Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, February 14, 1907, Image 5

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J. E. GENTRY, Proprietor.
gent for Cresent Steam Laundry
Shop one door west Lexington Bank
w.p. McMillan!
3) rugs '
Stationery j
Gonfections p
School Supplies
Toilet Jlrtlcles J
Sic. Stc. f
3irst National SBank of Ofteppner
Capital Stock $50,000.
Surplus and undivided profits $70,000
C, A. RHEA, - President
T.'A. RHEA, Vice-President
G. W. CONSER, ' - . Cashier
E. L. FREELAND, Ass't Csh'r
Transacts a General Banking Business
t Four per cent paid on Time Deposits
. Collections made on all points at reasonable- terms.
& W.. G. SCOTT & GO:
I ThisSpaceRcaervedlor;
' Lexington, .Oregon., ;
Dont knock. , '
Today is St. Valentine's day.
blockade and was about ten days com
inj from Wallula to Ltxlngton.
Freight came through from Port
laid yesterday, the first for nearly two
Dr. M, A, Leach, Dentist, Heppner weeks. A supply of oil was received
for the Elegtrlc Cj. and the regular
Has representatives through
the Middle States. List your
Land with us and we will find
purchaser for you. Listing
with us will not hinder you
. making a sale:
All lists, whether business op
portunities or lands, strictly
. confidential.,
Read The Wheatfield and be happ
Boost Lexington the best town in
Morrow county.
A. D. Inskeep was a Heppner visit
or Tuesday evening.
If you have land for sale list it with
the Wheatfield Land Co.
F. N. Moyer Is the new proprietor
of the Bon' Ton Market.
Subscribe for The Delineator, $1.00
per year at Leach Brothers.
Mrs. W. E. Leach has been confin
ed to her home the oast few days.
Fresh cows, with calves, for sale at
$25 to $40. Joe Eskelson.
W. P. McMillan has received an
assortment of Souvenir postal cards.
For Salf One Disc harrow, in good
condition. Enquire o( Mrs. E. S. Tyler.
Mr. and Mrs. David . Brown were
Lexington visitors Tuesday and Wed
nesday. ' .
Another of those pleasant dances
will be given in Artisan hall this
evening. , "'
C. C. Boon made a trip to The
Dalles this week to make final proaf
on his homestead.
C. A. Morey, of Strawberry, was a
pleasant caller at Wheatfield head-
quarters yesterday.
Mrs. E. D. McMillan spent last
Saturday and Sunday at the home of
Mrs. 0. S. Hodsdon r
The lone and Lexington Lady -bas-et
ball teams will play in Artisan hall
Saturday evening at 7-o'elock, Don't
miss it. ' ' '
Miss Mable Tyler returned Tuesday
evening from a six weSeks visit with
relatives at Eugene,1 Brownsville and
Lebanon. .
. ..'3 -c .it'.v
Dade's Little Liver,fP;iJls thoroughly
clean the system, good, lor lazy livers,
makes clear complexions, bright eyes
and happy thoughts. ..Soldby.. W, P.
We will always be glad to get., news
Items-from .the surrounding country.
We want some good correspondents In
the country. lp y
Rev. Mr. Phlpps delivered an In
teresting . lecture to an ' appreciative
audience last evening iri'the t Congre
gational church.
Pine Salve Carbolized, acts like a
poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively
used for Eczema, for chapped hands and
lips, cuts . and burns. Sold by W. P.
McMillan. . r . .
We are In receipt of a sack of gold
ore from R. C. Phelps,", of Prbsser,
Wash. The sack Is labelled "Gold
ore $10,000 per 'ton".
W. G. Scott and wife went to Hepp
ner Tuesday evening to witness the
basket ball game between the lone and
Heppner lady teams.
If you want a sewing machine cheap
call at this office and let us show you
what . we have. One new . machine
and one second hand.
Crystal White, laundry soap does
twice the work, saves one half the
labor cost no more than any other
soap Sold by Leach Bros.
For Sale One dozen nice S. C,
B.' P. Rock pulletts, $1.50 each. Ad
dress Christenson & Son, Swede Can
yon Poultry Farm, Lexington, Ore.
Mrs. E. D. Brown returned last
Sunday from a six weeks visit In North
Dakota. Mrs. Brown was in the
drug and has thirty years of reputation
back of it, gained by Its cures under
every condition. For sale by W. P.'
McMillan's Drug Store.
servlc will be resumed this evening.
Two days treatment free. Ring's
Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired diges
tion Impure breath, perfect assimula
tlon of food, Increased appetite. Do
not fail to avail yourself of the above
offer. Sold by W. P. McMillen.
Mail came through from Portland
last Sunday, the first for ten days.
Mall and passenger trains are running
on schedule time again, but it will be
several days before we can expect to
receive freight.
