Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, November 29, 1906, Image 2

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November is the month of falling
temperatures. Over all the temperate
regions the hot weather has passed and
the first rigors of winter have appeared.
As the great bulk of civilized nations is
located in the temperate zones, the
effect of changing
The Human System
Must Adjust Itself
to Changing Tem
peratures. seasons is a ques
tion of the high
est importance.
When the weath
er begins to change from warm to cold,
when cool nights succeed hot nights,
when clear, cold days follow hot, sultry
days, the human body must adjust
itself to this changed condition or per
ish. The perspiration incident to warm
weather has been checked.' This de
tains within the system poisonous ma
terials which have heretofore found es
cape through the perspiration.
Most of the poisonous materials re
tained in the system by the checked
perspiration find their way out of the
body, if at all, through the kidneys.
This throws upon the kidneys extra
labor. They become charged and over
loaded with the poisonous excretory
materials. This has a tendency to in
flame the kidneys, producing functional
diseases of the kidneys and sometimes
Bright's disease.
Peruna acts upon the skin by stimu
lating the emunctory glands and ducts,
thus preventing the detention of pois
onous materials which should pass out.
Peruna invigorates the kidneys and en
courages them to fulfill their function
in spite of the chills and dicsourage
ments of cold weather.
Peruna i s
Pe-ru-na is a World
Renowned Rem
edy for Climatic
combinat ion of
well tried harm
less remedies that
have stood the
test of time. Many of these remedies
have been used by doctors and by the
people in Europe and America for a
hundred years.
Peruna has been used by Dr. Hart
man in his private practice for many
years with notable results. Its efficacy
has been proven, by decades of use by
thousands of people and has been sub
stantiated over and over by many thous
ands of homes.
Soothing Her.
Miss Jellers. I'll never speak to her
again! She told a friend of mine that I
was an old eat.
Miss Capsicum I wouldn't mind it,
dear. She knows as well as I do that
you're not 40 yet.
A Long-Legged Deer.
A huge, finely mounted antlered head
hung just above the sideboard" In the
dining-room. This trophy of some
huntsman's skill was fastened so firm
ly to the wall that the glistening neck
seemed to be coming right out through
the plaster. Robert, who was seeing
this decoration for the first time, eyed
it with lively curiosity and very evident
uneasiness. It looked almost too life
like for comfort.
Finally the boy, asking to be excused,
clipped from his chair, tiptoed Into the
next room, and then, flushing with em
barrassment, returned to his place at
the table.
"What's the trouble, Robert?" asked
his host.
"I wanted to see," explained candid
Robert, sheepishly, "if that animal's
legs were really as long as that, or If
he were standing on something in an
other room."
It is perfectly natural to rob the spot that hurts, and when the muscles,
nerves, joints and bones are throbbing and twitching? with the pains of
Rheumatism the .sufferer h apt ta turn to the liniment bottle, or some other
external application, in an effort to get relief from the disease, by producing
. ?ounter-irritation on the flesh. Such treatment will quiet the pain tempo
rarily, but can have no clircct curative effect on the real disease because it
does not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism is more
than skin deep it is rooted and grounded in the Wood and can only be
reached by constitutional treatment IT CANNOT BE RUBBED AWAY.
Rheumatism is due to an excess of uric acid in the blood, brought about by
the accumulation in the system cf refuse matter which the natural avenues
of bodily waste, the Bowels and Kidneys, have failed to carry off. .This
refuse matter, coming; in contact with the different acids of the body, forms
uric acid which is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts of the
lody, and Rheumatism gets possession of the system. The aches and pains
are only symptoms, and though they may be scattered or relieved for a time
by surface treatment, they will reappear at the first exposure to cold or
dampness, or after an attack of indigestion or other irregularity. Rheuma
tism can never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturated
with irritating, pain-producing uric acid poison. The disease will shift
from muscle to muscle or joint to joint, settling on the nerves, causing
inflammation and swelling and such terrible pains that the nervous system
13 often shattered, the health undermined, and perhaps the patient becomes
deformed and crippled for life. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanses the blood and
renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids and expelling all foreign
matter from the system. It warms and invigorates the blood so that instead
PURELY VEGETABLE otl1 Pu"fyinS an(l tonfc properties
just what is needed in every case of Rheu
matism. It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral ingredient, but is
made entirely of purifying, healing extracts and juice3 of roots, herbs and
barks. If you are suffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable time
trying to rub a blood disease away, but begin the use of S. S. S. and write
us about your case and our physicians will give you any information or
advice desired free of charge and will send our special treatise on Rheumatism.
