Mosier bulletin. (Mosier, Or.) 1909-19??, March 12, 1909, Image 3

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    Oar Formala
W e p rodu ce In H o o d 's S a rsa p a rilla
a m e d icin e th a t h a s a n u n a p ­
p ro a c h e d re co rd o f c u re s of
Scrofula, eczema, eruptions, catarrh,
rheumatism, anemia, nervousness, that
tired feeling, loss of appetite, etc.
The combination and proportions of
the more than twenty different remedial
agents contained in H oo d ’s Sarsaparilla
are known only to ourselves, so there
can be no substitute.
This medicine makes healthy and
strong the “ Little Soldiers” in your
b l o o d , — those corpuscles that fight the
disease germs constantly attacking you.
Charge of Receiving Rebates Not
Proven by Government.
Jury Acquits by O rd e r o f Judge— D e­
Conviction Impossible.
▲ m a r Ir a n
P I L E S C U R E D I N • T O 14 D A T S
P A Z O O IN T M E N T ia ruaranteed U cure any
ease o f Itchins. Blind. Bleeding or Protru ding
PUee In 6 to 14 days o r money refunded. 60c.
M ln a tr e la .
Tambo— Miatah Walkah, kin yo’ tell
me de diff’unee ’tween a waif an’ an
apahtment house?
Interlocutor— I give It up, Jerry. What
ia the difference between a waif and nn
apartment bouse?
Tambo— De one am a homeless kid an’
de uddah am a kidless home.
Interlocutor— I.adieg
and gentlemen,
Prof. Ilowlan High-Eenah, the renowned
tenor, will now sing his great topical tong,
“ I Ix>ve Him, Mamma; Ha Looka Like
Fido 1“
P r o fe s s o r .
The professor was writing aomethlng
In a small notebook.
“ Making an addition to my viaitlng
Uat,” he explained to the docto-.
“ Yaur visiting list?” queried the other.
"Y e s; this is a record of the close calls
I have had In dodging automobilea.”
H e r A ffa ir , b a t
The grocer'a boy waa lumbering np the
kitchen stairway with hia arma full of
"Boy,” said the mistress of the house,
nomewhat sharply, “ are your feet clean?"
“ Yes'm,” he answered, still climbing the
•taira. “ It'a only mi shoes that’s dirty."
H om e T on ic fo r Old People.
W onderful results, eventually restor­
in g full physical vigor, are obtained
from the fo llo w in g : T o one-half pint
good whiskey add one ounce syrup sar­
saparilla and one ounce Torio com­
pound, which can be procured from
any druggist.
Take in teapspoonful
doses before each meal and before re­
B ou nded
This is the result reached yesterday
in the governm ent’ s famous suit against
the Standard O il company o f Indiana.
The suit wherein the defendant col
pany at one tim e faced a fine o f $29,-
240,000 at the hands o f Judge Landis
on a charge o f having accepted rebates
from the Chicago & Alton railroad,
came to an end abruptly.
Judge A n ­
derson, before whom the case was
brought a fte r reversal bv the United
States Court o f Appeals, instructed the
ju ry to find a verd ict o f not guilty.
Judge Anderson’ s decision was not
altogether unlooked for, he having pre­
viously announced that the proof i
lied upon at the first tria l was incom­
petent and it was w ith something o f
an air o f hopelessness that D istrict
A ttorn ey Sims and his assistants at­
tem pted to show the adm issibility o f
the Illin ois classification to prove the
existence o f a legal rate o f 18 cents.
This was a vita l point in the governm ent
contention. Assistant D istrict A tto r­
ney W ilkerson adm itted that the pros­
ecution could not supply the proof
deemed necessary and suggested dis­
missal. John S. M ille r then moved for
an instruction v erd ict o f not guilty.
This was ordered.
A s to whether prosecution on seven
other indictments still pending against
the company w ill be instituted, Mr.
Sim s would not express an opinion,
statin g that this rested en tirely w ith
the attorney general.
G ro w e rs
Form Com pany and Start
Building at C hicago.
Chicago, March 11.— The election o f
officers o f the Warehouse & Storage
company, and the layin g o f the corner
stone o f an immense warehouse, which,
when completed, w ill accommodate 25,-
000,000 pounds o f wool, w ere tw o steps
taken today in a movement to make
this c ity the wool center o f the world.
