"■■■ PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY m M 0 S IE Ï if. & WÖÜtß, l*roprK.tt>i Sir. Mont**-. Thiee M on th »... J . . 11 I ( Mosier’«; Fame Snreadinc Imnmvements in Town Organize Tomorrow Night. John WellbeJg, Deputy Grand Hustler, will organize a lodge of l Hustling Knights o f Woodcraft I- tomorrow night at Lamb’s Hall, after the regular meeting of the |5:' M. W. A. Twenty-one charter Ú members will ride the “ donkey.” 3 i - ** This is an auxiliary side degree I Tt of the M. W. A., and the object 1 is to furnish amusement for its i « members. the exceptionally cold snap last January’ injured fruit in this, as well as all other districts in East ern Oregon, the extent of the damage here is not so great as has been reported in Portland papers, and it is only reasonable to suppose that the person who gave out the report that most of the fruit and some of the trees had been killed, did so without first thoroughly informing him self on the subject. J P. Carroll, Fruit Inspector for Wasco County, recently made the following statement to the writer—unofficial because he had not completed his investigations in the entire county. Mr. Car- roll says: “ I have made a partial exami nation of the fruit conditions in Mosier district and find that while the peach and apricot crop will be a failure this year, and the pear crop will no doubt be light, there wilfifte practically Pleasantly Surprised a full crop of apples, cherries The Odd Fellows of Beacon and small fruits, providing the Lodge, No. 182, were most weather conditions are > favorable pleasantly surprised, at the close ! from now on. Of course the of their regular session last Tues critical period for cherries has day night when a number of lady. not yet passed, but the circulat Rebekahs marched in loaded with ed report that great damage has good things to eat, which the been done to most of the fruit is brothers were not long in dispos erroneous, misleading and injuri ing of. We understand the Re ous to this section, and should bekahs are addicted to this habit be corrected.” and that it breaks out frequently. While it is known locally up We can’ t answer for the other and down the Columbia basin fellows, but for ourselves we’ ll that no finer fruit grows any remark that we are willing to where than that produced in encourage it, and promise to Mosier district, the fame of this never miss an opportunity if we particular locality as a producer get the “ tip” in time. of fruit of the finest quality has not reached the outside world H omeseekers , drop in and see and eastern buyers suppose they what Mosier has to offer. i are getting apples from sections of Oregon that have been widely advertised. But Mosier apples : will come into their own soon, as Mosier fruit growers are staming their boxes with their name and residence, and ‘Mosier Apples’ or ‘Grown in Mosier’ stamped on a box of apples or other fruit will be sufficient to command the top prices in any market. paid fo r before affidavits are furnished. To inspect our line o f Pattern , hats which will be on display Wednesday and Thursday t March 24th and 25th Our workmanship is the Best and our prices reasonable J. <£ L. HA WLEY Knapp Millinery Store .H O O D R IV E R : * I I I Successors to Mrs. Billings v ! i OREGON ■yy HEN IN HOOD RIVER TAKE YOUR MEALS D e B u ssevs C h o p H ou se AN D RESTAURANT ■- -■ a Quick Service | Qui Good Cooking : T :" ~ T S General Real Estate Dealer • T ruJT Lem. Town Property .(md pfdit L w d s Improved and Unimproved. Informytiop Cheerfully Furnished. Write or call M osier •Vf-"”'4 ,.%* Oregon ' ■** t If you want a good Spray Pump, buy a Bean—for sale by A. S tewart . He can make your watch keep time QUALITY IS FIRST | 1 P rice is N ext I 1 WE GIVE YOU BOTH Rev. Walton Skipworth, of The Dalles, held quarterly con 5 ference at Mosier last week, con !3 ducting services Friday night. ï Rev. H. C. Clark preached on Saturday night and Sunday morning and evening. The dance given in Stroup’ s 19 Hall last Saturday night was largely attended and proved t<. be a most enjoyable affair. Re freshments were served at The Pines Hotel. The Trio Orches tra o f Hood River discoursed ex cellent music. Advertise in the BULLETIN — í and get results. - J Wd Manufacture Everything in 1 j OREGON FIR AND LARCH LUMBER ! gTEVENSON QRUBBER M o st D f f ic ik n t G r u b b e r M a r k e t . F ully G u a r a n t e e d . F or sale by on t h e D. M c D onald HOOD RIVER - OREGON A T All calls promptly attended. ntghi or day, Cuty or country Embalming a Specialty P hone ? HOME-Office. K B : Residence 1 PACIFIC- “ 3oM: Residence ¿.