jji ilLJ ' 'i fi hWhMWfl A I ' !$? K-A 'mv g.: ;t4 V ?i v f -vl i i : 14 I V :i W ft! Wzi iy tan mlu u am A Masquerade Skating Carnival will be given in Artisan Hall on SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL' 6, 1907 I T7717,f;'' Handsome first and secon prizes for Ladies and Gentlemen under 45 years of age. Graceful skating and Costumes to be taken into consideration in awarding these prizes. An appropriate prize will be awarded to the person over 45 years of age who is adjudged the best skater and the best sustained character. Persons masquerading as the opposite sex will not be entitled to com pete for any of the above prizes. Admission 1 0 and 15 cents Skates 25 cents Unmasked skaters not allowed on the floor until after 8 o'clock Prizes on exhibition at the Drug Store. See them. fFOH UUUUIIW i FOR GOLDS THE WONDER WORKER THROAT Pft. IClflagS j LUMPS CHAS. EBY, SR., of Elizabeth, III., writes: "I paid out over $150 to local phy sicians, who treated me for La Grippe without giving me any relief. I afterward bought a $1.00 bottle of DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY, and after taking contents of this one bottle I was entirely cured." Price 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottles Fm A GENERAL LAND AND REAL ESTATE Business done by W. B. McAlister Good Wlient Lands and Choice Town Lots fcvr Sale at Reasonable Prices LEXINGTON, OREGON C. C. CHICK, M. I). PHYSICIN AM) SUIHiliON Diseases of Women and Children a spec ialty. Calls answered promptly Day or Night. 10NE, ORECON Get Your Name on Tho Wheatfield List F. II. KOBINSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW NOTARY PIBLIC Practice in all Courts. Legal business given prompt and careful attention. Land Contests, Probate Work and Conveyanc ing a specialty. IONK. - OREGON 1 , , Advertise in The Wheatfield. UNITED AFITISAN-S - LeilngtoB Assembly No. 88, Meets evory Saturday ri.ght In Artisan hall. Ethel Wilcox, C. W. Chrlstenson, . Sec. M. A. I. O. O. p. Lexington lodge No, 168. Meets every Wednesday evening In Arti san hall. C. W. Cnrlstensnn P. M. Chrlstenson Sec, N.C. REBEKAH.-Holly lodge No. 139 Lexington, Meets the firut and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30. Mrs, Mary Thomas Mrs. E. J. McAllMer Sec, N. C 1HEM.W.OFA Excelsior Camp. No. 9373, meet in Artisan Hall every 4th Tuesday night of tho month. E. E. Thomas. F. F. Kilts, Clerk. V. C. Congregational Church Preaching service, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. every third and fifth Sunday of each month. Sunday School 2.30 p. m. every Sunday. Rev. J. L. Jones, Pastor. Homer Ferguson .... PROMPT SERVICE REASONABLE CHARGES LEXINGTON, OREGON m SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY - W. P. MCMILLAN'S DRUG STORE 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE . WTi vHr ITWilFTRADC Marks 'VTv' Copyrights Ac. AnTononondliiB a nkotrh nnd description may quickly iiHcurtnin our opinion frue whether an invention Is prohnMy piituntuhlo. Conmiunlnw tlmuntilotlymniuiontlul. HANDBOOK on I'ntrnta out fro. olilost agency for HoourhiR pntentn. I'.iliinta takim tlirouiih Muim & Co. receive tpeaul tiotlcs, wllliout Clmruo, lutue A hnndiomoly Itlniitrntni yroolily. I.nmnst cir culation of nny clonUUo Jouriuil. U'onna, III a yours four niontua, u com uyun rennaouiern. Branch Olllco, tBi IT St., Wnsliluiiton, 1). C. 3irst National Bank of OHeppner Capital Stock $50,000. Surplus and undivided profits $70,000 C. A. RHEA, - President T. A; RHEA, Vice-President G. W. CONSER, - , Cashier E. L. FREELAND, Ass't Csh'r Transacts a General Banking Business Four per cent paid on Time Deposits EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE J0RLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all points at reasonable terms. Pi w. p. McMillan's LUMBER YARD LUMBER. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES WOOD AND COAL Lexington, Oregon WHEATFIELD LAND CO PANY Following are a few of the snaps we are offering. 1400 Acres 1200 acres under cultivation. Well watered and good improvements. Close to market. A rare bargain at $20. Must be taken at once or price will advance. 040 Acres. All good wheat land. No improve ments. A snap at $10. 320 Acres. In crop, subject to lease. 4 miles out. $25. per acre. A snap. 100 Acres All under eultiuation. 3 miles from town. $1000. buys it if taken quick. 3000 Acres. In one tract, 4 miles out. Suita for a colony. Good houses, barns and wells. On ly. $25. per acre including crops. Farming implements, threshing machine, stock and lease on 455 acres of land, all seeded. 2 miles out.This will go quick at $3400. We have two unimproved blocks in the town of Lexington, and several good residences. Come and see us if you want them. If you are looking for a business opening come to Lexington. It's the best business point in the county. We have several snaps in this line. If you want land or have land for sale, call and see us. We can satify you. LEXINGTON, OREGON Read The Wheatfield and be happy as