J. E. C osgriff, o f Rawlins, W yo.,
was chosen president; A . G. Leonard,
Chicago, vice president; R. B. Thomp­
son, Chicago, secretary and treasurer.
The building w ill occupy nearly two
acres o f ground.
I t w ill lik ely be
ready fo r occupancy M ay 15, in ample
tim e to take care o f this y e a r’s clip
o f wool. I t is proposed to store at
least 25,000,000 pounds o f wool each
season, and arrangements are under
w ay to increase the amount to 50,000,
000 the second year.
-and are then turned oat at th* other
and o f the monster machine.
T rou b le f o r C astro.
Caracas, Venezuela, March 8, via
In s id e In fo r m a t io n .
W illem stad, March 10.— The French
“ Did you notice that handsome lady governm ent has sent a cable message
who Just went out?” queried the book­ to Senor Lorena, the B razilian m inis­
ter here, who is caring fo r French in­
“ Yes.” replied the man In front of terests, annuoncing the approaching
the counter. “ W hat about her?”
departure from France fo r Venezuela,
"She has a very Interesting history,” o f ex-President Castro, and asking
laid the literary salesman.
what action Venezuela would take in
“ H ow do you know?”
asked the ca'se he attem pted to land.
Lorena replied th at inasmuch as Castro
“ Because I sold It to her a few mln- had been crim inally indicted in V ene­
ates before you came In,” replied the zuela on a charge o f conspiring against
other, as he Indulged in an open-faced the lif e o f President Gomez, he would
be arrested.
R eal
T u m b le r .
H op Picking Machines Fail.
Sacramento, Cal., March 11.— Hop­
p ickin g by m achinery, is a failure.
Last season’ s experience by the Horst
Brothers and the experim ents made in
the attem pt to overcome the defects in
the machines cost the firm $40,000,
A a O b e d i e n t T la r e r .
which is a dead loss, and the machines
“ H o w entire," remarks the London have been abandoned.
A ll the hops
31obe, “ la the confidence o f the naMve grown in the Sacramento valley w ill
Hast Indian In the government may be be picked by hand henceforth, as no
lathered from the following anecdote, one else is lik e ly to take up the ma­
which come*- from Lahore:
“ A tiger chine experim ents where the Horsts
ta d escaped from the zoological gar­ le ft off. The machines wasted as much
dens, and lta keeper, hoping to lure It heps as they picked.
Seek, fo.lowed It. When all other In­
Russian Rule at Harbin.
ducements had failed, be lifted up bis
role* and solemnly adjured It In the
St. Petersburg, March 11.— The pro­
same o f the British governm ent to posed inter-m inisterial conference on
which It belonged, to come back to Its the situation at Harbin, Manchuria,
•age. The tiger. It la needless to add, due to the efforts o f the local Russian
authorities to control municipal g ov­
ibayad at once."
ernment, has been postponed indefi­
n itely on account o f the illreas o f P re­
m ier Stolypin.
A dispatch received
today from General Horvath says that
a number o f Chinese merchants in H ar­
Keep It on Hand!
bin have yielded to pressure and agreed
C —ah* end cold* may Mize say
to pay taxes to the Russians.
“ I aa
a goblet today made of
“ Pshaw I I saw a tumbler made of
tesh and blood last n ig h t”
“ W here?”
“ A t the circus.”
mtm m of the (anuir aay brae.
Maar a bad cold ha* been averted
md Marti «ckaea* and nienng
ha* heaa m v « 4 b y »ha prompt um
j f Pi*» • C u m . There » nothin«
Ike U la brnak up cevfkf «ad cold*.
J *" J*
m Urn
pvrfmli. pit« in. rMck^
A i a ll d r u if ie U ', 2 1 eta.
injured and property worth $1,000,000
was destroyed as a result o f the tor­
only a
fe w
minutes, but its work o f
was complete.
Aboriginal Giant Found.
San Pedro, Cal., March I I . — The
skeleton o f an Indian was unearthed
at W h ites point today by men operat­
ing a street grading machine. I t was
that o f a man o f unusuaal stature,
with abnorm ally large head and thiftk-
* * * • o f skull, and g iv e evidence o f
having bran buried many years. /
The Cath­
in the
payi o f the storm, alone escaped dam­
I t has been converted into a
The prnicipal streets are impassible
Chicago, March 10.— “ N o t guilty.
