'4 ".-fel.-ii,..to..- ' T LOCAL NEWS Dr, R. C. Hunter, Lexington, Ore. 'Dr. M. IA, Leach, Dentist, Heppner Olln S. I loibdon was a Lexington visitor Tuesday. If you have land for sale list It with the Wheatfield Land Co. New patrons are being added' to the Creamery Hat each week. Mrs. J, B. Carmichael vlsiled her sister In Wall Walla last week. Full blood B. P-. Rock eggs, 50 cents per setting. Enquire at thlioffice. Mrs. Wllmot, of lone, Is the gue?t of her daughter, Mrs. W. P, McMillan. , R. L.' Benge and Eph Eskelson made a trip to lower Rock Creek last Friday. Joseph E. Wald ad mother spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dorman on Rhea Creek. FOR SALE Gentle chestnut color ed saddle pony; also good young cow. Enquire at Bank. W. J. Davis returned from Cecil last week where he has been building bridges for the county. LOST Masonic watch charm. Find er will kindly return to L. S. Gilbreath and be suitably rewarded. FOUND The best place In Morrow county to get commercial printing is at The Wheatfield Printery. " T. W. Cutsforth was In town last Saturday and renewed his subscription to The Wheatfield another year. Col. C. C. Boon was in town Tues day and says that he set thirty turkey eggs under two turkey hens and that they have hatched out thirty-two young turkeys. Everyone knows that Spring Is the season of the year when the system needs cleansing Dades Little Liver Pills are highly recomended. Try them Sold by W. P. McMillan. Mrs. J. S. Baldwin and children ar rived la,st Friday evening from Walla Walla to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reaney, and other relatives. Spring Winds chap tan and cause freckles to appear. Pinesalve Carbol ized applied at night will relieve that burning sensation. Nature's own remedy. Acts like a poultice and draws out Inflamation. , Sold by W. P. McMillan. Mrs. B. F. Estes and children left yesterday for Shaniko where they will make their future home. Her hus band now being employed on the Shaniko branch of the 0. R. & N. Coughs and colds contracted at this this season of the year should have Immediate attention. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup contains Honey and Tar and Is unequalled for hoarseness croup and coughs. Pleasant to take; mothers endorse It;children like to take it. Con tains no opiates. Moves the bowels. Sold by W. P. McMillan. MULERAISING PROFITABLE Mule raising is the best money making proposition In Oregon, says B. F. Swaggart. I have a few fine young Jacks to dispose of and In payment for them I will take mule colts at $100 each at weaning time. I keep at the East Oregon Jack Farm the stallion, Milwaukee, that won the blue ribbon at the Lewis & Clark Fair. Milwau kee stands at $25 for the season with privilege of returning. Also six fine Oregon Jacks. It has been fully dem onstrated that they excell the eastern Jacks for both size and quality of mules.' I Insure for $10. Dont knock, L. W. Hill was In town Tuesday. Read The Wheatfield and be happy, Boost Lexington tlie best town In Morrow county, Banker E. D. Brown was. a Hepp ner visitor Monday. ) E. D. Palmer took his cattle to . the mountain range Tuesday. Dr. R, C. Hunter, Physician and Surgeon, Lexington, Oregon. Columbia' Records are the best. S. A. Thomas, agent. About 400 head of cattle belonging to Wharton & Fuller passed through town yesterday.' ?, E. Parker and wife came over from Echo last week and spent several days with relatives here, N. A. Leach was in town iast everts lng and this morning. He says pros pects indicate a good crop in all sec tions. We will always be glad to get news items from the surrounding country. We want some good correspondents in the country, The Proprietors of the Palace Hotel in Heppner, writes the Lexington Creamery that the butter turned out by this creamery Is all right. Hurried meals, lack of exercise are the maincauses of dyspepsia. A Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal aids digestion, improves the appetite. Sold by W. P. McMillan. W. E. Leach and wife drove to Rhea Creek last Sunday. Mr. Leach says he has never seen a better crop prospect in Morrow county than this season. Improper action of thekidneyscauses backache, lumbago, rheumatism. "Pin ' eules" Is a kidney remedy that wil re lieve these diseases. Pleasant to take and guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. "Relief in every dose" Sold