""7" DO YOU WISH l ., - If you do gt BERRY .& ti $ To Paint your Building. M . . If you intend to keep theirv LOCAL NEWS Dont knock. Dr, R. C. Hunter, Lexington, Ore. Dr. M. A. Leach, Dentist, Heppner, Boost Lexington the best town In Morrow county. If you have land for sale list It with the Wheatfleld Land Co. Dr. R. C. Hunter, Physician and Surgeon, Lexington, Oregon. Heading Is almost over and thresh ing will commence next week. R. B. Wilcox Is attending Teachers examination In HeppneMhls week. Miss Ruth Brown Is spending the week with Miss Josle Eskelson on the ranch. Miss Mary Graham was a passenger to lone Monday returning In the evening. . Charlie Van Winkle handed us a dol lar last Thursday which pays his sub scription for another year. ' Joseph Thornburg and .Thos. Bey were at Cecil Monday last, it Is said, on very Important business. R. B. Wilcox made two trips to Heppner Sunday, bff was suffering very, much with a bad tooth. Mrs, E, A- Beymer and Miss Grace Cypert went to Heppner Sunday even ing, returning on Mondays train. The Meneley Quartette are the best temperance and prohibition singers in the United States. St. Louis Globe Demoorat. . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brashears ar rived In Lexington from McKinley, Mo., Tuesday evening to make this county their future home. FOR SALE Three milch cows, one two year old heifer, farming imple ments and some household goods. Mrs. E. S. Tyler. It beats all the circuses and min strels and comedies we have ever witnessed. It was more than an 'en tertainment, it was a sermon, and a sermon that will be long remembered. The Dalles, Ore., Daily Chronicle, Women are queer. If.onehasone little hole in her stocking sheKwIll keep her skirts down to hide It. If she has several hunered "holes In her -pretty liosery she will raise her skirts way up high to show them. - , ' THK LIMIT OF LIFE The most eminent medical scientists are unanimous in the conclusion that the generally accepted limitation of human lite is many years below the at tainment possible with the advanced knowledge of which the ' race Is now possessed. The critical period, that determines its duration, seems to be between 50 and 60: the proper care of the body during this decade cannot be too strongly, urged: carelessness then being fatal to longevity. Nature's best helper after 50 is Electric Bitters, the -scientific tonic medicine that revital izes every organ of the body. Guaran teed by W. P.. McMillan, Druggist. 50c TO SELL? - DELONG si si ji jT si si si si si fi si That will Sell The Painting will preserve them. A Meneley Quartette. v , fi Congregational Church. Wednesday evening, August 2 1st. FOR SALE A good gentle horse Will sell reasonable. Enquire of F. E. Mason. FOUND The best place In Morrow county to get commercial printing Is at The Wheatfield Prlntery. Mrs. S. E. Notson and children came down Monday from Heppner to visit with old friends. They were the guests of Mrs. W. P. McMillan while In the city. Headache and constipation disappear when Dades Little Liver Pills are used They keep the system clean, the' stom ach sweet. Taken occasionally they keep you well. They are for the entire family Sold by W. P. McMillan. ' Monte Hunter returned last Sunday from a six week visit with his brother and sister at St. Johns. . Monte en joyed his yacation Immensly and his parents are glad to have him home again. If you suffer fror" bloating belching, sour stomach, Indigestion or Dys pepsia, Hike a Rings Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal, and overcome the disagreeable trouble. It will Improve the appetite, and aid digestion. Sold by W. P. McMillan. , The party consisting of Mrs. Karl Beach, Misses Sylvia Booher. Ruth Brown and Bertha Summers returned from the mountains last Thursday. All report a good time . and lots of berries. , Man Zan Pile Remedy comes put up In a collapsable tube with a nozzle. Easy to apply right where soreness and Inflammation exists.' It relieves at once blind, bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Guaranteed, price 50c. Get it to-day. Sold by W. P. Mc Millan. The MenelyQuartette, of Chicago, singers and entertainers of national fame, will appear at the Congregation Church In this city, Wednesday evenj ing, August 2 1 st. Admission 25 cents Children under 12 years 15cents. Tyler Bros, have just finished cut ing 800 acres of grain and have mov ed to "Sand H611ow to cut 400 acres more. They have made an average of 32 acres per day. Miss Mabel has 160 acres of fine club wheat, yet to harvest, on her Sand, Hollow home stead. KNDORSED BY fUK COUNTY "The most