Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, April 11, 1907, Image 7

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    For the
To succeed these days you
must have plenty of grit, cour
age, strength. How is it with
the children ? Are they thin,
pale, delicate ? Do not forget
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You
know it makes the blood pure
and rich, and builds up the
general health in every way.
The children caniint pnsalblr have fnoA
health union I lie linwel hh! In proper condi
tion. A liiKKt")i liver kIvbk a coated toTiKue,
hail hreitth, I'onitlpiiten howcln. Currant nil
these by ulvlriK miihII IaxhIIvb donee of Ayer'i
1'llla. All vi'Ki'tulilo, sugar touted,
Made by 3. 0. Aynr Co., Lowell, Main.
Also manufacturers of
07Q AfllE CUIlfi.
Colli from the Sen.
, The electrolytic recovery of gold
from wa water Ih ntlll a dream of
many European cliemlntH. A. Noden
proposes to une as electrodes sheets of
popfHsr and lead or lead and cast Iron,
each about one-twenty-flfth of an Inch
la thickness, and to surround these
plates with porous canvas bugii for eol
iectliiK the ko11 that falls to adhere.
The linths, within reach of the tide,
would have a depth of two meters and
a width of ten mutera (about thirty
three feet). With cement partitions
every forty femets, a battery of 100
such baths could be run toKether, and
It Is calculated that this would furnish
IfiO grams of gold per day of twelve
hours. In this time, 3,000 cubic meters
of water would be treated, a current
of 5,000 nmpers at 2.5 volts being re
quired. The annual cost Is estimated
at $12,000, and the profits are floured
at $20,000 on a cupltal of $10,000.
Ilotelkoppors In London complain that
their ruckI stuy a uliortor time thun they
once did, and Bpend less for food and
Imperceptible Speed,
"Do your street cars run on Sun
day?" inquired the girl from Boston.
"Not so, you'd notice It," replied the
Philadelphia girl. Clevelaud l'laln
The kidneys have a great work to do
in keeping the blood pure. When they
get out of order il
caufiee backache, head
aches, dizziness, lan
guor and distressing
unrinary troubles.
Keep the kidneys well
and all these suffer
ings will be saved you.
Mrs. 8.' A. Moore,
proprietor of a restau
rant at Waterville,
Mo., says: "Before
using Doan's Kidney Fills I suffered
everything from kidney trouble for a
year ard a half. I had pain in the
back and head, and almost continuous
in the loins and felt weary all the
time. A few doses of Doan's Kidney
Pills brought great relief, and I kept
on taking them until in a short time I
was cured. I think Doan's Kidney Pil.s
are wonderful."
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a
box. Foster-Mi lburn Co., Buffalo.
N. Y.
$100 Reward, $100.
Tho Tpnricru nf this nauer will be Tlpased tfl
learn that there in at leant one dreaded dlHeaflc
. that science liux been ablo to cure lnaititf
stages, and that In Catarrh. hall's Catarrh
Cure Ik the only positive cure known to the
ineulcal fraternity. Catarrh bolus aconBtitu
tlunal disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. llall'H Catarrh Cureimaken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucoui
3uriace of the system, thereby destroying the
1 foundation ol the disease, and giving the pa
! tient strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors nave so mucn lunn in jib curnuvo
powers that they oiler One Hundred Hollars
for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list
of testimonials. , ,
Address. K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, (X
Sold by druggists, 76c.
U all's Family Tills are the best.
Thirty years is the average age of an
ostrich and the annual yield of a bird in
captivity is from two to four pounds of
Mothers will find Mrs. Winnow! Roothlng
Byru p the beit remedy to use or their chlldroa
luring the teething period.
Thoae Imported Impecnnea.
Eva So you couldn't make up your
mind about accepting the foreign noble
man? Why didn't you toss a coin?
Katharine I was afraid the foreign
nobleman would keep the coin.
CITP Bt- Vitus' Dance and all Nervous Diseases
I 1 1 O permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Great
Serve Restorer. Bend for FRKK 12 trial bottle and
treatise. Dr. K. lLKUnu, Ld., Mil Arch bt., Pulla.,!,
John Bright and Lord Manner.
In one of his speeches In the House
of Commons John Bright quoted In a
spirit of banter and ridicule the well
known lines written by Lord John Man
ners In his callow youth :
"Let wealth and commerce, laws and
learning die,
But leave us still our old nobility."
I Lord John, who was present, Imrne
' dlately got up and pulverized the great
I tribune by retorting : "I would rather
be the foolish young man who wrote
those lines than the malignant old man
who quoted them."
ire Silenced Him.
"The corporations must be cr-r-rush-ed!"
roared the candidate.
"Hold on," shouted a man In the gal
lery, "you yourself are a stockholder
In at least three corporations that I
know about."
The candidate frowned darkly.
