Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, February 21, 1907, Image 3

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    AbiouUIiIuk Iffnoranoe.
Musical Customer What a fine old
poclmen you have up (hero lu that glass
case! In It n SlradivnriiiH?
Ni-w Sali'Hiiiiiii Hlrnddy whnt? OokIi,
mister I Don't you know a fiddle when
you hco one?
Vl-MMV y FlttE Earthquake
g&WnSMffiSV KninciVo prmi.lHCH.c.
Wi, but Dr. Pierce s
in Electric Belts
Trusses may Mt II
i in I by nililrCHsIng
Send I
fn-w Circular
rir. m ;is v isurv, 1117
Chestnut Hi,, Alameda, ( ill.
Keep this fur reference.
Catalogue Free. Tangent, Oregon
mm re-nags iiiubi ruicu Dooklet, giving l.i
Uses fur HiirflT In tlm llnmn k'tirm at..l Tiu
and a Souvenir Picture, 7x14 In., 10 colors
tree for bn and your dealer' namo. Adtress
1'aclllo toast llorux Co., Oakland, Cat,
Many Afflicted Country People
are coming to us for treatment and
returning homo cured. We perma
nently nun promptly cure inmgcs-
iciitiy una nromiiilv
tlnn, Klieumatlsin, all i'rlvate anil
Hasting Diseases, Nervous Disor
ders, Diseases of Women ami Child
run, liczema,- Mood, Skin anil
Chronic Diseases. No matter what
your trouble may be, come to see us.
Free Consultation mi Elimination.
NewYork Surgical and Medical Institute
Permanently Located1 at Corner of Sixth and
(32 Wajhinjton Sti., Portland, Or.
Of fcaglnaw, Michigan.
Capital Stock.
deposited with
Ins. Pept. of
asking about our popular one dollar a
month plan that pays aeciiiental death
ami accident and sick indemnity. Give
ago and occupation. All business on
tin' Pacific Coast paid through the first
National Bank of Portland.
R. L. ALCRICH, Mgr. Western Office.
209-210 Marquam Bldg. Portland, Oregon
Made In all styles am) all sizes. Uet water and oil
anywhere, liest Drilling Tools made, (let cata
logs anil prices. BEALL & CO.
321 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Or.
"When you buy
you want
complete '
and long
These and many
other good points
&re combined In
Tbu can't afford
to buy any other ,
ajTowe co boho via.
Wonderful Home
This wonderful Chi
nese Doctor Is called
great becauso he cures
people without opera
tion that art g ven up
to die. He cures whh
those wonderful Chi
nese herbs, roots, buds,
barks and vegetables
that are entirely un
known to medleal sci
ence In this country through the use of those
harmless remedies. This tamons doctor knows
theactionofoversOOdtSerent remedies, which
be uses successfully In different diseases. Ue
gnaran'ees tocure catarrh, asthma, lung, throat
rncumaiism, nervousness, stomacn, liver, Kla
neya, etc.) has hundreds of testimonials.
Charges moderate. Call and see him. Patients
out of the city write for blanks and circulars.
Bend stamp. CONSULTATION IKIili.
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
162!4 rirst St., S. E. Car. Morrison
Mention paper Pertland, Oregon
I Kl
A grout deal of harm In clone by self,
drugging for the relief of various real
or linagiiiery Ills.
There In nothing easier. The only ob
jection to the jilnu In that what Is good
fcr the cough may be bad for the
Ho It In with a headache. Almost any
pain In the head not due to actual
brain disease may be moderated. If not
relieved temporarily, by some form of
"headache iwwder" ; but a frequent re
course to this means of cure may fa
tally weaken the heart. When this
stops beating the headaches cease to
trouble, but the patient Is not In con
dition to know or care.
Every man, of course, believes him
self o doctor, nnd often thinks he Is
better able to attack a cough or a case
of rheumatism or a headache, whether
It be his own or another's, than those
Who make the cure of (ll.n. Hrnll
fctudy. All he has to do Is to make up
bis mind whnt the trouble Is and any
one can tell a cough when he has it
and then to take something that Is
"good for a cough."