“ The young man Is smitten with you.
Jeanette. He says you radiate happi­
“ Gracious !”
“ And he also say* you radiate
N E W S T O C K -R A IS IN G P L A N T .
“ M y 1” ,
Hybrid A lfa lfa Likely to Be a Great
“ And wisdom.”
“ Dear me, how funny."
is., March 11.— W ith
“ W hat’s funny, dear?”
three varieties o f Siberian a lfa lfa , a
"W hy, he must think I am • radi
clover which grow s north o f the A rc tic
•to r .”
circle, and some 300 other varieties o f
seeds suitable to the semi-arid region
A M a r v e lo u s S a w .
I t makes the man who is Interested o f the West, Professor N iels Ebbsen
In the salvation o f the forests o f the Hansen, ch ief plant explorer o f the
world gasp for breath when be enters United States Departm ent o f A g ric u l­
a shop In Paris where the paring blocks ture, has returned from a nine months’
for the city's streets are being made. trip in lands rarely visited by an A m er­
Parts Is a very large city, and It takes ican.
I t was Professor Hansen’s third trip
a great many blocks to keep the streets
In good condition. A recently Invented to Northern Siberia and his fourth to
and established sawing machine turns the highest latitudes o f European Rus­
But as many as 240,000 blocks a day. An sia. H e intends to combine the best
endless chain
receives the planks, elements o f a lfa lfa o f four continents
which are already cut to a certain re­ and o f all clim ates in a plant which
quired length and thickness, and car­ w ill withstand the coldest weather and
ries them on to a system of seventeen which w ill, it is claimed, make this
saws, where they are quickly cut up country the greatest producer o f b eef
Into blocks of the right size for paving and mutton in the world.
March 10.— T h irty
olic church, standing
cision o f Appeal Court Makes
L it e r a l ■ • ( E l i a .
A rk .,
The tornado shrieked above the city
C o r r e c t in g H is to r y *
B rinkley,
or more lives w ere lost, 60 people were
nado that wrecked this town.
Alexander the Great wept.
"W hy these tears, your majesty?" ask­
ed the sycophants. "Isn ’t it glory enough
to have conquered one world?”
“ I'm not weeping because there are no
more worlds to conquer,” blubbered Alex­
ander. " I t ’s because I have a presenti­
ment that some day big. Ferrero will find
out I'm nothing but a shine!’
The «y-ophanta, auppressing the real
facta in the case, gave out the false ver­
sion of the incident that has come down
through the ages.— Chicago Tribune.
"Convict* seem to very polite sort
• f people.”
“ W ill you tell me what led you to
that conclusion?”
“ Su re; they never do wrong without
begging pardon fo r It.” — Baltimore
Disastrous E ffect o f T orn ad o Which
S w ep t Brinkley, Arkansas.
w ith wreckage.
E very business house is in ruins and
there is hardly a home that has not
been damaged. A ll the hotels were
demolished, but the guests escaped.
R e lie f squads have been at work at
day caring fo r the dead and injured.
The Rock Island and Southwestern
(Cotton B e lt) railroads have placed
cars at the disposal o f the local r e lie f
com mittee and many people are leav­
ing Brinkley, seeking temporary re­
fuge at other points nearby.
Governor Donaghey arrived from
L ittle Rock this afternoon in response
to a call from the citizen s’ committee.
Hundreds o f people are homeless and
are wandering about, seeking a tem ­
porary abode.
Three special trains
arrived from neighboring towns today,
brin gin g r e lie f workers, physicians
and nurses.
Mass m eetings have been called fo r
tomorrow in L ittle Rock and other
cities to raise funds fo r the storm v ic ­
Railroads to Start Suits at Once in
Many W estern States.
Chicago, March 10.— A m eeting o f
the execu tive com mittee o f the W est­
ern Passenger association w ill be held
tomorrow to form ulate a plan o f action
in v ie w o f the decision o f the Federal
court n u llify in g the 2-cent passenger
and maximum fre ig h t rate law in M is­
souri. I t is understood that there is
an almost unanimous opinion that the
roads ought to return to a 3-cent fare
as soon as the schedule can be pre­
One large system is known to be in
fator o f accepting the suggestion o f
the court, and make the rate 2}4 cents
fo r the “ stron g” lines and 3 cents for
the “ w eak ” lines.
