Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, December 06, 1906, Image 3

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Is one of tho constitutional diseases, it
niHiilfents Itself In locul ndies and palns.
Inllumod Joints and stiff munclco.-but it
cannot be cured by locul applications.
It requires constitutional treatment, and
the best Is a course of the great blood puri
fying and tonic rnerllcltie
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which neutralizes tho ncldlty of the blood
and builds up tho whole system.
In usual liquid form or In chocolated
tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1.
Undo Allen.
"I suppose there In such a person as
tho foolkiller," mused Uncle Allen
Sparks, "but ho hag either roflred from
business or he's hopelesaly behind on his
01 dura."
Unable To Do Even Housework Be
cause of Kidney Troubles.
Mrs. Margaret Emmerich, of Clinton
St., Napoleon, 0., eays: "For fifteen
years I was a gieat sufferer from kidney
troubles. My back
pained me terribly
Every turn or move
caused sharp shoot
ing pains. My eye
sight was poor, dark
spots appeared be
fore me, and 1 had
dizzy spells. For
t.n voora F pmil.l
not do housework, and for two years
did not get out of the house. The kid
iiey secretions were irregular, and
doctors were not helping me. Dorn's
Kidney Pills brought me quick relief,
and finally cured me. They saved my
life." ' .
Bold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Ironlnir Hoard.
An exceedingly convenient method of
attaching nn Ironing board to tho
kitchen table Is shuwn In the accom
panying Illustra
tion. Housewives
InslHt that an Iron
ing hoard In tho
proper thing to him
when Ironing, being
far suiierlor to n
table. Its particu
lar forms adapts It
) the purpose, while
ironino BOAiii). , tho surface of i
table Is too. large for the purpose. As
shown here, the Iroiilnir hoard Is nor
mally hidden beneath the leaves of the
table, one end being hinged to the edge.
One leaf of the table Is also hi need
to the one next In position. After throw
ing back the table leaf the Ironing board
can also be swung over to one side and
Is Instantly ready for service. In this
way the necessity of supporting the
Ironing bevard on two chairs is obviat
ed. At the same time the hiilnnw of
the table can be used for holding the
unfinished clothes. Upon the comple
tion of the ironing the hoard Is agnla
folded across the table supports and
the leaf lowered to its norma! positio I.
Afrlrnn Manioc.
Tllfi nntlvfi fnod nf Iho Mnlitnrtn
w vuu 'u.wum T - ' " . mm u 11 1 , ILUUl U
country, in southern Africa, comprises .meal or as a dessert with equally good
nilintui it tlw.t Ti I .(... l. .!, i t . . ...
Value of Slewed Frnlt.
Stewed fruit of any description is far
more beneficial than the majority of
fresh ones, and the despised prunes
will agree with the woman who has
dyspepsia, as well as the one with a
strong, healthy stomach. They may be
eaten, too, as a rule, either before a
manioc, and that alone. It Is a plant
particularly adapted to wet. marshy
soil, says the author of "In Remotest
Harotselund." It takes two years to
arrive at maturity, and while growing
requires very little attention.
The root wheu full-grown Is about
the size, and has very much the ap
pearance of a German sausage, al
though at times it grows much larger.
One shrub has several roots, and the
extraction of two or three in no way
impairs the growth of the remainder.
When newly dug It tastes like a
cheHtnut, and the digestion of the pro
verbial ostrich can alone assimilate It
raw; but when soaked In water for a
few days until partly decomposed,
dried on the roofs of the huts and
Btamped, If forms a delightfully white
soft meal, far whiter and purer than
the best flour. Then it is beaten Into
a thick paste and eaten with a little
results for the complexion and health.
Stewed apples, pears or any of the
smaller fruits are also a benefit, if not
too sweet. Taking figs la such quanti
ties, especially before retiring, does not
agree with the average person, as the
uablt is supposed to, for the concen
trated sweetness is really bad, if the
stomach Is sour or there Is a surplus
or acm in the blood. Then, too, the tiny
seeds in them are difficult for anv hut
strong stomachs to really digest and
Kalln Pickle.
iuuun ol mrge aiirornia rais
ins, stemmed but not seeded : two nm
cupfuls of brown sugar, three pints of
appie vinegar, three dozen niedlum-slz
ed cucumber pickles, one stick of cln.
namo,n, one tablespoonful of mace, one
laoiespoonrui of celery seed, two table
SIOonfllln nt Wllltn .....f,l .J
u --"'v iv L7uoic U11U eulCil VV11U U I1L.UC " ""i-o ujuaiam PftfU, one
flavoring, composed of a locust or a j level teaspoonful of ground black pep.
caterpillar which the natives seek In
decayed trees.
