Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, December 06, 1906, Image 5

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J, F. GENTRY, Proprietor,
I .Vut for Crescnt Steam Iyauudry
vShop one door west Lexington Bank
School Supplies
toilet Articles
Sc. (btc.
S'irstJtfatiorial SB drift of Oeppner
empltmt Stock $50,000.
Surplus mnd undivided profits f 70.000
C. A. RHEA, - Presldnt
T. A. RHEA, Vice-President
G. W. CONSER, - Cashier
E. L. FREELAND, Ass't Csh'r
jj Transacts a General Banking Business
Four per cent paid on Time Deposits
Collections made on all points at reasonable terms.
80 Acres 4 miles from station. All wheat land. A great bar-
gain ai jzv. per acre.
160 Acres 8 miles from railroad station. $16 per acre.
320 Acres 2 miles from station, good well. This won't keep
long at $22 50 per acre
1 60 Acres 3 miles from railroad station, running water. A
snap for someone. See me.
3000 Acres 15 miles from station, running water. All tillable,
goes at $10. per acre.
640 Acres 12 miles from railroad station. All farm land.
$10 per acre.
80 Acres 2 miles from station. 40 acres alfalfa land. Good
buildings. Cheap, see me.
320 Acres 4 miles from station. Good house and barn, wind U
M mill and water system. All under cultivation.
160 Acres 4 miles from station. All in grain, $ 1 6 per acre.
I have a number of Town Lots In Lexington to soli cheap. They
are all well located and good building sites.
H Can on or address me at
Dr. M. A. Leach, Dentist, Heppner
See the new ad of Leach Bro's in
A dry dock is not always a thirsty
Boost Lexington the best town in
Morrow county.
J. W. Sibley, of Strawberry, was a
Wheatfield caller yesterday,
Attorney J. E, Burdett, of Arlington
was a visitor in Lexington last night.
Fresh cows, with calves, for sale at
$25 to $40. Joe Eskelson.
Pasturage Good pasture with plenty
of water for horses. James Brown.
Mrs, M, E. Barton,., of Heppner,
3pent a few days In Lexington this
week. .
A. D. Inskeep has purchased the In
terest of A. J. Lane in the saloon bus
iness. H. Stowers, of Strawberry, passed
through town Monday enroute to The
Dalles. .
" E. L. Reaney went to The Dalles
yesterday to make final proof on his
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Reaney enter
tained a number of relatives at Thanks
giving dinner. '
Mrs. W. D. Graves, of Gras Val
ley, is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
C. R. McAllster.
The Lexington basket ball team will
go to Heppner next Frieay evening to
play the Heppner team. , .
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Palmer are
the proud parents of a son which was
born to them Tuesday., in.
FOUND The best place- in Morrow
county to get commercial; printings is
at The Wheatfield Prinfery." "e
A number of relatives were enter
tained at the home of Mr.' ' and Mrs.
Eph Eskelson, Thanksgiving. v '
Pirie Salve Carbolized, acts like a
poultice; highly antiseptic extensively
used for Eczema, for chapped hands and
lips, cuts and burns. Sold by W, P.
John T. McMillan and wife are res
idents of Lexington again, having mov
ed into their town property the past
The school basket ball team play
all around the men's team. In the
games this week the men were not In
it at any time.
A. J. Lane and family left yester
day for Phenix, Arizona, where they
go in hopes that the change of climate
will benefit Mr. Lane.
A masquerade ball will be given In
Artisan hall on Friday evening, De:
cember21. Special music has been
secured for the occrslon. ,
Dade's Little L Iver Pills thoroughly
clean the system, good for lazy livers,
makes clear complexions, bright eyes
and happy thoughts. Sold by W. P.
J. E. Gentry renewed his subscript
Ion to The Wheatfield and orders the
one sent to Mrs. J. E. Stanton, Walla
Walla, continued another year.
Mr and Mrs. W. E. Leach and Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Larkin entertained a
number of relatives at the formers
home, at a. Thanksgiving dinner.
Estray One brown horse, branded
with small h on left shoulder. Suita
ble reward for return or Information.
J. C. White, Strawberry, Ore.
A very enjoyable party was given at
the horn of Mr. and Mrs, J. M.White
Thursday evening last, The party was
in honor of their son, Neale, and these
present report a fine time.
Two days treatment free, Ring's
Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired diges
tion Impure breath, perfect asslmula
tion of food, increased appetite. Do
not fail to avail yourself of the above
offer. Sold by V. P. McMillen.