The p revailin g
sentim ent is against this, however, aa
it is regarded as in conflict w ith that
part o f the court’ s decision which de­
clares that the railroads ought to earn
6 per cent fo r the stockholders.
A m eeting o f the execu tive officials
o f the W estern roads w ill be held soon
w ith a v ie w to concerted action against
ail 2-cent passenger laws.
I t is e x ­
pected that suits w ill begin soon in
Illinois, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska,
Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and In d i­
ana and possibly M ichigan.
The K an­
sas senate killed the 2-cent bill, but
2-cent rate made by the state commis­
sion is in effect.
B AD H O R S E O N C U S T O M E R S .
G ro c e r
W h o Sold Equine Sausages
C om es to G rief, T o o .
Chicago, March 10.— J. J. Schmidt,
a butcher at Chicago Heights, was
found g u ilty today in Judge K ersen’ s
court o f selling diseased horse flesh
which had been made up in sausage.
The conviction follow ed an in vestiga­
tion started by butchers in Chicago
H eights and H arvey, who were unable
to understand why Schmidt could sell
his product at a low er price than they
could afford.
Schm idt’ s sausages w ere said to
have gained such a reputation fo r
sweetness o f flavor that he was able to
sell g re a t quantities. This is believed
to have caused the enm ity o f his com­
petitors, w ith the result that they e x ­
amined his product. The butcher was
convicted under the state law prohibit­
ing the sale o f diseased cattle. The
penalty is a year in ja il, and a fine o f
$1,000. Schmidt’s attorneys entered a
motion . f o r a new trial. Assistant
S tate’s A ttorn ey George Gunther pros­
ecuted the case.
Utah is U rged to Action.
Salt Lake C ity, M s-ch 10.— Govern­
or Spry sent a message to both houses
o f the legislature today containing hia
view s on the subject o f prohibition.
He recommends that a local option and
strict regulation b ill be passed a t this
session o f the legislature, cautions
against radicalism and desires that the
w elfare o f all be considered. The g o v ­
ernor also mildly rebuked both senators
and representatives fo r not taking ac­
tion on this question w ithout so much
delay. The message was placed on file
in the senate.
Stick P ro b e Into Banks.
Carson C ity, N ev ., March 10.— The
resolution callin g fo r an investigation
o f the state banking commissii n was
adopted by the assembly today and
Brooks and
Charles Kane w ere appointed repre­
sentatives o f the low er house.
resolutoin has already passed the sen*
ate and the investigation w ill be begun
this week. The bank commissioners
declared today th eir desire fo r an open
session o f the in vestigatin g com mittee
and announced their intention o f aiding
the work o f the com mittee.
H aw
W llr
• lo a
C o lle c to r
of a
P r is e d
G ot
W a n t a T e le p h o n e ?
H e llo .
A ll Is fa ir In love, war, or collect­
If you do you can get It. I f you are anxious to get into closer
ing. A writer In Arm y and Navy L ife
touch with your friends, with the family doctor, with the store, with the
tells how he finally got possession of
post office, or with the cotton buyer, you can do it with a telephone
the coveted "L e a v itt shotgun"— a weap­
at hand. I f you want to make the farm a more livable place, it you
on with a romantic history. It Is sup­
want to protect your home, you can do it by installing a telephone.
posed to have been left In Portland,
Me., by an English lord, who came to
I f you w ill cut ou t th is a d vertisem en t, w r it e y o u r name and
address on th e m argin and m all it to -d a y t o ou r nearest nouse,
this couutry to find a fam ily black
w e w ill send you a t once a cop y o f our F ree B ulletin No. 112
sheep, In the shape o f a younger broth­
er. The gun had four barrels, so ar­
“ How to Build Rural Telephone Lines”
ranged that the lower pair could be
revolved Into position as soon as the
This Bulletin explains clearly how a rural telephone system is built
upper pair had been fired. T h e writer
and operated, and it also contains full information as to costs.
bad come upon a farmer who offered to
In a F arm er’ s M utual C om pany a fe w d a y ’ s labor and a cash
show him bis collection, never suspect-
In v e stm e n t o f about $25. per subscriber, w ill purchase all m aterial
lug that bis guest was a connoisseur.
and build an ab solu tely standard s ys te m .
