Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, February 21, 1907, Image 1

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voir II
NO. 21
Last Sunday, February 17, H. K.
Hynd, an elderly and prominent gen
tleman of Sand Hollow, while upon his
return trip from a visit to T. M. Scott
and family, got lost, and some of the
searching parties did not find him un
til twelve o'clock that night, twelve
miles distant from his home. Mr.
Hynd, whose sons are prominent stock
raisers and who are well and favorably
known In our county, started out Sun
day morning to visit one of his neigh
bors, whose residence he reached all
right, but owing to the fact that the
day being alternate sunshine and fog,
on his return trip he got lost.
-B. F. Swaggart, the mule and horse
king, saw Mr, Hynd about two o'clock
near the telephone line leading to the
By virtue of an execution and order of
sale duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit
Court of the County of Morrow, State of
Oregon, dated the 21st day of January,
1907, in a certain action In the Circuit
Court for said County and State, wherein
Dan P. Doherty, Plaintiff, recovered Judge
ment against J. H. Chapman, Emma Chap
man, C. H. Beymer and A, M, Macnab,
Defendants, for the sum of Fifteen hundred
Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of
eight per cent, per annum from the 17th
day of November. 1905, and the further
sum of One Hundred and fifty Dollars At
torney's fee, and costs and disbursements
taxrd at Thirty-one Dollars, on the 17th
day of January, 1907.
Notice Is hereby given that I will on Sat
tirday, the 23rd day of February, 1907, at
2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the front
door of the Court House in Heppner, Mor
row County, Oregon, sell at public auction
to the highest blddder for cash in hand, the
following described property, to-wit: The
West forty-six (46) feet of Lot Six (6), and
West Forty-six (46) feet of Lot Seven (7);
also a part of Lot Eight (8), commencing
at the Southwest corner of said lot, and
running East Forty-six (46) feet, thence
North Fourteen (14) feet, thence West Forty-six
(46) feet, thence South Fourteen (14)
feet, to the place of beginning all In ' Block
Nine (9) In the lown of Lexington, Mor
row county, . Oregon. Taken and levied
upon as the property of the said J. H. Chap
man and Emma Chapman or so much
thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the
said Judgement In favor of Dan P. Doherty
and against said J. H. Chapman, Emma
Chapman, C. H. Beymer and A. M. Mac
nab, together with all costs and disburse
ments that have or may accrue.
E. M. Shutt,
' Sheriff.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, Jan. 21, 1907.
1-24-2-21 .
Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas
City, Chicago, St- Louis,
New York.
Tlckt to and from nil polnln nf the Unl!
eil Stutea hihI Himipe,
Trains Leave Lexington, , Daily, ex
cept Sunday, - 1 1:35 A. M.
Trains Arrive at Lexington, Daily, ex
cept Sunday ' ..- 5:10 P. M.
Trains Connect at. Heppner Junction
with Main Line trains for all
points- East end WestV' : "';'
Wm McMurray, G. P. A
Hynd residence, who at this time was
not more than three-quarters of a mile
from home. When Mr. Swaggart saw
the elderly gent the sun was shining
brightly and he did not know that Mr.
Hynd was lost.
Three o'clock In the afternoon
Mr. Hynd's folks became anxious over
the delay of his return and, by phone,
notified the neighbors. Different
searching parties were organized, but
all efforts to find the missing neighbor
were fruitless until 12 p. m. After
dark the searchers provided themselves
with lanterns and continued the search.
One of the parties finally succeeded in
finding Mr. Hynd about twelve miles
from home. Comfortable lodging
was provided for him at the elegant
country home of F, E. Bell, a promi
nent and well known agriculturist and
stockman of the county, who resides
about five miles from Lexington.
Immediately upon finding the "lest"
neighbor a telepone message was sent
to his folks at Sand Hollow, thus the
A Habit to be Ktinoiiragnd,
The mother who has acquired the
habit of keeping on hand a bottle of
Chamberlain'i Cough Remedy, saves
herself a great amount of uneasiness
and anxiety. Coughs, colds and croup
to which children are susceptible are
quickly cured by Its use. It counter
acts any tendency ol a cold to result In
pneumonia, and if given as soon as the
first symptoms of croup appear, it will
prevent the attack. This remedy con
tains nothing injurious and mothers
give it to little ones with a feeling of
perfect security. Sold by W. P. Mc
Millan's Drug Store.-
anxiety of his wife and children were
greatly relieved.
The next morning our lost friend
w transferred to his comfortable
home at Sand Hollow.' Although he
had quite a hard time of his trip, it
did not hurt him much, Some of the
rescuing parties were out nearly all
night, some were almost "peetered
out" and it is saf to say that upon
their return to their respective homes
sleep, natures sweet restorer, proved
to be a soothing balm to their tired
and aching limbs.
It is gratifying to notice, In this in
cident, the good will, help and even
sacrifice, if need be, that the neigh
bors of this locality extend to each
other in a case of emergency.
It is hoped, however, that when Mr.
Hynd starts out on his next "expedi
tion" he will be provided with a com
petent guide and thus save his folks
as well as the neighbors much anxiety
and trouble.
Before marriage "the question a girl
asks her lover most is: "Do you really
love me?"- After marriage the query
becomes; "'Is my hat on straight?".
Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup con
taining honey and tar is especially ap
propriate forchilren, no opiates orpois
ons of any character, conforms ' to the
conditions of the National Pure Food
and Drug Law, June 30, 1906. For
Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It ex
pels coughs and colds by gently mov
ing the bowels. Gurranteed. Sold by
W. P. McMillan.
f .
At the Teachers examination held
In Heppner, February 13 to 16, the
following received certificates:
James F. Tyler, Lexington. 3rd
grade; Joseph E. Waid, Lexington,
2nd grade; Harry E. Reed, lone, 3rd
grade; Minnie E. Baker, lone, 2nd
grade; Harriet G, Robinson, Eight
Mile, 1st grade; Wm. C. Howard. lone
1st. grade; Erwin J. Montague, Cecil,
2nd grade; Esther F. Crompton, lone,
1st grade; Kittie McGill, Irrigon, 1st.
grade; Horl C. McCormick, Lexing
ton, 2nd gaade; Ethel Grabeel, lone,
3rd grade; Grac Stamp, Heppner, 1st
grade; Emma M. Her, Heppner, 3rd
grode; Grace Belle Cypert, Lexington,
2nd. grade. Mollie C. Petre, Arlington
State grade.
Your money refunded if after using
three-fourths (3-4) of a tube of Man-'
Zan, you are dissatisfied. Return the
balance of the tube to your druggist,
and your money will be cheerfully re
turned. Take advantage of this offer.
Sold by W. P. McMillan
HJ xJtore i