Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, September 12, 1907, Image 5

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    .. . ! ,
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4 ,
daughter, Mrs,' John Goodman. ' Her
many friends here wish her , speedy
The grandmotheas of the old Dun-
ti :
If you do got
t BERRY. &
' To Paint your Building That will Sell Them
' , t tf you intend to keep them
I tout knock.
Dr, R. C. Hunter, Lexington, Ore.
Dr. M. A, Leach, Dentist, Heppner,
Even steaks well done are rare these
Miss Silvia Booher is visiting at
The coal man is beginning to smile
'Sheriff Shutt was in Lexington
J03 Devlne returned from Portland
The frost will soon be on the pump
kin vine.
Mrs. W, A. Graham was In town
Eoost Lexington the best town In
Morrow county. '
P. M. Chrlstenson was a Heppner
visitor Tuesday
R. J. Howard moved his family to
Heppner last week.
Master Vernon Waid was visiting In
the country last week.
A,ny man can be wise if he will
make Ihe best of things.
Mrs. Pointer and son James were
Heppner visitors last Thursday.
W. P. McMillan went to The Dalles
Tuesday returning last evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Beach returned
to their home in Portland Monday.
Frank Chrlstenson left yeste.day for
Pendleton where he expects to attend
Mrs. Ruth Barnett called at Wheat
field headquarters and deposited two
years subscription.
L. W. Hill was in town Tuesday
and presented us with a years sub
scription to The Wheatfield.
Miss Clara Vaughn arrived from
Portland Saturday to take .charge of
the primary department in our school.
The high . wages paid make it a
mighty temptation to our young artisans
1o join the force of skilled workmen
needed to construct the Panama Canal
Many are restrainee however by the
tear of fevers and malaria. It is the
knowing ones those who have . used
Electric Bitters, who go there without
rthis fear, well knowing they are safe
irom malarious influence with Electric
Bitters on hand. Cures blood poison
too," biliousness, weakness and all stom
ach, liver and kidney troubles. Guaran
teed by W. P. McMillan, druggist. 50c
Jessie & 'SBritt
CTeachef of iPiano and Voice
Piano One hour lesson a week per
month $3.00. ,
One half hour lesson a week per
month $2.00. ,
Vocal One half hour lesson a week per
month $2.00
, ; : Terms: In Advance.
No deductions will bs made for lessons
missed, but opportunity will be given to
make the lessons up. f
Studio at Mrs. J. B. Carmlchael'i,
Painting will preserve them, jj
Dr. R. C. Hunter, Physician and
Surgeon. Lexington, Oregon.
A little nonsense now and then,
rkes failures out of lots of men.
FOUND Te best P'ace 'n Morrow
county to get commercial printing is
at The Wheatfield Printer.
FOR SALE Artisan Hall and Skat
ing rink and skates. ,Will sell or rent.
Apply to W. B. McAIister, Manager.
Don't forget that Pendleton fair,
September 23rd to 28th. Wednesday
September 25th will be Morrow county
We acknowledge receipt of comp
limentary season tickets to the Oregon
State Fair to be held at Salem, Sep
tember 16 to 2 1st.
Fred Windsor returned to Pendleton
last week and his brother Lewis arriv
ed in Lexington last Thursday to make
a short visit with old friends.
Your skin should be clear and bright
your liver is in normal 'condition.
Dades Little Liver Pills act on the
liver; and headache, constipation and
biliousness disappear. Price 25 cents
Sold by W. P. McMillan.
Mrs. E. D. Brown and daugh'e;,
Miss Ruth, leave today for Tacoma,
Wash., where Ruth will attend school
this season. Before returning Mrs.
Brown expects to visit friends in
Everett, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A'. Burchell, who
spent last week with relatives Jiere, re
turned to their home in Portland Sun
day. They were accompained by
Mrs. H. E. Burchell and Miss Harriet
Burchell, who go for an extended visit.
Do you know that Pinesale Cartol
Ized acts like a poultice in drawing
out inflamation and poison? It is anti
septic. For cuts, burns, eczema,
cracked hands it is immediate relief.
25 cts. Sold by W. P. McMillan. -
On and after October 1st," 1907 the
subscription price of The Wheatfield
will be $ 1 .50 instead of $ 1 .00. Prices
on material have Increaaed to such -an
extent that the former price of $1. per
year will not cover operating expenses.
A full line of ready made garments
for ladies consisting of skirts, waists,
Kimonas, etc., children and Misses
cloaks and school caps, have just been
received by the popular general mer
chandise firm of Leach Bros. Call
and see them and select from the
largest line ever received In Lexington.
