DO YOU WISH TO SELL? l ' If you do get I BERRY , & DELONG j To Paint your itilding. That will Sell Them ' jjj If you intend to keep them 0 LOCAL NEWS Dont knock. ' Dr, R. C. Hunter, Lexington, Ore. Dr. M. A. Leach, Dentist, Heppner N. A. Leach was In town last even ing , ' Boost Lexington the best town In Morrow county. Dr, R, C. Huntor made a trip to 'Heppner today. Frank Burgoyne returned from the mountains last Saturday'. If you have land for sale list it with the Wheatfield Land Co. i Dr, R. C. Hunter, Physician and Surgeon, Lexington, Oregon. The new separator for Frank E , Mason arrived Monday evening. Mr.' and Mrs. W. A. Graham and son George were visiting friends in town Sunday. The latest reports say that a station agent will be sent to Lexington within the next week. Mrs. Lee Reaney and Infant son are the guest of her mother, Mrs. E. S. Tyler and family. Mjss Edna Nelson was the guest of Mjss Cora McMillan, on the ranch, the first of the week. Sam Carter and J. M. White ex pect to pull their threshing rig out the fore part of next week. . Mrs. T. P. Graham and sons vVil !ard and Thomas went to lone Monday morning returning last evening.. P. M. Christenson finished heading yesterday and the Editor will now en deavor to look after his town interests. ' J. R. Mead, who has spent the past four or five months at Appleton City, . Mo., returned to Lexington last evening. , Miss Maude and Master Teddy Mc Millan have been visiting the past week out tn the country with Mr. and' Mrs. Chas. Pointer. A. K. Fuller took charge of the Red Fpnt Livery barn last Thursday, Frank Moyer took his horses and rigs and drove to Toppenish, Wash. Word was received recently an nouncing the birth of a little daughter on July 22nd to Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Lee, at Spokane, Wash. Mother and daughter doing nicely. ', ; THE LIMIT OP LIFE The most eminent medical scientists are unanimous in the 'conclusion that the generally accepted limitation of human life is many years below the at tainment possible with the advanced knowledge of which the race is now possessed. The critical period, that determines its duration, seems to be between 50 and 60: the proper care of the body during this decade cannot be too strongly urged: carelessness then being fatal to longevity. Nature's best , helper after 50 Is Electric Bitters, the scientific tonic medicine that revital izes every organ of the body. Guaran teed by W. P. McMillan, Druggist. 50c i Painting will preserve them. How would you like to be the ice man now. i FOR SALE A good gentle horse. Will sell reasonable. Enquire of F. E. Mason. ' ' 1 FOUND The best place in Morrow county to get commercial printing is at The Wheatfield Priory. Geo. E. Miller vio has been on his homestead the past eight months, went to Heppner last Sunday evening to enter tho employ cf Minor & Co. Lexington has a nice supply of home grown vegetables, also fruit. The past week fresh roasting ears and peach plums have made their appearance. Headache and constipation disappear when Dades Little Liver Pills are used They keep the system clean, the stom ach sweet. Taken occasipnally they keep you welL They are for the entire family Sold by W. P. McMillan, Roy Brashears is making a sale and will sell his property next Wednesday, Aug. 7th, and will leave with his fam ily shortly for Lexington, Ore., where he intends to make his home. Mc Kinley items, Marionville, Mo.," Free Press. If you suffer from bloating belching, sour stomach, Indigestion or Dys pepsia, take a Rings Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal and overcome the disagreeable trouble. It will improve the appetite, and aid digestion. Sold by W. P. McMillan. The Wind River Lumber Co have purchased the mills of the Monominee Lumber Co., at Monominee, Oregon, and will supply their yards from their new mill. Wood and lumber will soon be arriving In Lexington to itock their yard here. There will be a meeting of the far mers, in Artisan hall, at 3 o'clock Sat urday afternoon, August 10 th, for the purpose of considering the proposition of buying the Kerr, Gifford Warehouse or building a new dne. All farmers are invited to attend. , Man Zan Pile Remedy comes ,put up in a collapsable tube with a nozzle. Easy to apply right where soreness and inflammation exists. It . relieves at once blind, bleeding,, itching , or protruding piles. Guaranteed, price 50c. Get it to-day. Sold by W. P. Mc Millan. The Meneley Quartette will be In Lexington in the near future and en tertain those who enjoy good singing and music. This quartette has been in ENDOnSKI) BY THE COUNTY "The most popular remedy In Otse go