Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, June 13, 1907, Image 2

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S. A. THOMAS, Publisher
OF toe m
h i Cc2Td Fan fcr Car
A Return of tha Lees Important but
Not Lam Interacting Events
of tho Put Week.
The French strikers are returning
to work very slowly and reluctantly.
The present revolt In China is be
lieved to have been organized in
A terrorist bomb thrown at Lodz,
Russia, killed two detectives and
wounded five others.
The assassin who killed ex-President
Barillas, of Mexico, says his
cousin hounded him to it.
Three men made a balloon voyage
from Washington, D. C, to Harris
burg, Pa., 200 miles, in 4 hours.
The government will soon begin
suit to force Harriman to tell what
he knows concerning the Alton stock
An earthquake in China is report
ed to have killed 4,000 people and
left thousands more destitute and
It is said the Standard Oil Com
pany is so busy fighting the courts
and legislatures that it has no time
now for politics. t
Japanese residents of Tokio de
mand that their government take ac
tion regarding the diplomatic rela
tion with China and the United
John W. Gates who has just re
turned to New York from the South
west, says the damage to wheat does
not exceed B per cent. Cotton is dam
aged somewhat more, on account of
heavy rains.
Tha name of the baby Prince of
, Spain has been entered on the roll
of a regiment, and he wears the
number of it in gold pinned on his
bib. A room in the barracks is re
served for him as the latest recruit.
Queen Victoria is doing well.
The Honduras National Lottery
Company, of Wilmington, Del., suc
cessor of the Louisiana Lottery Com
pany, has surrendered for destruc
tion all its books and paraphernalia,
paid fines aggregating $284,000, sold
its printing plant and quit business.
Raisuli, the noted bandit has been
offered a pardon on condition that he
leave Morocco and live away from
Tangier on a pension to be paid him
by the government. A friend of
Raisuli proposes that he make a tour
of the British and American music
halls. It Is believed that Raisuli fav
ors such a scheme.
A waterspout in Kentucky did $50
000 damage.
Kuroki gave nearly $500 in tips to
the Chicago hotel employes where he
Harriman cannot borrow money
abroad, owing to attacks on his roads
at borne. ,
Minnesota may form a league with
other states to fight for state control
of railroads.
After a very cold and backward
spring, the Eastern States finally have
warm weather.
Longshoremen to the number of 15,
000 returned to work on a compromise
with the steamship companies.
All linemen employed by the tele
phone company in San Francisco have
struck in sympathy with the telephone
Japanese merchants who speak both
Spanish and English are steadily ex
tending their trade in the larger cities
of the west coast of South America.
In the poorer districts of Chicago
veal, pork and mutton are entirely out
of the market and only the poorer cuts
of beef can be reached by the con
sumers. The English government has prom
ised relief for evicted Irish tenants,
and also education, in return for the re
jection of the Irish bill by the Nation
alist convention at Dublin.
Delegates of the French sailors have
advised them to return to work, pend
ing a promised settlement of their de
mands. In spite of this, however, 3,000
strikers at Havre have voted to con
tinue the strike.
The Dutch government has forbidden
a meeting of anarchists at Rotterdam.
Chicago consumers are forced to pay
an advance of 2 cents a pound in the
price of beef.
Richard Croker, er-boss of New York,
is active in Ireland, and it is said he
wants to enter Parliament.
Mobs stoned the house of a Catholic
priest in Cleveland for expressing sen
timents displeasing to them,
Rome is celebrating the granting of
the constitution, the birthday of Pope
Pins X and the death of Garibaldi.
A Texas passenger train was derailed,
either by wreckers or a broken rail,
and one man killed and several fatally
Farmers Will Hold Their Products
Until Proper Price Is Paid.
Omaha. Neb., June 7. The 200
delegates called into convention by
the American Society of Equity yes
terday practically completed the or
ganization of the most formidable
combine ever attempted for the pur
pose of controlling the prices of
grain, to be known as the Grain
growers' Department of the Ameri
can Society of Equity.
