Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, February 14, 1907, Image 3

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    The Jar of
Hammer blows, steadily ap
plied, break the hardest rock.
Coughing, day after day, jars
and tear.s the throat and lungs
until the' healthy tissues give
way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
stops the coughing, and heals
the tarn membranes.
"I always tcnen Ayr' Chorrv rectornl In
tlie hnusii. It lv iwrfnr.t ridlef whenever
any of iin have hhikIih or lutril colds. I have
imncl It fur a urml many mnrs and to know
all about It." Mkb. Maiiv oiikhtkan, Varyt
burn, N.y.
Mad by J. 0. Ayr Co. Lowell, Maw.
Also manuittoiurera or
ha:r viqor.
Biliousness, constipation retard re
covery. Cure these with Ayer's Pills.
An Expert Investigates It and Makes
Flattering Report.
There has been much adverse criti
cinin of tlie Spencer Seedless Apple,
notably in the Rural Jew Yorker and
Bunio of its satellites. The opinion of
a recognized horticulturist, who has
made a thorough examination of the
apple, being allowed free range in the
orchard where they are grown, should
be valuable to those who are thinking
of planting these trees, as well as to
those who by reason of the criticisms
have been deterred from purchasing.
A company was recently organized yi
Canada to handle the Spencer Seedless
Apple trees, but the adverse criticisms
alarmed the organizers, and they re
fused to proceed further with the nego
tiations until they could have the prop
osition thoroughly examined by an ex
perienced horticulturist of reputation of
their own selection. This was readily
assented, to, and as a result the Hon.
John Dryden, who for more than twen
ty years was minister of agriculture for
the province of Ontario, was selected to
examine and report on this apple.
The Hon John Dryden's name is a
household word in Canada and Great
Britain, and his reputation is such as
will carry great weight wherever he Is
known. His report is most flattering
and an unqualilied endorsement of the
apple. A copy of it is sent free upon
application to the Spencer Seedless
Apple Company, Everett, Washington.
Fall of the Mlsrhtr.
"Thls Is the time of year," triumph
antly declared the flat dweller, "when
the iceman gets Just about what's com
, lug to Elm. He no longer rings an Irate
bell,' ejaculates 'Ice!' In conquering
tones, stands on the threshold . with
the splendid air of a reigning mon
arch, and deals out a 2 cent piece of
Ice for 10 eeHts.
"On the contrary, softly rings an
apologetic bell, and outside stands a
meek-faced man Imploring patronage;
not only imploring patronage, but gen
erously, handing out 5 cent pieces of
Ice for 10 cents."'
Vnljfijr Fraction.
Everything that Bobby learned at
school he endeavored to apply In his
dally life and walk. When his mother
asked him If one of his new friends
was an only child, Bobby looked wise
and- triumphant
"He's got Just one sister," said Bob
by. "He tried to catch me when he
told me he had two half-sisters, but I
guess I know enough fractions for
Hli Specialty.
Young Foley looked so downcast that
the marketnian asked why be carried
such a long face. ' i
"Fired," returned Foley, concisely.
"Fired?" repeated the tnarketman.
"Give you any reason for doing It?"
t "Yep," Foley said, with the air of a
martyr. "The boss said he was losing
money on the things I was making."
"Is that so? What were you mak
ing?" "Mistakes."
Eighty-Seven Year Old, but Hat a
Sound Back.
Robert Scollan, 87 years old, of 55
Garden Street, Seneca Falls, N. Y.,
a fine sturdy old
gentleman, who
works in his own
garden, gives thanks
to Doan's Kidney
Fills for his sound
back and kidneys;
Mrs. Goetchious,
his daughter, says:
"Father had a se
vere attack of kid
ney trouble and lumbago, which caused
him much suffering. He began taking
, Doan's Kidney Pills and was soon cured.
We always keep them on hand. My
husband was cured of bad pains in the
back by taking only part of a box."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.
A simple bread-cutter Is equally a
useful to the housewife as the ef!g
beater. When the bread Is unevenly
cut, growling at
the thinness of
this piece or the
thickness of that
is usually the re
sult. To assure
evenness In the
cutting a Michigan
man hns Invented
a bread-cutter that
Is the acme 'of sim
plicity. As shown
kou cutting Iikkad. In the Illustration,
It consists of a bread board for holding
the bread, guldcways being placed at
one end for the knife. The guldewnys
are uprights of parallel pieces of wire.
A short distance In front of the board
Is a spring arm, one end of which con
nects with a small roljer. This spring
arm regulates the thickness of the slice
of bread to be cut. As the knife de
scends through the bread the roller
forces the spring arm down, the slice
thus falling onto the table. When the
knife Is withdrawn the spring arm
ascends and Is ready to measure oH
the next slice.
Pot Ilonut of Ileef.