"Well," he cried, "If there were no
stockholders there wouldn't be any cor
poration'." "I admit It," shouted the man In the
"And If there were no corporations
they couldn't be crushed, could they?"
With a withering glance at the man
In the gallery the candidate resumed
his argument. Clevelund Plain Deal
er. flood for a Cold.
Bishop Olmsted of Colorado was
making a Christmas address to some
Denver children.
"Eat heartily on Christmas day," the
bishop said, smiling. "Do full justice
to turkey, to cranberry sauce, to plum
pudding, to all the good things. Rut
don't give way to gluttony. Don't gloat
over your Christmas dainties like a
Bala boy I used to know. This boy
said one Christmas morning: 'My, I
wish I had a cold!' 'Why?' asked his
; brother. 'Cause mother says to feed a
cold, and If I had one to-day, wouldn't
I feed It, though !' "
better than Dying;.
When the drunken tramp tried to
steal a valise from the Santa Fe train
at Holllday a few nights ago he caused
a panic among the passengers. In the
quiet Interval that followed the firing
of the first shot a woman In the cualr
car threw her arms around her hus
band's neck and walled:
"Oh, John, let's die together."
"Ob, shucks!" responded the proy
husband, "let's get down behind the
Beat" Kansas City Journal.
Not Impressed.
"What did that small boy say when
you told him he might grow up to be
President of the United States?" said
one school trustee.
"It didn't seem to Impress him," an
swered the other. "lie said nearly
everybody was being mentioned for
that position nowadays." Washington
Peel four large potatoes, cut them
up and put them with a double hand
ful of hops (tied up In a coarse muslin
bag) Into a saucepan with two quarts
of water; cover and cook until the
potatoes break to bits. Take out the
potatoes with a swimmer, leaving the
water boiling, mash the iotatoes
smooth and add to them four table
spoonfuls of flour and two tablep.poon
fuls of granulated sugar. Moisten this
with the boiling hop water and stir
to a smooth paste. When all the liquid
has been added set aside until luke
warm, then add four tablespoonfuls of
good yeast, and turn Into a deep bowl
or crock to "work." Keep In a warm
place until the bubbles cease to ap
pear. When light, put In earthen Jars
with small necks, cork tightly and keep
in a cool place.
Poor Show (or the Hat.
First Diner (to his friend) What's
the matter? You look worried . .
Second Diner Well, that fat man at
the next table has sat down on my hat,
and now both bis fat boys are sitting
on his knee. Fliegende Blaetter.
On' a charge of insulting the memory of
the late King George of Saxony a sol
dier had been sentenced in Dresden to
twenty-one months' imprisonment.
The General Condemnation of So-Called
Patent or Secret Medicines
an injurious
character, which indulge in extravagant and unfounded pretensions
to cure all manner of ills, and the
National Legislation Enacted to Restrict Their Sale
have established more clearly than could have ibeen accomplished in any other way
The Value and Importance of Ethical Remedies.
Remedies -which physicians sanction for family use, as they act most beneficially
and are gentle yet prompt in effect, and called ethical, because they are of
Known Excellence and Quality and of Known Component Parts.
To gain the full confidence of the Well-Informed of the world and the approval
of the most eminent physicians, it is essential that the component parts be known to
and approved by them, and, therefore, the California Fig Syrup Company has pub
lished for many years past in its advertisements and upon every package a
full statement thereof. The perfect purity and uniformity of product which they,
demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical character are assured by the California Fig
Syrup Company's original method of manufacture, known to the Company only.
There are other ethical remedies approved by physicians, but the product
of the California Fig Syrup Company possesses the advantage over all other family
laxatives that it cleanses, sweetens and relieves the internal organs on which it acts,
without disturbing the natural functions or any debilitating after effects and without
having to increase the quantity from time to time.
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of
Byrup of Figs, and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of
family laxatives, and as its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well
Vtiawti nhvRio.iana and the Well-Informed of the world to.be the best of natural
laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir
of Senna, as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtlessly it will always J
be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs; and to get its beneficial effects, ,
always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup
Co. plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for
Syrup of Figs, or by the full name, Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, as Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Company, and the same heretofore known by the name, Syrup of
Figs, which has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading
druggists throughout the United States in original packages of one size only, the regu
lar price of which is fifty cents per bottle. . . (
Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the
Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated
or misbranded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906.
Louisville, Ky.
San Francisco, Call
TJ. S. A.
London, England.
New Tort, N. T.
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colon silk, wool and cotton equally well and Is
guaranteed to give perfect results. Ask dealer, or we will send post paid at 10c package. Writ for free booklet now to dye.
(leech and mix colors. MONROE DRUG CO Unionville. Missouri.
Home-Made Contfh Candy.
