B U Y B U TT E R B E A R I N G 1 T H I S B R A N D M M LEXINGTON M M M M OREGON 1 CREAMERY , BUTTER B LEXINGTON CREAMERY CO., fj M M M M (INCORPORATED) T Or egon ; M , , ........ .-! m LEXINGTON BUTTER Is unequalled for Purity, Flavor and Quality. Churned from Pure Sweet Cream that has been properly ripened - :: '; - A GENERAL LAND AND REAL ESTATE Business done by W;,B. McAlister Good Wheat Lands and Choice Town Lots for Sale at Reasonable Prices LEXINGTON, OREGON UNITED ARTISANS -Lexington. Assembly No. 83, Meets every Saturday ti.tfht In Artisan hall, Ethel Wilcox, . C. W. Chrlstenson, . See. i M. A. C. C. CHICK, M.il). I'liYSICIN AND SUIHiEON Diseases of Womn and Children a spec ialty. Calls answered promptly Diy or ' Night. . IONE, ORECON FACTORY NO. 118 FULL WEIGHT 16 OZ. THERE IS NONE BETTER WHY NOT READ THE WHEATFIELD? Get Your Namo on The Wheatfield List F. Jl. ROBINSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW NOTARY I'I BLIC Practice In nil Courts. Legal business y given prompt and careful attention. Land , Contests. Probate Work and Conveyanc ing a specialty. I. O. F. Lexington lodge No, 168. Meets every Wednesday evening if n Arti san hall. C. W. Cnrlstenson" P. M. Chrlr.tenson Sec,' N. C. fl-CaeKAH.-Holly lodge No. 39 Lexington, Meots the flnit and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30, Mrs. Mary Thomas Mrs. E. J. McAlister Sec, N. C THE M. W. OF A Excelsior Camp. No. 9873, meet In .Artisan Hall every 4th Tuesday night of the month, E. E. Thomas. F. F, Kljlz, Cierk. . V. C. Congregational Church Preaching service at 11 a? nt. and 7:30 p. m. every third and fifth Sunday of each month, Sunday " School 2.30 p. in. every Sunday, Rev, J. L. Jones, Pastor. Homer Ferguson TRANSFERRING IONH. OREGON Advertise in The Wheatfield. PROMPT SERVICE REASONABLE CHARGES LEXINGTON, OREGON ' 11 """"-Ki i r - -in i ii i, t ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR ' . ' THAT'S ALL 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 4 4T 1 Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. AnTOne endtn (ketch mid doacrlntlnn mi? quickly fwceriitln our opinion frue wlictlior an Invention ! prohnlilf pulenliihln. Communion, tloiuntrlotljrconililentliil. HANDBOOK onl'ntonU aunt f roe. Oldest atretic? fur Hoourliifr patentti. PntenM taken thruuiili Jluiiti & Co. recelr tptciatnotict, without ebnrgo, lutlie Scientific Jlmcricati A hndomolr lllnpfmled wenltlr. I.nreeiit clr culatlon of mi? gnlajitlUo Jounml. Teriut, 11 jrnnrt four nioiitln, II. Bold by ull newidenlern. MUNN Co.3eja New York Branch Office, 625 V BL, Wnebluutou, D. U First Jfational SBank of 0ppner Capital Stock 50,000. Surplus and undivided profits $70,00Q II C. A. RHEA. T. A. RHEA, President Vice-President G. W. CONSER, - Cashier E. L. FREELANrD, Ass't Csh'r Transacts a General Banking Business ' Four per cent paid on Time Deposits n D EXCHANCE ON ALL PARTS OF THE. WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all points at reasonable term's. Jl . p. McMillan's LUMBER YARD LUMBhR. IIOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES WOOD AND COAL Lexington. Oregon WHEATFIELD LAND COMPANY Following are a few of the snaps we are offering. I V s 1400 Acres 1200 acres under cultivation. Well watered and good itnprovements. Cldse to market. A rare bargain at $20. Must be taken at once or price will advance. fAC A m-of A 11 rYflA tr 1 111 1-fftrO- j a v i. ivi i.ii guvu wiiL.ak lanui x w iuiiuvl merits. A snap at $10. ' . ." 320 Acres. In crop, subject to lease. 4 miles out. $25. per acre. A snap. - , ; ' i . . . : .. H 1JU Acres 70 acres under cultivation. 6 miles from town. $1000. buys it if taken quick. 3000 Acres. . In one tract, 4 miles out. Suita for a colony. Good houses, barns and wells. On ly $25. per acre including crops. Farming implements, threshing machine, stock M and lease on 455 acres of land, all seeded. 2 miles out.This will go( quick at $3400. , 4 ' We have two unimproved blocks in the town of Lexington, and several good residences. Come and see us if you want them. If you are looking for a business opening conie to Lexington. It's the best business point in the county. - We have several snaps in this linev 'If. you want land or have land for sale, call and see us. We can satify you. . v ' . ' ' . LEXINGTON, . ... OREGON Read The Wheatfield and be happy 0 n io& Of II