Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, December 06, 1906, Image 6

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S.A. THOMAS, Publisher
In a Condensed Form for Oar
Busy Readers.
A Resume of the Less Important but
Not Less Interesting Events
of the Past Week.
The Illinois Central will Bpend f 2,
000,000 elevating its tracks in Chicago.
One day recently 4,650 steerage pas
sengers arrived in New York from Eu
rope. There is a coal shortage in San Fran
cisco and the price has been boosted $3
per ton.
At its next session congress will be
asked to pay for entertainments by our
foreign ambassadors and ministers.
It is alleged that an attempt has been
made to poison one of the Twitnesses
in the land fraud trials now on at Salt
Tenement house residents of New
York's East Side "have begun a war on
buteher shops for raising the price of
Realty in Victoria, B. C, has in
creased 25 per cent in value on the an
nouncement of improvements by the
Canadian Pacific.
A new all-Canadian mail service re
cord has been established by the trip
from London to Vancouver, B. C, be
ing made in 11 days.
Investigation has shown that large
amounts of money intended to relieve
Russian famine sufferers has been pock
eted by those intrusted with the funds.
British Columbian Indians are in the
habit of selling their girls as soon as
they are ol denough to find a buyer.
An effort is to be made to stop the prac
tice. With the thermometer standing' near
the zero mark a large number of prom
inent citizens of Payette, Inaho, held
up a coal tram and took two cars for
their own use. Thye were prevented
from taking moreb y a promis eof relief
by the railroad company.
Helena has voted to own her own
water plant.
The use of tobacco in any form is be-
ing driven from the university at Lin
com, JNeD. .
The Canadian governoment has agreed
to place a lifeboat service on the south
ern portion of Vancouver island coast,
tne marine graveyard.
The Alabama Great Southern rail
road has given an increase of 5 per cent
in wages to all ita employes receiving
less man ?zuu per month.
No Influence Can Protect Plunderers
of Coal Land.
Salt Dike, Nov. 30. Powerful influ
ence is being brought to bear at Wash
ington to prevent threatened prosecu
tions of corporations and individuals in
connection with the land frauds which
have been disclosed by the Interstate
Commerce commission. These efforts,
however, have been unavailing and the
course which the government has
mapped out will be pursued unfalter
When the Interstate Commerce com
mission resumes its hearing here today.
evidence will be produced by J. 1
Marchand and E. E. Thomas to prove
that the Utah Fuel company, ever since
its organization six or seven years ago
has received rebates from the Denver &
Rio Grande and Rio Grande Western
systems. It is expected to prove this
by William O. Williams, auditor for
the Utah Fuel company, and it will be
shown, it is said, that by means of
these rebates the fuel company, and
also the Pleasant Valley Coal company,
were better able to maintain the mono'
poly, which they are charged with hav
ing, of the coal business in Utah. It
is alleged that both of these coal com
panies enjoyed a blanket rate of cent
a mile per ton on all of the commodi
ties which the railroad company men
tioned transported for them. These
preferential rates were enjoyed upon
both state and interstate trallic.
Union Pacific Railroad, Coal Com
pany and Officials.
In thel nterstate Commere hearing at
Salt Lake a witness declared the Unon
Pacifier ailroad prevented opposition
from acquiring coal lands by the use of
Dr. D. P. Barrows, director of educa
tion in the Philippines, says the is
lands are in good condition generally
speaking. There is no market for sugar
ana tobacco.
The Japanese governmentis said to
understand the recent school situation
in San Francisco. While she may
punish the Bay City a bit, nothing
more win come of the aftair.
An international committee has been
appointed in China to secure relief for
the hungry. An appeal will be made
to Europe and America. Ten thousand
people are on the point of starvation.
Booker T. Washington, leader of the
colored race, says Andrew Carnegie
wears shoes made in a ngreo industrial
school. .
The United States governmnet has
been asked to furnish protection to the
leader of the street car strike now on at
Hamiltton, Ont.