Plneules" (non alcoholic) made
from resin from our Pine Forests, used
for hundreds of years for Bladder and
Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty
days, $1.00. Guaranteed to give sat
isfaction or money refunded. Get our
guarantee cupon from W. P. McMillan
John B. White, Alfred T. White;
Henry A Arensmeyer, H. 0. Mc
Cormick, B. F. Estes and Rev. J. C.
White leave today for The Dalles
where they will make finol proof on
their homesteads.
ManZan Pile Remedy put up in con
venient, collapsible tub.es with nozzle
attachment so that the remedy maybe
applied at the very seat of the trouble,
thus relieving almost instantly bleeding,
itching or protruding piles. Satisfac
tion guaranteed or money refunded.
Sold by W. P. McMillan.
.We often read a lot of trash in the
exchanges about the poor editor"
and what a hard time he has, about
subscribers who read the paper and
never pay for it, etc. Such rot is
disgusting to an ordinarily, intelligent
newspaper man. ' The hewepaper man
should have no more troubles and no
harder time than any other business
man. He can be just as independent
as any man on earth if he chooses to
.be. But f he allows himself to be in
fluenced by this or that organization
or stct and is afraid to speak out his
convictions he surely will have hard
times. 'We might suggest also that
he turn down all 3 cent per inch ad
vertising propositions' and reject all
complimentary tickets in exchange for
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned Administrator of the Estate
"f lames Leach, deceased, will .make.
Final Settlement of his accounts with
said Estate as such administrator, in
the County Court of Morrow County,
at the County Court Room in Hepp
ner In said County, on the 15th day of
February, A. D. 1907.
W. E. Leach, ;
Administrator of the Estate,
of James Leach, deceased.
Department of The Interior
Land Offtce at The Dalles, Oregon,
January 12, 1907
- Notice Is hereby given that
of Strawberry, Oregon, has filed notice
of his intention to make final five-year
proof in support of his claim, viz:
Homestead Entry No. 9064 made
March 6. 1901, for the NE1-4 of Sec
tion 19, Township 1 North, Range 26
E., W. M., and that said proof will be
made before J. P. Williams, U. S.
Commissioner, at his office In Hepp
ner, Oregon, on February 2 1 st,l 907.
He names the following witnesses to
nrnvA his mnt(nimtt5 rciHnr itnnn
and cultivation of, the land, viz:
' 0. S. Hodsdon, of Lexington, Ore
gon, E. A. Humphreys. Sam Richie.
H. A. Arnsmeyer, all of Strawberry,
Michael T. Nolan,
1-17-244 ' Register.
nuiivu rvn ruOLiwA 1 lull
' Department of The Interior
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
January 22, 1907. .
Notice is hereby given that
of Strawberry, Oregon, has filed notice of
his intention to make final five-year proof
in support of his claim, viz: Homestead
entry No. 10084 made November 29, 1901,
for the NWX and NWtf SW of
Section 19, Township 1 North, Range 26
E., W. M., and that said proof will be mad
before the Register and Receiver, at The
Dalles, Oregon, on February 26, 1907.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,, and
cultivation of, the land, viz: ' v
0. S. Hodsdon, W. A. Sprowls, ' Lexing
ton, Ooegon, Sam Richie,- H. A. Arnsmey
er, of Strawberry, Oregon. ' ,
. Michael T. Nolan,'
1-24-2-21 "r Register.
Common Cold are the Cauao of Many
, Serious Diaeaaea.
Physician who have gained a na
tional reputation as analysts of the
cause of various diseases, claim that
if catching cold could be avoided a long
list of dangerous ailments would never
be heard of. Every one knows that
pneumonia and consumption originate
from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bron
chitis, and all throat and lung trouble
are aggravated and rendered more se
rious by each fresh attack. Do not
risk your life or take chances when
yu have a cold. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy will cure it before these dis
eases develop. This remedy contains
no opium, morphine or other harmful
I totter j
Souk. 1
Calaa, trww, I I
fhavaini I I
No Opiates, 1
Conforms to 1
National Pare 1 If
Food and I II
DrutJLaw 1 1
Ill eoifk syrapf coatalilnf aaUtai eoMtf- ,
at tka kowtla. Baa'a Lautira loser aa4 I
lai mart tat bowelt tat centals bo opiatM,
Sold by W. P. McMillan's drug store.
0. C. CHICK, M. D.
Diseases of Women and Children a spec
ialty. Calls answered promptly Day or
Night. . : '
CflrpnP riTXiMVnTSJ
Devoted to developing and perfecting the best
laying strains of Black Langshans and S. C. .
Black Langshan Eggs for setting
S. C. B P. Rock eggs for setting
$2.00 for 13 eggs
$1.00 for 15 eggs