w - J- Y ' LEXINGTON GROWS WITHOUT WATCHING VXL. II LEXINGTON, OREGON, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 14, 1907 NO. 20 STRAWBERRY Carrel Musgrave has been busy dig ging out his spring that the flood filled. He says he means to fix It this time so high water will not fill it again. B. F. Thompson and family were visiting Haze Stockard last Sunday. And, by the way, Haze is another one of our lucky ranchers, as he too, has recently been made happy by becom ing the father of d big bouncing boy. This makes his third boy out of four children. Mr. Stockard will soon be in shape to farm on a heavy scale. "Have you heard the news?" "No, what has happened?" Why, Sam Richie has a big fine boy at his house that tipped the scales at 10 pounds. NOTIOK or SIIKKIKK'S WALK By virtue of an execution and order of sale duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Morrow, Stnte of Oregon, dated the 21st day of January, 1907, in a certain action in the Circuit Court for said County and State, whercjn Dan P. Doherty, Plaintiff, recovered judge ment againut J. H. Chapman, Emma Chap man, C. H. Beymer and A. M. Macnab, Defendants, for the sunrof Fifteen hundred Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from the 17th day of November. 1905, and the further . sum of One Hundred and fifty Dollars At torney's fee, and costs and disbursements taxed at Thirty-one Dollars, on the 17th day of January, 1907. . Notice is hereby given that I will on Sat urday, the 23rd day of February, 1907, at ,'2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the front door of the Court House In Heppner, Mor row County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest blddder for cash in hand, the following described property, to-wit: The (West forty-six (46) feet of Lot Six (6), and West Forty-six (46) feet of Lot Seven (7); also a part of Lot Eight (8), commencing at the Southwest corner of 'said lot, and running East Forty-six (46) feet, thence North Fourteen (14) feet, thence West Forty-six (46) feet, thence South Fourteen (14) feet, to the place of beginning all In Block Nine (9) in the town of Lexington, Mor row county, Oregon. Taken and levied upon as the property of the said J. H. Chap man and Emma Chapman or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said Judgement In favor of Dan P. Doherty and against said J. H. Chapman, Emma Chapman, C. H. Beymer and A. M. Mac nab, together with all costs and disburse ments that have or may accrue. E. M. Shutt, SheViff . Dated at Heppner, Oregon, Jan. 21, 1907. 1-24-2-21 OREGON SilDIrLUSE and umon Pacific -TO - Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, St- Louis, ' New York. TlckU to and from nil point or the CnH ed Statu and Kurope. Trains Leave Lexington, Daily, ex cept Sunday, - 1 1 :35 A. M. Trains Arrive at Lexington, Dally, ex cept Sunday. 5:10 P. M. Trains Connect at Heppner Junction with Main Line trains for all , points East and West. Wm : McMurray, G. P. A Sam Is as proud 1 as a peacock and says the country would be better off 'If a lo't of the old bachelors in this country would get married and follow his example. The beautiful oak post office cabi net has finally came to Strawberry. This cabinet has been ordered over half a year from Kansas City, Mo. The railroads now days arei a great help in transportation, for If the post master had have had to make this trip by ox team It Is quite possible that the cabi net would not have been here yet. Any how It is here and just fills the bill for a post office like ours. Lee White and Eugene Gray went to town last week while the water was so high and stayed in town over night, which caused their parents to worry, thinking that they might hive been carried down Willow Creek or some rushing canyon. Then to make mat ters vorse, Eugene's horse pulled loose while tied at H. A. Arnsmeyers eac A Ifnbit to be KnooiirHgnd. The mother who has acqjired the habit of keeping on hand a bottle of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy, saves herself a great amount of uneasiness and anxiety. Coughs, colds and croup to which children are susceptible are quickly cured by its use. It counter acts any tendency ol a cold to result In pneumonia, and if given as soon as the first symptoms of croup appear, it will prevent the attack. This remedy con tains nothing injurious and mothers give It to little ones with a feeling of perfect security. Sold by W. P. Mc Millan's Drug Store. . and went home without his master, nor did the lad go home until late that night when he found his folks very much excited. We are unable to state whether he got a flogging or not, but will all agree that he needed one. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Announcement has been made of and invitations printed for the wedding of Miss Alma S. Anderson to Oness Gibson, Wednesday evening, Feb. 13, L . LEACH HAVE WHAT YOU WANT WAGONS BUGGIES SYRACUSE PLOWS DUTCHMAN PLOWS DISC HARROWS . ANY KIND OF MACHINERY WE SELL EYERYTHING YOU USE, EAT and WEAR i SBroti at 8 o'clock, at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson, three miles west of Aurora. The couple will be at. home at Lex ington, Oregon. The bride to be Is one of Lawrence county's charming young ladies and while her many friends will wish her much happiness and prosperity In her new home, they will regret her de parture for the vest. t The Advertiser is the first to extend congratulations as it extends them now in advance. Aurora, Mo,, Advertizer. The Wheatfield welcomes them to Lexington and Morrow county. - Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup con talning honey and tar is especially ap propriate for chilren. no opiates or pois ons of any character, conforms to the conditions of the National Pure Food and Drug Law, June 30, 1906. For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It ex pels coughs and colds by gently mov ing the bowels. Gurranteed. Sold by W. P. McMillan. CLARK'S CANYON Jack Brumbaugh was a visitor at Wm. Padberg's last Thursday night. A surprise party was given In honor of Nat Shaw by the young people, Feb 8th. A dance was given at Henry Har mer s home Jan. 25th, also one at Alton Baseys, Feb. 1st. Come to the Basket Social, at Clark's Canyon schoolhouse, on Feb., 22nd, 1907. There will be a program after which the baskets will be sold. The attendance at school Is quite regular, but more tardy marks, since the weather is so bad. The bad weather is not the worst thing for our school, when we are able to hold our large boys to the school longer. Your money refunded if after using three-fourths (3-4) of a tube of Man Zan, you are dissatisfied. Return the balance of the tube to your druggist, and your money will be cheerfully re turned. Take advantage of this offer. Sold by W. P. McMillan. jie Store ers Advertise In The Wheatfield.