Ix'ss serious, but not much so, Is the
abuse of tonics. A true tonic Is anv-
thing that promotes the nutrition of the
body. This may be done by Increas
ing the appetite and Improving dlges
t!on, which Is the function of the bit
ter tonics ; or by Improving the condt
tlon of the blood by adding to it the
nor. It has lost; or by supplying the
system with some needed su Instance,
such as fat In cod liver oil; or Anally
. .,11 A.y . . -
iv "iiiiiuniunic uie tissues 10 increased
absorption, an action which is ascribed
to arsenic, mercury and others of the
mineral Ionics
uiiiiLnti ionics.
But these are not the 'tonics' to
u, u . tomes to
Which people are apt to resort when
thev run rln-n Thmr tnt t h,
tuey run uow n. 1 ney take to stlmu-
lnnts, alcohol usually, and think thev
' -
uic &euiug strong Decause tuey reel
bftter after each dose. The alcohol
l .,!. j,, , . ,
in mo iiiiiiv; is oiien uisguiseu, ana
the user, perhaps a conscientious tee
totaler, would be shocked to learn that
what he was taking to give him
strength had more alcohol in It than
has the strongest whisky. If the system
Is seriously run flown, a physician
should be consulted, who will be able
to give what Is needed, whether Iron, mug, who had been listening patiently for Anf9-
or bark, or gentian, or cod liver oil, Ave minutes at the other end of the wire. ! Second Millionaire Yes; our rela
te correct the underlying condition that "II ma' be a little har1 t0 'uear through, 1 tives are waiting for us to die to go:
. t . . ... m T Hod. Vm . f If .1 i i ' ...
causes the debility. Youth's Compan-
The Bird In Hand.
Instead of rtl.., .n. nio.i,-
was rather amused at the 'actions of .,35
nis pet waiter, tor two years be had unfortunately, are not, owing to the un
dlned at the same restaurant almost natural condition of the lives we b ail.
lleHlla.'he hflplfocha anil n
dally and August knew his every wish
and had always been liberally tipped
That day, however, Clarksou was
shamefully neglected. He had to ask
for butter, his napkin was damn and
soggy, the particular sauce he liked so
11 . ., . . , ...
well was not on the table, and, In fact,
August was the antithesis of a devoted
servitor. All his attentions seemed
concentrated upon a man at an adjoin-
In gtable. August hovered around him
like a bee around a flower, anticipating
every wtsn ana bringing him sundry
little extras.
The customers was evidently a stran
ger. (Jlarkson could not recall having
seen him before, and from his long pat-
ronage of the place he had come to '
know all the regular customers by
their faces at least. Ills curiosity got
the better of him and as he was leav
ing, after bestowing the customary tip,
he asked;
"Why is It, August, that you have
been so attentive to that man and so
neglectful of me? Is he In the habit
of giving extra large tips?"
"Oh, no, ni'sleu'," said August. "He
Is a stranger. He has never been here
before." Then he added, apologetical
ly, "And I am sure of you, ni'sleu'."
The Other Side.
"Don't you get homesick for those
beautiful old Colonial mansions In the
South?" they asked the Kentucklan on
the night that the thermometer froze.
"Not this weather," she answered. "I
haven't forgotten yet how the wind
used to blow through the cracks of the
windows and doors of those beautiful
old Colonial mansions, and how we
" " uuvuw me Biyie ui
ballrooms, huddled around a two-by-!
four grate, our races scorching and the ;
bitter blasts blowing through our back
"Oh, no ; In such weather as this the
steam heated luxury of the Chicago flat
for me," she decided. Chicago Inter
We do not like to have any child
coaxed to speak a piece for us or to
give us a kiss.
Blood Humors!