-ll Good Accommodations Rates $1.00 per day and up BOX SHOOKS MOSIER, OREGON We also carry |S i « I 5 I »5 » I f LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS OUR MOTTO:-“PRGMPTDELIVERIES. For Flftimates on Lumber or Building ¿Materials, Address B r id a l V e il L u m b e r in g » C o . (HOOD RIVER BRANCH) DRUG STORE j) PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS \ OREGON Hood River, - - leoMWiisswiMH arme . . . Established 1900 ^ Incorporated 1905 Ï , BUTLER BANKING COM PANY LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, AND A COMPLETE \i 3 T h e PINES HOTEL JOHN WELLBERG, Prop. • t* A J. E. NICHOLS l ndertaker and Funeral Director and I * 1 HOOD RIVER 9.00 You are Cordially Invited improvements are under way and projected in Mosier, and when they are all completed, the town will present a different appearance. E. N. Stroup is erecting a sub stantial frame building 40x70 feet, the lower floor o f which will be used as a general mer chandise store, the upper story as a lodge room and dance hall. This is at present the largest and most imposing structure in town and is evidence of Mr. Stroup’s business sagacity and progress- ivenessc Mr. Guy Wilson has about com pleted an up-to-date bungalow which, aside from J. N. Mosier’s residence will be the most attractive house in town. J. Mosier will soon finish the house he recently bought of Mr. Hunter, and Mr. John Evans will erect a house on his lot ad joining his present residence. f Hood River's Reliable Jeweler for Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry JHE HALL 5.5U ** Business locals will be charged »♦ 5 cents per lint) NO. I Fruit Prosnerts for Mosier. 1 LARAWAY I TH E 3.011 to the party ordering them, at legal rates, and M ay Concern:-- G R E E T IN G ! Niehol» Ridir. Cor. Oak and Fifth fit« HOOD RIVER. OP. EGON 14 Legal advertisements will in all cases be charged MOSII TR, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1909 Chicago, arrived in town on Monday last and will locate here. Mr. Fraedricks recently pur chased the Price Hunter place I near town, and in proof of the OUR POLICY. With tthis issue' the M osier : fact that the fame of Mosier fruit B ulletin begins its existence,! is spreading beyond the state not with any idea of ‘ ‘setting the Our policy in conducting the J boundaries, he claims that his at Columbia on. fire, <«’ dead-lock B ulletin may be stated briefly:- tention was first called to this ing the legislature, or boosting a We believe in a square deal to section.by a box o>f peach plums, everyone. “ made-in-Oregon'” n.un into the stamped, “ Price Hunter, Mosier, We believe in printing all the .Oregon.” next presidential chair, or even. The plums were of news that is fit to print—noth to “ get rich quick.” Our object such fine quality that Mr. Fred and excuse in fathering this liate j ing else- ricks was anxious to know some We believe in having c-anvictions ’rival in the journalistic fiekl is and the courage of them, but thing about the country where r “ boost” for Mosier and the we do not believe in attempt they were grown, and wrote to country round about—to keep | ing to force others to believe as Mr. Hunter. The correspond we do—unless it is to convince ence resulted In Mr. Fraedricks the town and neighborhood post them that MOSIER is the. fruit ed on matters of local, county making a trip to Mosier. He paradise of Oregon. and state interest, to make of was so pleased with the country this sheet a valuable advertising We do not believe in religious or that he purchased Mr. Hunter’s political controversies in a medium for local and general ad newspaper; they do no good place. vertisers, and to inform the out and engender bitterness. Mosier fruit, stamped as such, side home-seekers and business Neither will we allow mud- with the name of the grower on slinging of any kind in our col each box, and sent to the large investors of