Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, December 13, 1906, Image 3

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    Feed Your Nerves
Upon rich, pure, nourlnliln blood, by
taking Ilood'i Bursuparllla, and "you
will be free from those spells of de
spair, those sleepless nights and anxious
days, those gloomy, deuthlike feelings,
those sudden sturts at mere nothings,
those dyspeptic) symptoms and blinding
headaches. Hood's Sursuparllla has done
this for many others - It will cure you,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or in chorolated
tublets known as Sarsatabo. 100 doses $1.
ICil v-loi-a.
Pontpnld envelopes originated In tho
rolt?n of Louis XIV. of France. Do
Vnlfver In 1053 entiihllHhed with royal
npproliatlon a private penny poHt by
placing boxes ut the corners of tho
streets for tlio reception ' of letters
wrapped up In these envelopes, whldi
were sold to putrons at olllces for that
purpose. This Is also tho first Instance
of a cheap postal service.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy tho sonio of
smell and oomplulely ueraugo the whole ays
turn wnun entering It turougli the mucous
surfai'eB. Kucti articles si.oulif never be use'd
exruplun prescriptlim fro.u reputable i,r,y.
mi lam, an ihudamaK') they will do Is ten fold
to ti.egnod you can poSHlulydorlvetrom them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured ,y J.
t henry & t o., Toledo, O., contains noinercury,
and is taken interna ly, acting directly upon
the blood anil mucous furfures of the system.
Jn buying Hall's Catarrh Cum bo sure you get
the g.-uuiue. It Is taken internally, and iiiwlo
in 'i nlcdu, Ohio, by K. J. Cheney fc Co. Testi
monials free.
Bold by lirugglsts, price 75o. per bottle.
liall'sFauihy 1'ilU are the best,
d Way Ont.
"Why do you Insist that you will nev
er go Into politics?" usked the patriotic
"Because," answered the self-centered
man, "at present I urn not rich
enough to afford it. And when I am
rich enough the public will regard mo
with suspicion for that very reason."
Wnshlngton Star.
"Maglanlsm, rosleruclanlsm, (rjiom
tlclsin, occultism, together with Mosilc
and Hermetic mysteries, are flourish
ing In this country nnd lCurope. Pack-,
els, locks of hair, wands, vagaries,
fakes and morbid mental states duo to
theso are on all sides. I low can men
tal physicians keep up with the new
brain diseases? Kuperetltlon Is now
Intensely alive, nnd nil kinds of mind
distortion, born In prehistoric and bar
barous ages, when men did not know
a single law of nature, are rife, even
In the shadows of universities and col
leges. " Professor Lurkln, of Mount
Lome Observatory.
HOWAHD E. HUJITON. Assayer eri Chemtnt.
I-eadvillc, Colorado, hpeclmun prlciw: Oold,
8l!ver,I.-ad, II ; Oold, Hllvor,7.'M:j Gold, 6o; Zlnoor
loppt-r, l. Cyanldo ti'Hts. Mulling envelope and
full prlre list sunt on application. Control atidUm-
L Ire work solicited, llnluruuool Carbunate li
oual iiuuk.
Best in America
We make them
We do not take orders and peddle onr Rubber
Ktamp, Heals, Etc. We manufacture our
own goods. Our equipment ih tliu newest
and bem money can buy. Write today for our
"Kubber Stamp Catalogue."
Portland, Oregon
A If ED,
nil Lir or
419 U w
When you buy oil
Tts the easiest And
only way to get
the best
Sold everywhere
Mothers will find Mrs. Winnow floothlng
Syrup the bust rurnedy to use for their children
during tho teething period.
Defining the Situation.
Henry II. Stanford, for several years
with Sir Henry Irvlng's company, tells
this good story of the famous actor:
"Sir Henry's wit wus of un almost Vol
tairian character. Once, while I was
rehearsing 'Fuust' with hliu at the Ly
ceum Theater, In London we were do
ing the Iirockln scene and he had oc
casion to reprove an urtny of exuber
ant supers-he stopped the rehearsal
and all was silence. Then, In that quiet,
grim way of his, he said: 'Very charm
ing but you must remember that you
are In hell not picnicking on Hamp
stead heath.' " Rochester Herald.
Keep In Good Health.
There nro runny thousands itf people all
over the world whoeiin attribute their good
health to taking one or two Hrandreth'sl'illy
every night. These, pills cleanse, the stom
ach ami dowels, stimulate the kidneys and
liver nnd purify the blood. They are the
same line luxii lve tonic pill yourgrandi ar
i nts us d und being purely vegetable they
are adapted to ebildern and old people, as
well us to those tn the vigor of manhood
und w nianhoi d.
lirundreth's Pills have been in use for ov
er a eeitury and ure for sule everywhe;e,
either plain or sugar-coated.