Commonly cause pimples, bolls, hives, eczema
or salt rheum, or some other form of erup-
firm, hut wimetlmeS thev print In tha Hvntftm.
Indicated by feeling of weakness, languor,
loss of appetite, or general debility, without
causing any breaking out.
Hood's Barsaparllla expels them, renovates,
strengthens and tones the whole system.
This Is the testimony of thousands annually.
Accept no substitute, but insist on having
Hood's SarsapariUa
In usual liquid former In chocolated tablets
known as Sarsatabs. 1U0 doses $1.
Ferry's 1907 Seed Annual Now Ready
for Free Distributioi .
Ferry'8 great Seed Book is now ready
for distribution. This is the book that
every fanner wants and waits for. It
makes no difference what other cata
logues are received, farmers are not sat
isfied until they get Ferry's, bear Me it
contains better and fuller information.
Ferry's Heed Annual, in fact, is really
more than a catalogue. It differs from
the usual seed catalouge inasmuch as it
really helps each farmer c.p gardener to
choose intelligently the varieties best
suited to his particular needs. The
wise selection of varieties results in
bigger, oetter paying crops. The ex
perience gained in fifty years of suceess-
' 1U1 Blo'8 your com
,. i .. i : ,i l
For freshness, purity and reliability
Ferry's Seeds are in a clafS by them
selves. They are known all over the
land, and farmers everywhere have
coonfldence in the name of Ferry, and
know for a certainty that their seeds
can be relied upon. They know that.
every package has behind it the repu
tation of a house whose business stand
ards are the highest in the trade.
Just drop a postal to D. M. Ferry &
Co., Detroit, Mich., and they will send
yo,u a copy of the5r 1907 SeeJ Annual-
, "
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
.7 lv" Fl'"v.n'iio nicy eaunut. I
bv local applications as they cannot reach the
mseaseu portion of the ear. 'there is nnlvnno
named condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is friiiamed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear-
jl'8'a,1w"en.itl8eDtl:elyclo8eir, iieafnessis
theresult, and unless the Inflammation can be
taken out and this tube re toied to its normal
c9mlltl()rl. hearing will be destroyed forever;
nin-cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh,
which is nothing but au inflamed condition oi
trtfvm lipnny an rl afiua
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
IV'" . AAt...iimi.uio. oeuUlOf
uircuiara, iree.
F. J. CHENEY A. CO.. Tnldv n
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Uall'i Family Pills are the best.
Hd Not Observed It.
"Iff such hard work to talk through
this telephone 1" exclaimed Mm. High -
"I hadn't noticed that " snld Mr n;h.
my dear' but 11 doeSu,t "eem to have in-
terfered with the flow of your conversa
Mat T A. A. A. m .
ut inieresi w women.
con' 2 pSt t
women of today and to relieve " these
relieve i
conditions women rush to the druggists
ing nobody knows what. If thev would :
ilst et a bl,x, Brnndreth's I'l l-, and I
Mae inem regu ar v everv nnrlit for a tin
all their trouble would dTsai.far, as th.
pills regulate the organs of the' feminine
-Tte"u lnf4 sjnte dose has the same
over a century and are sold in every
po"fedand medicinb store. pl" or sugar-
Crltlck Yes, D'Auber is home from
nis trip to the Rocky mountains. He
rut in most of his time making sketches
of the mountain peaks. lie showed me
a lot of them.
Ascum How were they? Natural?
Crltlck Well, they're certainly rocky.
Fhiladeluhla Tress.
lead the Experience of a Minnesota
Woman and Take Heart.
. If your back aches, and you feel sick,
languid, weak and miserable day after
aay - don t worry.
Doan's Kidney Pills
have cured thousands
of women in the same
condition. Mrs. A.
Heiman, of Stillwat
er, Minn., says: "But
for Doan's ' Kidney
Pills I would not be
living now. They
cured me in 1899 and
I've been well since.
