Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, March 14, 1907, Image 7

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    Fabulous Sums I'uli! fur Tun,
801110 rnre old porcolulng and furnl
turn were recently wild nt a London
auction, bringing priced which attMt
to the demand among thu wealthy lor
tint lino art works of ancient days, 'J no
moat eoiiHiilcuouH were old Clilnno
Vbhch and beaker and Mandarin Jars.
A pair of vaw'8, of what Ih known In
China at the Hang-tut! ix-rlod, brought
a fraction under SUO.OOO. The Clilni'No
beakers Hold for $15,000. A pair of
Mandarin Jiirn brought $8,250, and a
pair of Ky-Un Jars $2,050. Four Chip
pendalo chairs, however, made a good
showing ngulnut the carious art of tile
Kant, and Hold for $18,575, while u
Louis XV clock-case brought $1,800.
Hum ii-1 Wai All In.
The mlnlHter of a negro church In
Richmond gave out a funeral notice
one Sunday as follows :
"1 have to announce to you, bred
ren and sisters, tint do funeral of do
only Hurvlvln' son of de late Thoniac
Tinkers an' his widow, Martha J.tnc
Tinkers, both deceased, will take phice
an' come to occurrence on Tuesday
next at 12 in., noon precisely.
"An' I have to Bay, bredren and
Bisters, dat contributions for carryln'
out dat funeral will be In order an'
acceptations, or else de funeral can't
take place, exceptln' and save only
as a plain burial; fo' Samuel Tinkers
has got Jos' money enough to bury
himself without any obsequious cere
monies, such as he deserves." liar
Der's Wecklv.
Mnrrlnire Utcr-nlly a Lottery.
That marriage Is a lottery Is not
merely a figure of speech In the prov
ince of Smolensk, Russia ; It Is an
actual fact There four times every
year a lottery Is held, the capital prize
being a young country girl, with some
times a good dowry In sheep. The price
of a ticket Is about 85 cents. At a
single drawing 5,000 tickets are sold.
He who Is fortunate enough to draw
the lucky ticket has his alternative
he may marry the girl if she pleases
him, also gaining thereby $4,250, In ad
dition to whatever the girl brings with
her as dowry, or, If the "prize" in ques
tion does not please him, he can turn
the ticket over to a friend.
Fnllh with Work.
Everywhere over the dwellings of the
natives of the great central plateau of
Bolivia Is the grass cross. Charles
M. Topper, the author of "Tanama to
Tatagonln," states that he rarely found
a hut without this symbolism.
The cross, ho was told, was blessed
by the priest, and then It kept out the
rain, which at times Is very heavy.
One old man, whose undoubted ortho
doxy was, at least, without a crust of
superstition, was asked If tha crosses
really did keep out the rain.
"Yes, If the roof Is a good one," he
gravely replied.
Female house servants command from
$5 to $20 a month in South Africa.
Cure the Kidneys and the Pain Will
Never Return.
Only one sure way to cure an aching
back. Cure the cause, the kidneys.
Thousands tell of cures
made by Doan's Kid
ney Pills. John C.
Coleman, a prominent
merchant of Swains
boro, Ga., says: "For
several years my kid
neys were affected, and
my back ached day
ind night. I was lan
guid, nervous and lame in the morning.
Doan's Kidney Pills helped me right
away, and the great relief that followed
has been permanent."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
To Sunny Alberta
March 25 and every
two weeks thereafter;
$42 for round trip,
which includes berth
and meals. Trip costs
you nothing if you
buy land. Write and
learn about our Spe
cial Pullman Car Ex-
H. E. Barnum Land Go.
Portland, Oregon
214-215 Chsmber of Commerce
Monk Turtle Soup.
Boll a calf's head until the meat
slips easily from the bones, then tako
from the fire and leave untouched until
the next day. Now remove the bones,
take off the fat and return the stock
to the Are. Tut Into the stock the
chopped oars, a grated carrot, a grated
onion and a small bunch of soup
greens, with spices, salt and pepper to
taste. Return the bones to the stock
and boil all gently for an hour. Strain,
thicken with a brown roux, Reason with
kitchen bouquet and, when thick, stir
In dice of uniform size cut from the
tongue and cheeks of the calf's head.
Add a wlneglassful of sherry and the
Juice of a half-lemon. Put In forcemeat
balls If these are liked. Serve very hot
with a slice of lemon In each plate.
White Dread.
Heat two cups of milk In a double
boiler, put In a rounding teaspoon of
butter, and when molted and the milk'
Is lukewarm, stir In one-half yeast cake
dissolved In one cup of lukewarm
water.. Turn all Into two quarts of
flour, to which add a rounding tea
sj)oon each of sugar and salt. Mix and
turn on to a molding board and knead
fifteen cnlnutes. Cover and let rise over
night. Knead well In the morning,
making Into four loaves, knead each
loaf five minutes, put In pans and let
rlRe, which will take nearly an hour.