The president, vice president and
counsel of the Mutual Reserve Life In
surance company are on trial in New
. l ork on a charge of grand larceny.
TTTl- i I 1. 1 1
wane noming up passengers on a
Chicago & Alton passneger train near
Kansas City a bold robber was captured
by the conductor and later turned over
txyhe police.
Advices have just been received of a
disastrous tidal wave which followed
an earthquake at German New Guinea.
Many natives were drowned and the
property loss is enormous.
Mrs. Stilwell, head of the Salvation
Army rescue work in Chicago, boileves
the beta way to cure vice in that city
would be to take pictrues of the fre
quenters of notorious places and publish
them in the newspapers.
The American Insurance company
lias been barred from doing further bus
iness in Massachusetts and the justice
of the State Supreme court says con-
pan ies must show that they can protect
Stolypin Starts Vigorous Inquiry Into
Famine Fund Scandal.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 30. Prompt
steps have been taken by Premier
Stolypin to deal with the famine relief
contract scandal in which Lidval and
M. Gurko, assistant minister of the In
terior, are involved. The premier has
called a special meeting of the council
of ministers for tomorrow to discuss
the affair.
M.-Gurko has resigned. When he
presented his resignation, the premier
told him he should not quit office, but
that, for his own sake at least, he must
face the court.
The premier is expected to appoint
an inter-ministerial commission com.
posed of assistant ministers to investi-
gate the case. He will then bring it
before the first department of the sen
ate in public session. Orders have
been given to collect evidence and cross
examine all persons connected with the
affair, and General Fredericks, gover
nor of Nizhni Novgorod, lias been sum.
moned to St. Petersburg to answer to
the charge of standing sponsor for Lid
val. A certain Sotskich, an assistant
of Lidval in buying grain in the pn
vinces, also has been summoned by the
minister of the Interior, but has failed
to answer and is thought to be in hid.
Fragments of Gospel and Many Other
Ancient Writings.
Chicago, Nov. 30. A cable dispatch
to the Tribune from London says: It
now is possible to give further details
of the remarkable find of papyri as a
result of the efforts of Drs. Grenfell
and Hunt, of the Greco-Roman branch
of the Egypt Exploration Fund at Oxy-
rnynchus. I he hud consists of no few
er than 130 boxes of papyri, ranging in
date from the second century. B. C. to
the sixth century, A. D. They com.
prise all classes of literature, many
fragments of the lost or even unknown
classical works, and some most import
ant fragments unknown to Christian
The most important find is a vellum
leaf containing 45 lines of gospel which
has a variation from the authorized
version. The subject is the visit of
Jesus and his disciples to the temple of
Jerusalem and their meeting there with
the I'harisee, who rebukes them for
their failure to perform the necessary
ceremonial of purification. In the dia
logue which follows, which resembles
in some respects Matthew xxiii:25, the
Pharisee describes with considerable
fullness and detail the formalities he
has observed, whereupon Jesus delivers
an eloquent, crushing reply, contrast
ing outward with inward purity.
Government Charges That Men Were
Hired To File On Land for
Railroad Company.
1 Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 1. It is
understood that the Federal grand jury
now hearing testimony concerning the
gigantic grab of coal and timber land
by railroads and coal companies, has
voted to return indictments against the
Union Pacific Railroad company, the
Oregon Short Line, the Union Pacific
Coal company, and two officials of these
companies will be included when the
indictments are returned. It is said
the bills would have been "reported out
oeiore now, but the government offi
cials are waiting to hear additional
evidence at Pueblo and Denver next
The indictments will charge the de
fendants with fraud in obtaining gov
ernment land by subornation of perjury
in Hiring persons to swear that they
were making entry upon the land for
their own personal use. and then turn
ing them over to the companies.
A brother of a United States senator.
who, it is said, was implicated in these
dealings, was unwittingly permitted to
testify, thereby securing an immunity
Mob of Law-Abiding Citizens Take
Measures to Relieve Famine.
