid (S mooth . I mus an i C. G. Stolte, all of Mosier, Drop a dol'ar and a half :n the Oregon. Miss Etta Smith, who has 1 een slot a * I < aw a prize the Mosier C. W . MOORE. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE MOSIER visiting the Misses Reeves, left W . >1. I t U L L O l i t Bulletin deliver«* l ..t yourpostof- Register. yesterday tor her home in Port­ HOOD RIVER OREGON iice for one year. B U L L E T IN . $1.50 p e r Y e a r . n Mosit r ’s map. BOOTS and SHOES Syracuse Plows, Harrows and Discs fi The old prune orchard on the Burlingame place is a thing of the past. Mr. London ordered it grubbed out. W. II. Cook J. Chatfield, with his wife and superintended the work. An ii"- daughter, arrived last Monday to-date apple orci aid takes its from Chicago. W e welcome them place. among us as permanent locators. Mr. Winegar has put up sum­ His son and wife are expected to arrive next Monilay. Mr. mer quarters and is living on his Chatfield recently purchased a place. He will take up the poul­ He cer­ part of FT J. Middleswart’s line try business at once. fiuit farm, and will proceed at tainly has a good site, and there is room for more. once to further develop it. The change in the climate from the middle Western states to Ore- yon is from winter to spring. Mr. J. Chatfield who has just ar­ rived from Chicago, stated that ho traveled through a fierce bliz­ zard while crossing Montana. When he reached Mosier he found wild flowers in bloom and ¡'mil trees laden with blossoms. Who would live in a land of eight months winter when a land of summer and sunshine is within easy reach? Come to Mosier, a land filled with the maximum of go >d thingsof life, and a minimum of had. H ARDW ARE A full line of the latter in carload quan­ tity now in transit. s and in Price D R Y GOODS Pittsburg Perfect Fencing Studebaker Wagons and Buggies I S. FI. Francisco, of The Dalles, lock boxes in the postoffice will is erecting a commodious build­ do well to warn them o f the con­ ing on Washington St. He has sequences if caught. not yet decided as to what use the building will be put, but it may I k ? occupied as a feed store. The J. Miller Co. Shoes f W e can Please You in Style GROCERIES and * i I See us A full and complete line of Hamilton Brown & Co. it Cloth es OREGON Exclusive agent for ï. i ;• I V of J. E. Cole’s family returned Fruit Land, 487 acres improved last Tuesday from a visit with wheat ranch in Gilliam County, relatives at Portland. Oregon. II. F. B o T H F U U , Geo. Sellinger was a business Mosier, Oregon. visitor at the county seat last Dr. H. C. Dodds, of Dufur, Tuesday and Wednesday. came down on Wednesday, hav- M. H. Steelsmith and son George, left on Wednesday for ing been called here to consult Portland, where they will reside. , with Dr. Robinson in the case of Sand on the track delaye 1 the Mr. Tryon, who is in a critical west bound local over an hour condition. Dr. Dodd’s diagnosis last Monday. These delays are of the rase was the 3ame as that previously given by Dr. Robin­ annoying, but can’t be helped. son and we regret to say that Dr. Templeton returned to there seems to be little hope for Portland Wednesday, having the sufferer, spent several days in our neigh­ borhood looking after his fruit FOR SA LE : -Stimpson Com­ ranch. puting Scales, cheap for cash, at MOSIER r New Suit Just received— A new line of | some land belonging to Mr. graniteware and cooking utensils Menefe? and F. W. Wilson. at Nichol’s. For Sale or trade for Mosier General Merchandise <