Only Too Well Stttlxfled.
The husband who Is always growling
over everything looked up from his
pnper and remarked sulkily:
"Madam, I see where a man went
from home, remained thirty years and
then returned and gave his wife $5,000.
If you don't do better you may find me
doing the same trick some day."
. The patient little wife looked up
from her sewing and replied sweetly:
"All right, James, but If you will
only remain away the thirty years you
needn't trouble yourself about the
$5,000." And after that he stopped
Improved Colander.
Some of the recent Improvements In
cooking utensils are a great help to
the housewife, who is always on the
lookout for any
thing that will
lighten her duties.
The latest Is a co
lander for straining
liquids, an illustra
tion of which is
shown below. In
addition to being
serviceable In
straining preserves.
impboved colandeb Jellies, etc., It also
thoroughly beats and stirs them up, so
that the seeds or other undesirable por
tion Is thoroughly separated from that
which Is to be retained. To make the
operation doubly easy.tlie colander ior
tion is attached to a. bracket, the latter
being clamped to the table. The r:ol
andcr Is in two sections, the lower por
tion containing tho perforations and
the upper portion serving as a cover
to prevent the contents from "splash
ing out on the table when the beater is
Halted OyMter.
These have a different flavor from
scalloped oysters, and are nice for a
change. Butter a common granite pie
plate and cover to the depth of a
quarter of an Inch with fine brea.d
crumbs, moisten slightly with oyster
liquor, then place large oysters upon
the crumbs, dotting plentifully with
bits of butter and adding salt and pep
per to taste. Dip a few spoonfuls of
cream over them and bake ten min
utes. Serve them in the dish they were
baked in, wrapping the edge in a fold
ed napkins. A small plate of sliced
lemons should accompany this dish.
You Can Get Allen's Foot-Ease FREE.
Write Aliens. Olmsted, I.e Roy.N. Y., for t,
free sam pie of Allen 's Foot-Kan. It cures
sweating, hot swollen , aching feet. It makes
new or tlRht shoes easy. A certain cure for
corns, lnttrowlngnalls and Imnlons. AildniR.
gists sell It. 25c. Don't accept any substitute.
Sweet Singer The heavy tragedian
seems so gloomy to-day.
Comedian Yes, it is his birthday.
Sweet Singer His birthday? Why.
I should think he would be in the best
of spirits.
Comedian Hardly. One of his
friends sent him a cake with frost orer
the top nnd he is Just about to start on
an eastern tour.
Caramel Cnntard.
Put one-half cupful of sugar in an
omelet-pan and stir until it melts and
is light brown. Stir this gradually
Into one quart of warm milk. Beat five
eggs slightly and add one-half tea
spoonful of salt and one teaspoouful
of vanilla. Pour Into a buttered mold.
Set this In a pan of warm water and
bake about thirty minutes or till Arm.
Serve cold, with caramel ' sauce made
with a half a cupful of sugar in an
! omelet-pan stirred over the Are until
light brown. Add half a cupful of
boiling water and simmer ten nun,
(',""."' f " "l"! !III1IIIUIMII!WWUII
Pip. ilium m II lym.myin
(TlfTTilfllirfilllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuihhiiitititiiiHiihii'ii.ttiiniiiiihiiiiiiiin.iifi'ii "ti lii
Vegetable Preparationfor As
similating itieFoodandEegula
ling the Stomachs andDowels of
Promotes DigeslionXheerFuI
nessandRest.Contains neither
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Xaiic otic.
Jbapt afOUn-SAMlUPlTClUm
fimfjun Seat'
e'anud .Utfar
utMWwn nam
Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa
Tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca
Worrits .Convulsions .Feverish
ness nnd Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Mr 1 li
Baked Banana.
Strip the sklrf from one side of the
bananas and arrange In a pan. Loosen
the skin about them, snrinkle over
each a teaspoonful of sugar, and bake
In a moderate oven twenty minutes
bastlnc them frenneutlv Wtll ntl nrnntm
sauce poured over them, and made
with one teaspoonful of cornstarch
mixed with a quarter of a cupful of
sugar. Press the Juice from three
large oranges, put it over the Are and
when hot add sugar and cornstarch.
Istir and cook a moment.
Ilambarur Steak with Prn,.
When Hamburg steak is served for
dinner it suould be flattened out into
large oval cake about an Inch and
half thick and broiled; so prepared i
is sometimes spoken of as a broils
chopped steak.. As an accompaniment
10 xnis or a steak or tenderer cut, quar
ter green or red sweet noimors. m
move seeds and veins and fry quickly
In dep fat or a little butter. Serve
tuese od ana around the meat
Rained Cake.
