t LEXIHSTOH WKEATFIELD S A. TtlbUAS. FoMtfaw i LEXINGTON.. . .Y. .... .'. OREGON NEWS OFTHE WEEK la a Condensed Form tor Our Busy Readers. A Resume of the Lm Important but Not Let Interacting Events : of tiio Pai Wook. The pope has issued an encyclical denouncing French church laws. The last horse car line in New York City ia to be equipped for electricity. Thousands of Chinese in the famine district are living on grass and roots. - Congressman Charles Curtis has been nominated for senator by Kansas Re publicans. Hearst has won the first point in his appeal to oust McClellan as mayor of New York. A resolution has been introduced in the Idaho legislature favoring exclusion of Japanese coolies. Japan has eiven no reason for not Bending the squadron to visit the Pa cific coast as planned Alaskans are endeavoring , to have the president's order withdrawing coal land from entry removed. , A move to ivestigate Gugenheim's purchase of a senatorship has been squelched by the Colorado legislature. The Union Pacific will probably be ordered by the Interstate commerce Commission to sell the stocks of other roads. Fire that started in a tobacco ware house at Lancaster, Pa., spread to other property, entailing a loss of $1, 000,000. Russia is preparing to build several warships. , The 1907-08 Japanese army and navy budget carries $95,000,000. The president is expected to send an other message to congress on negro troops. :,..,! The train service between San Fran cisco and Los Angeles is at a complete standstill, owing to washouts. Several Japanese have applied to Texas Federal officers for citizenship papers. They were told to wait. It is conceded by many that Hearst Btands a fair chance of wresting the New .ork mayoralty from McClellan. Congressman W. A. Smith has been made the caucus nominee by the Mich igan legislature for Alger's place in the senate. PORTLAND MARKETS. "Wheat Club. 66c; bluestem, 68c; valley, 66c; red, 64c. - Oats No. 1 white, $252G; gray, $24.5025. Barley Feed, $21.5022 per ton; brewing, $22.50; rolled, $2324. flva M. 40(31. 45 t)er cwt. ' Corn Whole, $26; cracked, $27 per ton. Hav Vallev timothy, No. 1, $1314 per ton: Eastern Oregon timothy, $14 16; clover, $88.50; cheat, $7.50 8.50; grain hay, $7.508.60; alfalfa, 111.50: vetch hay. $88.50. Butter Fancy creamery, 3035c nor nnund. Butter Fat First grade cream, 33 Vic per pound; second grade cream, 2c less nnr nrmnd. Eggs Oregon ranch, 3233c per dozen. Poultry Average old hens, 1415c ner nound: mixed chickens, ld14c spring, 1415c; old rooters, 10llc; HmsHod chickens. 1617c: turkeys. live,1717c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 2022c; geese, live, iodize; uucks, 1415c Vonl DroRRod. 5Ufni9c ner nound Beef Dressed bulls, 1 2c per pound ; cows. 4ffl5c: country steers, 5(5 We. Mutton Dressed, fancy, 89e per pound; ordinary, 67c. Pork Dressed. 68Wc per pound Fruits Apples, common to choice, 60(3),75c per box; choice to fancy, $1 2.50; pears, $11.50; cranberries, $11.50 12 per barrel; persimmons, si. 50 ner box. Vegetables Turnips, 90c$ per Rack: carrots. 90c$l per sack; beet $1.25(31.50 per sack; horseradish, offil On ner nound : sweot potatoes. 3c per pound; cabbnge, 2o per pound; cauliflower, $1.25 per dozen; celery, $3.754.25 per crate; onions, 10 12 4c per dozen; bell peppers, 8c; tmmpkins, 2c per pound; spinach, 4 5cper pound; parsley, 1015c; Bquash, 2c per pound. Onions Oregon, $11.25 per bun A rnrl . Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, fancy, $11.30; common, oajuc. Hops ll13Xc per pound, accord ra nun litv. Wool Eastern Oregon average best, 1318c per pound, according to shrink age; valley, 2023c, according to fine ness; mohair, choice, zotseo. ltd, Mi.MEET ATr ALBANY. , , " Producers and Shippers Unite In De v manding Legislation.. . Albany,. Or., 'jan.ll. If any partic ular pomt touching on the derelictions or iniquities of the railrtadd was over looked at the car shortage meeting .in Eugene last month,. it was supplied at the Shippers' and Producers' conven tion held in this city yesterday. The meeting, like its predecessor at Eugene, was held for the purpose of impressing ou the members of the legislature the necessity for railroad legislation. ,, The people are so terribly in earnest, ami so unanimous in their demands for remedial railroad legislation that prac tically every other matter to come be fore the legislature has been lost sight of. The attendance yesterday, included a large number of people who were at the Eugene meeting, and if there has been any change in their feeling to wards the railroads it has not been in favor of the corporations . Both in the sentiments openly expressed and in private conversation there are plenty of indications that the people are "nurs ing their wrath to keep it warm" until they can get action at Salem. At this meeting, as at Eugene, there were none of the "cinch-bill" type of politicians, and but little unreasonable abuse of the railroads. The attendance was made up of people who have been so seriously hurt in a financial way 'by the car shortage that they 1 are becom ing desperate and are prepared to go to most any length to improve conditions. The details or the form to be taken by the proposed legislation have not yet been worked out. As a matter of fact, they are no farther along than when they were at the Eugene meeting, and the Albany convention might not in appropriately be termed a ratification meeting