A, K. Fuller's saw mill made seve
ral days run last week, and got out
material for hi3 new barn. Ed. Cum
mings holds the position of head saw
yer and is said to be an expert in that
line. The new barn Is rapidly nearing
completion and will be one of the solid
est barns In this vicinity when complet
ed, as the first story Is built of logs.
"Pineules" (non alcoholic) made
from resin from our Pine Forests, used
for hundreds of years for Bladder and
Kidney diseases. Medicine fcr flirty
days, $1.00. Guaranteed to give sat
isfaction or money refunded. Get our
guarantee cupon from W. P. McMillan?
The town election passed off quietly
last Tuesday. As there was but one
ticket in the field the vote was light.
The following is the result: For May
or, W. F. Barnett 30; W. E. Leach 1;
S, A. Thomas 1. Councilmen, W.
E. Leach 19; W. R. Munkers 24; W.
P. McMillan 25; Homer Ferguson 16;
A. K. Fuller 25; R. L. Benge 23.
Treasurer, R. B. Wilcox 29; Ed Cum
mins 1; E. D. Brown 1. Recorder J.
B. White 10; E. L. Berry 21; S. A.
Thomas 1. Tax levy, Yes 14; No 13.
The tax levy of 15 mills will place the
town out of debt and in the future the
natural income from licenses etc.,
will furnish money enough for all ex
ManZan Pile Remedy put up in con
venient, collapsible tubes with nozzle
attachment so that the remedy may be
applied at the very seat of the trouble,
thus relieving almost instantly bleeding,
itching or protruding piles. Satisfac
tion guaranteed or money refunded.
Sold by W. P. McMillan.
The meeting of the Third . District
Development League will be held at
Heppner next Tuesday, December 1 1.
A special train will be run from Pen
dleton for the occasion; Music by
'.he Eagles band, of Pendleton, Ad
dress of welcome by S, E. VanVactor
Short talk on value of co-operation by
S. E, Notson, and addresses by prom
inent speakers from Spokane, Walla
Walla, Portland and Pendleton, on ir
rigation, open river, jute mill and oth
er Important subjects. Grand ball by
Heppner Commercial Club. Come
one and all and get acquainted and
have a good time.
B. F. Swaggart passed through town
Monday enroute to Pendleton where he
goes to dispose of five Jacks that he
wishes to place in Umatilla county. At
the District fair he showed Jacks that
took first and second premiums, and
also took first premium on mules. He
has fully demonstrated that he Is breed
ing the very best quality of animals.
He has showed his Jacks and mules
where imported animals were on ex
hibition and has captured the prizes.
which is a self evident fact that now
the people of Oregon can purchase
from the East Oregon Jack Farm, for
one half the amount that a Jack can
be bought from the east, and get one
that Is acclimated, hardy and speedy.
This Is a matter of Importance to
those wishing to purchase and the
mule Industry is becoming more Im
portant each year. Some of these
Jacks should be kept in Morrow Co.
When our soldiers went to Cuba and
the Philippines, health was the most
important consideration. Willis T.
Morgan, retired Commissary Sergeant
U. S. A., of Rural Route 1, Concord,
N. H.,says: "I was two years in Cuba
and two years In the Philippines, and
being subect to colds, I took Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption.
Which kept me in perfect healh. And
now, in New Hampshirs, we find It the
best medicine In the world for coughs,
colds bronchail troubles and all lung
diseases." Guaranteed at W. P.
McMillan druggist. Price 50c and
$1.00. Trial bottle free.
In Praise of Chamberlain's Cough
There is no other medicine manu
factured that has received so much
praise and so many expressions of
gratitude as Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It Is effective, and prompt
relief follows its use Gratful parents
everywhere do not hesitate to testify to
Its merits for the benf it of others. It Is
a certain cure for croup and will pre
vent the attack If given at the first ap
pearance of the disease. It Is espec
ially adapted to children as It is pleas
ant to take and contains nothing injur
ious. Mr. E. A. Humphreys, a well
known resident and clerk in the store
of Mr. E. Lock, of Alice, Cape Colony,
South Africa, says: "I have used Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy to ward off
croup and colds in my family. I have
found it to be very satisfactory and it
gives me pleasure to recommend it."
For sale by W. P. McMillan.
The Wheatfield prints the news.
Read The Wheatfield and be happy.
This Space Reserved For
Lexington, Oregon.