LEXINGTON GROWS WITHOUT WATCHING 1 w u u EATFIEID VOL. II LEXINGTON, OREGON, THURSDAY JANUARY 31, 1907 NO. 18 ODDFELLOWS ENTERTAIN The Social given by the Odd Fel lows was the most enjoyable event of the season. A short program was given In the fore part of the evening after which the hall was turned over to the young people for games and the older ones to visit. At 10:15 supper was announced and all repaired to the Lodge hall above, where an elegant repast was served, W. E. Leach act ing as toast master. An address of welcome was delivered by C. R. McAllster. Rev. T. P. Graham gave a short talk on Odd Fellowship. Mrs E. E. Thomas gave an Interesting talk on Rebekahs. After supper all returned to the lower hall where all enjoyed themselves with games and dancing until midnight when all dis persed each saying that it was one of ihe most pleasant evenings they had ever spent. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION The annual Sunday School conven tion of Morrow County will be held at lone, Feb. 7 and 8. There will prob ably be an afternoon session on the 7th followed by ah evening session and three sessions on the 8th. State Field Worker, Chai. A. Phipps, will be present and assist In the convention . Let all Sunday School workers make an effort to be present. Programs will be issued later State Field Work Phipps will also address the people of Heppner, on Tuesday evening, Feb. 5, at 7:30 o'clock, at the Christian Church; and will address the people of Lexington, on Wednesday evening, Feb. 6, at the Congregational Church. Mr. Phipps j Is thoroughly alive to the work and! will Interest you If you attend any of these meetings. Executive Committee. STRAWBERRY Strawberry Flat Is once more cov ered with snow. The Strawberry school has been dismissed owing to the fuel famine. It tfilj start again as soon as any one can HOMESTEAD CONSOLIDATED NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Office The Dalles, Oregon, December 29, 1906 Notice Is hereby given that the following named settlers have filed notice of their In tentions to make final five-year proofs In support of their respective claims, and that said proofs will be made before the Regis ter and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on February 15th, 1907, viz: HARRY 0. McCORMICK, of Strawberry, Oregon, on Homestead En try No. 9939. made November 5, 1901, for the NEX of Section 22, Tp, 1 N., R. 25 E W. M. . BENJAMIN F. ESTES, of Strawberry, Oregon, on Homestead En try No. 9937, filed November 5, 1901, for the NE of Section 23, Tp. 1 North, Range 25 E., W. M. JESSE C. WHITE, of Strawberry, Oregon, on Homestead En try No. 9938, made November 5, 1901 , for the NW of Section 23, Tp. .1 North, Range 25 E., W. M. They name the following witnesses to provs their continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the lands, vii! H. A. Arnsrr.eyor, B. F. Eftes, H. O. McCormick, ail of Strawberry, Oregon, J, B. White, cf Lexington. OregorLi J. C. Whits, A. T. White, cf Sti.wbtrry, Oregon tv'::::'.;;: T. 1 :- am. 1-10-2-7 Register. get town for wood or coal, whichever Is available. The roads have been so bad that it has been almost impossible for barefooted horses to travel. R.' K. Wiles tried to bring a small load of wood from lone last Saturday afternoon, butjthe afternoon lasted till 3 o'clock that night and he was com pelled to go homo and wait until the next day. Nathan Musgrave has just made a trip to the Columbia river for wood. He fortunately got home about six hourj ahead of the Sri&w storrn. Lee White has been suffering se verely with the toothache the past THE B1UHT NAHB Mr. August Sherpe, the popular ov erseer of the poor, at Fort Madison, la. says: "Dr. King's New Life Pills are rightly named; they act more agreeably do more good and make one feel bet ter than any other laxative." Guaran teed to cure biliousness and constipa tion. 25c at W. P. McMillan's drug store. week. Frank White took his family also the children of John B, White to Straw berry last Sunday. They called It a birthday visit as It was only one day before Mr. J. C. White was 60 years old. . They all enjoyed themselves very much. There were six of the children present on this occasion and John B., the oldest son, was expected but could not come. There were also six grandchildren present which made quite a housefull for one day, besides a few other visitors. J. W. Sibley spent the evening last Monday at Carrel MusgraYe's. Johnle Musgrave was also present and ren dered several fine pieces of music on his violin. Henry Smith Clay Phillips Lula Beymer Lois Tyler Mary Duran Effle White Vernon Waid Jessie Mead Leona Leach Grace Reaney Mary Cypert Roy Fuller Willard Graham Flora Mead Ruth Howard Katie Eskelson Alblna Leach Cecil Leach Thomas Graham Hobart Helms Edith Reaney Roy Beymer Addle Zlnk Jlmmie Eskelson Willie Duran Ralph Phillips Gertrude Beymer Cecil Scott Abbie Johnson Iva Thomas Dottie Wiles Berinie Boon Mable Boon Mertie White Frank Burgoyne Mable Davis . Vida Zlnk Berton White Pearl Reaney Lawrence Reaney Advanced Grade R. B. Wilcox, Teacher Joe Thornburg Ruth Brown Edna Carmichael Maude Cutsforth Mary Graham' Josie Eskelson James Pointer Cora McMillan Only a destitute age counts being rich as the greatest virtue . SCHOOL NEWS Those averaging 90 and above the January examinations were: Primary Grade Miss Agnes Hammer, Teacher Elvln Fuller Eliza White in Intermediate Grade Miss Grace Cole, Teacher Wesley Breshears Ennls Thomas Annabel Howard Princes Smith Lela Fuller Ella Yocume Lela Helms Arnold Piper Ninetta Smith Park Carmichael Elmer Helms Crammer Grade Joseph E. Waid, Teacher Maudie McMillan Ella Cypert Inez Cypert Nettie Davis Ralph Howard George Peck Yesterday was moving day in Lex ington. J. Waid moved Into the Beymer property. David E. Leach moved Into the E. E. Thomas property. The Whearfield family moved into their new home and Karl Beach mov Into the property recently purchased by him. Your money refunded If after using three-fourths (3-4) of a tub$ of Man Zan, you are dissatisfied. Return the-. balance of. the tube to, your druggist,, and your money wVtl be cheerfully re turned. Take vantage of this offer Sold by W. P' McMillan. Ml i ' LEACH BRO'S I HAVE WHAT YOU WANT WAGONS BUGGIES SYRACUSE PLOWS DUTCHMAN PLOWS DISC HARROWS ANY KIND OF MACHINERY WE SELL EYERYTHING YOU USE, EAT and WEAR eac 9 2 tit ro tilers me tor p. iZ7 wv ---a --O