It adopted a constitution and set
of by-laws which plainly indicated
its objects. They state in so many
words that the purpose of the organ
ization is to control distribution and
name a minimum price at which its
members may dispose of their farm
grain products, which are enumer
ated as being anything from wheat
to broomcorn.
The matter of finances has not
been overlooked, and the organiza
tion makes a pledge to its members
whereby they may borrow money in
any reasonable sum, which may be
secured by their holdings of grain
while it remains in a granary or ele
vator. It was announced to the meeting
that over 500 banks had pledged
themselves to make loans to the
members of the association when en
dorsements were made by properly
accredited officials. The convention
made itself felt in the matter of pol
itics during the day, when Charles
A. Walsh, of Ottumwa, la., a former
secretary of the Democratic National
Committee . and at this time an or
ganizer of Independence League
Clubs for Hearst, was given plainly
to understand that his presence in
the capacity of an organizer was not
required. '
Mr. Walsh dropped into the city
Tuesday, and it was stated that he
would endeavor to get his propa
ganda before the convention. This
idea was quietly but promptly sat
down on. Many of the delegates did
not know of his presence 8t the con
vention until after he had left the
city yesterday afternoon.
With each committee report came
a revelation. When the finance
committeee reported it was to the ef
fect that all convention expenses had
been arranged for and that a good
fund was in sight for the field work
which is to begin at once. Chairman
Pauley of that committee and three
other members, an bankers, were
unanimous in a sttaement that 535
banks over the country were ready
to furnish all the money necessary
to carry out the objects of the asso'
The plan is to make low rate loans
to farmers on their grain after it is
threshed and hold it in society gran
aries and elevators until the price
demanded is available. The plan
also contemplates a European
agency for shipping" grain direct to
European markets.
A committee on crop intelligence
reported a plan whereby all informa
tion is to be withheld until It is
called for by tho association statis
tician. A partial crop report was
made to the convention, in which it
was stated that wheat in Oklahoma,
Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota and
the Dakotas wquld average below 70
per cent or last year s crop.
Lyman Beechy, Well Known ft the
Lewis and Clark Exposition.
Boston, June 7. The -breaking
down of his motor, which allowed
the airship he was navigating to be
blown seaward, almost resulted in
the death of Lincoln Beechey off Re
vere Beech yesterday. Beechey made
a seven-mile journey from Revere
Beech to Boston. Oh the return
journey the motor became disabled
when the aeronaut was a mile off
shore, over Boston harbor, and the
airship was carried some distance
Beechey managed partially to re
pair his engine, so as to get back to
the vicinity of Revere Beach. When
several hundred feet off shore, the
airship settled rapidly, and it looked
as If Beechey would be thrown into
the water. Men in rowboats and
launches seized the drag-rope and
towed him and his apparatus ashore
before he struck the water.
Try to Burn Town.
Allentown, Pa., June 7. What
was apparently an effort of incend
iaries to destroy the city of Allen-
town occurred here early yesterday,
when firemen were called almost
simultaneeously to fight three fires in
the business section of the city. The
first fire occurred in the stockhouse
of Bittner, Hunsicker & Co., one of
the largest drygoods houses; the
Prince Furniture Company, and the
third at the furniture factory of Hel-
frlch, Bohner & Co. An effort was
made to draw the firemen from the
business section by turning in a
false alarm.
Beef Goes Up at Pittsburg.
Pittsburg, June 7. A general ad
vance in the price of meats was an
nounced in this city. Beef is the
meat mostly affected. The increase
In price to the consumer is from 5
to 10 cents a pound, aocordlng to
Testifies Before Commission and
Receives Immunity.
Conference on Other Trusts Prose-
cntion of Others Left to .Dis
cretion of Bonaparte.
Washington, May 8. That E. II.
