FOUND AT LAST J., A. Harmon, of Llzemore, West Va., says: "At last I have found the perfect pill that never disappoints me; and for the benefit of others afflicted with torpid liver and chronic constipa tion, will say: take Dr. King's New Life Pills." Guaranteed satisfactory, 25c at W. P. McMillan's Dwgglst. F. H. ROBINSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW NOTARY PI'BLIC Practice in all Courts. Legal business given prompt and careful attention. Land Contests, Probate Work and Conveyanc- ... ing a specialty. . . IONE. - OREGON Hotel Lexington Opposite Leach Brothers, store, Mrs. A E. Beymer, Prop. Good meals served Newly furnished, refitted with hot and . cold water. Strict attention to guests. ' Rates one dollar per day and upwards, LEXINGTON OREGON. Congregational Church Preaching service at 11 a. m. and. 7:30 .p. m. every third and fifth , Sunday of each month. Sunday School 2.30 p. m. every Sunday, . Rev. J. L. Jones, Pastor. WUltKKI) LIKH A CHAUM ' Mr. D. N. Walker, editor of that sdIcv iournal. the Enterprise, Louisa, Va., says: "1 ran a nail in my foot last week and at once applied Bucklen s Arnica Salve. No inflamation follow ed; the salve simply healed the wound." Heals every sore, burn and skin dis ease. . Guaranteed at W. , P. McMill an's Druggist. 25c. Homer Ferguson . . . . GRAYING ANll TRANSFERRING PROMPT SERVICE ' REASONABLE CHARGES LEXINGTON, OREGON READ THE WHEATFIELD m F ?fri!tr EXPEDIENCE i . -V. t. 'J-L.'f jlklJ vv4. Trade Maims designs Rnpv,"MGKT3 &C. . ... n aiming o.irf ripQrhitlnn iwnv onlckly asi'oriiiin our oj-lnU-n froo wlunlmt n.i tl'.iiHflricllvco!ilk!oull:il. HANl'EQOK on I'aleuu Bout free. (Hiloat iicenoy for sooiiii'iir iiiiteuri. Patents taken tlu-.uu:1i Ilium & Co. recel70 iprrfitl notice, without clnireo, iutlie A tmnnompl7 !l!i;ptrnloi1 I.nreent olr dilution of nnv i k-piili.i Journal, 'i nM.$ I a vour: four months, tL Buiabyull jiewsclctiler?. BUSH&Go.BIBto1icr!; Blanch Ofiico. i-'5 F St, Wnsbluatoa, 1). C. Get Your Name ou. The Wheatfield List , , y i LEXINGTON Branch of BANK OFHEPPNER E. D. BROWN, Manager. HIS GREAT SERVICE. An Illnatrntlon of (lie (ienuroHlty ut tlie Kldor Duiima. Dumas pore wivn manager of the Theatre Historlque wis continually Bludylng the influence ol' the teinpwrn ture ou the sale of tickets at least,' ho seemed to do so. In I'lU't, this Boemlus luterest In the' showing of the ,tuer? iwouieter was, like so many other acts of his, nothing hut an expression of the proverbial kindness of his heart, 'v. One day Pumas happened to meet an old friend whom he had not seen for thirty jTnrs. "Where are yon Koinj? to dine tonight?" ho asked the friQutl. "Tonight I shall dine nowhere,", was the answer. -- . ' "Oh, 110," said Dumas; "you are mis taken. You wil dine with mo." He led the friend Into his house and save hhn the upper place at , his Tin poor man had not had such a dinner for a Ion. time, and lHnnas when re tiring Into his writing room after the 'coffee said. "It is a matter of course that I expect you tomorrow at the same time." The friend came the next day, and the day aflvr this,' and . 0:1 for tea years up 'to his death. Oae day, how ever, lie told Pumas that an he y,as eating bread he did not earn 1Ji!a ar rangement could not.e;:ir;u:;. "if I am not able honestly to ear.i :y ia '..yds 1 shall not come a;:ain what way 1 can be of ci Dumas tU.iu;;!it a mo:' said: "Yon can do me a You. may to til,' ueA- i :: day and take the tuiiterau.: valler's thermoaieter. Tho lure, you um.--.i. kuw. hi (;' meut In the i-i:'.:tr of I cts. C(.iu!.l you tlo this: The iiooi' fell.v.v ii::; tivc'.y and from that to D:-.i:ias every day thermonsetei' showed f?. and dc"."rees in the shade." A;r who of couvse did, not ear" !n.t!v l-:st t.:iipt.T.!, r.';.jcd wil'i the naiue revdarily: "I a;.: very much cblirrotl. If you only kr.ew what a service you are doing me:''-Harper's Weekly. , 1 i 1 if ra e t. 0 yoa." 5,i: then he :vat, t.nor. evei'y .rr J'V Vhiv !a:i- tj:ik .f t Wll- iw,-ri"l alilnrri-in;;- on reporied "At 1100:1 the o mariy Pumas. o N CAPITAL STOCK 50,000.00, FULLY FAI1 Loans made at Eight per cent. Four per cent, in terest paid on Time Deposits. o n A GENERAL LAND AND REAL ESTATE Businesss done by W. B. McALISTER Good Wheat Lands and Choice Town Lots for : Sale at Reasonable Prices. H LEX NGTON. OKtUUN THE GOLDEN RULE OF THREE Three things to be pure, just and honest. Three thinsrs to live courage, nffoc