' . r - 1 I f k' I T , i Mr1-! THE OFFICE SALOON AND GENTRY'S BARBER SHOP STRAWBERRY J, W. Sibley and R. K. Wiles made . a flying trip to the mountains last week and brought back some fine wood. Mr. Rice made a flying trip to Port Jand last week to meet his sweetheart. They were united in marriage, Sunday June 23rd, after spending a few days ' in'Portland they returned to Mr. Rice's home three miles east of Strawberry. Mrs. Rice recently came from the East where .she taught school the past winter and spring." The people of Strawberry extend their heartiest con gratulations to this couple and are proud to have them for neighbors, Miss Sadie Hatfield, of Portland, has been visiting with her cousin, Mrs. L. W. Hill, the past week. Miss Hatfield is wonderfully taken, with this country and expressed herself as desiring to take a homestea'd in this county. Ryder Paine, Truro, Mass., says: It never fails to give immediate relief and to quickly cure a cough or cold." Mrs. Pain's opinion is shared by a ma jority of the inhabitants of this country. New Discovery cures weak lungs and sore throats after all other remedies have failed; and for coughs and colds it's the only sure cure. Guaranteed by W. P. McMillan Druggist. 50c $1.00. Trial bottle free. treatment, and have In many instances proven fatal before medicine could be procured or a physician' summoned The right way te to keep at hand a bot tle of Chamberlain's Chlic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. No physician can prescribe a better medicine for these diseases. By having it in the1 house. you escape much pain and suffering and all risk. Buy it now; i't may save life. For sale by W, P. McMillan's Drug Store. 'He 'who scorns-the p w' turns hi.-' Lord from his door. By looking for the best the best. Some saints try to prove their faith by their ferocity. A tree is known by its fruit, not ,by its shoots. Pineules are for the Kidneys and Bladder. They bring quick relief to backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired worn "of feeling. They produce natural action of the kidneys in filtering waste matter out of the blood. 30 days treat ment $1.00. Money refunded if Pine ules are not satisfactory. Sold by W, P. McMillan. To be rich one must learn to profit by losses. You cannot climb the heavenly lad der on stiits of dignity. 1 le cannot pray for himself-at all who prays for himself alone. ! a .!te may be more bve in a warn ing tuaf in a reward. BEST MEDICINE IX THE WORLD FOB . COLIC ADD DIARRHOEA "I find Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera . and Diarrhoea Remedy to be the best remedv In the would." savs Mr. C. L Carter of Skirum, Ala. "I am subject to colic and diarrhoea. Last spring it . seemed as though I would die, and I think I would if I hadn't taken Cham . berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I haven't been troubled with it since until this week, when I had a very severe attack and took half a bottle of the twentyfive cent size "Chamber lain's ColrS) Cholera and Diarrhoes Remedy, and this morning I feel like a new man." For sale by W. P. Mc Millan.s Drug Store. IESTRAY -IHOTIOE Notice is hereby given that one bay mare, branded Y. D. .on left shoulder, left front foot clubed, age about 12 years, came to my enclosure, and, that unless sooner redeemed, the above de scribed animal will be sold to the high est bidder, for cash, at my ranch, 6 miles southeast of Lexington, at 2 o'clock p m, on Friday the 19th day of July, 1907. - A. M. Zink. LONG LIVE THE KINO Is the popular cry throughout European countries; while In Ameaica, the cry of the present day is "Long live Dr. King's New Discovery, King of Throat and .Lung Remedies!" of which Mrs. Julia J 3 SIP f LEXINGTON LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES 101 oi WIND RIVER LUMBER CO. o DEALERS IN Lumber, Sash, Doors, Windows, Jime, Cement, Coal and Wood C. O: BURROWS, Manager LEXINGTON, - - OREGON J IOI IOE 10 N The Doctor Awny from Home When MoMt NeeiltMl pointed to find that their family physi is away from home when they most need his services. Diseases ltke crrnp colic and cholera morbus require prompt j T1IE CHARMING WOMAN PROGRAMME JULY 4, 1907. LEXINGTON, ORE. Parjfdc forms at I" o'clock, 8harp, at Cougru gational church. Parade to bclieadecl 'by the Band and Liberty wagon. Occupants , of the liberty wagon tO'siny "Red. White and JUue'' . JN1TIIE GROVK Music - - - - - Baud Opening Prayer - Rev. J. C. White Song " - - - - America b b i 7 ; "''' RES1DENDE OF A. K. FULLER is not necessarilv oue of rifirfif;t fnrm People are often very, much disap-M . . ,,,, - , v . . . . 1 . . . and features, many a plain woman . A M who. could never serve as an artist's model, possesses those rare qualities that all the World admires: neatnes. ! clear eyes clean smooth skin and that :p: ightliness of step and action that accompany gocd health. A physically weak woman is never attractive, not even to herself. Electric Bitters re- I store weak women, give strong .nerves bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, beau tiful complexion. Guaranteed by W, McMillan Druggist 50c. .y Haul wwy sfa, .' -I ' it 1 hi i f 1 Flag Drill - r . 20 Girls Music - - - . Baud Recitation - Miss Amanda Waid DINNER 2 o'clock Sharp, Music, , - Band Address - - Hon. S. E. Notsou Song, "My Native Land" - Chorus Recitation - - , Miss Ruth Benge Song, "Be Thankful" - , 15 Little Girls Music - - - Band Recitation - ' Miss Katie Eskclson Nail Driving Contest, for Ladies only, ' Lady driving the most' nails in 2 minutes a cash prize of - - - $2.50 Fat Men's Race, cash prize - - -$1.00 Boy's race, under 15 years, - 1 $1.00 ON ARCADE STREET, UP TOWN ' At 4. o'clock Mule Race: Rider of winning mule $5.00 Running Horses, Free for all, Three to enter and start. Entrance fee $2.50. '1st Prize : - ' - . $io;QO 2nd Prize - - - 5.00 Pony Race, Entrance fee $1.00 Winning Pony - , - - $5.00 Sack Race, free for all, cash prize , $1.00 Men's Foot'Race, free for all, cash prize 2.00 For the hardest Bucking horse t 5.00 For the best rider of bucking horse 5.00 Fireworks and Pavillion Dancing in the V evening. : m F. II. ROBINSON ' J v When a man really has the robe of ''uecusne:s he is not afraid to let it ' iv.'h his neighbor. ; Fihenlfis fnr thf kidnevs strpnethen - se organs and assist in drawing poi.i ATTORNEY, AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW ::n from the blocd. . Try them for rheu- ... NOTARY PUBLIC '.atism, kidney bladder trcuble, f :,r Practice in all Courts. Legal business given prompt and careful , attention. Land ;iveyanc RESIDENCE OF S. A. THOMAS; :"'-Hpo and tired 'wcrn out feeling.! given prompt and careful.attentiot Vhcy bring quick relief Sataclicr; Contests- f1,0 Work and Conv '-'.:,.,-. ...!, .,' b' Ml "ig a specialty.-' : : . ' 0. Ci CHICK, M. D. 1 ' : '' PHYSIUN A.D SURGEON Diseases-of Women and Children a specialty.-. Calls answered promptly 'Day or Night, '., v.- ;r - v;uj.rnmeed. .THE' LEXINGTON: CREAMERY;. Milliin.-- ;iv; - ' !I0NK?. - OREGON ORECON .., if. iJt