inspired by the Eugene affair. MOVES TO SEATTLE. Interstate Commerce Commission to Meet in Sound City Chicago, Jan. 11. The investigation by the Interstate Commerce commis sion into the traffic alliances and other business deals of the railroaus con trolled by E. H. Harriman, was cm pleted today, so far as Chicago is con cerned, and the commission adjourned to meet in Seattle January 21, when the case will be resumed. James H. Hiland, third vice president of the Chi cago, Milwaukee &, St. Paul railroad; Julius Kruttschnitt, director in charge of maintenance and operation; E. A. McCormick, assistant traffic 'director of the Harriman linesj and J. A. Munroe, freiuht traffic manager of the Union Pacific, testified today. '. ' Testimony showing that the, consoli dation of the Union Pacific and South ern Pacific had eliminated competition to a certain extent was given by Mr Hiland and Mr. Kruttschnitt, who ad mitted that the purchase of rolling stock for both systems was practically under his control. Mr. McCormick was questioned regarding the advertis. ing department of the system, but de clared each road had its own bureau of publicity. After the commission aajournea mis afternoon it was said that after the commissioners had concluded their in vestigation in the West the hearing would be resumed in New York. At that time, Mr. Harriman, William Rockefeller, Standard Oil officials and others, including H. H. Rogers, II. C. Frick and James Stillman, . would be called before the commission. ANNUL TIMBER AND STONE ACT Senate Committee Proposes to Sell Timber and Keep Land. Washington, Jan. 10. The senate public lands committee .today agreed to report favorably the bill to repeal the timber and stone act and substitute therefor a law directing that the govern ment retain title to its remaining tim ber lands, selling only the timber, at not less than apprised value. As this bill virtually creates forest reserves of all government timber land, the land can never pass to private ownership, and hence can never be taxed. To compensate for this loss of taxes, Senator Fulton secured the adoption of an amendment to the bill stipulating that 25 per cent of the money derived from timber sales shall bo paid to the counteis in which the timber is cut. Heaviest Rain in Years. Los Angeles, Jan. 11. In amount of precipitation, the storm that has drenched Southern California during the rast four days is the heaviest in 18 years. The total precipitation is nearly four inches, of which 1.4 has fallen during the past 24 hours. The storm has been severe in its effects north and east of Los Angeles. Landslides south of Santa Barbara had, at last accounts, tied up four or five passenger trains hound for this city. Four or five lives are known to have been lost as an in direct result. Car Shortage Coses Flour Mills. Minneapolis, Jan. 11. Because they could not get cars in which to ship their products, the leading flour mills of the city have been forced to close , wn temporarily. Three hundred men are out of work. Western Men Do Not Like Pres ident's Oriier. BLOCKS THE WAY TO PATENTS Hansbrougn Has Bill to Sell -Timber and Keep Land Several Bills to Lease Coal Land. Washington, Jan. i2. Western men in congress do not take kindly to Presi.-. dent Roosevelt's order holding up every public land entry, pending investiga tion of each individual case by special agen. I he president, upon advice or Secretary Hitchcock, made this order in the expectation that congress, in or der to relieve the congestion, wonld hastily appropriate morrt-y to permit the employment of a vast number of special agents, but it seems that no such liberality will be shown if the Western men adhere to their present opinion. They are now, m most in stances, inclined to believe that the president s order was too sweeping and that it will work more harm than good.. Mr. Hitchcock, however, is firmly con vinced that this is the only way to head off fraudulent entries. But as one experienced Westerner said: "Who is to guarantee the honesty of several hundred special agents?" Senator Hansbrough, chairman of the committee on public lands, will renew his fight to secure the repeal of the timber and stone act and the sub stitution of a law authorizing the sale of government timber at not less than its appraised value. Mr. Hansbrough has drawn a new bill which shall re serve to itself title to all public timber land and sell only the timber. The bill stipulates that persons residing in the immediate vicinity of any govern ment timber land may take, without cost, not to exceed 100,000 feet, B. M., in any one year, for itheir own use for farm and domestic purposes. Timber land shall remain open to entry under the mining and coal lnd laws, and timbered land chiefly valuable for stone shall be subject to entry under the placer mining laws. Persons devel oping claims on forest land may cut therefrom not to exceed 100,000 feet, B. M., in any one year, provided they need euch timber in developing and operating their claims. Coupled with and very similar to the legislation providing for the disposal of public timber are the various bills now pending proposing to regulate the use of coal, gas and oil on government land. There are many bills for this pur pose, all drawn along one general line In the main they propose that the gov ernment shall retain title to coal, oil and gas bearing land and shall permit the development of