Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, July 25, 1907, Image 8

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8mll Top Pails Greatly Reduoa CKan
s For Contamination.
The avoidance of unnecessary milk
contamination Is Kcttlnjr to be nn old
eubjeet I do not propose to repeat
already threadbare statements. Cut 1
want to call attention to the fact that
most of our dairy products, represent
ins In value hundreds of millions of
dollars, are made on our dairy farms
and are of Inferior quality. More than
this, most of the inferiority of quality
iu both farm and factory products Is
due to milk contamination. The lm
portance of cleanliness of cows, sta
bles and utensils has been emphasized
so often that it ought to be known to
every one who has eyes or ears.
But one of the newer ideas of reduc
ing Contamination of milk is not gen
, erally known. It is the use of the
small top milking pail. Based on
sound common sense that prevention
is better than cure, this Is the coming
Idea In sanitary milk production. Re
member that half the ordinary dirt
getting Into milk is soluble and that
more than half of the teeming millions
of bacteria readily pass through strain
ers. To Avoid Stable Dirt.
During the milking dust and larger
dirt particles are constantly settling
Into the pail even though care is taken
to clean the cow and to avoid dust in
the stable air. It is most reasonable
to reduce the size of the opening
through which the dirt falls into the
milk. It should be reduced Just as
much as the interest and patience of
the milkerv will permit. Chance for
contamination is reduced more than I
one-third when the diameter of the
opening In the milk" pail is changed
from twelve to nine inches, and it Is
reduced three-fourths when the open
dug Is changed from twelve 4o sis Inch
es. Experience shows that great im
provement can be made without any
Inconvenience to the milkers. Every
inch of reduction helps.
We have become so accustomed to
ordinary milk for butter and cheese
making that we fail to realize what
really good milk means for these prod
ucts. Experiments made by Mr. Hall In
New York show that a larger yield and
better quality of cheese can be made
from sanitary milk than from the prod
uct of the ordinary dairy. To his own
surprise there appeared to bo abso
lutely no fat lost at the press when
cheese had been made from 5.5 per
cent "certified" milk. rrofessor R. A.
Pearson In Kimball's Dairy Farmer.
Planting Abandoned Lanes.
Passing through the country we often
notice long lanes leading from the milk
yard back Into the pastures. Many of
such appear to have been in use for
many years, until from the excess of
plant food present there is scarcely
any grass visible. This practice could
be Improved by making one perma
nent center fence, wire preferable, and
put up a movable one to one side,
causing a June of liberal width which
should correspond with size of dairy.
After three years move this fence over
to the other side of the center one.
Plant the abandoned lane two years In
succession to corn fodder. Follow the
next year with grain and stock to
clover; keep on making these three
year rotations, and with but a very
small expense what now is a constant
waste will be turned to cash. S. Gor
don, Clinton County, N. Y.
Milk separated on the farm can of
ten be kept sweet longer than that
which comes home from the creamery.
It Is not brought in contact with other
and more carelessly cared for milk and
Our Job Department is always busy.
ts consequently worm more Tor reea.
Branding of Butter. .
A speaker nt a recent butterniakers'
convention said: I have sold buthtr un
der my own brand for the past twelve
years and know that It has meant
much to me In the way of obtaining
not only prices, but weights. The
branding of butter means as much as
the branding of flour. The man that
goes out to buy Big Joe will not go
home with the Gold Medal. If lie can
not get his brand at one store, he will
go to some other to find It. If yon
have your own brand on the butter
the grocer cannot palm olf some other
brand on his customers that are used
to your make. The result is they will
go to some other store in search of
their favorite make.
Temperature to Separate.
The warmer the milk the more fluid
it is. It is a rule adopted by all
creamerymeu in operating power ma
chines that the milk must be separated
at a temperature rbove 85 degrees.
Cold milk is more viscous or less fluid
than warm, and the cream will not sep
arate so readily. If this is true of
power machines, where everything
runs more uniformly than la possible
with a hand machine, it Is certainly
true of the hand machine. Professor
E. II. Webster. s
How Prize Butter Was Made.