Harriman, the railroad magnate, is
Immune from criminal prosecution
as the result of his testimony before
the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion in New York recently; that the
question of the prosecution, of bitu
minous coal-carrying railroads for
discriminating against'. Independent
operators should be left in the hands
of the Attorney-General, and that
prosecution of the anthracite coal
roads for maintaining a trust will
begin in Philadelphia, probably next
week, were conclusions reached at a
notable conference held at the White
House last night.
The Harriman case and the cases
of the coal-carrying roads were dis
cussed for three hours by President
Roosevelt, five members of the Cab
inet, two members of the Interstate
Commerce Commission and special
council for the government.
Following the general conference,
Attorney-General Bonaparte re
mained with the President to dis
cuss the harvester trust. It Is
thought not unlikely that the ques
tion of prosecution of that organiza
tion will be left in the Attorney-
General's hands.'
The roads involved Include the
Delaware, Susquehana & Schuylkill,
the Philadelphia & Reading, the Le
high Valley, the Delaware & Hud
son, the New York, Susquehana &
Western, the Delaware, Lackawanna
& Western, the Central Railroad of
New Jersey, and the Erie. The Penn
sylvania and one or two others may
become involved as the suit pro
gresses, but at this time no formal
complaint will be filed against them.
Those who participated in the con
ference were: The President, Secre
tary of State Root, Secretary of War
Taft, Secretary of the Treasury Cor
telyou, Secretary of the Interior Gar
field, Attorney-General Bonaparte,
Interstate Commerce Commissioners
Knapp and Lane, and Frank B. Kel
logg, of Minnesota, special counsel
for the government. The conference
began shortly after 9 o'clock. Sec
retary Loeb was present. The con
ference adjourned a few minutes be
fore midnight.
Union Pacific Will Equ'p Branch Lines
Rapidly As Possible.
Omaha, June 8. The Union Paci
fic is putting the finishing touches
on 10 new motor cars which will be
put into service about July 1. They
are to be put on branches and will
replace accommodation trains. At
least two will be sent to Salt Lake
and two will probably go to the
These cars are of full length, have
a side door and are of steel construc
tion. They will seat about 125 peo
ple and have a maximum speed of
about 65 miles.
The success of the motor cars has
already been greater than dreamed
of by the promoters, and machinery
and additional shoproom are be
ing arranged by the Union Pacific
whereby 10 cars a month may be
turned out.
Increased Output of Steel.
Pittsburg, June 8. Despite rum
ors in the iron and steel market
abroad as well as in this country a
canvass of the industry warrants the
statement that the last half of 1907
and the first half of the year 1908
win witness the largest producing
capacity in the history of the United
States and Canada. It is estimated
that new furnace construction will
add at least 2,000,000 tons to the
prospective capacity. Last year the
local output was 25,307,000 tons. A
corresponding stimulus will be given
the coke trade.
Miners Win Eight Hours.
Deadwood, S. D., June 8. The
strike of miners which has practical
ly tied up business In the Black Hills
for more than five' months was set
tled last night at a meeting of the
Terry Peak Miners' Union. This
strike was called on January 1, on
the refusal of the mine operators to
grant the eight-hour day. The prop
osition that the eight-hour day be
granted, but that the miners consent
to a reduction of 25 cents a day for
a period of three months was accept
ed by the union.
Favors Public Ownership.
Madison, Wis., June 8. The State
Assembly today passed the public
utilities bill by a vote of 77 to 10.
The bill provides for the control by
the State Railway Commission of all
public service corporations except
telegraph and telephone companies.
The Commission has power over ser
vice and rates. .
n - " .
I wo Hard Jolts Are Felt on All Sides
of the Bay.
San Francisco, June 6. A 12:20
this morning San Francisco and .the
cities about the bay were shaken by
a severe earthquake. The shock was
the severest since the disastrous trcm
blor of April, 1000. The shock was
not violent enough to sever electrical
connections, and although the entire
fire department was placed in readi
ness to light any iires that might fol
low, there was no blaze of any con
sequence. As far as can be learned at this
hour the damaire was limited to the
breaking of dishes on the shelves and
the destruction of a few tottering
walls in the burned district.