I recognized the Leavitt gun the mo­
A Rural Telephone is an in vestm ent, not an expense. The
ment It came through the doorway. My
This Book Sent Free
telephone which enables you to sell ten bales o f cotton at l/2 cent per
heart Jumped so I wondered that h*
pound more than the traveling buyer offers you, has paid for its en­
didn’t ask what was the matter with
cost. I f you have some hay down all ready to go in, it is worth
me. I didn’t touch that gun for a long
■omething to have a telephone witli which to call on Neighbor Smith “ for a lift” before the storm breaks.
I handled most o f the others
Th e Rural Telephone pays fo r itself each ye a r and we have brought the initial cost within the
and priced some o f them. Finally I
reaeli o f every farmer.
Present prices are especially favorable and thousands o f Farmers’ Mutual Com­
“ That Is a curious-looking gun.
panies are now organizing so as to build their lines this Spring. W r i t e us to-day.
Where did you get It?”
"T h at? Why, lemme see. I bought
that off’n Tim Brown Just before he
Somber« Offices
Northern cad Western Offices
died. Thought I could make a dollar
K? isas City
The world’* oldest and largest tele­
or two, mebbe, on account o f Its havin’
phone manufacturer There are over
Saint Paul
4 , 000,0001 Western Klectric Telephones
Saint Louis
four shots Instead o f two. But I paid
Lake City
N ew York
San Francisco
putty high for It, and so couldn’t sell
Karat Telepbooes a specially
It cheap; an’ then It’s so tarnal heavy
—weighs thirteen pounds— the boys
wouldn't buy It. I was disgusted with
myself, so I Jest wrapped It up and
A Flavoring.
It make» t
laid It away In a meal-chest, and It’s
syrup better than M aple.
been there ever since."
Sold b y grocers.
Q B H Per S alzer’s catalog page 129 . H H H
I looked It over critically, balanced
I Largest growers o f seed oats, wheat, barley, L
It, hefted It, and aimed It at the spot
I spelt?., corn, potatoes, grasses and clovers and I
fat in seeds in the world. Big catalog fr e e : or, I
where I came out o f the woods.
IOC ia stam p« and receive sample o f l
The pollen from the pine forests o f­ ■ I send
Prudent Mamma— I know Mr. Guppins
Hi.lion D ollar Gi ass, yielding l O t o n s o f hay I
“ What do you want for this gun?”
I per acre. oatJ, spelt?, barley, etc., easily worth I
I asked. Indifferently, laying It a'-ross Is not handsome. Myrtle, hut he comes of ten forms a yellow coating on lakes
I SI 0 . 0 0 o f any man's money to get a start with. I
family of high-minded and honorable or on the ocean, ns far as 200 miles
I and catalog free. Or, send 14c and w e add a I
my knees.
Remember, “ by their fruits
ye from the shore, and has been mistaken
I sa m p !«fa rm seed novelty never seen b e fo r e !
He hesitated some time, apparently shall know them.’*
1 by you. SALZER SEED CO., io i PC la Cross«, WIs. I
by peasants .’or showers of sulphur.
debating with himself whether, Judg­
Miss Myrtle— That’s just it. mamma. I
ing from my appearance, I would atand don't like his great, big Adam’s apple.— | The pollen grains of the pine are pro­
vided with
vesicles, which
a good charge.
Chicago Tribune.
buoy them up in the air very much on
“ Wal, I tell ye,” he finally
O n ly O n e “ B R O M O Q U IN IN E ”
the principle of a box kite.
"how will a dollar a barrel suit ye?”
Th at is L A X A T IV E BROMO Q U IN IN E . Look i
“ Fine,” said I, passing him two two- fo r the signature o f E. W . G R O V E . Used the
world over to Cure a Cold in One Dav. 26c.
dollar bills.
“ Can’t I sell ye another, or mebbe
In ip r o r ln ir on N a tu re .
two or three, for a spec?” he asked.
**l wish my nose was of a different
ir you nutrir frotn FiU, Kalling SickneM, Sparali or
“ I ’ll Just stand this one inside the shape,’’ said Mrs. Suddyn-Klymer.