George II. Bristol, who won the first
prize on dairy butter at the Illinois
State Dairymen's association, says of
his daily methods: 1 keep only Jersey
cows and endeavor to have my sta
bles and all dairy utensils as clean as
possible. I feed and milk regularly,
giving ground feed (corn, oats and
bran mixed) for the grain ration and
for roughage shredded corn fodder and
alfalfa hay. I use the De Laval sep
arator, keeping the cream at about 50
degrees F. I warm it up to OS degrees
twelve hours before churning, and
f whpnt. I then draw olf the butter
milk, wash twice in clear well water,
salt about. one and a quarter ounces t'1
the pound, work a little In the vorfcK
tud then paw.
Milking Stools.
Every milking stable should be fitted
up with plenty of good milking stools
and proper places to keep them. It is
astonishing how some dairymen- man
age to get along year after year with
the makeshifts, that are found in sta
bles. Rickety old boxes that are black
with filth, broken stools of almost any
type or variety, and no place to keep
them out of the dirt or out of the way.
It is easy to make a good "milking
stool, and the cost Is not great. With
the proper material and a few hours'
time a' good comfortable lot of stools
may be easily provided.
beautifully illustrated, good stories
and articles about California and
all the Far West.
devoted each month to the ar
tistic reproduction of the best
work of amateur and professional 1
a year
a year
a book of 75 pages, containing
120 colored photographs of $0.75
picturesque spots in California
and Uregoa.
All for . . . .
Address all orders to
Flood Building San Francisco
By special arrangement we are able
to offer the following clubbing rates In
connection with The Wheatfleld:
Weekly Oregonian
Semi Weekly Journal
McCall Magazine
$2 00
1 75
1 25
(TheQueen of Fashions)
The rigW is reserved by the publish
ers of the above papers to cancel!
these prices at any time. In order to
secure these" reductions subscriptions
should be sent in at once.
Came to my enclosure, one half
mile south of South Springs, about
July I Oth, one bay mare, branded M.
C. on right shoulder, right front fcot
clubed, age about 9 years, weight
about 1400 pounds. Owner can have
same by paying charges..
R. B. Rice.
The Wheatfield' has just completed
arrangements with the Oregon Journal
vherebv we are able to furnish the
Oregon Daily Journal, including the
Sunday issue, and The Wheatfield,
one year $7. The Daily Journal and
Wheatfield one year $5." The Serrjl
Weekly Journal and The Wheatfield
one year $1.75.
An inocrpcrstcd ton v!h a popula
tion of 350, is located on the Heppner
oranch of the O. R. & N., thirty-five
miles from the main line, on the
most beautiful spot in the fertile valley
of Willow Creek. Lexington has an
xcellent graded school, two churches,
a splendid water system, electric lights,
creamery, flouring mill, good hotel, two
general merchandise stores, drug store,
two saloons, two blacksmith and repair
shops, lumber and wood yard, large
strain warehouses, barber sh:p, bank,
ivery stables, meat market, news
paper, numerous secret societies and
a number of good substantial business
blocks and beautiful residences. Lex
ington is the natural marketing point
for a large portion of Morrow County's
wheat crops, and the surrounding
country is rapidly gaining, prestige as
a dairying community.
Lexington's greatest need is:
For further information relative to
lands, climate, etc., address
The Wheatfield,
' Lexingtan, Oregon.
Pineules. are for the Kidneys and
Bladder. They bring quick relief to
backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired
worn ot feeling. , They produce natural
action of the kidneys in filtering waste
matter out of the blood. 30 days treat
ment $1.00. Money refunded if Pine
ules are not satisfactory. Sold by W,
P. McMillan. I
The following charming ancedote Is
told of Lord Lawrence, and is eminen
tly characteristic of the man, who was
as strong Jn his affections as" in his
will: He was sitting in his drawing
room at Southgate with his sister and
others of the family; all were engaged
' Tradc Marks
Copyrights &c.
Anyone tending a sketch ina description may
flulcltlT ascertain our onlnloii free wirnner u ,
Invention Is probably piaontaWo. Comniiinleri.
tloiisstrlctlyooiiUdontliil. HANDBOOK on PntenU
sent troe. Oldest oirency for securing putenM.
. Patent taken tbrounh Munu 4. Co. receive
pttlai notfc, without charae, Iu the
Scientific flmcricr.il.
A handsomely lllmrtrated weekly. Tareest cir
culation of any sclentlOo journal, Tonus, 3
year four months. II. Bold bJ Ml newsdealer
M NN f!n SBIBrowhwr,
Villi U VVl .
