Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, March 28, 1907, Image 3

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    Ill It
No human MnK ,.,, nto th
world without IniTcflNlnx or diminish
I"'' the sum total of human lillplincm,
not only of the ,IPWH!t, but of every
iiliiMiue.it ago of liu.imiilty. No 0Me
cnn dolm'l. himself fro,,, thin Conner
t on. There Ih no sequestered spot In
tlie UllIverHC. tin (lnrl, ,l,.l i
fllHk of non-exlNlenec to which lie can !
icrim irom urn relations to others
where ho ran withdraw the Influence
of his exigence uprni the moral des
tiny of the world. Everywhere he will
have companions who will bo better or
worse for IiIh Influence.
Mitnt (lull, Wood.
"French walnut In the fluent wood
we have," said the cnhlnet maker, "it
comes from 1'erslu, but It Ih prepared
In France. I have seen French walnut
' 111 n Ioi"id, and It Ih n common
thing to pay $2 a ihihwI for It. Of
fvmrtm If l i . . ..
.v .n uwu principally ror ve
neering. Only millionaires could have
chairs and tables of solid French wal
nut. "Mahogany, wonderful ns It Is, rare
ly fetches such good prices. From $2
to $3 Is a good price per pound for this
"Kbony, If t )n prtox,iHriy
large piece, so -flint It will cut well,
will often bring $r, a pound In the wood
nnrket."-Ihiindolplila Bulletin
New KiikIiiikI I'Iiiiii I'lidillnic.
A pint mid a half each of white
bread crumliH or dice and stoned Mala
ga raisins, one cup of moist brown su
gar, one-iialf cud of New Orlemm mo-
lasses, one cup of suet chopped fine or
muter, a generous pint and a half of
rich milk, five eggs beaten, a tension
of salt, a teaspoon of frcsn grated nut
meg, a scant half teaspoon of ground
cloves and a teaspoon of ground all
spice. If preferred, one teaspoon of
double extract of vanilla limv he bi'Ii.
Btltuted for the cloves and nllunlei. Tim
raisins should be well dusted with flour
SO they will not Sink tn Hir hnttmn
and should be stirred In last of all.
JHiKe from four to five hours In n iWn
pudding dish (earthenware preferred),
generously buttered.
JP6O0GGGC0GQ0Oaci!!w I
$M 1
lit x
8 mmm a
In MWi&Z& fi
0 m m
8 Hirmio s
Penetrates to the Spot !
Riflht on the dot.
Price 23c and 50c I '
Set Ui Before : J You Go Elsewhere
Hold Crowrn.fH; llrlrti W(,rk, per
tooih. Mi Silver Fillings.
Wo Uold Killings, i. , "
107)$ First Btraet l'OH'l XAAiJ, OREGON
Whole Corn llomlnr.
To make Whole corn hmnlnv nut nnn
gallon of shelled corn into one-half gal
lon of weak lye. Roll in n not nr nnv
kind of boiler, adding enough water to
keep the corn covered until the bran
comes off the grain. Usually one "hour
will be sufliclent. Then emntv Into
some large vessel and wash clean. It
Is best to let It soak in clear water nvor
night to take away the strong lye taste.
men put in a clean vessel and boll
with clear water until the corn Ih onft-
which requires alrout one-half ,l,iv 'nr
much water Is required for the grains
and should be about dry when finished
and two or three times natural size. If
the corn Is boiled too long In lye, or, If
the lye Is too strong, it will not swell
In boiling.
Plain Mincemeat.
Put two hearting cuns of finelv
chopped meat Into a large granite ket
tle, add eight CUU9 of molasses, mm pur.
j of sugar, one and one-half cups of 1110-
xasses, one cup of butter, or a half cup
of butter and a half cun of melted
suet, two cups of boiling water and one
cup of the vlnecar from sweet i.!cki,i
peaches, one cup of whole but seeded
raisins, one-half nutmeg grated, two
level tablespoons of cloves, one-half tea
spoon of allspice and three level ton.
spoons of salt ; add also the grated yel
low rino. and Juice of one lemon nT
all together and simmer one hour. More
salt ana water may be needed.
TM llfi A In nil a1n - . . .
, Bijivn mm au Bizes. uet water and oil
321 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Or.
have etoorl th ta t-
. - - awi utcrwvpnn
nd are it II in th 1.0,1 ti
, , - ttusomie
certainty of growth, their uncommonly
h.,7.fr.T i " -""".V?1 Bn
I, , t ma mein tlie most
k -"" je most popular every.
. n. u t mi ucmcra. i ii i
Seed Annual free on request.
D. M. FERRY & CO.,
Detroit, Mich.
Corn-HTf.nl Pnff..
Take one cun of lint miiir nno t-M
: spoonful of melted butter and a pinch
i salt; mix well together and add half
a cup or corn meal. Let the mixture
l-ooi wane Deating two eggs; add a
fourth of a cup of sugar to the eggs and
a fourth of a cun of flour In wlilnn tn-r.
teaspoonfuls of bnklng powder are!
mixeu. stir tnis all together thorough
ly and then put it with the milk and
orn meal, wiien beaten smooth nm.r
into not muflin tins and hnko nhnnt
twenty minutes. When making puffsi
ji uiuiuns it pays to give careful atten
tion so that they may be perfect when
em to tue tame ror breakfast.