popular remedy in Otse go county, and the best friend of my family." writes Wm; M. Dietz, editor and publisher of the' Otsego Journal, Gilbertsville, N. Y., "is Dr. King's New Discovery. It has proved to be an in fallible cure for" coughs arftl colds, mak ing short work of the worst of them We always keep a bottle in the house. I believe it to be the most valuable prescription known for Lung and Throat dlseasees." Guaranteed to never dis appoint the taker, by W. P. McMillans Drug store. Prico 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. RESIDENDE OF When swimming with the current look out for the falls. A man may mind his own business and still be narrow minded. A meeting of the... School Directors was held Tuesday evening at which time it was decided not to open school earlier than the second Monday in Sep tember. The neV text books have not arrived and it Is rather uncertain when they will arrive The teacher who had been engaged to teach the primary grade has notified the Direc tors that owing to 111 health it will be Impossible for her to teach, this year. The directors hope to secure another teacher in time for the opening of school. Pineules for the kidneys strengthen these organs and assist in drawing poi son from the blocd. Try them for rheu matism, kidney bladder , trouble, for lumbago and tired worn out feeling They bring quick relief. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Sold by W. P.Mc. Millan, There's no question about it, Mene leys are winning , laurels, carnations I and pink geraniums all over Southern I California on their singing tour. They are splendid. Their work In Los Angeles for the past two weeks was even more than could have expected. Mr. Meneley has his company well in hand. Miss Meneley Is a splendid alto; Miss Ricketts Is a very superior soprano, and Mr. Ricketts well, he's funny. The fool-killer would laugh himself into hysterics at some of the funny things the Inimitable funny man NEULES 30 DAYS' TREATMENT FOR $1.00 Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM AND LUMBAGO IT"- A dose at bed time tisu ILr. ally relieves the most severe case before morning. . BACKACHE PINEULB MEDICINE CO. .. CHICAGO. U. 5. A. Sold by W. P. McMillan's drug store", Subscribe For Th Wheatfield A. K. FULLER gets off. Hear them. California Voice, Official Organ of Prohibition Party in California. t Hundreds of people yearly go through Dainful operations needlessly, because they never tried Man Zan Piler- It Is put up In such a from that it can be applied right Where the trouble lies. It relieves the pain and inflammatiion. It is for any form of piles. Price 50 cts. Sold by W. P.' McMillan. "Granny" Morrison, brakeman on the Heppner unlimited, fell from the train near Cecil , Tuesday evening. The train was late, not leaving the GENTRY'S BARBER SHOP 1 J E, GENTRY, Proprietor.1 FIRST CLASS SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING kgent for Cresent LEXINGTON, J" Irst JatLonal-3$ank D Capital Stock $50,000. Surplus and undivided profits $70, OOO C. A. RHEA. - President T. A. RHEA, Vice-President Transacts a General Banking Business Four per cent paid on Time Deposits EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF Collections made on all This Space Reserved For W. G. SCOTT & CO. "Lexington, Oregon. " 1 'dvidaad'dd'dd'aay RED FRONT LIVERY STABLE Occupies this space next week Junction until nearly 5 .o'clock, when( near Cecil "Granny" was climbing , down from the top of a car when from some cause he slipped and went to the ground. At lone and Lexington there was no switching or freight work to do and he was not missed until the ' train pulled into Heppner. . The engine was sent back to find him but the section - 1 1 t 1 Ll '' 4t, iicii nau . luuuu hum wa miik uu uic track in a dazed condition, not knowing which way or where he was going. The sectton men recognized him and brought him to Cecil and notified the Conductor at Heppner that he was there and unhurt except for a few slight bruises, but the engine had left Heppner in search of him. "Granny" was very fortunate In not sustaining more serious injuries as the train was running at high speed and he fell on his head and shoulder. The bites and stings of insects, tan, sunburn, cuts, burns and bruises are re lieved at once with Pinesalve Carbol Ized. Acts like a poultice, and draws out Inflammation. : Try it. Price 25c. Sold by W. P. McMillan. THE WHEATFIELD PRINTS THE NEWS Steam Laundry OREGON. of Oeppner D G. W. CONSER, - Cashier E. L. FREELAND, Ass't Csh'r D THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD points at reasonable terms.