Bruoh Office. OS W BU Washington. D,
Lumber, SasK, Doors, Windows,
Cement, Coal and Wood
C. O. BURROWS, Manager
In reading: Looking up from his book
in which he had been engrossed, he
discovered that his wife had left the
vVhere's mother?" said
he, to one
of his daughters.
"She's up-stalrs," replied the girl.
He returned to his book, and, look
ing up again a few minutes later, put
the same question to his daughter, and
received the same answer. Once
more he returned to his reading: once
more he looked up with the same
question on his lips. His sister broke
in: "Why, really, John, it would seem
as if you coul3 not get on ' for five
minutes without your wife."
"That's why I married her," he
Is not necessarffy oue of perfect form
and features, many a plain woman
who could never serve as an artist's
model, possesses those, rare qualities
that all the world admires: neatnes.
clear eyes clean smooth skin and that
sprightliness of step and action that
accompany good health. A physically
weak woman is never attractive, not
even to herself. Electric Bitters re
store weak women, give strong .nerves
bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, beau
tiful complexion. Guaranteed by W.
P. McMillan Druggist 50c.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
For the County of Morrow.
Peter M, Chrlstenson, Plalnliff,
Mittie Christenson, Defendant.
To Mittie Christenson, the above, named
In the name of the State of Oregon: You
are hereby summoned and required to ap
pear and answer the complaint of plaintiff
in tha above entitled suit now on file In the
office of the Clerk of the above court with
in six weeks from the date of first publica-,
tion of this summons.
You will take notice that if you fail to ap
pear and answer as hereui required, plain
tiff will apply '0 ,ne Court tor the relief de
manded In his complaint, as follows:
That the bonds of matrimony now and
heretofore existing between yourself and
plaintiff be forever dissolved and held for
naught, and that plaintiff have an absolute
divorce from you, said defendant, and for
such other relief as may be meet and equit
able. This summons is published by order of
Hon. T. W. Ayers, County Judge of Mor
row County, Oregon, made July 9, 1907,
directing same to be published once a week
for six successive weeks In the Lexington
Wheatfield, a weekly newspaper published
at Lexington, Mprrow County, Oregon, and
the date of first publication of same is
July 11, 1907.
C. E. Woodson,
7-11-8-15 - Attorney for Plaintiff.
"I find Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy to be the best
remedy in the would," says Mr. C. L
Carter of Skirum, Ala. "I am subject
to colic and diarrhoea. Last spring It
seemed as though I would die, and I
think I would if I hadn't taken Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and' Diarrhoea
Remedy. I haven't been troubled with
it since until this week, when I had a
very severe attack and took half a bottle
of the twentyfive cent size "Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoes
Remedy, and this morning I feel like
a new man." For sale by W. P. Mc
Millan.s Drug S.tore. ,
Assembly No. 08, Meets every Saturday
n.ght in Artisan hail.
Ethel Wilcox, C. W. Chrlstenson,
Sec, M. A,
REBEK AH--Holly lodge No. 139
Lexington. Meets the first and third
Tuesday of each month at 7:30.
Mr3. Mary Thomas Mrs. E. J. McAlister
Sec, N. C'
THE M, W. OF A Excelsior Camp.
No. 9873, meet in Artisan Hall every
4th Tuesday night of the month.
E. E. Thomas. F. F. Klltz,
Clerk. V. C.
M. E. Church South
Preaching every second and fourth
Sundays, both morning and evening.
Sunday school every Sunday at 10
a. m. Epworth League at 6:30
a every Sunday evening. Every one
cordially invited to attend these
Rev T. P. Graham, Pastor.
C. C. CHICK, M. 1).
Diseases of Women and Children a spec
ialty. Calls answered promptly Day or
Practice in all Courts. Legal business
given prompt and careful attention. Land
Contests, Probate Work and Conveyanc
ing a specialty.
Short line
. TO
Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas
City, Chicago, St- Louis,
New York. .
Tlckts to Hiid from nil liointx of the Unit-
ed SlHti'K hikI Kiiroi.
Trains Leave Lexington, Dally, ex
cept Sunday, , - 1 1:05 A. M.
Trains Arrive at Lexington, Daily, ex
cept Sunday 5:10P.M.
Sunday Mail departs 1 1 :50 A. M.
Sunday Mail arrives 4:05 P. M.
Trains Connect at Heppner Junction
with Main Line trains for all
points East and West.
Wm McMurray, G. P. A,'
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