Ontario, Or., Nov. 28. The coal
famine was temporarily relieved here
by a mob of about 250 men, among
thm some of the best citizens and bus
iness men of the tov n, who held up a
west bound freight train on the Oregon
Short Line, containing 35 acrs of Rock
Spr ngs coal consigned to the O. R. &
N., and demanding that four cars be
sidetracked. The train was a throng!
train and was flagged by members of
the hold-up party. The officials of the
company were notified by wire that the
train could not leave until the request
was complied with. They in turn
telegraphed the train crew and station
agent to consign four of the cars to J.
H. Parley, a local coal dealer. The
four cars were sidetracekd at Farlve's
coal bunkers and the train proceeded to
Government Grip Tlnlitens on
Plunderer's of Domain.
Machinery of Law At Work Against
Men Who Ruled Land Office
To Rob Nation.
Salt Lake, Nov. 29. The grip of the
government and of justice is tightening
Payette, Idaho, the next station, whore Vy, llab(),!t ho orK,imi!tl1 " which,
Issue Raised in Oklahoma Conven
tionState Rights Revived.
Guthrie, Okla., Dec. 1. The actual
formation of a constitution for Okla
homa was inaugurated this afternoon
when propositions were introduced in
the constitutional convention of two
planks providing respectively for rail
way regulation and separate coaches for
whites and -negroes.
The railway regulation bill, intro
duced bj Delegate Clint Graham, is
summarized a follows: Railroad, ex
press, sleeping car and oil pipe line
companies shall be declared common
carriers; to provide for stock inspec
tion; to prevent consolidation and pro
hibiting free passes.
Ihe "Jim Crow", resolution was
offered by Judge Ledbetter, of Ard
more, I. T. Both propositions were re
ferred to the committee on railroads.
A feature of this morning's session
was the address of Delegate Ledbetter.
who opposed the adoption of a resolu
tion recognizing the Federal constitu
tion as paramount to that of the state
of Oklahoma. Mr. Ledbetter reiterat
ed his view that state sovereignity
should be strictly Observed.
it is reported a similar hold-uo occurred.
I here was not a ton of coal in town at
the time the hold-up occurred here.
The train was stopped at Nyssa, Ore.,
15 miles east of here, the previous
evening and two cars were taken from
the train. There had not been a car of
coal shipped to Nyssa since last May
Ihe mobs at each town were orderly
ami wen behaved, but determined
Rebates Received From New. York
Central Prove Expensive.
.New ork, Nov. 28. The American
Sugar Refining company was fined $18,-
000 today for accepting rebates from
the New York Central. The railroad
was fined the same amount last week
for giving rebates to the company.
i he claims for a rebate of 5 cents a
it is alleged, have for years, with the
connivance of the Land department,
robbed the public domain of coal, min
eral and timber land valuod at many
millions of dollars. In the end, it is-
stated, every member of these gangs,
whether he be a plain citizen of the
United States or occupies high official
position, will be made to answer in the
criminal courts for his complicity in
the most gigantic frauds said ever to
have been perpetrated on the United
Mates government.
Every agency of the government, in
cluding the Interstate Commerce com
mission, the socM service, the Federal
grand jury and 'the court of equity,
has been set in motion to accomplish
the end desired. While the Interstate
Commerce commission is taking testi
mony here tending to show that the
Rio Grande railroad and its allied com
panies, the Utah Fuel company and the
l-ieasant Valley Coal company, have
a view to
guilty ones into'
hundred pounds on all sugar shipments boing fra d X nVans all
to Detroit were made out in the office f tua i :..
of LmvelM ..Palmer, traflic rnnager of and imiHft ucntl buil(i
the trust. They were sent to the Buff a b lfmnnnlv in nfta i r i T
, i. T-'Li. ,. . monopoly in this line, the federal
EthvhT "T OI d J7.k awaiting the out-
T:.i ' " ;r v.. r: come 01 tne hearing with
cashier of the Buffalo office would go to & net.
me iMiiiK oi isunaio and buy a draft on Tim nnfnl.iti,.. r.f i
YorkhTS1di0nidlbank ?
iork. This draft, which on its face tow....:.... tu... ' ,' .
bore no mark of the railway corporation '7C "XL1 V,.,."-" "A rm
or any of its officials, was mailed to 2
Palmer, who deposited it to the credit w;' V ' ZT !' ,.".,"""
of one of the sugar trust accounts. ft" Z 'Z "TT.l'
, .u viuoiu i 11 o nni lrii. im
timber land as in mineral land.