Select four pounds of solid beef from
the round. Put Into a pot about a half
pound of minced fat salt pork and fry
until brown, then lay in the beef,
sprinkle with chopped onions and lay
oil It a sliced carrot and turnip. Pour
In enough water to coine a quarter of
the wny up to the side of the beef,
cover closely and simmer for one hour,
turn the beef and simmer for another
hour. Transfer the beef to a hot plat
ter nnd keep It warm while you add
to the strained gravy from the pan a
cupful of tomato liquor and thicken
with browned flour. Senson to taste
and pour over and around the beef.
Nut and Potato Salad.
Boll four good-sized potatoes and
slice while they are hot. Cook one cup
of English walnut meats with a blade
of mace, a slice of onion, a on or nay
leaf and a snltspoon of salt for tea
minutes In water to cover. Drain and
rub off the skins. Mix with the pota
toes and pour on a dressing made after
the usual rule for French dressing,
adding half a teaspoon of onion Juice.
Serve on water cress or lettuce hearts.
The salad should be well chilled before
Snow Cake.
One and one-half teacups of butter,
one teacup of sugar, one and one-half
teacups of flour, one-half teacuo of
sweet milk, whites of four.eggsi, one
teaspoonful of baking powder, one tea
spoonful of lemon extract. Cream but
ter and sugar, sift the baking powder
with the flour, and add It, nfter stir
ring Into the butter and sugar the
whites of the eggs beaten Into the milk.
Last of all, add flavoring.
Peannt Candy.
For every cup shelled and blanched
peanuts allow one cupful each molasses
and sugar. Boll these together until
the mixture Is brittle when dropped In
cold water. Add a cup of prepared
peanuts and take from the fire. Pour
into buttered pans and mark Into
squares before It cools. Hickory nuts.
English walnuts or almonds may be
used In place of the peanuts.
' Prnne Souffle.
Soak eighteen prunes over Bight.
Drain and 'cover with warm water and
stew until soft. Remove the pits and
chop the pulp fine. Beat the whites of
eight eggs very stiff wrth seven table
spoonfuls of powdered sugar and whip
the prune pulp Into this meringue.
Turn Into a buttered pudding dish and
bake for about forty minutes. Serve
Immediately with whipped cream.
One-half cup of granulated sugar.
Put Into a saucepan and stjr over the
Are until the sugar softens, melts and
finally becomes liquid. Cook until It
burns. Have ready a half cup of boll
Ing water, remove the pan from the
fire, throw In the water and boll unfll
you have a sirup. Bottle and put away
for future use. This aaiount Is suffi
cient for three cakes..
Baked Liver.
Wash and wipe the liver dry ; cut a
dozen match-like strips of salt pri
and Insert In gashes cut in the liver,
or use a larding peedle. Dredge the
liver with flour, sprinkle on a llttlo
salt, and bake half an hour in a hot
Steamed Pudding.
One cup cold water, one-half cup mo
lasses, one cup chopped raisins, two
cups flour, one teaspoonful soda, one
tablespoonful , of butter, little salt,
spices of all kinds. Steam three hours;
eat with sauce.
. How Animal Doctor Themselves.
Man might often take from the low
er animals a' lesson as to the care cf
himself when 111, All sorts of animals
suffering from fever eat little, lie quiet
In dark, .airy paces and drink quanti
ties of water. When a dog loses his
appetite he knows where to find dog
grass, which acts as a purgative and
emetic. Sheep and cows, when 111, seek
certain herbs, Any animal suffering
from chronic rheumatism keeps as far
as possible In the sun. If a champan
zee be wounded ho lias been seen to
stop the bleeding by a plaster of chew-ed-up
leaves and grass.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winnow"! Soothing
Syrup the belt remedy to uxo for their chlldrea
during tho tee thing periud,
A Done of IIU Otvn Medicine.
"Who is this Brandnr Matthews?" ask
ed the new proofreader.
"He's the father of the simplified spell
ing," answered the niiin at the other desk.
"Huh ! He doesn't seem to have got
around his own name yet." '
Thereupon, without the slightest com
punction, he marked out the super
fluous "t."
CITO Vitus' Dunce Rnd all Nervous Dtsases
II I 0 permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Ureal
Nnrve ltcsiorer. Kend for KRIfK atrial bottle and
treatise. Dr. it. JI.Klln.,Ld.,U31 Arch B t., l'lilla., ta.
The total commerce of Abyssinia is
about $9,500,000 a year.
PAZO OIN'TMKN'T Is guarentced to cure any
cane of Iching, blind, bleeding or protruding
piles In 6 to 14 days or money ref unded.SUc.
Japanese-and Germans have the same
average brain weight.
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
V.a.1. na.ttilrd nf .Tia 3U1 C
Itants of Cleveland, Ohio, were born in !
Europe. I
I'J; M 'JI.l
ana consider
Is made of the best
mltriiib. in blackor yellow
fuly ftarantrtd.anil sold
rrlidtjr dealers wtwhtre.
i UKUfll u, CAN. BOSTON. n ,UkA
& iba
mi w . -mis
v r
BBBBI m mm X xmiammT t -mmm
mm mmW. w nol . v
The Spencer Seedless Apple Co.