I used to have such pain in my back
that once I fainted
ihe kidney secre-
Hons were mucn uisorciereu, and I was
so far gone that I was thought to be at
death's door. bince Doan's Kidney
Pills cured me I feel as if I had been j
pulled back from the tomb." '
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton eauallv wfl nrf I.
guaranteed to. give perfect results. Ask dealer, or we will send post paid at 10s a DUcLie. Wrila lor Ire. bS2klt ho l dv!
Wench and mix colers. MONROE DRUG CO- llaiojivule, Missouri. write lor Iree booklet how to dye.
The Yankee Notion.
There never lived a more steady and
persistent grumbler than Reuben Hall.
?iot only the weather, the state of his
health and his crops furnished him
with subjects, but the most reasonable
and lenient laws which could be con
structed raised discontent in Reuben's
"I dunno what they mean by telling
folks to cart their waste stuff over to
that dump at the end o' Grantham's
Woods Instead o' leaving It In the
Lawton sullar-hole," he said, Indig
nantly, one day. "Suppose the sullar
hole does show up from the road, what
business has this town got to put an In
junction on folks dumping stuff in it?'
"The town's bought the old Lawton
place," said his neighbor, In the pacific
tone people usually employed In ad
ddesslng Mr. Hall. "And I thought
you were one of those that said 'twas
an eyesore. Do you want to dump any
o' your old Junk In there, Reub, tidy
as you are?"
"No. I don't wanter," said Mr. Hall,
sullenly ; "but I wanter have the right
in case I wanter, an' I wanter know
why I haven't got It."
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any
case of Iching, blind, bleeding or protruding
piles in 6 to H days or money refuflded.50o.
A They Impressed Her.
Little Kitty, who had happened to be
the only one at home when the stran
gers called, was trying to describe
them. "One of 'em was a good deal
younger than the other," she said, "and
he's the one that did the talking. He
wanted to know when you'd be back."
"How did he look?" asked her fath
er. "Did he have any beard?"
"No; he was barefaced."
"How about the older man? Was he
barefaced, too?"
"Kind o'," said Kitty, remembering
his shaggy brown beard ; "only he was
grizzly bear faced." '
Shake Into Your Shoee
Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder. It makes tigh
or new Ehoes feel easy. It Is a certain cure for
sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet
Sold by all Dnipgists. Price 25e. Trial pack
age mailed FREE. Address Allen 8. Olmsted,
Leltoy, New York.
Omlsnlon of History.
The good people of Salem had Just
burned another witch.
"According to the census," they said,
"there are too many women in Massacbu-
8tts, anyway."
In order to make a show of being Im
partial, however, they looked around for
Wizard Burbank, but he had escaped to
MnthAra wtll flnA Um Tcininm. n v. i
! ByruD the best remedv to 11 ma f (it t i ..I li i 1 .1 .... -i
4urtn8 the teething period.
Sorrow of the Plutocracy.
I Flrst Millionaire Hard lines these
our money, ana tne rest of the world
doesn't want to wait that long. New
York Sun.
riTO St. Vitus' Dance and all Nervous Dlseai
f 0 permanently cured by Dr. KlIne'B Great
iserve Besiorer. Bend ror rBKK f 2 trial bottle and
treatise. Dr. It. H.iUlne, Dd.,831 Arch HU, lJhUa.,Pu.
When ministers exchange they usual-
v Preach old sermons, but, however,
they generally look over the MMS.
carefully to see If the local points need
A Somerville preacher many years
! lrn WOTlt trt Anrlnvnl nmnntt
! ' ' 1 IV 1111.1
! npglected thls sbnple precaution. In
his discourse was an allusion to the
'"T6 a,SyIum a Somerville, and, for-
f'ttlnS for tDe nioment ttat he was In
Andover, he said
"Sooner than a child of mine should
be subjected to such Influences, I would
be willing to have him confined In yon
der institution."
And the good man pointed direct'y
at the Andover Theological Seminary.
Boston Herald.
Harvesting Dollars
is possible if the seed be judiciously planted.