In tho residence district a number
of people ran into the streets in their
night clothes. Along Golden G;vte
avfenue a genuine panic prevailed. Sev
eral hundred women rushed to the
street in their night clothes. Three
women were treated for nervous
shock, but no one suffered injury, as
far as reported.
The earthquake was in the form of
two sharp shocks, the second follow
ing while the earth still trembled
from the first. The coming of the
shake was announced by the rattling
of windows and the swinging of
chandeliers. Then came an adrupt jolt
and then a lessening tremble, to be
followed by another quick jolt and a
gradual lessening of motion.
Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda and
other bay cities reported a shock ex
actly like that felt here.
Reports so far received indicate
that the shake was felt at least as far
south as Santa Cruz, 125 miles down
the coast.
Prosecution Charges Conspiracy to
Rule by Terror.
Boise, Idaho, June 5. Through
James H. Hawley, senior of the group
of prosecutors, the state ot Idaho
today made the opening statement
against William D. Haywood, whom
it charges with the murder of l'rank
Steunenberg, and then began the pre
sentation of the testimony by which
it hopes to prove the indictment laid
against him. The opening,, statement
was a broad, sweeping arraignment of
the leaders of the Western Federation
of Miners, who were charged with
plotting wholesale murder and hiring
assassins, all in a gigantic conspiracy
of vengeance upon those who ob
structed their sway, to destroy oppo
sition by terrorism, to control the po
litical destinies of -the communities
covered by their organization and to
perpetuate their own power within the
It charged a widespread conspiracy
dating in inception from the North
Idaho disturbances 15 years ago,
reaching down to the murder of Frank
Steunenberg, and whose murdered
victims by bullet and bomb numbered
scores. Hawley declared that wher
ever in the mining sections of the
Coast States the federation had been
in control there had been left a trail
of blood to mark its operations. Of
the hired assassins he cried:
"To them murder became a trade
and assassination a means of living."
Men to Try SchmUz Will Be Kept
Under Lock and Key.
San Francisco, June 5. The jury
was completed this afternoon for the
trial of Mayor Eugene E. Schmitz on
the first of the five indictments re
turned against him by the Oliver
girand jury by which he is accused
jointly with Abraham Reuf of having
extorted from Joseph Malfanti $1175
as the first installment of a $5000
annual bribe to secure the French
restaurant keepers of San Francisco
their license to sell liquor.
Judge Dunne, upon motion of the
prosecution, and over the determined
and spirited objections of the defense,
formally disqualified Sheriff Thomas
O'Neil and Coroner William Walsh as
unfitted by personal bias to perform
any functions in connection with the
trial, and appointed William J. Biggy
an elisor to have charge of the jury
until a verdict has been rendered or
a disagreement reached. Shortly after
adjournment Mr. Biggy, who for some
months past has been Abe Reuf's
jailer, marched the jury tn the St
Francis Hotel, where the "twelve tried
men and true" will be kept under lock
and key during all the time that they
are not sitting in the trial.
Linemen Help Telephone Girls
San Francisco, June 5. All the line
men in the employ of the Pacific
States Telephone & Telegraph Com
pany quit work today in sympathy
with the girl operators, who have
been out on strike for over three
weeks for the purpose of forcing the
recognition of their union. This ac
tion was taken after the executive
committee had made an ineffectual
call at the company's office this morn
ing for the purpose of seeing Presi
dent Scott. Last night the union in
mass meeting voted to walk out un
less the company granted the demands
Strike Grows tt Havre.
ITavr. Tnnf K r)itiii-ti-ina
place Sunday afternoon between strik
ing fishermen and fishermen who had
not ceased work. Eventually, however
me lauer joined tne movement.
Winegrowers Protest.