Have the oven hot enough to check ris
ing at first, then reduce It and bake the
bread slowly.
Cream Roll Potatoe.
Cut pared potatoes Into tiny dice and
drop Into ice water to crisp. Trepare
a cream sauce flavored with onion
Juice, celery salt or minced parsley, as
preferred, allowing one pint of sauce
for each scant pint of potatoes. Add
the potatoes to the sauce, turn Into a
buttered saucepan and bake In a steady
oven until the potatoes are perfectly
tender and the sauce absorbed. Fold
over like an omelet and turn out on a
hot dish. Garnish with parsley.
Frnlt Padding.
..Mix lightly through some flour two
teaspoonfuls of baking powder and a
teaspoonful of salt, work In a large
tablespoonful of lard and two cups of
water. Stir the dough, adding flour
until It Is as stiff as It can be stirred,
then put Into a greased two-quart pud
ding mold a layer of dough, then one of
dried apricots or other fruit, then an
other of dough, until the tin Is two
thirds full, having the top layer of the
dough. Steam for two hours and serve
with liquid sauce.
Steamed Golden Podding,
Required : Four ounces of flour, two
ounces of sugar, four ounces of finely
shredded suet, two eggs, half a lemon,
two ounces of breadcrumbs, two table
spoonfuls of golden syrup. Mix the dry
Ingredients together, then beat up the
eggs and stir In the syrup, also the
grated rind and Juice of half a lemon.
Pour Into a buttered mold, tie down
with paper, and steam one hour and a
half. Serve with a little hot golden
syrup poured round.
Sour Sance.
One cup of granulated sugar, one
third cup of butter, one heaping table
spoonful of flour, two tablespoonfuls of
vinegar, one-half a nutmeg, grated.
Cream the sugar, butter and flour to
gether, add the vinegar and nutmeg
and then pour In about a pint of boil
ing water, stirring the sauce while
pouring In the water. Cook for a few
minutes to thicken.
Egg Blnno Mange.
Make blanc- mange with sea moss
farlne, pour into egg shells from which
the eggs have been blown, and set to
cool. When cool break the egg shells
and place the eggs In a glass dish ; cut
strips of lemon peel, let them boil In a
syrup of sugar and water till they are
tender, and sprinkle them over the egg
shapes. Serve with sugar and cream.
To Pickle Green Tomatoes.
Slice thin a peck of full grown green
tomatoes. Pour over them enough vin
egar to cover, and add to each quart of
vinegar an ounce each of whole cloves,
allspice, pepper, two ounces of yellow
mustard seed and two white onions,
chpped fine. Boll all together for a
minute, then set aside to cool, and In a
week they will be ready for use.
Frnlt Balad.
Peel and divide Into lobes four
oranges and cut each lobe Into three
pieces ; blanch a cup of English walnut
kernels and break Into pieces of uni
form size; seed a cup of whole grapes.
Mix these Ingredients together, set In
the Ice until thoroughly chilled, heap
In a glass bowl lined with crisp lettuce
leaves and cover with a mayonnaise
Personal Knowledg
n 1 1 1 1 1- L fnrfnr in im eulminatincr contests of thifl
personal stnawieugo o m - B
. 1. 1 t ,. - L
competitive age and when of ample character K placet us ronunaw powewor us
the front rank, of We ,nformed of the World.
A vast fund of personal knowledge ia really essential to the achievement of
the highest excellence in any field of human effort
A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and
Knowledge of Products are all of the utmost value and in question of
life and health when a true and wholesome remedy ia desired it should be remem
bered that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co is an ethical product which haa met with the approval of the most em
inent physicians and gives universal satisfaction, because it ia a remedy of
Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Com
ponent Parts and has won the valuable patronage of millions of the Well
Informed of the world, who know of their own personal knowledge and from
ectual use that it is the first and best of family laxatives, for which no extra
vagant or unreasonable claim are made. ,
This valuable remedy haa been long and favorably
Lnown under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to
world-wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. Aa
its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known
to physicians and the Well Informed of the world to be tho
best we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of
. . t 11 1 e
Figs and Elixir oi Senna as more tuny descriptive ci
the remedy, but doubtlessly it will alwaya be called
for by the shortei name of Syrup of Figs and to get
its beneficial effects, always note, when purchasing,
the full name of the Company California Fig
Syrup Co. printed on the front ot every package,
whether you call tor ayrup or rigs
or by the full name Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna.
LOUrSVILLE.KY:. londontngund. NEW YORK.N.Y.