That such enormous frauds, 'extend
ing through a long period of vears.
could not hae been perpetrated with
out the complicity of the Land depart
ment is said to be a patent fact.
During the hearing here vesterdav a.
glimpse of the real power behind the
throne was given when it was stated by-
government land agents that they had!
been compelled to see Senator Francis;
E. Warren regarding official business
of the Land department. Senator War
ren is charged with huvinir ruled tho,
land office for a number of vears. It,
was his influence and that of Senator
uark which secured the appointment.
before they will be allowed to continue
writing policies.
Send Colony to Africa.
London, Nov. 30. A report was cur
rent in this city today that the South
Africa company has offered the Salva
tion Army 1,000,000 acres of land in
Rhodesia for colonization purposes,
with the stipulation, however, that in
the event of the colonizing scheme
proving a failure, the land should re
vert to the company. General Booth
said tonight that the plan had been
prematurely disclosed, lie declined to
commit himself to any statement of
details, because he said the plan might
still fall through.
Czar Fixes Twelve-Hour Day.
er,. rerersimrg, iov. 3u. The em
peror has approved the resolution in
troduced by the council of ministers
fixing 12 hours as a working day, in
cluding two hours for meals, in all in
dustrial and other circles. This law
will become operative six weeks after
its promulgation.
Frenchmen Purchase Securities of the
Pennsylvania Railroad.
New York, Dec. 1. Fifty million
dollars in bonds was unloaded at the
French line pier yesterday and at once
put aboard the La Provence, of the
French line, for shipment to Pairs.
The bonds filled 140 mud-splashed
boxes and furnished loads for 12
The shipment consisted of Pennsyl
vania railroad bonds covering a loan to
the railroad taken by Paris investors.
A special express train bearing the
bonds left that city at fl o'clock and
arrived in Jersey City at 10:50.
i mi leen special service men acted as
guard. In all there were 400,000 bonds
of 5,000 francs denommination and
230,000 of 2,500 francs denomination.
ihe issue required for execution 1,200
000 signatures and the affixing of 1,-
wlbO.OOO seals, 10 specially appointed
secretaries having continually signed
tneir names each day for two months
If the total number of sheets in this is
sue were laid lengthwise in one contin.
uous line they would reach 296
miles. The bonds weighed 14 tons.
- --o
Crusoe's Island Lives.
Mexico City. Dec. 1. Eugene Metz.
Chilean consul to Mexico City, received
an official notice from his government
last night to the effect that the report
circulated last August, at the time of
the disastrous earthuuake. saving that
Juan Fernandez island had sunk into
the ocean, was untrue. The doctor said
that the report of the disappearance of
the island was at first credited every
where. A short time ntro. howevpr.
warships were sent out by the Chilean
government, and the island and its in
habitants were found uninjured.
Will Not Pay American Claims.
Tangier, Dec. 1. The American
minister, Mr. Gummere, is said to
have left, Fez, the capital, without ob
taining satisfact ion from the sultan in
regard to the claims for indemnity
made by citizens of the United States
for alleged outrages, or assurances re
garding the safety of American citizens
resident in Morocco.
Touch Every Phase of the
ama Canal Question.