county, and the best friend of my family." writes Wm. M. Dietz, editor and publisher of the Otsego Journal, Gilbertsville, N. Y., "is Dr. King's New Discovery.' It has proved to be an in fallible cure for coughs and colds, mak ing short work of the worst of them We always keep a bottle In the house. I believe it to be the most valuable prescription known for Lung and Throat diseasees." Guaranteed to never dis appoint the taker, by W. P. McMillans Drug store. Prico 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. . I '. ,i-, .: r, , it. , ' RESIDENDE OF Lexington before and will draw a good audience this time. The exact date will be announced later. On account of the railroad company taking a tank of distillate, Intended for the use of the Electric Light plant, Lexington has been in darkness the past three nights. This is the longest shut dovn of the plant since its lation nearly two yeaas ago. instal- C. 0. Burrows, local manager for the Vind River Lumber Co., informs us that he has received word that a supply of coal from the Hill Crust mines of Canada has been shipped for this station. This coal Is said to be superior to the Rock Spring coal, al though the lumps will be smaller. In structions were received saying that this coal burns freely and cokes quick ly. This coke should be broken when the coal will furnish a good steady heat. Pineules for the kidneys strengthen these organs and assist in drawing poi son from the blocd. Try them for rheu matism, kidney bladder trouble, for lumbago .and tired worn out feeling They bring quick relief. Satisfaction Guaranteed.' Sold by ...W. P; Mc. Millan. A meeting was held last Sunday af ternoon for the purpose of organizing a Farmers Warehouse Co.- Enough' cf the farmers could not be gotten togeth er to get united action, yet a number of the prominent farmers were seen, all of whom favored the proposition. Since the meeting the Kerr, Gifford' 30 DAYS' TREATMENT FOR $1.G0 Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM AND LUMBAGO IP ose ke me usu" Mr ally relieves tho most severe case before morning. BACKACHE PINEULE MEDICINE CO. CHICAGO, U. 3. A. Sold by W. P. McMillan's drug store! Subscribe For Th e Wheatfield " w V i "(T A. K. FULLER Co. have offered to sell the Farmers their warehouse at this station at a reasonable price. W. B. McAlister has been interviewing the farmers dur ing the week and another meeting will be held Saturday afternoon at which tlme !t Is expected that enough stock jwiU be subscribed to enable the new company to purchase the holdings of the Kerr, Gifford Company. Hundreds of people yearly go through operations needlessly, because they never tried Man Zan Pile. It is put up in such a from that it can be applied right Where the trouble lies. It relieves the pain and inflammatiion. GENTRY'S BARBER SHOP .' Ji E, GENTRY, Proprietor.! FIRST CLASS SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING Hgent for Cresent LEXINGTON, - f2 lonnoi first National D Capital Stock $50,000. Surplus and undividc d profits $70,000 C. A; RHEA. T. A: RHEA, - " President Vice-President Transacts a General Banking Business Four per cent paid on Time Deposits EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE JORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Co ections made on all . . . ..'.' ... P ' : . . . s This Space Reserved For I W. G. SCOTT & co. I Lexington, Oregon. I ' . .. 2 ? . :t. M w. p. McMillan's LUMBER YARD LUMBER. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES WOOD AND COAL Lexington, - '.- - - - Oregon Itls for any form of pile's. Price 50 ct& Sold by W. P. McMillan. S. A, Thomas, editor of the Lex ington Wheatfield, certainly has all of the other newspaper boys of the state laid on the shelf when it comes to work. He is not troubled with a scarcity of help. Just now during the hot weather in the ' way of vacation, Editor Thomas is loading header boxes in the harvest field at $3.50 per in the day time. At night he ' goes to Lex ington, gets out his paper, runs the electric light plant, the creamery, and his leisure' time is occupied by the duties of town marshal. Here is our hat Brother Thomas. Heppner, Gazette. Brother Warnock is perhaps una ware cf the fact that we are secretary of the Commercial Club and clerk for the M.' W. A. The bites and stings of insects, tan, sunburn, cuts, burns and bruises are re lieved at once with Pinesalve Carbol ized. Acts like a poultice, and draws out inflarnmaticn. Try it. Price 25c. Sold by W. P. McMillan. THE WHKATFIELD PRINTS THE NEWS Steam Laundry . -; ; OREGON. 35ank of Oeppner D G. W. CONSER, Cashier E. L. FREELAND, Ass't Csh'r oolnts at reasonable terms.