t HUNTING FOll TKOUULK "I've lived In California 20 years, and am still hunting for trouble - In the way of burns, sores, wounds, boils, cuts, sprains, or a case piles' that Biicklen's Arnica Salve won't ' quickly, .-.cure," writes Charles Walters, of Alleghany, Sierra Co, No use hunting, Mr. Wal teas; it cures every case, Guaranteed W. P. McMillan's drug store. 25c. F. H. ROBINSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW NOTARY Pl'BLIC Practice in all Courts. Legal business given prompt and careful attention. 'Land Contests; Probate Work and Conveyanc- . ing a specialty. IONE. OREGON Hotel Lexington Opposite Leach Brothers, store, Mrs. A. E. Beymer, Prop. Good, meals served. " Newly furnished, refitted with- hot and cold water. Strict attention to guests. , Rates one dollar per day and upwards.-' ' LEXINGTON OREGON. Congregational Church Preaching service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. every third and fifth Sunday of each month. Sunday School 2.30 p. m. every Sunday.'-" ' Rev. J. L. Jones, Pastor. READ THE WHEATFIELD 1USINO ritOil THK GKAVK A prominent manufacturer, Wm. A. Fertwell, of Lucama,.N. C, relates a most remarkable experience. Heisays: "After taking levss than three bottles of Electric Bitters, 1 feel like one Msing from the grave. My trouble is Bright's disease, In the Diabetes stage. I fully believe Electric Bitters will cure me permanently, for it has already stopped tne rfiver ' and bladder complications which have troubled me for years." Guaranteed at W. P. McMillan.s drug gist, Price only 50c. Homer Ferguson . . PRQMPT SERVICE . , REASONABLE CHARCES LEXINGTON, OREGON Kt'''6'0 YEARS' mtSfjfslr, EXPERIENCE Trade Marks j.i-T . Designs , ,,, '.Kflrfrn. ,. copyrights &c. Anyone nendlnf a sketch mid denorlntlon may quickly nacerdiin onr opinWm froe wliollior nu Invention Is pronnbly pjituntnblo. Conimunlra tloiisstiictlyconlldenttiil. HANDBOOK on I'nlnnU sent froe. Oldest nt'ency for socurm? patents. Fnlontg taken through Blaim & Co. receive tpecial notice, without clinrRO, lu the ictttaiic nmm A handsomely Hltiotrntod wcoltlT. I.nrceat clr cuhitkm of nny solenUUa Jourritil. rJeniin, $;i a yenr; four months, $1. Solilbyull nowsdcalera. Branch Clllco, 625 F BU Wasbluutori. U. (J. r BANK n LEXINGTON Branch of BANK OF HEPPNER E, D. BROWN,' Manager. CAPITAL STOCK 50,00O.O0, FCLLY FAII Loans made at Eight per cent. Four per cent, in j terest paid on Time Deposits. - 1 A ' A GENERAL I I AMH A MPk OT? AT FCTATF 5 . " RncSnneee Anno rw -W. B. McAWSTER Good Wheat Lands and Cholte Town Lots' for ''.-.:. Sale at Reasonable Pnc&s, LEXINGTON. ' , OREGON n , LOCAL NEWS Yes, Lexington grows. Veu-' don't I have to watch it. " The WJieatfield has Just completed arrangements with the Oregon Journal whereby we are able to furnish the Oregon Dally Journal, Including the Sunday Issue, and The Wheatfield one year $7. The Daily Journal and Wheatfield one year $5. ;T.he Semi Weekly Journal and The Wheatfield one year $1.75. LAMK BACK This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chamberlain' Pain Balm two or three times a day and rubbing lha parts . vigorously at each application. If this does not af ford relief, bind on a piece of flannel slightly dampened with Pain Balm and quick relief is almost sure to fol low. For sale by W. P. McMillan's Drug Store. - TEACHKKS EXAMINATION . Notice Is hereby given that I will hold the regular examination of appli cants for State and County papers, at the Court House of Morrow County, Oregon, as follows: Commencing Wednesday February 13, at nine o'clock a. m. and continueing until Saturday, February 16, at 4 o'clock p. m. Respectfully, S. I. Stratton, School Superintendent. H0.Y1E5TEAD CONSOLIDATED NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Ofice The Dalles, Oregon, Decmber 29, 1906 Notice is hereby given that the following named settlers have filed notice of Inten tion to make fina! five-year proofs in sup port cf their respective claims, and that said proofs, will be;made before the Regis ter and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on February 16th, 1907, viz: HENRY A. ARNSMEYER, of Strawberry, Oregon, on Homestead En try No.. 10029, made November 20, 1901, for