tion and gentleness. Three things to govern temper, tonjue and conduct. Three things for which to light hon or, home and country. Three things to cherish the true, the beautiful and the good. Three things about which to think life, death and eternity. Three things to commend thrift, In dustry and promptness. Three thlng3 to despise cruelty, ar rogance and ingratitude. Three things to love the wise, the virtuous and the Innocent. Three things for which to wish health, friends and contentment. Three things to admire dignity, gracefulness and Intellectual power. Three things to attain goodness of heart, Integrity of purpose and cheer fulness of disposition. Leadership. Don't Be u Senxitivo I'lant. The sensitive plant is found In the church. The pastor has a difficult time keeping hlra In humor to do church wr!i. The sensitive plant Is found In political circles. The candidates must handle him with gloves. The sensitive plant. Is found In all avenues of hu man activity. Most generally he Is a nuisance. Don't be one. Columbia Herald. coughs -QUICKEST. CURE colds THE WONDER WORKER THROAT pDR. KING'S I LUNGS FOR COUGHS AMD COLDS I CHAS. EBY, SR., of Elizabeth, 111., writes: "I paid out over $150 to local phy sicians, who treated me for La Grippe without giving me any relief. I afterward bought a $1.00 bottle of DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY, and after taking contents of this one bottle 1 was entirely cured." - Prise 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottles Frst SOLD HIP BECDWEIIDED BY " W. P. MCMILLAN'S DRUG STORE W. P. , Mc M I L L AN 'S LUMBER YARD LIMBER. DOORS, .l'.WINDOWS,!!:SHINGLES WOOD AliD COAL Lexington., Oreeon TRY THE WHEATFIELD A 1 1 It" . ' v iA ' f - v r 4, Ml i I II l! ii 1 FOR YOUR JOB WORK ...PUBLIC SALE... On Tuesday March 19, 1907, I will offer at auction, at my farm, 6 miles north of lone, 22 Horses, Some Cattle Farm Machinery, Harness, Wagons, etc. Terms: Sums over $10. notes due November 1st, with interest. 5 per cent, discount for cash. R. R Grabeel. MAGAZINE READERS SUNSET 1-AGAZINE and articlet bout California ud 3 .UtheF.rWt. .J"" CAMERA CRAFT deroted each month to the ar- tistic reproduction of the be. t !pl.00 work of amateur and profewional a jretr photographers. EOAD OF A THOUSAND WONDERS book of 75 pages, containing 120 colored photographs of $0.75 picturesque spots in California and Oregon, Tol . . . $3.25 All for ... . $1.50 Address all orders to SUNSET MAGAZINE Flood Building San Francisco A. J. CALKIN.... JEWELER Watchmaker and Registered Optician AH Work Guaranteed Repairing a Specialty Lexington, - Oregon R. C. HUNTER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. All cases attended to promptly, day or night. Office over Drug Store. Residence in, Boothby property. LEXINGTON - OREGON. UNITED ARTISANS Lexington Assembly No. 88, Meets every Saturday n.ght In Artisan hall. Ethel Wilcox, C. W. Christenson, Sec. M. A. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of The-Interior . Land Offtce at The Dalles, Oregon, February 15, 1907 Notice Is hereby given that JEREMIAH J. OHLER. of lone, Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to make final commutation proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 14788 made Nov. 9, 1905, for the NE 1-4 of Sec tion 29, Township 1 South, Range 25 E., W. M., and that said proof will be made before J. P. Williams, U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Hepp ner, Oregon, on March 25th, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, the land, viz: T. J. Allyn, Albert Allyn, of lone, Oregon. J. R. Mead, Theo Cork, of Lexington, Oregon. Michael T. Nolan, 2-21-3-21 Register. I. O. O. F. Lexington lodge No. 168. Meets every Wednesday evening in Arti san hall. C. W. Cnristenson C. R. McAlister, Sec. N. G. REBEKAH--Holly lodge No. 139 Lexington, Meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30. Mrs. Mary Thomas Mrs. E. J. McAlister Sec, i N.G THEM, W. OF A .Excelsior Camp. No. 9873, meet in Artisan Hall every 4th Tuesday night of the month. E. E. Thomas. F. F. Klitz, . Clerk. V. C. M. E. Church South Preaching every second and fourth Sundays, both morning and evening. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Epworth League at 6:30 every Sunday evening. Every one cordially, Invited to attend these, services. Rev T. P. Graham", Pastor. Read The Wheatfield and be happy. Advertise In The Wheatfield.