by W. P. McMillan. The base ball game last Saturday afternoon between' the lone and Lex- t ington boys was quite an Interesting game. The lone boys walked up and arrived here about noon in good trim. t v PV I P" IS k M H R a fv Hot weather is her. How about 'those new thin dresses you have beeiv promising yourself ftll winter? Our stock of Spring and Summer Goods is now & complete ,Wo consider ourselves fortunate in being able to secure such a com L pleto stock as we are now showing:. Never before have we been in position to show our patrons such an array of the new and best of the reasons good ones, as we are V) doinsr this spnusr, 9 A few of the most popular fabrics are: OPAL SILKS p -ARNOLD'S SWISS PERSIAN ORGANDIES' , 'LUCERNE TISSUE ' SILK FANTAISIE MEN'S SCOTCH PLAIDS IRISH DIMITY HOLLY BATISTE UNEN FINISH Latest Styles Largest Assortment SUITINGS Lowest Prices COMPANY 4? ST W r : ' . ' a . MINOR & L ORDERS , ' V solicited HEPPNER, OREGON " I ' , SEND ' . FOR SAMPLES P. McMillan Druggist. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. By special arrangement we are able to offer the following clubbing rates in connection with The Wheatfield: Weekly Oregooian - $2 00 Semi Weekly Journal 1 75 McCall Magazine ' 1 25 (The Queen of Fashions) The right is reserved by the publish ers of the above papers to cancell these prices at any time. In ordr to secure these reductions subscriptions should' be sent in at once. In the treatment of piles it becomes necessary to have the remedy put up in such a form that it can be applied to the parts affected. Man Zan Pile re medy is encased in a collapsible tube with nozzle attached. It cannot help P - c lstb 2ndb 3rdb s s rf cf If Lexington Breshears Reaney Munkers Beymer White Christenson Hunter - Burgoyne Johnson After noon they proceeded to show; but reach the spot. Relieves blind, our boys a few points about the nation-'. bleeding, Itching and protruding piles, game. The following is the line Up 50c with nozzle guaranteed. Try it. :oold by W. r. McMillan. 1 i The Wheatfield has been very for tunate in completing a clubbing rate with Sunset Magazine, the magazine of California and all the far West. We can now offer jsur subscribers, Sunset Magazine; which includes a cop? of "The Road of a Thousand Wonders", and The Wheatfield, one year for $1.75. Subscribe today and take advantage of this exceedingly liberal offer. and score: lone Putman "Dutch" Cochran Sperry Wese Cason Judy Jordan Buskey GENTRY'S BARBER SHOP J. E. GENTRY, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING fiigent for Cresent Steam Laundry LEXINGTON, OREGON. SWEDE CHNYON POULTRY FARM Devoted to developing and perfecting the best laying strains of Black Langshans and sc. , B. P. Rocks. Black Langshan Eggs for setting - $2.00 for 13 eggs S. C. B. P. Rock eggs for setting - $1.00 for 15 eggs CHRISTENSON & SON v LEXINGTON, OREGON u to lone " 5 f 4 1 3 j 0 11 3 1 28 Lexington 1 22 0 j 4 j 0 1 0 10 There are many kidney remedies but few that accomplish . the result. "Pineules" Is i kidney remedy that contains no alcohol or opiates of any kind, complies with the National Pure Food and Drugs Law, guaranteed to give satisfaction. Thirty day treatment for $1.00. Inquire about "Pineules." Sold by W. P. McMillan. MM - Best for Coughs, Coldi, Croup, wnoopino Cough, Eto, MY BEST FRIEND Alexander Benton, who lives on Ru ral Route 1, Fort Edward, N. Y., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery Is my best earthfy friend. It cured me of asthma six years ago." It has also performed ; a wonderful cure of Incipient cosump tion for my son's wife. The first bottle ended the terrible cough, and this ac compllshed, the other symptoms left one by one, until she was perfectly well. Dr. King's New Discovery's power ov er coughs and colds Is. simply marvel ous." ' No other remedy has ever equalled It. Fully guaranteed by W. No Opiates. Conforms to National Pur Food and Drug Law, All couth syrups containing opiates eonstf ate the bowels. Bee's Laxative Boner and Tu mores toe bowels and contains no opiates. Sold by W. P. McMillan's drug store READ THE WHEATFIELD LEXINGTON y BAN K Branch of BANK OF HEPPNER E. D. BROWN, Manager, 1011 II CAPITAL STOCK 850,000.00, FULLY PAID Loans made at Eight per cent. Four per cent, in J5 ( terest paid on Time Deposits Lko ? 1 This Space Reserved For !'W.:G. SCOTT & CO. jj Jj Lexington Oregon. t '