An Hvrrrdar Ocimiiu.
"The clearing iu court of that receiver
ui iuien boouh was a iiomoly sort of tri
umph for the lawyers."
"In what way?"
"It was a whitMvnsliinir f e
xjaiuuiore American.
Stood the Test.
AI CORK'S P.flMfflfH luivti r..i...
i . ! , l,.,c t 1 sixty years' use by the puli
llfi : trK'lr vtrtiiou ivftvu ntn ... i 'n .
i , i v,. ...,v iimvi men equalled
by the unscrupulous im tutors who h ,vk
ii i i i ul'u," " reputation of
Allcock h by making plasters with holes in
All(Iock,"''1,lf? tlle'" t0 ' US oocl as
Allt'Oek's nlnstora s.,r.l (,!.. :.i . . ,
y not only the lngbe t medical author
ities but by millions. of grateful patients
who have proved their efficacy as A house
hold remedy.
"I feel awfully sorry for Mabel, don't
"Why sorry?"
"The poor girl can't blush." Wash
ington Star.
Onlv One "RROMnnniwiup"
That in I.AXATIVK BKOMO Quinine. Rlml
arly named remedies nompt meg deceive
PACK AO f'wl fli" Pi " "il Co1? T"ljlet 18 R WITK
rALKAOh with black and red etterinz and
bears the signature of K. W. GROVK 26eV
Pins have been found among the Egyp
tian mummies and in the prehistoric caves
of Switzerland.
Filipino Go to Hawaii.
Filipino laborers are lenvinv M,mtia
for Hawaii In parties of from 50 to 100.
These men and their fnmii IDA IT I 4a
- e iv
Hawaii as contract laborers on sugar
plantations. Extension nf In...
Ing in the Philippines can not be car
ried on while the door of the great
imeriean market is nrnrtlmilliT ci,,,4
i .....j uiui
CI frn ! .-4 T 1. 1 1 1 ! . ,
"s""1" uiiiiipiiie proaucts.
IVo ADOlnirr VauiI.i
"I hope our running the graphophone
last night didn't anuoy you," said the
renter of the third floor flat.
"What?" responded the new renter of
.ouria noor fiat, producing an ear
1. 1 Kill JML,
"I say It's a fine morning," bellowed
the other, into the trumpet.
PILES CURED IN 6 TO 1.1 hive
Z .eMnK blIn"' b,ce,11"ftor protruding
' " " uy or money refunded.50c.
Mad to Stand tor It.
Bacon The leader of thnt .i,,-
Is on his feet nearly the whole time
Isn't he? '
Egbert Yes; It reallv senmo t,,i
- - .r t-vv 11 a LI
that he has to stand for rimt- ri..,.i
vuv 4141J lUg,
Yonkers Statesman.
ShlJS fla3 ,Mr- Winsiow'.'ooothing
oyrup the btsrt remain in il.i. -. . .
uring the tootUns pertoa. CUUUra
Literal Information.
"Did the doctor cauterize that dog's
bite for you?"
"Goodness gracious! Why not?"
"He seemed to nrefer to nmifnvi..
4 . ' ui.i 1 1 14Z LUC
Place the dog bit."-I$aItiinore American.
Made a Wonderful Record
Knleker How did Whackem qualify
as a railroad export?
Boeker He once caught a train by a
time table. New York Sun
tanking by Mail
On savings deposits of a dollar
or more, compounded twice
every year. It is just as easy
to open a Savings Account with
us by Ma 1 as if you lived next
cloor. Send fo our free book
et, "Jiank.ng by Mail," and
learn lull paitculara. Address
Oregon Tru.!. fi,
Savings Bank
Portland, Oregon
Sixth and Washington Sts.
L. DOlini a c
itnUES FOR EVERYBfPrtY at aii nn-o.
part of the shoe and cverv dpt.aii J i, i.. , , "v?: L,acu
Z byl-edo7ma wi
Shoos are made. W would t ,en t-T" ?J?P?.!lLLVAbm
vear longer, and are of greater value :ih7n Z LlZdlT ttlelr 8haPe. bctte
;m:ne nnd prlw i, Manipnl on tl, hotln,,, .17"....
w. i),n.Ii. Lr;"' '",u" lnan any other ma
priwii and l,i,.Tlnr 9lio. 'iVkV J -?.?" ' l.1!0"0'!!- wJeh proteet the wmm-in.
ItriWl ItWtf.a K,.o .v, i ,. r.-...r.i nfc.t
.. . ... miiir niiu
w -wcjxmMW. Catalog matted Jree. .L. JbCtoSS iirockToaM
SifThe Finest Gardens
.1 . .
Seeds niX Vk ? otland Seed Co-s "Diat"nd Brand"
bestl Mhli cL V KBe53USe ,We se" yu ,he klndsthat grow
oest on this Coast. Our handsome v illi1r!iH ,5..-
. Annua, tells a about our Seeds. Plants RoSes Tnr""p '7
rertmzers. incubators RnH.r. d..i Jn . ; ""'f
, i anu Dee supplies.