Chamberlaifi'g Cough Itemed y One of
the Best on the Market
For many years Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy has canstanly gained
in favor and popularity until it is now
one of the most staple medicines in
use and has an enormous sale. It is
intended especially for acute throat
diseases, such as coughs, colds and
croup, and can always be depended
upon.. It is pleasant and safe to take
and is undoubtedly the best in the
market for the purposes for which it is
intended. Sold by W. P. McMillan's
Drug Store.
It is a well knovin fact that persons
living in the pine forests do not suffer
from kidney diseases.. One dose of
Pineules at night usually relieves back
ache. 30 days' treatment $1.00. Your
money refunded if Pot satisfied. Sold
by W. P. McMillan.
A very heavy rain fell In the Soda
Ridge and Clark Canyon district last
Thursday that put the threshers out of
business for several days. The ma
chines started to wcrk again- on Mon
day and are now busy threshing the
golden grain.
I will be In Lexington between the
1 2th and 20th of September. All of
those whe owe me will confer a favor
by coming in and settle up.
J. B. White.
On Thursday. of last week over
2500 sacks of grain were received at
the Kerr Gifford warehouse here
With this amount of grain coming at
this time it begins to look as though
the warehouse here will be one of the
busiest pbces in the country. , ,
It comes put up in a collapsible tube
with a nozzle, easy to apply to the sore
ness and Inflammation, for any form of
Piles; it sooths and relieves pain, itch
ing and burning. Man Zan Pile Rem
edy. Price $0 cents. "Sold . by W '
P. McMillan."
I am making a specialty of thresh
ing and harvesting views. Parties
who wish a picture of their crews or
machines can notify me at lone.
Rev. J." L. Jones.
Roy S. Blodgett says good-bye to
lone and her people through last
week's issue of the Proclalmer. Mr.
Blodgett remained but a short time in
our county but we believe him to be a
good newspaper man and wish we
could have kept him among us.
A sure cure, one you can depend up
on, Hickory Bark Cough Remedy. A
sure cure, and its purel Use it for all
lung trouble, coughs, colds, hoarseness
and sore throat. For sale by W. P.
McMillan and first-class dealers every
where. ." 1 .
J. F. Graham, of Spokane, spent
several days in Lexington the past
week, the guest of his brother, Wm.
A., who is on 'the P. M. Chrlstenson
Satisfaction guaranteed
or money refunded.
fef"HP A dose at bed time usu
liS - ally relieves the most
severe case before morning.
Sold by W. P. McMillan's drug store
ranch. The Wheatf e'.d man enjoyed,
a very pleasant visit with Frank whom"
he had not seen for a-out four years.
It is claimed indigestion is the Ma
lional disease. Thats why the demand
tor Rings Dyspepsia Tablets keeps in
creasing because they do the work.
Stomach trouble, dyspepsia indigestion
bloating, etc., yields quickly. Two days
treatment free, Ask ycur druggist a
bout them. Sold by V, P. McMillan.
Mrs. R. C. Huntef departed last
Friday for S'. Johns where she will be
absent some time. The Doctor went
down Sunday so to be present at an
operation to be performed on their
' J E, GENTRY, Proprietor.
v gerit for Cresent
. .
y trst Jtfational SBank of Jeppner
Capital Stock f 50.000. -Surplus
and undivided profits $70,000
C.A.RHEA, - President
T. A, RHEA,' Vice-President
Transacts a General Banking Business ,
Four per cent paid on Time Deposits
Collections made on all
f V
(i This Space Reserved For $
W. G. SCOTT & CO. 2
$ Lexington, Oregon.
Occupies this space next week
kard families of Western Pennsylvania
have made and used "Hickory Bark
Cough Remedy" and reared their fam
1 ies on it fcr a hundred of year3. Now
you can buy it of your dealers. Ask
for It, and use it, because it is pure;
because it will stop your cough; because
it is the beet cough remedy made to
day. Try it. For sab by V. P. Mc
Millan and all dealers everywhere.
Rev. A, J, Folsom, oJ Forest Grove,
the new superintendent of the Congre
gatloual Home Missionary Society of
Oregon, will be a( Lexington next
Sunday afternoon and evening. He
will preach at lone in the morning and
hfcf 5 'n the evening. He is a fin
rrian to meet.
The special anniversary edition of
he Portland Journal was a hummer.
In addition to Ihe regular Sunda
edition a special in Magazine form
was Issued treating on Portland and
the industries of the entire state. Sev
thhusand copies have already been
sent to the eastern states which will
be a source of much benefit to the
state in general, .
Steam Laundry
G. W. CONSER, Casjiler
E. L. FREELAND; Ass't Cslt'r'
points at reasonable terms. 1 JM