Another way of eating this native
luxury is by baking the roots, after
soaking them, and eating It as you
would a banana. Taken as a whole, it
forms the best all-the-year-round na
tive food; but I should advise all in
tending consumers to abstain from any
other food for three or four days be
fore giving it a prolonged trial.
fiflvrtntr Ai.afwtn FnnA . .1 x
uiiaui.j , .iu.ui i, name, mia jLJcn-1 --.v.. w ti mum, simmer
mark show the largest percentages of on tlie flre until tender. Line the plat
per. Boll vinegar, sugar and spices four
ten minutes, add the raisins and let
them boll until clear and plump. Cut
the cucumbers In cubes about the size
of raisins and add them to the in
gredients in the kettle. Boil all to
gether for ten minutes. Wheu cold the
pickle la ready for the table.
Plant Pie.
This fruit must be cooked before t
is put into the pie. Take about two
cupfuls o plums and sweeten with one
neaping cupful to cover them, simmer
suicide annually. In Saxony thirty
Hie in every one hundred thousand nin
pie living are suicides. In Austria the
rate Is a little over twenty-one. In
Denmark it Is almost twenty-six, and
In France twentv-thren. Tho TTnttoi
-' ...iv. s a -"B"'" vrufcira , uilKtj
States, Russia, Ireland and Spain have Quick oven abo.ut twenty minutes.
me mural mien ot suiciues.
with crust, and put in the fruit witn
a little of the juice. Sift flour over the
top and on the edges of the paste,
which should have been wet with a
little water, and put on the unner frnr
pinching together the edges ; bake in n
$3.50&$3.00 Shoes
W.L.Douglas$4Gilt Edge line
To A'ioe Ocalert ;
W. I.. Douglas' Job
blnij House Is the most
euiupkte hi Mils country
Sendfor CatuloQ
Uow to Cure a Cold.
If you come home at night chilled
and feel that you have taken cold, get
Into bed and then drink a cup of hot
water, not warm water, in which you
have placed the juice of a lemon and
a large teaspoonful o.f pure elvcerln
with three or four lumps of sugar. This
will generally cure a cold at the be
ginning, inducing perspiration. '
Broiled Kmrnlnnt.'
The egg plant is sliced and drained.
men spread the slices on a dish. sen.
son with pepper and baste with a snlnd
oil ; sprinkle with dried bread crumbs
ana Droii.
Mn' Shoes, fcB to SI. 60. Boys' Shoes, $3
to $1.26. Women's Shoes, $4.00 to $1.60.
Missus' & Children's Shoes, $2.20 to $1.00.
Try W. Li. Vouglu Women's, Minxes and
Children's shoes; for style, tit and wear
tlioy excel other makes.
If I could take you Into my large
factories at Brockton, Mass., and show
you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes
are made, you would then understand
why they hold their shape, fit better,
wear longer, and are of greater value
than any other make.
Wherever you live, you can obtain W. L.
Douglas shoes. His name and price is stamped
on the bottom, which protects you against high
prices and Inferior shoes. Take no tubsti
tute. Ask your dealer for W. L. Douglas shoes
and insist upon having them.
fast Color Eyelets used; they will not wear brassu,
Wrlie for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles.
W. L DOUGLAS, Dept. 13, Brockton, Mast,
EfTff Tents.
A good egg will sink in water.
Stale eggs are glassy and smooth of
A fresh egg has a lime-like surface
to Its shell. ,
The boiled eggs which adhere to the
shell are fresh laid.
Thin shells are caused by a lack of
gravel, etc., among the hens lavliii?
After an egg has been laid a dav or
more the shell comes oft easMy wheu
bo; leu.
Short SiiKKeitiona.
To remove the smell of onions or flsh
from the frying pan put a little vlegar
In it directly after using and put over
the fire a few minutes. Then wash
again lu soapy water.
The Old-Monk-Cure will
straighten ou a contracted
muscle l.i a Jiffy,
Don't play possum with pain,
but 'tends strictly to business.
Pries 25c snd 50c
Ilnantlni; Notes.
There was a peculiar sound from the
drection of the woods as the member
of the Birdlovers' Society sat In the
window of her friend's country home
one summer afternoon.
S '6 quickly took her small "Bird
Ouioe" from her ever-present bag, and
rapidly turned the leaves, At last she
paused with a smile of satisfaction,
and listened, with her finger between
two leaves of the little book, till the
sound came again.