A simple home-made cough candy,
which an old-fashioned house-mother
offers, Is as follows: Soak a gill of
whole flaxseed In half a pint of boil
ing water. In another dish put a
cupful of broken bits of slippery elm,
and cover this also with boiling water.
Let them stand for two hours, then
strain them both through a muslin
bag Into a saucepan containing a pound
and a half of granualted sugar. Ex
tract all the liquor you can, stir the
sugar until It Is melted, then allow
it to boll until It turns to candy. Af
ter the syrup has cooked ten minutes,
before It candles, add the juice of two
lemons. When It candies pour It Im
mediately on greased papers.
Oyster Shortcake.
Sift two cups of pastry flour with
four level teaspoonfuls of baking pow
der and one-quarter teasiwonful of
salt Rub In one-quarter cup of but
ter and mix with nearly one cup of
milk. Add the last cautiously In order
toot to have the dough too soft to ban
die. Divide in halves and put each
half on the floured molding board. Pat
one to fit a round pan. Spread one
part with soft butter, lay the other
half on and bake until well browned.
Tear the two portions apart, lay on a
platter and pour one quart of creamed
oysters over.
Hungarian Goulash.
Trim the fat from two pounds of
round stake and cut the meat into
strips or squares of uniform size. In
a tablespoonful of oil In a saucepan
fry a sliced onion brown, then stir In
a tablespoonful of flour and when this
Is browu stir In a pint of clear stock
and season to taste with salt and
paprika. Stir until smooth and thick,
put In the meat, cover closely and sim
mer gently for at least two hours.
Serve with potatoes cut Into rounds
with a potato gouge and boiled. . .
Lcpp Knchen.
The yolks of six eggs and the whites
of three, one pound of brown sugar,
two cups of molasses, a dessert spoon
ful of cinnamon and allspice, mixed,
a little citron and some blanched al
monds, chopped fine; two even tea
spoonfuls of baking powder sifted with
enough flour to make a batter stiff
enough to roll out. Cut Into oblong
shapes. Bake and when done cover
with Icing made of the three remain
ing whites of the eggs and powdered
Creamed Sweetbreads.
Blanch the sweetbreads aud cut Into
small dice. Cook together In a sauce
pan two tablespoonfuls each of butter
and flour and add a pint of cream to
which has been added a pinch of bak
ing soda. Stir to a smooth sauce, sea
son with salt and . pepper, add the
sweetbreads, and, when these are thor
oughly heated, serve, adding a table;
spoonful of minced parsley Just, before
dishing. This recipe Is for two pairs
of Bweetbreads.
New England Indian Pudding;,
Scald a quart of milk, mix together
one cup of molasses, five tablespoon
fuls of Indian meal, one tablespoonful
of flour, one teaspoouful of salt, one
teaspoonful of cinnamon, and stir all
Into the scalded milk. Boll for ten
minutes, turn Into a baking dish and
bake In a slow oven for three hours.
When half done, pour In a pint of cold
Scalloped Oysters.
Use cracker crumbs for scalloped
oysters. For a small dish drain one
pint of oysters and mix one cup of
flue cracker crumbs with one-third cup
of melted butter. Butter a small bak
ing dish and fill with three layers of
cracker ' crumbs and two of oysters.
Season each layer of oyster with salt
and "pepper and bake twenty tu'.uutes,
Banking by Mail
On pavings deposits of a dollar
or more, compounded twice
every year. It is just easy
to open a Savings Account with
us by Ma I as if you lived next
door. Send for our free book
let, "Bank.ng by Mail," and
learn lull particular. AddreSJ
Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sts.
The black diamond fields in Brazil be
long to the government, which farms them
out, and makes a further profit by a 13
per cent export duty.
I'm; Infants and Children.
Tti3 Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
In every 1,000 marriages in Great Brit
ain twenty-one are between first cousins.
Among the nobility the rate is much high-,,
er, amounting to forty-five in 1,000.
Portland Oregon
See Uj Before You Go Elsewhere
Gold Orown, Bridge Work, per
tooib.ft: PiBtcs.55; Silver i-'lUlugs,
60c; Uold Filling, 1.
167 First Strict i-OllTLAA'i), OREGON
Made In all styles and all sizes. Get water and oil
anywhere. Best Drilling Tools made. Get cedar
logs and prices. EEALL & CO.
321 Hawthorr.e Ave. Portland, Or.
For Baby'y Bath: for Baby's Clothes; for
an Eye Wash, Mouth Wash, Sterilizing;
the Bottle, Washing Napkins.
All dealers. Sample Borax, Booklet and Souv
enir Picture in 10 colors, 5 cents and vour deal
er's name. Address PACIFIC COAST BOKAX
CO., Oakland, Cal.
no matter how
bad the weather
You cannot
afford to be .
without a
When you buy
looK for the
All ID
j rewtn co bo ton usa
P. N. U.
No. 15-07
HEN writing to advertliere pleaae
mention tn paper.