Washington, Nov. 28. President
Roosevelt, bronzed and invigorated in
heatlth from his long sea trip to Pan
ama and Porto Rico, was in his office
early today. Secretary Loeb took to
him a large amount of correspondence,
which had accumulated sinec the presi
dent's departure, and was with him
until the time of the cabinet meeting.
at 11 o clock.
j. ne presiuent s special message on
the Panama canal, it is now said, will during President Mck'inWu o,im;iu!
i 1. i u i i , .. . j ....... wi. .O-
uc Bern, uj uuiigress prooaoiy aDout a tration, of Willis Vandevanter to-be-
week after it convenes on Monday. It assistant attorney general for the Inter
im ueai wun every pnase oi tne ques- lor department. Vandevanter was the
won ana give a graphic and detailed de- legal conscience of the Land depart-
seripuon oi conditions on the isthmus ment. and Vandevanter had been at-
as tne president lound them. 1 here torney for the companies charged with
win be recommendations for the better- stealing the land. It was Warren who-
ment oi conditions, which
themselves during his visit.
Disgraceful Scenes at Rush
Call for Relief.
New York, Nov. 28. The daily
crush of the .Brooklyn bridge is receiv
ing the earnest attention of Mayor Mc-
Clellan and other city officials. At a
conference yesterday important plans
for temporary and permanent relief
were discussed. Longer trains and in
creased headway, it is expected, will
bring temporary relief.
Plans for permanent relief include
an almost entire rebuilding of the
bridge. Double decking will probably
be resorted to in order to make room
for additional lines of railroad tracks.
The engineers have informed the may
or that the stress on the anchor bars
is only a third of their capacity and
that the double decking of the structure
is entirely feasible. This form of re
lief, however, will be a matter of years.
Irrigate Their Stock.
Indianapolis, Nov. 28. The "water
ing" of railroad stocks or over capitali
zation by .the large transportation lines
is commented upon by the State Rail
road commission in its first report which
will be made to the governor of Indi
ana in the next few days. The report
is the first the commission will have
filed since its creation by the last gen
eral assembly two years ago. The re
port shows that 43 roads reporting to
the commission state the value of the
road and equipment, and give the value
of each per mile.
Keeping Up Its Record
Wilburton, I. T., Nov. 28. With a
record of 19 horrible deaths during the
past year, the Degnan & McConnell
mine No, 19 at Wilburton blew up
with frightful force last evening. Six
men in the shaft miraculously escaped.
It cannot yet be determined whether
any lives were lost.
suggested made Congressman Frank 'W. Modell
assistant land commissioner, who later
put Binger Nermann in the position of
commissioner, and who succeeded him
by present Commissioner Richards. It.
is Warren, it is claimed, who still con-
Hours trols the land offices from Nebraska and
the Dakotas to California and Alaska
Texas Wants to Know All About Its.
Dealings With Bailey.
Austin, Tex., Nov. 29. Attorney-
General R. G. Davidson and counsel
associated witli him in the prosecution
of the suit of the state to oust the
Waters-Pierce Oil company from Texas.
yesterday served on former Attorney
General George Clark, one of the at
torneys for the oil company and filed
with the clerk of the court a demand
for the production of the books, records,
vouchers, etc., of the oil comtmnv.
showing agreements with other , com
panies, correspondeace between the at
torneys of the oil company and J. W-
imney, and purporting to show pay
ments of money by II. C. Pierce and
said oil companies on divers dates.
Copies of all letters passing between
J. D. Johnson and George Clark, coun
sel for the oil company, or written W
them to J. W. Bailey and to narf ies in
New York during 1900 relating to tW
settlement of the cases nendinir in
Waco, Tex., against said oilcoini-mnies.
letters written by or to said parties are
called for. The other matters called
for are copies of the original trust
agreements, agreements with the Eagle
Refining company and the Texas Oil
and Gasoline compay, agreement as to
the division of territory and agreement
with Attorney General Iladley of Mis
souri as to ownership of Waters-Pierce
stock by the Standard Oil company.
Plans for New Sugar Trust.
New Orleans, Nov. 29. Plans to
form a $28,000,000 merger of Louisiana
suagr plantations and sugar houses are
announced by a committee in charge of
the project.