Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, January 24, 1907, Image 1

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( wist
NO. 18
Examinations have come again.
The directors were visiting school
Debating it the order of the day in
the Principal's room at present.
The net receipts from the holiday
entertainments were as follows:
X'mas programme - $18 50
, New Year programme 5 25
Total - - . 23 75
This money Is to be used in buying
books for the library, This with the
10c per pupil tax will give the district
about $40 Worth of books. ,
The last meeting of the Social club
was held at the home of Miss Cora
McMillan Although the weather was
very disagreable most of the members
were present and a very pleasant even
ing was spent. The Club expects to
give the "Deestrlct Skule of 50 years
The boys basket ball team has so
clearly outclassed the Heppner and
lone school teams that they cannot get
liny more games with them. They
are going to try their luck with the
Heppner men's team, which is proba
bly the best team In the county, that
Is, If the boys don't defeat them a
week from Friday night we will let
them claim the title.
Thft'-flrlS iMve organized a team
vhl ,h practices on Monday, Thursday
and Saturday. We hope tby till
itia-' ?a good n Vird as thi bcya
A choof anl Its mrwgmnt wr
y bring a tote of troulo to hota trytajf
to coo&et ttifor the bent Intevatta at
j ft H r yflgM otatftody
and we aWt xpx1 to, but v 1taJ
togo.thM4fl4lo vfct rtffit. anl
If what wf left to t rtgHt
are villlat td W aettacM ntf it vffl
surpriae you to s lev qolci vifl
do the other way, but whan grown men
who knew better, help to Urlnf on our
troubles, I guess wo have held our
peace long anough. A short tima ago
two boys on their way home from
United States Land Office
The Dalles, Oregon, December 29, 1906
Notice Is hereby given that the following
. name settlers have filed notice of their In
tentions to make final five-year proofs In
support of their respective claims, and that
said proofs will be made before the Regis
ter and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon,
on February 15th, 1907, viz:
of Strawberry, Oregon, on Homestead En
try No. 9939. made November 5, 1901, for
the NEX of Section 22, Tp. 1 N., R. 25 E
W. M.
of Strawberry, Oregon, on Homestead En
try No. 9937, filed November 5, 1901, for
the NE of Section 23, Tp. 1 North,
Range 25 E W. M,
of Strawberry, Oregon, on Homestead En
try No. 9938, made November 5, 1901, for
the NW of Section 23, Tp. 1 North,
Range 25 E., W. M.
They name the following witnesses to
prove their continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, the lands, viz:
H. A. Arnsmeyer, B. F. Estes, H. O.
McOormlck, all of Strawberry, Oregon, J,
B. White, of Lexington, Oregon, j. C.
White, A. T. Whiteof Strawberry, Oregon
Michael T. Nolan, (
.1-10-2-7 Register.
school having some difference to set
tle threatened to use force to settle
them, and disgraceful to say the chief
cause of bringing them to blows was
the crowd of grown men that gathered
around them and urged them on. It
Is one of the most cowardly and dis
graceful things any man can do, to get
boys to fight. (We are Informed that
one of the men who urged the boys on
is a member of the school board. Ed)
Mr, August Sherpe, the popular ov
erseer of .the poor, at Fort Madison, la.
says: "Dr. King's New Life Pills are
rightly named; they act more agreeably
do more good and make one feel bet
ter than any other laxative." Guaran
teed to cure biliousness and constipa
tion. 25c at W. P. McMillan's drug
It has been very cold In this vicinity
for the past week. The ground has
been frozen 14 inches deep and on
Thursday morning, Jan. 17th the mer
cury registered 18 degrees below zero.
A 3$roti
at J. W. Sibley's ; 4 .miles northeast
Owing to the snow the wheat Is not
hurt unless it Is some that had just
swollen and not sprouted. In such a
case as this the severe freeze Is liable
to have killed the germ and when it
warm up the grain will perhaps rot.
The freeze played havoc with the
fruits, eggs and potatoes. There were
but few people that had cellars tight
enough to keep 'Mr. 'Jack Frost from
creeping In, but there is no reports of
him taking anything away, but as the
darkle says, "He spiled mose every
thing he put hi: fingers on",
It has taken lots of wood and those
that thought they had plenty of wood
find themselves wondering where they
can get more, to be ready for another
winter In case one should happen along
again before summer opens up.
Miss Jennie White has gone to
tone to stay with her sister, Mrs. Mc
Cormlck few weeks. Miss White
kinds of Machines from $2,50 up
will be missed very much, as she Is
one of our main members in Sunday
School also one of our leaders in sing
ing school
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Morey are on
the sick list this week. They were
both confined to the bed at the same
time. It is believed nothing serious
is the matter more than a light attack
of the grippe. Mr. Morey was one of
the men that helped convey the re
mains of Grandpa Musgrave to Dixie
cemetery, In Washington, and perhaps
took cold on the journey, as it was a
long cold trip to drive a team on such
a special occasion.
Eugene Gray Is working with R. K.
Wiles hay bailer.
While Claude White was to the
river for wood a week or two ago, the
coyotes made a raid on his wife's
chicken roost and made away with 11
fine hens. Claude has been hunting
coyotes ever since. . X:
The Swede Canyon , Poultry Farm
UAe SB'iy Sqn
received two full blood Black Langshan
hens and three full blood Barred Ply
moth Rock cockerels, from Harris
burg, last Saturday. One of the cock
erels was for the "Old Man", who will
place it with his bunch of B. P Rocks. '
P. M. Christenson & Son, the proprie
tors now have two of the best laying
strains of chickens on the coast. The
Black Langshan, which is practically
a new chicken to this part of the coun
try, is almost a non-setter and a good
layer. The cockerel that will be used
with this bunch of Langshans was from
a setting of eggs imported from Salem
Indiana, by the Editor of this sheet,
and is a thorough bred. See the ad
of the Swede Canyon Farm in this
Your money refunded if after using
three-fourths (3-4) of a tube of Man
Zan, you are dissatisfied. Return the
balance of the tube to your druggist,
and your money will be cheerfully re
turned. Take advantage of this offer.
Sold by W. P. McMillan.