Southern Alberta, Canada, has demonstrated beyond a doubt
that it is the greatest cereal growing country on the continent,
and "Alberta Red Wheat" grown there took both the Gold and
Bronze medals at the Portland Exposition. 1
The Canadian Pacific Railway Company has 3,000,000 acres
of the best of land, irrigable and non-irrigable, just east of Cal
gary, Alberta, which they are selling at from $12 to $15 per acre
for non-irrigable and $18 to $25 per acre for irrigable.
Lands sold by them three months ago at these prices are now
now being held by the purchasers at $50 per acre and upwards.
The harvesting of dollars invested in these lands is just as
certain as the harvesting of cereals.
If you are interested drop a card to the address below for
literature fully describing the opportunity of the age.
The Canadian Pacific Irrigation Colonization Company, Ltd.
54 Ninth Avenue West, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Be sure to mention this paper when writing.
It Your
rr . o
Do you pin your hat to your
own hair? Can't do it?
Haven't enough hair? It must
be you do not know Ayer's
Hair Vigor ! Here's an intro
duction! May the acquaint
ance result in a heavy growth
ofrich,thick,glossyhair! And
we know you'll never be gray.
" I think that Ayer's Hair Vigor is the most
wonderful hiiirgruwer that whs ever made. I
have used It for some time and I csn truth
fully say that I am Kreatly pleased with it. I
cheerfully reeommend It 'as s splendid prepa
ration." Miss V. BitocK, WaylKiid, Mich,
I A Made by J. 0. AyorCo., Lowell, Mass, jfl
S u A.1BO uianuiuoturers 01
In 'he U,)(.r Snake Valley, Idaho, whera
JVkw Miss sHlppi Vnlley lu.meseekers are elr-ad
located. Mi.oou acr s undei elop. d, Irrluab e liuiil
still await ih- settler. Itkh st a d bent wa'ered
valley In the world. i'Mnes c Imate: cho cest fruit;
Iminens eroisof train, alfalfa su ar beets. 4,(Xio,
0110 Invested In sugar factories. New R. u. exten
sion to Yellowstone parK on.'tis country of vast re
sources. Asliton started Jau. 1, moo, a record
breaker. Write for particulars.
St. Anthony and Aahton, Idaho.
prove their worth at harvest
?M$ time. After over fifty years of
'fffft success, they are pronounced
the best and surest by careful
M&ik planters evervwhere. Your
dealer sells them. 1907 Seed
Annual free on request.
D. M. FEUItY A CO., Detroit, Mich.
When Sherman, Clay & Company, the
old Pacific Coast Piano House, which
has been doing business at the eorner
of Kearney and Sutter streets, San Fran
cisco, for over thirty-five years, pur
chased the Piano business of the Allen
& Gilbert-Ramaker Co , it was every
where admitted that it was the most
siKiiilieant transaction ever announced
concerning the music business of the
Pacific Northwest.
Important, bei ause Sherman, Clay &
Company are so well known as a
staunch, reliable firm. They have a
one-price system. Every Piano ts mark
ed in plain figures. A child can buy a
Piano from Sherman, Clay & Company
just as safely as can a state senator, and
at the same price. They are Pacific
Coast agents for the famous Stcinway
piano; also many other standard makes
such as the Knabe, Kvcrett, Mason &
Hamlin, Hardman, A. B. Chase, Fischer,
Packard, Conover, Ludwig, Kingsbury,
Kstey. Emerson, Sterling, Wellington,
Huntington and Mendelssohn. Also
Estey, Packard and Chicago Cottage
Organs, Piano Players and Victor Talk
ing Machines.
When you visit Portland,
Tacoma, Seattle, Everett, Bell
call and
or San Francisco, vou should
see the Piunos exhibited by Sherman
Clay ilt Co. Their Portland store is op
posite the postoflice, Sixth and Morrt
son streets.
P. N. U
No. 8-0?
WHEN writing- to advertisers please
mention this paper.