Nimes, France, June 5. A gigantic
demonstration of winegrowers was held
here as a protest against the adultera
tion of wine. Nine thousand persons
marched in the procession.
Only Four Are Retained and Two
Subjects Are Dropped.
Cost,of New Sat, Omitting Nature
Study, Less Than Old Con
tracts Well Distributed.
Salem, Or., June C All but four
books now In use In the common
schools of Oregon have been changed
by the State Text-Book Commission
and new text-books will bo substi
tuted at the beginning of the new
school year. The fourth and fifth
Cyr readers, the Thomas elementary
history and the Reed speller are the
books retained.
Civil government has been dropped
entirely as a separate subject and
will hereafter be taught In connec
tion with history. The mental arith
metic has also been dropped and the
mental exercises will be given with
the aid of the books on written arith
metic. In the place of the two sub
jects dropped, an Important one has
been added, that of elementary agri
culture. This addition has been
made In response to a very general
The principal changes are the sub
stitution of Wheeler's readers up to
the third book for the Cyr readers;
the adoption of Smith's arithmetics
In the place of Wentworth's; the
adoption of Buehler's grammers In
the place of Reed & Kellogg's; the
adoption of the Natural geographies
In the place of Fryes and Doub's
United States history in the place of
Thomas' advanced history.
The total cost of the books used In
the schools under the list in force up
to the present time was $9.80, this
list not including the book on nature
study. The prices of those newly
adopted, not Including the nature
study, aggregate $9.14, or a reduc
tion of 66 cents. If nature study be
Included the new list will cost $9.89,
or an Increase of 9 cents tn the cost
of all the books a child must use in
his eight years of schooling.
Agent of Vengeance for Federation of
Miners for Years
Boise, Idaho, June 6. Alfred
Horsley, alias Harry Orchard, the ac
tual assassin of Frank Steunenberg,
went on the stand today as a witness
against William D. Haywood and
made public confession of a long
chain of brutal, revolting crimes,
done, he said, at the Inspiration and
for the pay of the leaders of the
Western Federation of Miners.
Horsley confessed that, as mem
ber of the mob that wrecked the
Bunker Hill & Sullivan mill in t
Coeur d'Alenes, he lighted one of the
fuses that carried fire to the giant
explosion; confessed that he set the
deathtrap In the Vindicator mine at
Cripple Creek that blew out the lives
of Superintendent McCormlck and
Foreman Beck; confessed that, be
cause he had not been paid
for his flrBt attempt at vio
lence in the Vindicator mine,
he had been treeacherous to his
associates by warning the managers
of the Florence & Cripple Creek
railway that there was a plot to blow
up their trains; confessed that he
cruelly fired charges of buckshot into
the body of Detective Lyte Gregory,
of Denver, killing him instantly; con-
fessed that for days he Btalked Gov
ernor Peabody about Denver, waiting
a chance to kill him; confessed that
he and Steve Adams set and dis
charged the mine under the depot at
Independence that instantly killed 14
men, and confessed that, failing in
an attempt to poison Fred Bradley,
of San Francisco, he blew Bradley
and his house up with a bomb of
Gigantic Bank Combine.
New York Former Secretary of
the Treasury Lesllfl
head a $50,000,000 banking merger.
"i,uu me currem in tne financial
district, acfiorrtlnp' tn tVia v,f
the newly organized Carnegie Trust
"""wi wmcn Mr. snaw is the
head, will be the nucleus of a combi
nation Of trust
total resources aggregate the figures
given. Officers of the company de
cline to discuss the proposition at
present, but It is stated that the ques
tion is receiving serious consldera-
u uumiuB mree concerns
Kuroki Sees Fort Leavenworth.
LiGftVPnwnrth T,
uuo uenerai
Baron Kuroki and suite left for St.
: opemai train over the Bur
lington Ral way this evening, after a
day spent at Fort Leavenworth. From
fik aStl? W,U r6tUrn t0 Jaan