the SW of Section 13, Tp. 1 North, Range 25 E., W. M. ' ALFRED T. WHITE, of Strawberry, Oregon, on Homestead En try No. 10036, made November 21, 1901, for the SEV of Section 15, Tp. 1 North, Range 25 E W. M. JOHN B. WHITE, , pf Lexington, Oregon, on Homestead En try No. 9940, made November 5, 1901, for the SNE!. of Section 21 and WNW of Section 22, Tp. 1 North, Rapge 25 E., W. M. They name the following witnesses to prove their continuous residence upon and cultivation of the lands, viz: B. F. Estes, H. O. McCormlck, Henry A. Arnsmeyer, J. C. White, all of Straw beiry, Oregon, J. B. White, of Lexington, Oregon, A. T. White, of Strawberry, Ore gon. Michael. T. Nolan, 1-10-2-7 Register W. P. MEMILLAN'S . . . , LUMBER 'YARD LUMBER, DOORS, I WINDOWSIJSHINGLES" ' WOOD AND COAL' Lexington, Oregon TRY THE WHEATFIELD r coughs qmmi THE WORKER FOR COLDS 'FOR" f "1 . , AMD - THROAT I..DR. KING S f LUNGS' CHAS. EBY, SR., of Elizabeth, II!., writes: "I paid out over $160 to local phy sicians, who treated me for La Grippe without giving me any relief. I afterward bought a $1.00 bottle of DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY, and after taking contents of this one bottle I was entirely cured." Prise 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottles Fm '. fT5&.-- tfmf) FOR YOUR JOB WORK A VALUABLE LESSON "Six years ago I learned a valuable lesson," writes John Pleasant, of Mag nolia, Ind. I then began taking Dr. King's New Life Pills, and the longer I take them the better I find them." They please everybody. Guaranteed at W. P. McMillan's druggist 25c. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon January 22, 1907. Notice is hereby given that WILLIAM H. MUSGRAVE, of Strawberry, Oregon, has filed notice of his Intention to make final five-year proof In support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 9663 made August 19, 1901, for the NE of Section 24, Township 1 North, Range 25 E., W. M., and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on February 261907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: O. S Hodsdon, W. A. Sprowls, of Lex ington, Oregon, Sam Richie, H. A. Arns meyer, of Strawberry, Oregon. ' ' - , ' . Michael T. Nolan, A. J. CALKIN.... JEWELER Watchmaker and Registered Optician All Work Guaranteed Repairing a Specialty Lexington, - Oregon PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. All cases attended to promptly, day or night. Office over Drug Store. Residence In Boothby property. LEXINGTON . - OREGON.. UNITED ARTISANS - Lexington Assembly No. 88, Meets every Saturday ' n.ght In Artisan hall. Ethel Wilcox, C. W. Christenson, . - Sec. . M. A. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. . , v ,. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon; January 22, 1907. . Notice is hereby given that (? ' '' ; SAMUEL j; DEVINEV of Lexington, Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to make ' final five-year proof in support of his claim, viz: Home stead Entry No. 8647 made November 9, 1900, for the NW, and W SWtf of Section 35, Township 1 North, Range 25 E W.. M., and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on February 26, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land viz: Charles McKee, George W. Turner, of Portland, Oregon, Samuel Devlne, C. R. McAlister, of Lexington, Oregon. Michael T. Nolan, 1-24-2-21 Regisier. I. O. O. F. Lexington lodge';No. 168. Meets every Wednesday evening in Arti san hall.' ' ( .- '. -. ,' C. W, Cnrlstenson C. R. kcAltster, Sec. . - ; N. G. REBEKAH--Holly lodge. No., 139 Lexington.. Meets, the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30. Mrs. Mary Thomas Mrs. E. J. McAlister ' ( Sec' N. G" THEM.W.OFA .Excelsior Camp. No. 9873, meet In Artisan Hall every . 4th Tuesday night of the month. E. E. Thomas. . F. F. Klitz, , Clerk. V. C. M. E. Church South Preaching every second and fourth Sundays, both morning and evening. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Epworth League at 6:30 every Sunday evening. Every one cordially invited to attend these services. Rev ,T. P. Graham, Pastor. Get Your Name on SOLD AND RECO""ENDED DY ' W, P. MCMILLAN'S DRUG STORE Read The Wheatfield and be happy. The Wheatfield List