their resources on a royalty basis. This land is now tied up under a sweeping withdrawal ordered by the president, and until some sort of legislaiton is enacted it will be im possible for private capital to get hold of and develop the coal, gas and oil resources on ay part of the public do main. ALASKA LEADS THEM ALL. Mint Director Estimates Total Gold Production for 1903. Washington, Jan. 12. The director of the mint today made a preliminary estimate of the production of go d and silver in the United States during the calendar year 1906. Of the more important increases in the production of gold as compared with 1905 Alaska stands first with a gain of $0,316,000; Nevada comes next with $45,00,000, and Arizona third, with $523,000. Colorado shows a loss in gold production of $2,900,000 and California a loss of $564,000. In silver production Montana shows a loss of 2,000,000 ounces, Colorado a loss of 65,000 ounces and Utah a gain of 2,217,000 ounces. The figures for all the states sho , a net gain in gold production of $7,920,700 and a net gain in silver production of 82,100 ounces. . i Small Sum for Forts, ' Washington, Jan. 12. In presenting the fortifications bill to the house in committee of the whole today, Repre sentative Smith, of Iowa, stated that only once in 13 years had so small an amount been carried in a fortifications bill. The bill carries $132,000 to make 14-inch guns. He said the members of the appropriation committee found themselves between two conflicting ele ments, the one "thinking that we were progressing too rapidly in the defense of our possessions, and the other that we were proceeding too slowly." Tennessee Backs Up Roosevelt Nashville. Tenn.. Jan. 12. The house of representatives adopted a joint resolution indorsing the action oi pres ident Roosevelt in dismissing the bat talion of neuro soldier's in connection with the rioting at Brownsville. !";oppbsle. Chinese" tAeoa;- Congressional Committee Has Formed Deckled Opinions on Canal. New York, Jan. 9. The congressional committee of 12, headed by Congress man McKinlay, of California, which has been Inspecting the work on the is thmian canal, arrived here today on the steamer Panama from Colon. The members of the committee said their observations were that work" on the canal is progressing favorably, and that the employen were well satisfied. In speaking of his visit to the isth mus Senator Flint said: "I -found everything in excellent shape and work progressing very favor ably on economic Hues. The men were well housed and fed, but the duel dilli- culty of the future to1 my mind, ia the building ot new noimes. 4- am emphat ically of the opinion that there is abso lutely no necessity for the employment of Chinese labor in completing the Mr! McKinlay said: "We investigated thoroughly the work done and the conditions prevail ing on the isthmus. -1 am satisfied that there is not the slightest necessity for the employment of Chinese on the work. The canal lone is getting very healthy, and it seems to me to present a fine field for American workmen without employing Chinese. The work is progressing satisfactorily and I feel assured that the canal will be com pleted within a reasonable length of time." Congressman F. S. Dickson, of Illi nois, said he was opposed to the em ployment of Chinese labor on the canal. He said the men now'there were doing good work, were contented, and resent the criticisms regarding conditions in the canal zone. HURRY REPORT ON TARIFF. Experts Reminded Uerman Treaty Will Need Legislation.-. .. Washington, Jan. 9 The State de partment has intimated to the experts who were sent to Germany to confer with German experts and to compare notes relative to the complaints against the American tariff schedule tliat it would like to have a report before the middle of February. This request was made necefoary by the fact that if any legislation is necessary to give effect to the recommendations of the tariff ex perts, at least two weeks' time will be required to perfect it. While it is hoped by the department that as the result of their conferences with the Germans, the American ex perts will be able to recommend tome changes in administration that could be effected by a mere amendment of the rules by the secretary of the treasury, it is regarded as probable that, the changes recommended will be such' as will require legislation. In this latter case if congressional action upon the propositions cannot be expected before the adjournment of the present session, then it will be necessary to ask the Ger man government to again extend the provisions of the present German law admitting America to the priviliges of the minimum tariff In Germany. PLOT TO MURDER. All White Officers Doomed to Death by Negro Soldiers. El Reno, Okla., Jan. 9. Belief of the army officers at Fort Reno that a conspiracy to murder every white offi cer at Fort Reno, beginning with Cap tain Edgar Macklin, against whom every negro soldier at the post enter tains a personal grudge aB a result of the affair at Brownsville, Tex., and the discharge of the negro soldiers that fol lowed, and then proceeding down the list of officers, became known today as a result of the preliminary hearing in the case of Edward L. Knowles, cor poral of company A, Twenty-fifth in fantry, who was found guilty of assault with intent to kill Captain Macklin, on the nteht of December 21. Knowles was bound over to await the