Luv* chiHreu. or lrifU« 1 * tliat u < j * 0 , niy New D i*
covai y wi>l r*Ue-vti t'.em, ami all jo u ara aikad ta
door, as one bought already,” said I,
ciò i* t-’ seud f<*r h F 'M B t’ l* o t
l ) r . M u y ’s F .p ile p t le id e C u re*
suiting the action to the word, “ and
It h»n curri t nunaiitl» whsru evkiyiliine alta
days to have the shape of one’s nose cor­
we will look the others over again.”
fai!e*i. 8*ut tre* wlth Uirvctiont. F.xpr*»** Prapaid.
W e w ant dock, wheat, dairy and fru it
Guarani«*«'! 1>J May M iu ìica ! 1,*D oratori. nnd*r tbe
About then a newcomer arrived.
farm s. Having: a large Eastern corre­ o
National F.*o.t ami Drug* A«;t. Jnn«50th. ITO«. Quar*
“ O, yes, indeed; it looks all right in
spondence w e are in a position to make
auty No. 18971.
P i« « « « givo AOR *nd full addrota
“ Just what I came to see,” said he, my oil portraits.”
quick sales. Drop ua a card if you have
1>R. W . H . M A Y ,
smiling, and Indicating the heap of
anything: or know o f any farma fo r sale.
5 4 8 F c u r t S tr e e t, N e w Y o r k C it y .
guns. " I beard of your guns In Nock-
S a t o n t h e S a lm o n .
A T L A S L A N D CO ., |
tt, and I came right over to see them.
Mr. and Mrs. Gross had a funny ex­
420 Lumber Exchange
{ • X « )® « (IXsXSXf C D ® ® « $<£) iXSXlXo
I live In New Ygrk, and I collect fire­ perience with an eight-pound salmon ♦
arms for a hobby, especially during at Green lake recently. A fte r being *
booked the salmon Jumped right luto
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ •»♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a
"Firearm s are my bobby, too,”
the arms of Mrs. Gross and slid
said. “ I have about four hundred, an­ through to the bottom o f the bout.
tique and curious ones together.”
W all Paper, Mouldings,
Mrs. Gross promptly sat on the fish
Pictures and other sim­
Isaiah D ay’s expression waa some­ and made good Its capture.— Montreal
ilar goods, lor timber
thing to see.
farm land or cash.
est w h o l e s a l e
The stranger and I looked over the
W rite me.
T h e re i«
I T C 8 t. Vita*’ Dane« ana «»rvou* in«ea«i»* p«rma-
pile of guns together, but they were C
sca rcely a n v lim it to tVie
■ 1 1 3 nently cared by Dr. dne’* Great Nerve He- I
possib le im p ro vem e n t in seed**,
cheap percussion and breech-loading ■torer. Send for FRZE $2.00 trial bottle and treatise.
bu t it ta k e s tim e and m o n ey. W e h ave
Dr. &. H. Kline. Ld.. 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
shotguns, altered dint-muskets and
been Im provin g: flo w e r anil v e g e ta b le
• 144 Seventh St., Portland, Oregon
seeds fo r o v e r 50 years. M o re than 2000
wornout rifles. There was nothing
W h e r e I t G e ts a J o lt.
p eo n le n^e w ork in g: to m a k e F e r r y ’s
Seeds su it you . Buy th e best—F e r r y ’s.
there that we wanted.
Day didn’t
Teacher (at night school)— Can you
F o r sale e ve ryw h ere .
urge us to buy any, but chewed
fiv e me a familiar illustration of the
FE R R V ’ l » 1 9 0 9 SE E D A N N U A L
straw, and had a far-away look In bis proverb, " I t is never too late to mend” ?
“ Ha! Ha!
II didn’ t hurt a bit!
D. M . F E R R Y * CO ., D etro it, M ich .
Shaggy Haired Pupil— ’Dlie only thing
N o w fo r m y A lveo la r 1 eeth .”
The stranger and I rose to go.
dar block pavement.
reached within the door and swung
Teacher— Er— well, that is an excep­
the gun out on to my shoulder. The tion.
stranger straightened as I f he were
M o th e r , w ill fin d Mrs. W in s lo w 's S o o th in g
stung. His eyes opened w ide and his Byrup
t h » b i t re m ed y to use to r t h e ir c h ild re n
mouth opened, too.
d a r in g th e t e e th in g p erio d .