41 4 American National Bank Bldg., Everett, Washington.
-- OA-
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Hah surpassed all other medicines, In merit,
sales and cures.
Its success, (treat as It has been, has ap
parently only just begun.
It has received by actual count more than
40,000 testimonials in two years.
It purifies the blood, cures all blood dis
eases, all humors and all eruptions.
It strensrthens the stomach, creates an
appetite and builds up the whole system.
It cures that tired feeling and makes the
weak strong.
In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets
known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1.
HOWARD E. KrJRTON.-AMayer err. Chemlnt.
leadvllle, Coloruuo. Specimen prices: Gold,
Hllvvr, J."ad, l i (lold, Silver, 7:; Oold, 60a s Zliicor
Copper, 81. Cyanldo t-8ts. Mulling envelopes and
full price list Bent on application. Control and Urn-
filre work solicited. Inference! Carbonate iw
loual iiaok.
In the IJitnrr Snake Valley, Idaho, when)
2A,0oo MlHutHHlppl Valley liomeHeekera an air. ady
located. COU.U0U acr-s umleielop. d, irrlab e land
ml 1 1 await ill- setller. I.lcli M b d hmt wa ered
valley In the world. Fined c (mate: cho cent fruit;
Immense crons of uruln, nltall'a su ar becui. 4,0JO,
000 Invested m uinr factories. New It. It. exteii
d!on to Yellowstone purK op, us country of vast re
sourco. Anliton sinned Jan. 1, 1900, a record
breaker. Write for part cularn.
St. Anthony and Axliton, Idaho.
Of Saginaw, Michigan.
Capital Stock.
deposited with
Ins. Dept. of
asking about our popular one dollar a
month plan that pays accidental death
and accident and sick indemnity. Give
age and occupation. All business on
the Pacific Coast paid through the First
National Bank of Portland.
rT.L. ALDRICH, Kgr. Western Office
209-210 Marquam Bldg. Portland, Oregon
Many Afflicted Country People
are coming to us for treatment and
returning home cured. We perma
nently and promptly cure Indiges-
' tion, KheiimatiHin, all Private and
Wasting Diseases, Nervous Disor
ders, Diseases of Women and Child
ren, Eczema, Blood, Skin and
, Chronic U.seases. No matter what
your trouble may be, come to see us. .
Free Cmsultation and Examination.
New York Surgical and Medical Institute
Permanently Located at Corner of Sixth and
(llili) Washington Sts., Portland, Or.
Harvesting Dollars
is possible if the seed be judiciously planted.
Southern Alberta, Canada, has demonstrated beyond a doubt
that it is the greatest cereal growing country on the co itinent,
and "Alberta Red Wheat" grown there took both the Gold and
Bronze medals at the Portland Exposition.
The Canadian Pacific Railway Company has 3,000,000 acres
of the best of land, irrigable and non-irrigable, just east of Cal
gary, Alberta, which they are selling at from $12 to $15 per acre
for non-irrigable and $18 to $25 per acre for irrigable.
Lands sold by them three months ago at these prices are now
now being held by the purchasers at $50 per acre and upwards.
The harvesting of dollars invested in these lands is just as
certain as the harvesting of cereals.
If you are interested drop a card to the 'address below for
literature fully describing the opportunity o: the age. '.
The Canadian Pacific Irrigation Colonization Company,, Ltd.
54 Ninth Avenue West, Calgary, Alberta, Canada-; '
' Be sure to mention this paper when writing.
The Spencer Seedless Apple is the greatest
discovery since the seedless orange, ...It 'is "'a"-;'' :j
marvel in apple culture. No seeds, no core, no
waste ; rich red color ; commercial size ; good
shipper; excellent flavor; splendid keeper; a
market leader; no bloom, frost proof.
For free booklet and particulars. Splendid in
ducements to agents.
Catalogue free. Tangent, Oregon
Made In all s vies and a I sizes. Uet water and oil
anywhere. Best .Drilling Tools made. Get caia
10148 i no prices. BEALL & CO.
321 Hawthorne Ave. Portland, Or.
have stood the test for over so years.
and are still in the lead. Their absolute
certainty of erowth. their uncommonly
large yields of delicious vegetables and
beautiful Uowers, make them the most
reliable and the most popular every.
where, bold by all dealers. 1907
Seed Annual free on request.
D. M. FERRY & CO..
Detroit, Mich.
Use hot water and 20 Mule Team Borax wipe
dry and polish with old newspaper.
All dealers. Sample. Souvenir Picture in 10
colors and booklet Sc. and dealers name. Ad
dress PACIFIC COAST BORAX CO., Oakland, Cal
P. N. U
No. 7-07
WHEN writing to advertisers please
mention this paper.