Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, January 10, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 10
111 nmmu 'lnl ll 11 j ll
Your money refunded If after using
three-fourths (3-4) of a tube of Man
Zan, you are dissatisfied. Return the
balance of the tube to your druggist,
and your money will be cheerfully re
t'.irned. Take advantage of this offer.
Sold by W. P. McMillan.
We will alvays be glad to get news
items from the surrounding country.
We want aonie good correspondents in
the country.
'i ate iu;tiT na.uk
Mr. August Shqrpe, the popular ov
erseer of the poor, at Fort Madison, la.
says: "Dr. King's New Life Pills are
rightly named; they act more agreeably
do more good and make one foel bet
ter than any other laxative." Guaran
teed to cure biliousness and constipa
tion. 25c'at V. P. McMillan's drug
, store.
United lit.r.::, Ur.i Offica
The Dallas, Orc-i' .n, December 29, 1905
Notice is hereby t!ven that the following
named settlers have filed notioe of their in
trillions to rr.al'e finil five yoar proofs in
support of their respective claims, and that
said proofs vill be made before thti Regis
ter and Receiver, at The Dalles, Orej.or',
on February 15th, 1907, viz: '
harry o. Mccormick,
of Strawberry, Oregon, on Homestead En
try No. 9939. made November 5, 1901, for
the NEX of Section 22, Tp. 1 N., R 25 2.,
W. M.
of Strawberry, Oregon, en Homestead En
try No. 9937, filed, 'November 5, 1901, for
the NEX of Section 23, Tp. 1 North,
Kange 25 E., W. M.
of Strawberry, Oregon, on Hemeetet En
try No. 9938, made November 5, 1901, for
the NWX of Section 23, Tp. 1 North,
Range 25 E W. M.
They nme the following witneoee to
prove their continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, the lands, vii:
H. A. Arnsmeyer, B. F. Esies, H. O.
McCormlck, all of Strawberry, Oregon, J,
B. White, of Lexington, Oregon, J. C.
White, A. T. White, of Strawberry, Oregon
Michael T. Nolan,
1 10 2-7 Register.
Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas
City, Chicago, St- Louis,
New York.
Tiokti to nd frm all point of (he Unti
ed Stati and Xarope,
Trains Leave Lexington, Daily, ex
cept Sunday, - 9:25 A. M.
Trains Arrive at Lexington, Daily, ex
cept Sunday - 5:-10 P. M.
Trains Connect at Heppnar Junction
with Main Line trains for all '
pointi East and West.
W McMurray, G. P. A.
.1 L
Have 'Killed Birch on the Wing and
Caused a Sheep to Drop Dead.
It does not often happen that a
hinl fulls a victim to u golf bi.!l in
its flight, although such a mishap
has occurred in two or three in
stanceH, nays London Tit-Bits.
1 Not long ago an incident of this
kind waa reported from JJaynes
J'ark Golf club. It took place in
tiie course of a bogie competition.
One of the phiwr;:,
i Mr. v i"''!;or,
having driven olr at the "'cventh
tec, h: hull created some :.rftoni;,!i
rncnt by cowing in contact with a
lark in midair1 and literally knocking
off its head.
A similar incident happened last
Reason but one on the ground of tha
Eirkdale club. Two members were
playing a rrmnd when one of them
made a brannie shot. The ball v&a
in full flight when a bird of the
wagtail fipecies was seen crossing the
line (if 1'ight, and the next moment
both objects eume into collision at
a (Rvnii 'c of about forty paces from
'!: 'I.ikcr.
The eoir-eopieiices were fatal to
iin- !: f climate bird, which was not
u'.hv ki A c J, but decapitated. As for
the gojf ball,. iU flight was stopped
by tin; impact, the ball falling to
die. ground within a few yards of
its slaughtered victim. Thc'incidont
had the further object of losing the
player the match, ho leaving to make
an extra stroke or two to cover the
distance short covered, thus costing
him the game.
A still more extraordinary freak
of a golf ball resulted in a tragedy
on the Baleomie links in Scotland.
In the course of a match one of the
phyers, in hi?, drive from the sixth
tec, put so much vigor into it that
the ball struck a sheep on the head
willi such force as to cause it to
i'aii dead on the spot,
A very different, but no Ic-s in
tor: sting", story vns reported from
another link in Scotland about the
same time. In a foursome match,
played at North Berwick, one of tho
golfers drove his ball' Against a wall.
It rebounded into pome rough trrass
and for a few minuter, . could not
be traced, but ultimately the caddie
found th bail lying in a lark's nest,
in which were four eggs all un
broken. For a ball to drop into a
nest of eggs without breaking any
waa sury an extraordinary occur
rence. It i not long since a plopr at
Woking in approaching the hoi.--landed
a bull on the top of thn
clubhouse. This little incident did
not, however, -upset lii3 equilibrium
very much. As nimbly as he could
kinds of Machines from $2.50Iup
he followed the ball to'the roof and
from that coign of disadvantage
played it so well that he was suc
cessful in securing a half of a hole
which everybody considered irre
trievably lost,
A similar scene was once wit
nessed on the St. Andrews link3 in
the course of a three ball match.
One of the playen happened to drive
ins Mil on Lo the corrugated iron
roof of a Riied and, in the belief!
th'it he had. consequently given, up
the hole, the other two calmly pro
ceeded with the match. But they
had reckoned without their ho-:t,
for the next moment there was a
great clatter of feet on the iron)
roof. Barely had the warning cry
of "fore" reached the players' ears
when a ball whizzed on to the course
dose by. It was that of the other
player, who had mounted to the
roof and played it from that unex
pected corner.
The Archer Flh,
The archer fish has a natural blow
gun. This animal possesses the curi
ous properly of being able to shoot
drop- of v.Tti-r frm u mouth vith
f!Xr;iordii;ary r, curacy to con.iiler
:ib!ejlir:l;i.!i.'v?. This singular faculty
js of i:. to the iuiimyl in securing
its food. A ily or small insect oass
ing over tho water has very little
chance of escape from the deadly
J i
aim of the archer fish. The drop of
water brings down lac insect, which
is then incontinently devoured.
Blind to Signals.
A brakeman reared to a farm and
started to lead the simple life. Hav
ing a piece of new land to break,!
he hitched up a team of mules,!
wrapped the lines around his wwt
in farmer fashion and started to
work. lie had gone but a short:
distance when he saw a stump aheadi
and immediately began giving the!
railroad "stop" signal with both1
hands. The plow struck the stump,!
and the brakeman went head first
over the plow. Picking himself up,
be ran angrily to the mules and
roared, "You flop eared scoundrels
don't you ever look back for a sig
nal ?" Atchison Globe.
Read The Wheatfield and be happy.
t If you have land for sale list it with
the Wheatfield Land Co.
"Pineules" (non-alcoholic)1 made
from resin from cur Pine Forests, usrd
for hundreds of years for Bladder and
Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty
days, $1.00. Guaranteed to give sat
isfaction or money refunded. Get our
guarantee cupon from V. P. McMillan