‘Did you get that here?*’
M o T r o u b le A b o o t T h a t.
‘Just as you came out o f the woods,’
The druggist’s clerk handed him hia
I said.
porous plaster.
“ Is it the Leavitt gun?"
“ You want to read the directions care­
V " I t really Is,” I answered.
T h e cleanest .lightest
f u l l y , " he said, “ so as to know what to
and most comfortable
W e started along together. Day do when you’re ready to take it off.”
“ I never take ’em off,” answered Mr.
came. too.
’W hat did you say your nams Is?" Wipedunks. “ I always wear the things
t i l l th a y drop off.” — Chicago Tribune.
he asked me.
At the same time
‘ Sawyer.”
S tiff neck I
Doesn’ t amount to much, but
cheapest In the
‘I don’t seem to remember any Saw­ m ig h ty disagreeable. Y o u 'v e no idea how quickly
end because It
a little H em line W izard Oil w ill lubricate the
yer In Nocklt.”
wears longest
and make you com fortable again.
‘Probably not. I don’t live there
‘ 3 5 9 Everywhere
l spend my summers there— my horns
Every garment,
“ He swore that life with her would
Is In Boston.”
In cases like the abave, afi dentists threw « 9
their hands and say there is no h o p «—save •
waterproof Catalog
“ O-ho,” said he, "you're a city man I
plate or false set of teeth, but the Alveolar ays
“ And shortly after they were mar­
What do you want o f that gun?"
tem solved the problem and now plates arc not
‘Just to look at,” I answered, geni­ ried?”
necessary unless all the teeth arc «on e.
“ H e gave a correct Imitation of a
W e do dental w ork in all its branches, from the
man looking for a storm cellar.” — Bir
sim ple piece o f fillin g to the complicated and sci­
'I don’t believe it.
T h ere’s some
entific A lveolar work. L e t no one fool you inta
mlngham Age-Herald.
p ayin g fancy prices. Consultus. Th e pricca ba-
mystery about i t
I believe I ’d orter
The 2
low are fo r the h igh est class of dental work.
naked you more fo r I t ; I f I ’d been
P er Tooth
bright I bet you’d paid another dol­
Alveola^ Teeth .................................. $3.50 up
lar a barrel for It.”
R egular G old Crown, 2 2 k .........
R egular Porcelain Crown ......................... $3-50
’Maybe I would,” said I, “ but It la
For Infants and Children,
Regular Gold or Enamel f ills .....................$ 1.00
too late now.”
: WE
bras ^
The Kind Ycu Have Always Bough!
T h oszb t
W ith
T r a n s fe r e n c e ”
C a rrea t
Bears the
Signature o f
A Z b C C & 'ti
L ia s
T e n d e n c ie s .
O m in o u s .
One o f the new games with which
society Is amusing Itself
Is called
thought transference.
H ow much of
scientific value It possesses each must
ludge for herself, but certainly It sup­
plies a great deal o f amusement T o
arrange It the person to be the “ sub-
|ect” Is sent out o f the room. T w o
players are chosen to
transfer the
thought, and these decide on what
simple test the player will be required
to perform.
He may be required to
pick up a book, to arrange a cushion
->r to touch the keys of the piano.
1’he rest o f the company Is Informed
what the required test will be. The
subject” Is readmitted, and those who
are to guide him stand on each side
and hold his hands. These "thought
transferers,” as well as the rest of the
jompany, center their minds on th#
thing to be done. In eight cases out o f
ten. It Is said, the "subject" wends his
way. still holding the hands o f the
transferers," toward th# appointed ob­
ject anal does what Is required o f him.
The audience probably will demand
aeveral "subjects" and experimenta be­
fóte lta cariosity is satisfied.
“ Friend,” asked the masculine half of
the party in tbe runabout, “ what road i?
“ Thia Ia lover,’ lane, air,” said the ns
tiv e ; “ and it enda down there In the bend
of tbe i-iver they call the devil’» elbow.” —
Chicago Tribune.