0 &J,&Jvi r
" """" " 4!01 iree on request.
Portland. Oregon SpoRane.
M. Griffiths, a r renpli oi!nnfln4 i j.
covered evidence of radio-activity in the
ucuiiB ui several nowerij nx ni r.. i.
uco, ouuuuncrs unu geraniums.
Much of tho Mllnt.. lhH 1. 1. .
c-u T J tuluuiii wnicn tlie
fciDerian railway passes had never been
naverseu Dy wuite men before tho 0r
fira noma J
I'll II It hlll'll il h M.WfrSmmlmn
etna con&ider
r ion
rtulprik in liUflr Arv4llmu
fully tfuawntftd.jnifjoldly
lJMf. " -""-Mumt
in nfci nir ujiLy
In hot water (I tablcspoonful to a quart) will
tasily and quickly clean tarnished silver, forks,
spoons and metal ware giving a high polish.
)' dealers. Sample Borax, Souvenir Picture
ln S.cS!'irsand """Wet 6c. and dealer'B name
P. N. U.
No. 13-07
WHEN writing to advertisers please I
mention this paper. I
Manle Crenmm.
Shred the maple sugar flnolv nni riia.
solve in a saucepan over the fire u-ith a
gill and a half of water. Remove the
scum as it rises, and then boll up. If
the maple sirup is quite clear and free
irom scum continue bo I nir. hut if itm
thick add another gill of water, con
tinuing to remove the senm. Rrimr ti..
-i 4. - . "
sirup to a temperature of 240 do
then remove, place on a wet marble slab
ana smootn it out with a eonfentinnorW
spatula. While eoolinc add a tensr.-..
ful of cream, two ounces of finely
chopped walnuts, knead well, roll out
to nair an inch ln th ckness nnri
1 '--.v. vufc
into squares.
Currant Loaf.
Beat half a cud of butter n-nnr
- 4" ' V1CUU1,
Gradually beat ln one cup of sugar,
ureu one cup or currants, nnri tho i,nt
' LMJ441,-
en yolk of three eggs ; add alternately
"un a cup or miiK and one cup and
three-fourths of sifted flour, sifted
again witn four level teaspoonfuls of
uaaing power, and Inst v thu uu
- "mica
of three eggs, beaten light. Turn into
a snanow pan, dredge the top with
granulated sugar, and bake about forty
Hot Sauce for Ice Cream.
Boll a pound of
- "o4 nuu U
very little water until lr hoo.i,,a .
"thread," then stir in a half-cup of
.English walnut meats broken Into bits.
If these are not enough to make the
sauce thick, add more nut monta t
hot over the vanilla ice cream and
serve at once.
Peppermint Creams.
To the white of one eetr mi,.
drops of essence of nennermint d
4-4 -.4. 4JCOI
the mixture well and then add about
half a DOUnd Of iolncr an car hv A
eating assiduously until tho mivf,,
J Is sufficiently stiff to form into shapes.
One of the Important Duties of Physicians'
aim me vveiMnioimed 01 the Vorld
Co., by reason of its correct methods and PBaSSTi
its product has attained to the high standing in sciSc and l ooZZt i .'J
is accorded to successful and reliable house! SdTcTttStoSS Sfi
Company has becoma a mrnnten nf th nJL Jrsr. : : V ' mt tiie name of toe
o ww w iv Ha reffleuy,
atDeal to tho Woii.T
cess and creditable siag, TheSe h t Z Z VSTT1
enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact i Afa?
living with aU the term implies. With proper knowledge of IwhJ .? w,. lS
of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation andoTeffort mJ S 2& t f
to that end and the use of medicines dth g1?!
as in many instances a simple, wholesome rmbSUtSt SI
proper time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is SS iSSJli T at th
truthfully the subject and to ?he oneTerS kjS
ftfffl f Phr &m t?d ?6 orld-wide acceptance of the WeTlXmed b caZ
of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original mrfwS., i
tore, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. onlyT d f manufac-
o. T5il,.valuabIe1 femed7 has teen long and favorably known under the nama
known To phS
laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate nam Ks of liiSSrf
Senna-as more fully descriptive of the remedy but douSL?v It i ?
called for by the shorter name of Syrup JStoS!T b5
note, when purchasing, the full name of the wlpuSiaSfSiS1 grUp cT
plainly printed on the front of every package, whether vou simr.1v e l qP '1
gs-or by the full name-Syrup olligs and ElSCntSXJrfKS
Elixir of Senna-is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fie K!
cpJ riginal PaCkaSeS f 0116 8iZQ WthTre
ReWtn?Je!3 bA0tt1-9 nSld U?w i? general arantee of the Company, filed with the
becretary. of Agriculture, at Wash ngton. D. C that thn rem Z ,1 1 ?
miBbranded within th,' meaning of the Ptand Dnigs ArtJnne 80th 19ol!!
Louisville, Ky.
San Francisco, CaL
U. 8. A.
London, England.
New York, N. T.