Cream one cup of sugar and two-
tniras cup of butter, then work them
into one pint of raised dough taken
from the bread dough. Add n few
gratings of nutmeg and a saltspoon of
cinnamon, one-naif Jevel teaspoon of
soda dissolved In a half-tablesiioon of
water, two well-beaten eggs, and last
one cup of seeded raisins rolled In
flour. Let rise well in a bnldns? mm
and bake In a moderate oven.
Ralaln Pie.
Put three cups of boljlne wnter on
two cups of seeded raisins and cook
ten minutes. Add two-thirds ran of
sugar in which Is mixed one well-beaten
egg, two "even tablespoons of corn
starch and a rounding teaspoon of but
ter. Let boil up and thicken, then cool ;
season with grated lemon "peel and
Juice, and bake between two crnsti
This will make two small pies.
Date Loaf.
One cupful of oatmeal cooked until
soft. Into this stir one pound of stoned
dates and turn Into a mold. Served
with whipped cream. This is a simple
and delicious dessert, especially for
Short SiiKKentlun. .
A pinch of salt improves
dies and almost everything that Is
cooneo.. ..
Women Aatronomer Startle World, ' I
Being proposed to In a balloon, is the
latest adventure of a woman astrono
mer, writes Dewey Shelden Iieebe In
Technical World Magazine. And the
women astronomers of to-day have dis
covered more new stars than the men
of science have been able to find in sev
eral centuries. Hut women in astronom
ical work are not the product of new
world conditions alone, for they have
been Identified with every important
advance In that science. From the time
when the young and beautiful Hypatia
of Alexandria gave her life a martyr
to science, a tragedy of the fifth cen
tury, to the daring capture of Dorothea
Klumpke while making a balloon voy
age under the auspices of the Paris
Observatory, a romance of the twen
tieth century, the story of women and
astronomy is. a record of achievement
charged with sacrifice and devotion.
Woman's natural carefulness, system,
caution, accuracy, and love of detail,
have made her indispensable in com
pleting our knowledge of the constitu
tion and distribution of the stars. She
has achieved greater success, has met
with more courteous recognition, and
now occupies a more prominent place
in astronomy than in any other branch
of scientific activity. She has added
greatly to our knowledge of the stars,
not only through her untiring efforts
and discoveries, but by the Inspiration
of her example and the stimulus of her
or Luna
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer
tainly cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, consumption. And
it certainly strengthens weak
throats and weak lungs.
There can be no mistake about
this. You know it is true. And
your own doctor will say so.
" My little b7 had a terrible con(rh. I tried
everything I could hear of but in vain until
I tried Ayer's Cherry Sectoral. The flrst
night he was better, and he uteadily Improved
until he was perfectly well." ilia. S. J.
Steels, Alton, in.
JBdacLo by J. O. Ayor Co., Lowell, Mui.
Keep the bowels regular with Ayer's
mis ana inus nasien recovery
Lafayette' Medal.
Shortly after Lafayette's return to
France from his second sojourn tn
America, he was at Versailles, where
the King was about to review a division
of troops. Lafayette was asked to Join
lu the review.
He was dressed In the American uni
form, and was standing by the side of
the Prince de Conde, when the King,
In his tour of conversation with the offi
cers, came to him and, after speaking
on several topics, asked him some ques
tions about his uniform and the mili
tary costume of the United States. The
King's attention was attracted by a
little medal attached to the general's
coat, and he asked what It was.
Lafayette replied that It was a sym
bol which it was the custom of foreign
officers In American service to wear,
and that it bore a device.
"And what is the device upon yours?"
asked the King.
"My device," said the young general,
pointing to his medal, "is a liberty pole
standing on a broken crown and scep
ter." The King smiled, and with some
pleasantry, upon the republican propen
sities of a French marquis In American
uniform, turned the conversation into
other channels. Conde looked grave,
but was silent.
More Information.
Mrs. Chugwatcr Joslah, the doctorl
says Mr. McJones has pleuro-pneumonia.
What is pleuro-pneumonia?
Mr. Chugwater You know what pneu
monia is, don't you? Well, pleuro is the
same as plural. It means more than one.
Pleuro-pneumonia is what you have when
you've got it in both lungs. Why can't
you think these things out for
once in a while?
Auiure's Fart.
The young women of a type which
Is by no means uncommon were gazing
together upon the tranquil beauty of an
English landscape.
"'Oh, don't you love nature?" asked
one, turning with clasped hands to her
"Yes, Indeed," was the response, In a
tone of gratifying Intensity. "It adds
so much!"