action of the Canadian county grand jury at the pring term of court. Every effort has been made by the officers at the post to keep the alleged conspiracy a sceret, but it is learned that an investigation is being made at several army posts, and within a short time several arrests of members of the troop recently discharged in disgrace are expected to follow. Buy Flour for Chinese. San Francisco, Jan.9. Major Charles R. Krauthoff , of the Subsistence depart ment, U. S. A., has been authorized by the American National Red Cross soci ety to purchase 600,000 pounds of flour to be used In China. E. ti. itarriman has offered the use of his, line for trans. portation of this commodity free of charge, and the flour will be sent on the steamer Coptic. It will be sent to the United States consul at Shanghai, who will then distribute it among 'the famine-stricken residents of China. The Coptic sails January 15. Big Stove Works Burns. Detroit, Mich., Jan. 9. Fire de. stroyed the major portion of the Mich. ican Stove works on Jefferson avenue tonieht. causing a loss estimated at $7750.000. The entire plant covered an area of 10 or 12 acres. The office building, the foundries and part ofjhe storae building were saved. TEN MILLION SUFFER Chinese Refugees Swarming Into Cities in Search ol Food. NEARLY FOUR MILLION STARVING All Sufferers May Die Unless Charity Comes to AidHundreds Perish Daily. Victoria, B. C, Jan. 10. The steam er Shinano Maru, which arrived today from the Orient, brought further ad vices regarding the appalling famine in Central China. The extent of the fa mine area is boundod on the south by a line from the sea through Human and along the Huai river in North Anhui, on the west by a line from Ochou to Kweitoh, north from the eastern corner of llonan to the sea which bounds the eastern Bide. The worst conditions are expected to set in after Chineso New Year in mld Febniary. The population affected is set at 10,000,000, of which Viceroy Tuan Fang estimates that 4,000,000 are n actual want, mostly starving. J he famine area is about 40,000 square miles, embracing between 20 and 30 huge walled cities, besides the scattered country population. The figures given from nine large cities show 8U0,UUl starving refugees have already collect ed, with no account of those who have migrated south or congregated in walled cities outside the famine area. Mr. Bostwick, sent from Shanghai to investigate, says all these refugees may perish from starvaton unless fed by gov ernment or public charity. He esti mates the daily expenditure to feed the 4,000,000 now starving at $20,000, while the period of relief must be ex tended over some months. With tens of thousands of starving huddled in the walled cities it is feared epidemics will add to the horrors of the famine. The North China Daily News, of Shanghai, publishes many telegrams from missionaries in the famine areat. A typical one from Hsuchoufu says: "Half people actually without provi sions daily and die. Many leave coun try. Numberless brigandages and mur ders. No local relief hoped for." THIRTY-FOUR BURNED. Explosion. Scatters Molten Iron With Fearful Results. Pittsburg, Jan. 10. Three workmen were killed, seven fatally injured and 24 are missing as the result of an explosion tonight at the Eliza furnaces of the Jones & Laughlin Steel works. Gas, accumulating at the base of the fur naces, became ignited. In the result ing explosion tons of molten metal were showered around the furnace for a radius , of 40 feet, overwhelming the workmen in a fiery flood. While the mill officials are inclined to believe all of the missing men were not cremated in the molten metal, noth ing definite is known as to their where abouts. Only one man, George Knox, has appeared since the explosion. He says everything happened so quickly that he doubts whether the men escaped. The scenes about the entrance to the mill were pathetic when the families of the victims learned of the disaster. Women, men and children gathered be fore the gate and made frantic efforts to gain admittance. Several of the fren zied women rushed upon the officers and tried to fight their way into the mill. Children ran through the streets crying that "Father is dead." Later it became necessary to call additional police, forcibly to escort the women and children to their homes. The officials at the mills refused to allow anyone to enter the yard where the furnace is located. : Information was refused to newspaper men, the offi cials saying that later they might issue a statement. A heavy guard of foreign workmen was placed at the yard en trance and even the police were power less to get past. , , Uncle Sam Does Not Need Money. Washington, Jan. 10. The secre tary of the treasury will iinmediately notify the depository banks, with which the temporary deposits of about $12,000,000 were recently placed to be returned January 20 and February 1 that the dates for the return of the de posits have been extended so as to re quire the funds to be repaid to the treasury, one half on February 1 and one half on Februaty 15. It is stated in explanation of this change in date that there is no particular need for the money at this time. Another Candidate for Bullets. St. Petersburg, Jan. 10. General Dratschvsky, ex-Russian inspector gen eral of railroads in Finland, has been appointed prefect of St. Petersburg in place of the late Von der Launitz, who was recently assassinated.