the fact that Mosier, umns. We want a clean sheet. Wasco County, Oregon, is ©or the Politically we have our person distributing houses all over the map; inform them of the great al convictions and affiliations but United States, will be the means possibilities of this particularsec- propose to run an independent of bringing thousands of invest- tion in fruit raising, gardening; paper. We are no politician— I ors into the country and of etc. To that end we shall en don’ t understand the game and j spreading the fame which is deavor to present the advantages don’ t want to. Furthermore, we rightfully ours. believe that a country newspaper of coming here while landrs com that depends on the entire public paratively cheap. for patronage, should not be Hood River Hotel Sold We know of no section; in the partisan unless it is making a The Waucoma Hotel at Hood State more favored in various business of politics, which we ways than is this, and whether a are not. We are here to work River was sold last week to for the interests of Mosier and Chas. Hall and Ernest Smith, person has much or little capital Mosier District in particular and to invest in a home or business, the country in general, and inci- two business men of that city. he can make no mistake in. in-: dently our own interests, and to The price paid is reported as ; $26,000. It is the intention of that end we shall ever strive. vesting it in MOSIER. the new owners to enlarge the I capacity of the hotel by an MOSIER’S ADVANTAGES ! addition on the west end which Meteor Falls Mosier is posessed o f at least : will be 80x100 feet in size. A large meteor fell last Sun day night, supposedly in the three advantages which particu neighborhood of Dufur. Its larly recommend it a» a place in Keep your eye on Mosier. passage through the air was ac which to live and rear children. Mosier needs a new depot with companied by a brilliant white First, church and Sunday school a WAITING ROOM. light, and when it bumped the privileges, services feeing held bumps in the hills about Dufur, every Sabbath. Second, an ex it must have1 hurt itself consider cellent school, and third, the ab ably, for it made a terrible rack sence of saloons, which to all I See et about it. It is said that the parents is, or should be, a vital Dufurites claim this meteor as point., These three things make all their own and will get it “ pat for morality, decency and good ented” and exhibit it at the citizenship, and wifi be appreci ated. Alaska-Yukon Fair. The Dalles Chronicle Is inaug urating a contest which is at tracting much interest through out the county and which will add many new subscribers to that hustling paper. They pro pose to send four young ladies, free of all expense to them, to the Alaska-Yukon Exposition at Seattle. To the young lady who secures the greatest number of votes in her respective district, will be given this free trip. The three young ladies in Mosier who have entered the contest are the Misses Elsie Denny, Gertrude Davenport and Mary Middle- swart. Mosier and Dufur are in the same division and it is re ported that the Dufurites say they do not intend to let a Mosier girl win the prize, and are work ing hard to send one of their girls to the fair. Very good. We do not know at present how many votes any one of our girls has to her credit, but we predict that a Mosier giri will “ come un der the wire” a winner. Here’s luck anyhow. “ One-half C o lu m n ....,..................... ** for each insertion. ' VOL. I • it One-iiuurter C olum n......................** | One C olum n...................................... “ $!.50 .. .75 -----T-'-J = 3 Professional Can}«........................... p e r i * nth % .50 One square ....................................... “ " 1 .(*) BULLETIN - yero.. i - < >• SUBSCRIPTION RATES' One /e a r * ■ ADVERTISING RATES HOOD RIVER, OREGON 'J Pioneer Bankers of Hood River Valley. I Transact a General Banking Business. \ Interest Paid on Time Deposits ( LESLIE BUTLER. President j. N. TEAL. Vice President TRUMAN BUTLER. Ca>!iier A Complete Line of Feed, Grain, Field Seed, Poultry v Supplies, Spray Materials, Fertilizers, £tc. SPECIAL PRICES ON RED CLOVER SEED Oregon 1 w h i t e h e a d s ' T e e d HOOD RIVER .M , , « * iwWWUMMMIMWU OREGON $