T o E n jo y
R egular Inlay Fillings, Painless and P er­
fect ...........................................................$2.50
Regular Expert Plate Work, per set
$3.50 up
Peinless Extracting (free with w o r k ) ............50c
are ihe
O. R. & N.
fast through trains
Dentists o f 5 to 20 years’
active practice in the city.
The ALVEOLAR Painless Dentists
P O R T L A N D and
Fourth and Washington Streets
E N T R A N C E 11014 F O U R T H S T R E E T
Lady Attendant
O F F IC E H O U R S —8 a. m: to R p. m.: Sundays t
a in. to 12 m. P H O N E A1171.
the full confidence of the Well-Informed
of the World and the Commendation of
the moat eminent physicians it was essen­
tial that the component parts of Syrup
W e make a carefu l exam ination o f the mouth
free. I f you would know ^more o f this A lveolar
I work, send fo r our hook. “ A lveo la r D entistry,” a
j trertise on the teeth in general and the naw
method in particular. The book is free. O ut-of-
towti patients treated in the shortest possibia
tm e .
W M . M cM U R R A Y , G. P. A.
N o . 1 1 -0 9
H E N w r i t i n g t o a d v e r t í a « !* « p i a
m o n i l o »n
i th is p a p a r .
of Figs and Elixir of Senna should be
known to and approved by them; there­
fore, the California Fig Syrup Co. pub­
lishes a full statement with every package.
Can ha handled very e u lly . The sick nr# cured, and all others la
« rnufter how ‘ VxpOAed,” taut from hnvins t h o d i»
es«e. hy using H h lH N 'S LIQ U ID D IS TE M PE R CURE. Give 01 »
the tongue or in
A rt« on the blood end exr-el* yenn* o f all
form * o f diAteraper. Beit remedy ever known fo r mures la foal.
The perfect purity and uniformity of pro­
M iners O ff fo r Alaska.
ir Î i O n e b o ttle aur.rnnteed to c u re on e enne. >. «Oca id t l s l 'o t f l e : 1« and
\ I I 110 dozen, o f dru ggist« and hnr?ie*fldenlp
duct, which they demand in a laxative
lem. o re e n t e ip r e « i psld by
Seattle, March 10.— W ith the larg­
" f ’ rr»n u fa ctn rer«. r u t » l o w « how
poti! *“ * “
nw to poultice
throAt»r Our Fraa
.vr'th ln «.
o«’«l agent« wanted. Lari eat M il la g
est passenger lis t leaving here in
n e alatene
months, brin gin g memories o f the
by the Company’« original method of man­ SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemist, and Bacteriologists, GOSHEN, IND„ U. S. A .
days o f the Klondike, the Tsteamer
ufacture known to the Company only.
Ohio sailed tonight fo r V a ld e z ’ and
The fig» of California are used in the
Seward. She took 350 passengers, o f
whom 200 are bound fo r the interior.
production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
L lffh t
E r s a o a r.
The steamer Portland sails tomorrow
Senna to promote the pleasant taste, but
night fo r the same ports and w ill have
You always w sot to try to do all
about 200 passengers. The Hayades is your reading In the daytime,” said th* the medicinal principles are obtained from
loading fo r the Hawaiian islands. The tteru teacher o f physiology, addressing plants known to art most beneficially.
R ainier arrived from San Francisco.
T o get it* beneficial effects always buy
the class.
“ Sunlight Is much better
than sny srttfld sl light. Gan any on* the genuine— manufactured by the Cali­
Bryan M easure Passed.
of you tell me why?”
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale
Lipcoln, Neb., March 10.— The low ­
“ Yes. ma’am,” said Edwin. “ It’s a by all leading druggists.
er house o f the legislature passed to­ good deal cheaper” — Puck.
day the bank deposit guaranty bill,
framed by s join t com mittee o f the
W e never knew • woman or a boy
tw o houses. The measure is one o f rfee wouldn’t run • m ile te see a fir*.
the issues which W. J. Bryan declared
and (aster coloso than any other dys. Ons 10c
Moat p#opl# eat sa though they w er» 2 ïd ii»2
S iîi goods brighter
to be paramount in the Nebraska cam ­
. guaranteed
to g l v . part. set results. A sk dealer, or w s w ill
tattooing thsossslrra foe
r to dys, biascicanti m ix co
paign last fall.
1 (R E S C E N T
‘a s s i s t 9