When It was repeated an expression
of doubt flitted across her features, but
still she was hopeful.
"You probably know many of the
bird notes, living so near the woods
and In such a quiet spot," she said to
her friend. "Can you tell me what
bird that Is?"
"That," said her friend, briefly, "Is
our goat We shall have to move him
farther off."
It Quiets
the Cough
"They say that suburban life is not
io bad."
"No; I suppose not. We must re-
; member that a great deal of the suburb-
I mite's time is spent in the city." Pitts
i burg Post
This is one reason why Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral is so valua
ble in consumption. It stops
the wear and tear of useless
coughing. But it does more
it controls the inflammation,
quiets the fever, soothes, and
heals. Sold for 60 years.
" Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has been a repmlar
life preserver to me. It lirouht me through
a severe attack of pneumonia, and I feel
that I owe my life to Its wonderful cnratlve
properties." William H. Tkuitt, Wawa,
Us4e by J. 0. Ayr Co., Lowell, Mass.
aiso manuiaoturers or
Hasten recovery by keeping the
bowels regular with Ayer's Pills.
Hi . W 21 XUt '
To Every Home
as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when in health
and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor
lite they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and
5e u01716 dlet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health
should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of
every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature and if at any time a
rumeSu agent ls rec!uired' t0 assist nature, only those of known excellence
should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial
12 eIi.e? I,k.e the Peasant laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by
the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come into general favor in
many millions of well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and
excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use.
Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally be
cause they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. We inform
all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained,
by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most benefici
ally and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian
Dlue tigs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret rem
edy and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do net
approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate slf-medication.
please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup
ot Figs always has the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in
Dottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty
Ifri ? f havi?S, Printed thereon the name of any other company, do not
n,S i yPu , get tle genuine you will not get its beneficial effects,
tvery tamily should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial
.v- FaiC11La duu me umuieii, wnenever a laxative remedy is required.
i o o
Color mnrA aa((i c a t . ,. . . . ... . .
;rTH !Li2.b ILgJ5!!I ?"d..tasler.e?,0!,s fhan " th.?.r to. One 10C package colors silk, wool and cotton equally well and la
Leach and mix colors. MONROE DRUG CO., UnionlleV Miwouri. Pa'a " booMet ho ,0
Ninety per cent of the wealth of the
United States Is held bv 10 mr rpnr ni
the people.
TIT Bt. Vitus' flanra nni .n -kt rt.
r 1 1 0 permanently cured by Ur. Kline's Or. at I
treatise. Ur. It. II-h,Un,.,Ld. 831 Arch Bt...Phlla..Pa. I
The Hungarian ilouse of Rcpresenta-'
Mves Is the largest in tho world. It has
751 members.
no matter how
bad the weather
You cannot
afford to be
without a
When you buy
ivxjrv iur mo
A J TT..r u ....
We have solved the Question of
how to make your money pay
Instead of 4 per cent, and allow
you to keep it under your own
control. Principal guaranteed by
Bank Certificate oi Deposit. You
select the Bank. Write today
for particulars.
Pacific Coast Securities Go.
Portland, Oregon
GASOLENE ENGINES 8 to 4 horse-
: Tower lully warrxnted, U25. All slzei anA
tj lea at lowest prices. Write for cntsilofr.
I Portland. Oregon.
I am designer of bnnk, magazine and
(alamgue rovers. buslm cardH, letter
heads, bill heads and advertislriK ruts; can
make the print of your store look entirely dif.
lereut by removing poles, etc., from print.
245' i Morrison St. ' PORTLAND, OREGON
Portland Trade Directory
Name and Addresses in Portland of Repre
rcn'ative (Justness firms.
IH K A M hKl'A II A'l'O KM- Wo KimraiUHD Hie U.S.
fceimnilor lo bp tin- lii'st. Write lor Irv tuln.oi
ilnicWMid Co., I' lllll and (Julc.
Best in America
We make them
We ilo not take orders and peddle our Rubber
tamps, Senis, Ete. We manufacture our
Own froods. Our eiiuipuiuin ih thu newest
anil bent money ran buy. Write today for our
"Uubucr Mump ( alaiogue."
Fortland, Oregon
P. N. U.
No. 49-06
HKN writing to advertisers please
rounder tlie postap e stamp; Its usefulness
in nn UUIIHV UI MKii io one tiling nil
It gets there. Write lor particulars.
528 Lumber Exchange, Poi Hand, Oregon