LEXINGTON GROWS WITHOUT WATCHING "TIP a 1 1 VOL. II LEXINGTON, OREGON, THURSDAY JANUARY 3, 1907 NO. 15 ui H ira a IL U WW fM- m I Your money refunded if after using three-fourths (3-4) of a tube of Man Zan, you are dissatisfied. Return the balance of the tube to your druggist, and your money will be cheerfully re turned. Take advantage of this offer. Sold by W. P. McMillan. We will always be glad to get news items from the surrounding country. We want some good correspondents in the country. TUB KKiHT NAM K Mr. August Sherpe, the popular ov erseer of the poor, at Fcrt Madison, la. says: "Dr. King's New Life Pills are rightly named; they act more agreeably do more good and make one feel bet ter than any other laxative." Guaran teed to cure biliousness and constipa tion. 25c at W. P. McMillan's drug store. CLOSING OUT CONTEST NOTICE Department of tho Interior United Stales Land Office The Dalles, Oregon, November 20, 1906. A sufficient content affidavit having Leen filed in this office by J. V. Wiles, con testant, 3;;ii!i:;t homered entry Ho. 10069. made November ?. TO!, -.r SW. NEtf, S'A KV.V. NVM,' m:. Section 4, Township 1 vj., F a 26 !: . V. M. by Con Welc'i, . Ccutc.sK.o, tn w'i,;.h it is alleged that said Con Welch has wholly abandoned salJ tract, that he has changed his residence therefi'o;n for m-v than sjx months since making said entry; that said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as required by la v; that said alleged absmnce w.n not Jja to his employment in the army, r:avy or marine corps of the United States in time of war. Said parlies are hereby notified to appear, responJ and offer evi dence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on , January 4, 1907, before J, P. Williams, a U. S. Commissioner, at his off Ice in Heppner, Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on January U, 1907, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office In The Dalles, Oregon, The said contestant having, In a proper affidavit, filed November 2, 1906, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, It Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. Anne M. Lano, 11-29-12-27 Receiver. , OREGON Ann TO Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, St- Louis, New York. Tickti to anil from nil point of the Unit ed SIhIbb and Kurope. Trains Leave Lexington, Dally, ex cept Sunday, - 9:25 A. M. Trains Arrive at Lexington, Daily, ex cept Sunday ' - 5:10 P.t M. Trains Connect at Heppner Junction with Main Line trains for all points East and West. Wm McMurray, G. P. A. THE WHRATFIELD PF1NTS THE NEWS MM (amm rim mi Overcoats at cost from $3.00 to $14.00 Ladies Co:; Is $ 1 8.50 are poxm at $9.00 7 Corrnic-H r 130s tWVIDR'URiSCilS CLOTHING CO. MILWAUKEE. ! o o o o t5 r? 4& a O o u tj 0 V) C 3 O a, 00 tS bo 3 O a 3 O a, o m a CQ T3 G 3 O o CO s B x o m V) E a 6 in 41 a i fCj CQ in O U a to a . 11 4 o . 1.. Slii III ' 1 ill And. every article 33 Come In take a lock at a beautiful display of JEWELRY iOn the counter you will also find catalog Illus trating thousands of useful and practical Gems If you want the very best values for your money BUY HERE THAT'S ALL O 3 00 o o -t- o o o GREAT SHOE SALE COME BEFORE OUR STOCK. IS BROKEN jLeacA 3$ roth ters J Ac cBia St 1 . mm iiiil ill If ill 1 1 pi i Of ' fAiPVPICHTISCJ AV'J J'tR sons (JuTniMGCa CD O W CO c H CO o o 2: o m 0 z S en 0 9 H H O 01 5 n b "n O 3J o ore