Opinion of an Expert.
, The South Chicago man, vbo was tak
ing his first trip across central Michigan,
looked out of the car window anrl saw one
of those peculiar fences that the farmers
of that region sometimes make by digging
up old pine stumps and laying them in
a row, with the roots facing the road.
"Well," he said, "I've seen all kinds of
fads in landscape decoration, but, by
Oeorge, there's the worst attempt in that
line I ever saw !"
r Tf Bt. V tun' Danf-e ana all Nervona Diseases
f O Prroanently cured by Br. Kline's On-at
Nerve Restorer. Send for FREE S2trlM ottln and
treatise. Dr. B ILKlIn ,Ld. 031 ArchSt.,i uila.,Pa.
A Silent Conviction.
"Remember," said George Washing
ton's father., "that If I had punish!
you for chopping down that cherry tree
it would have hurt me more than it
hurt you."
' George said nothing. But across his
mind flashed the thought that his Inca
pacity for prevarication was not an In
herited trait. Washington Star.
Tired of working for the small pay
ments which the State allows them, the
Austrian country doctors are preparing
to strike. .
nao qiuaejxjs eqj uj sjnaA naeuSis uiojj
pasuajsuj suq qiuap jo eSo aSBJBAB aqx
Profit by the Experience of One Who
Has Found Relief.
James R. Eeeler, retired farmer, of
Fenner St., Cazenovia, N. Y., sayp:
"About fifteen years ago 1 suffered
with my back and
kidneys. I doctored
and used many reme
dies without getting
rt 1 i e I . Beginning
with Doan'e Kidney
Pi 1 1b T fnnnrl rnlief
ed me to good, sound.
condition. My wife and many of my
friendB have ueed Doan's Kidney PillB;
with good results and I can earnestly
recommend them."
S ld by all dealers. 50 cents a boxv
FoBter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y,
yourself I mkk
Whenever a sore refuses to heal it Is because the blood is' not "pure and
healthy, a3 it should be, but i3 infected with poisonous germs or some old
blood taint which has corrupted and polluted the circulation. Those most
usually afflicted with old sores are persons who have reached or passed mid
dle life. The vitality of the blood and strength of the system have naturally
begun to decline, and the poisonous genus which have accumulated because
of a sluggish and inactive condition of the system, or some hereditary taint
which has hitherto been held in check, now force an outlet on the face, arms,
legs or other part of the body. The place grow3 red and angry, festers and
eats int6 the surrounding tissue until it becomes a chronic and stubborn
ulcer, fed and kept open by the impurities with which the blood is saturated.
Nothing is more trying and disagreeable than a stubborn, non-healing sore.
The very fact that it resists ordinary remedies and treatments i3 good reason
for suspicion; the same germ-producing cancerous ulcers is back of every
old sore, and especially is thi3 true if the trouble i3 an inherited one.
Washes, salves, nor indeed anything else, applied directly to the sore, can
I wai afflicted with a sora on my ? a permanent good ; neither will remov
faoa of four yoars' standing, it mg the sore with caustic plasters or .he
was a small pimple, at first but It surgeon ktiiff tiiI-a n 1aotir ,- Tf
gradually frrew larfrer and worsa buroeor nlie make a lasting cure. If
la every way .until I became every particle of the diseased flesh were
,rfUt-Sad2:ttI1,i taken away another sore would come, be-
treated ma but the sore oontinued cause the trouble is in the blood, and the
to 8TO7 worso. I saw S. S. S. ad- JiOQT fiANMnT f!F fflT A v
vertised and commenced iti use t ltffWi (It VUT AWAY
and after taking it a while I was iae cure must come Dy a thoroutm cleans-
comcletelv cured. blood ia l-f j t.. A n n ...
now pure and healthy from the vi O. O. Win De louncl
effect of s. s. s., and there has not a remedy for sores and ulcers of every kind
B!ssa.ncrellt.f th9 ,0re Bla 11 an unequalled blood purifier-one that
goes uireciiy into tne circulation and
promptly cleanses it of all poisons and
taints. It gets down to the very bottom of
the trouble and Jorces out every trace of im
purity and makes a complete and lasting
cure. S. S. S. changes the quality of the
blood so that instead of feeding the diseased
parts with impurities, it nourishes the
irritated, Inflamed flesh with healthv blood.
Then the sore begins to heal, new flesh is formed, all pain and inflammation
leaves, the place scabs over, and when S. S. S. has purified the blood the
sore is permanently cured. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores.
Write for our special book on sores and ulcers and anv other medical advice
you desire. We make no charge for the book or advice.
West Union, Ohio.