The cow tree of Venezuela gives off an
excellent sap very closely resembling ani
mal milk in its chemical nature.
That Is LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. Simi
larly named remedies sometimes deceive.
The tint and original Cold Tablet is a WHITE
PACKAGE with black and red lettering, and
bears the signature of . W. GROVE. 25c.
Engine drivers working from Crewe fo
London and back have to notice no fewer
than 570 signals.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winnow s Ooothlng
Syrup the beat remedy to use lor their children
luring tho teething period.
There are four millionaires in Great
Britain to one in France.
There is more Catarrh in this section of the
country than all other diseases put together,
and until the last few years was supposed to be
incurable. For a great many years doctors pro
nounced It a local disease, and prescrlbedlocal
remedies, and by constantly failing to cure
with local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science b as proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease, and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu
factured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is
the only constitutional cure on the market. It
is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a
teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one
hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure.
Bend for ciroulars and testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHENEY dc CO., Toledo, O
Bold by Druggists, 76c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Quite 80.
"Well, you haven't won your strike
for shorter hours, have you?"
"No, but we'll succeed In the long
"But to be really successful, you
know, you'll have to make short work
of It" Philadelphia Press.
PAZO OINTMENT Is guarenteed to cure any
case of iching, blind, bleeding or protruding
piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 60c.
Long and Short of It.
Scribbles Now that you have begun
to write poetry I suppose you will
wear your hair long.
Dribbles I'll hear It as long as I
can, but, of course, I expect to become
bald sooner or later.
Catalogue free. Tangent, Oregon
Made In all styles and all sizes. Get water and oil
anywhere. Best Drilling Tools made. Oet cata
logs and prices. BEALL & CO.
321 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Or.
Sec U Before Yob Go Elsewhere
Gold Crown, (3; Brldce Work, per
tooth, 3; Plates. f6; Silver Fillings,
60c; Uold Fillings, (1.
167J First Street PORTLAND, OREGON
Portland Oregon
OWAltD E. BURTON. Assayer ari Chemist.
Lesuiville. Colorado. SDeL-imen prWes: Gold.
Silver, is ad, (1 ; Gold, Silver, Vie. ; Gold, too ; Zinc or
Copper, Si. Cyan ido tea's. Mailing envelopes and
run price list sent on application, vomrui miu u m
pire work solicited. iwlerencet Carbonate Na
tional Bank.
prove their worth at harvest
time. After over fifty years of
success, they are pronounced
te best and surest by careful
planters everywhere. Your
dealer sells them. 1007 Seed
Annual free on request.
J. M. FERRY A CO., Detroit, Mich.
will aive you com-
plete protection
and long service
You can't afford
to buy any other
Every garment
The best dealers sell it
makes clothes snowy white, hygien
icaUy clean and will not injure the fin
est fabrics, shrink flannels or cause col
ors to run.
All dealers. Sample Borax, Booklet and Souv
enir Picture In 10 colors, 5 cents and your deal
er's name. Address PACIFIC COAST BORAX
CO., Oakland, Cal.
P. N. U.
No. 11-07
HEN writing to advertloeii please
ui eu nun huh paper
ro rf a run co en euncc bestir mgz.
Men's Shoes, SO to 1.50. Boys' Shoes, 3 to l.iS5. Women's
Shoes. 4 to 91.50. Misses' Si Children's Shoe. W8.25 to W1.00.
W. L.Douglas shoos are recognized by expert ludgos of footwear
to be the best in style, fit and wear produced in this country. Each
part oi me snoe aim every aoiaii oi me muKinpf is looKeu alter
and watched over by skilled shoemakers, without m?nrd to
time or cost. If I could take you into my larsro factories at J
Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W. L. Douirlaa I
shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit betta
-vear lungnr, aim artj ui realtor value Mian any oiner maK6S.
W. I. VonilM name nd price it stamped on the bottom, which protects the wearer smtfnst hlch.
prices and interior shoes. Take So Kuiiatltute. Hold hytfie hem shoe dealers everywhere
fall C'otor tveleli uted excltutvelv. Catalog mailed Jrce. W. L.. UUUOJjAH, Jirocktou.Mna
The Finest Gardens
Are always reported when Portland Seed Co.'s "Diamond Brand"
Seeds are planted. Why ? Because we sell you the kinds that grow
best on this Coast. Our handsomely Illustrated and descriptive
Annual tens all about our Seeds, Plants. Roses, Spray Pumps.
fertilizers. incuDators, Brooders, Poultry and Bee Supplies.
Aik far Book No. 260 Wt iljo hjvt ipedil eattlof
of TrtM, Shrubs. Etc.'. Book No. 261 request.
Portland. Oregon
Spokane, Wash.