LEXINGTON WHEATFIELD Published Every Thursday at LEXINGTON, OREGON S. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. OFFICIAL PAPER TOWN OF LEXINGTON Subscription, per year, - $1.00 Advertising rates on Application Copy for change of advertising must reach this office by Wednesday noon. Entered as second-class matter October 6, 1905, at the post office at Lexington, Or egon, under the Act cf Congress of March 3, 1879. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 14, 1907. NOTICE The best way to build up your own town is to do your trading at home. Patronize ybur home merchants. If they succeed"the chances are you will succeed. When you send a dollar to a mail order house vou have the goods and they have the money. Trade at home and we keep both the goods and the money. FROM OLE OLESON The following communication was received by us a few days ago, and as the writer (who, we are confident, Is of the fair sex) presumes to dictate to us what shall or shall not appear in these columns we give It space this week: . . ' ' "Mr. Editor In a town oft' . named in your "Wheatfield", called for him of long-eared fame, lives a man who is named "Yon Yonson" and sayl what a aw-breaking name." "He tells of this one and that one of "Svedes" and "Svede Canyon mans" till our eyes refuse to do duty and we fancy the bang of tin pans. For the're coming as surely as Satan, then rotten eggs next will attest how tired we are of that nonsense. Oh say "Yon"! Do give us a rest." Ole Oleson" A short time ago we read In one of our exchanges that the worst knocker newspapers have are those who are not subscribers of the paper, but bor row if from their neighbors in order to get the news. We fail to find the name of Ole Oleson on our list and presume that Ole Is one of this class. There Is a name carried at the mast head of this sheet, and that party alone dictates what shall or shall not appear In these columns. We do not allow any other person, party or sect to dictate to us what to publish. The Wheatfield Is a business enterprise and we solicit and need the support and good will of all, yet we not expect to please everyone all the time, as what is of Interest to , some may seem senseless or of no interest to otheri. We do not claim that there is much real merit In the "Yon Yonson" let ters, yet there . are those who enjoy reading them and have asked why they have not appeared the last few issues. As for the implied threat, we are not exceedingly brave, but we do not fear the rotten eggs," and would j Graham last prefer having a few of them cast at us rather than be a toady, swaying this way or that as we should be dictated to by such parties as the author of the above letter.. Our stand may loose us one or two subscribers, but the paper will not stop as we have enough sub scribers and patronage among "the broad-minded, liberal class of people to assure Lexington of a newspaper, that always has and always will work for the best Interests of Lexington and her people at large. OS noDi FOR CASH We can save you money on Groceries, Dry Goods, , Shoes Hardware and Stoves We have a line of new and up-to-date Goods. W. F. BARNETT & CO. o LEXINGTON, OREGON O JOZ 10Z SCHOOL NEWS . Frank Tyler and Grace Cypert are out of school taking the examination. . Mr. Waid Is in Heppner this week taking the examination and Mrs. E. E. Thomas Is in charge of his room. , The last meeting of the Social Club was held at the home of , Miss Mary Friday evening. Pro gressive anagrams was the order of the evening. Mr. J. E. Waid won first prize. The debating teams are doing some excellent work. The debate last Fri day afternoon, on the question; Re solved that Lee was a greater General than Grant, was well presented. The decision was given in favor of the af firmative. The debating work Is ex ceptionally good when we consider that these are the first attempts of most of the. delators. :A. ni .The relief of coughs and colds through laxative Influence, orignated with ,Bee's LaxativeCough Syrup con taining honey an&tar, a cough syrup containg no ' opiates or pojspns, which Is extensively , sold. Secure a bottle at once, obtain a guarantee coupon, and i not fully satisfied with aesults, your money will be refunded. " Sold by W. P. -McMillan. ' ' Fill FOR YOUR REAL ESTATE OR BUSINESS j CAN GET IT No Matter What Your Property is" Worth, or in What; Town, City, State or --; : v Territory it is Located 1 v J, no' ave '19 abll"y ani facilities to sell your property, I certainly could not afford to pay for this advertisement. This "bcV' i k8 a" my otnei- "ads") ls practically sure to place on my list a number of new properties, and I am Just as sure to sell these prop.. -rties and make enough money In commissions to pay for the cost of these "ads", and make a good profit h.siH,. n. u !.. ' have 80 lar8 a real estate business today. uh n ... amone the number that will be sold as a result of these ' ads"? i ...in . i . w ui .2 't some time but will be able to sell H quickly. I am a specialist in quick sales, will not only be able to f. . , , . .... . . ' . . .. . 7 I have ..!. f I 1 - . .1 U . . . . .1 - . J - H i i r . l J ,l- i . j. . Atm, u'P"sm. i navo Drancn omces inrpugnuui uie country una uoia lore, oi mon w iinu tne most complete and up-to-o V .... . . . . . , buyers. I do not handle all lines' carrl8d ,h9 ordinar3r real es,atfl aeen,s 1 MUST SELL real -ni ,ots of It or pi out of business. .1 can assuT "m "Ul s'"S oul' uubihow. v.. ... .u.a.jr, . ftl;i ro,ii,o,.i i.uvW v. the errties Car, inai I nVO u J-.-n't mol urhtha vntl tiova a farm a hnm ,ltkmi arnr land nr a i . i Il.t VDtlRS and SLLklw ....v...-. .j . w .v , - - properties. I wan io i st tu f m rf inqu below and business; It doesn t matter what it is worm, o. an it to ma todav. I will tell how and why 1 can quiowj ..- k-k- v - -v 1- r FR66 OF CHHRCE and terms for handling It. The Information I will give you will t ..... fnvrtitf T You had better write today Deiore yu j s' If vou want to buy any Kino, oi ran... - - be of great value to you, even if you should decide not to sell In any part of the country, tell me your requirments. I will ... ( (ill them nromotlv and satisfactorily. Hnvifl P Taff. The Land Man, 415 Kan. Ave., Topeka, Kas. Jf You Waul to Sell Fill 1, Cut Out ami ilU Toily Please send, without cost to me, a plan for finding, a cash buyer for my property which consists of- Town .--County State- Following is a brief description Lowest cash price Name---- .Address- lf Vou Want to liny KH1 In, Out Out and Mall Today. 1 d"esre to buy property corresponding approximately with the following specifications: Town or city County State Price between $ and $ I will pay $ down and balance .. . Remarks .1 . Name Address RED FRONT LIVERY ' F'. N. MO YER, Proprietor First Class Rigs Careful Drivers Special attention to Commercial Men LEXINGTON, OREGON. C. W. CHR1STENSON J. B. GREEN THE PASTIME,.. CHRISTENSON & GREEN, Props. FRUITS, CONFECTIONERYO CANNED GOODS, 1 SOFT" DRINKS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO I . . ALWAYS IN STOCK u POOL AND BILLIARD ROOM IN CONNECTION 8 Lexington, Oregon. .i i. - ..... - - v. ? I -GENERAL BLAGKSMITHING3; i V. HORSESHOEING A' SPECIALTY Work Neatly Executed Charges Reasonable A full supply.of Hardwood, Blacksmlfh Coal and - Blacksmith sup- ; '. '' plies always on hand. ' ' ' .' t' f LEXINGTON, OREGON THE WHEATFIELD ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR SUBSCRIBE TODAY o o n ft HA Hi 4