Here Are Some Siiicsresitioim by a
Writer on lOdnpiitlon.
A writer In an American education
al' Journals offers some Interesting
suggestions for teaching children, says
the Dundee Advertiser. It Is useless,
he suggests, to Instruct children by us
ing technical terms or even terms that
would be descriptive to a grown-up.
The point Is Illustrated by an ingenious
parallel. Instead of telling a child to.
"sit up straight" It would be better to
tell him to "sit up tall." In the same
way If a child shouts too loudly In sing
ing, he should to told to "listen" after
taking "a long smell," and if lie real
izes what is meant and does It, thl
will set the muscles of the waist and
check the flo,w of breath, while the
child will be unconscious to its ac
tion." "Such suggestion as the following do
far more good than scientific terms in
procuring the right tone-production
from the child. Do not sing In a
gro.wllng tone. Do not sing in a scold
ing tone." "A flsh horn tone sounds
terribly descriptive, but we Imagine its
vividness would be lost on an English
child. Sing with a pleasant face. Sing
with a smile. Sing like the sweetest
bird you ever heard. Sing a kindly
tone. Sing a sweet, loving tone. Make
your lips sing to you. Whisper aloud,
as though you wanted some friend In
the furthest . corner of the room to
hear you." It Is to be hoped that
after all this there would be no dan
ger of the children learning to sing In
a maudlin tone.
For American Citiien.
When the visitor approached the dip
lomatic gallery of the Senate chamber
the door-keeper Informed him, says a
writer In the Philadelphia Public
Ledger, that the gallery was reserved
for foreign representatives. .
"It is, hey?" said the visitor. "Well.
I want to tell you right now that this
Is a free country and this Is the Senate
of the United States, and I demand ad
mission In the name of American citi
zenship." "Oh!" said the doorkeeper. "Why
didn't you say at first that you were
an American citizen? Just step round
to the second door from here. That
gallery is reserved for American citi
zens." With chest puffed up, the stranger
betook himself to the door Indicated,
and was at once admitted to the public
gallery. x
Advertising Payn,
It was a surprise to the summer
boarder to learn that one of the group
of graduates from the seminary, to the
"farewell exercises" of which she had
listened the year before, was married
and settled in a home of her own.
"I remember her," said the summer
boarder, when the name was mentioned,
"but she did not strike me as being as
attractive as most of the other girls."
"Um-m !" said her Informant. "Well,
I guess 'twas her graduating essay that
kerried her off so quick, maybe. Her
subject was, 'How to Keep House on
Six Dollars a Week,' and it fetched
most every young fellow In town, they
tell me. By what I hear, all she had
to do wa3 to sit at home and pick and
' LIngnlntic Judge.
At the Shoreditch county court, En
gland, recently, Judge Smyly heard a
case in French, corrected a Yiddish in
terpreter and translated an Italian evi
dence. The same day he chatted fluent
ly with a German.
of a weak, sour stream, constantly deposit
ing acrid and corrosive matter in the mus
cles, nerves, joints and bones, the body is fed
and nourished by rich, health-sustaining
blood which completely- and permanently
Rheumatism. S. S. S. 13 composed
Between Two fires
"A wise man will make more opportunities
than he finds." Francis Bacon.
The night came on, fair and still, clear
and starlit! but there was no moon and,
outside the immediate neighborhood of the
main streets, the darkness was enough
to favor our hops of escaping notice with
out being so Intense as to embarrass our
ftuitdtenM. Iflvm-vf-lttiKr tn fmt. HtHmed to
be on our side, and 1 was full of buoy
ant eonnueuees as I put iny revolver in
my pocket and, on the stroke of midnight,
stole from my lodgings. I looked up to
ward the bank and dimly descried three
or four motionless figures, whom I took
to be sentries guarding the treasure. The
street itself was almost deserted, but from
where 1 stood I could soe tne nazza
crowded with a throng of people, whose
shouts and songs told me that the Colo
nel's hospitality was being fully appro
elated. There was dancing going on to
His strains of the military band, and ev
ery sign showed that our good citizens In
tended, in familiar phrase, to make a
night of It.
I walked swiftly and silently down to
the jetty. Yes, the boat was all right ! 1
looked to her fires, and loft her moored by
one rope ready to be launched into the
calm black Bea In an Instant. Then I
strolled along, by the harbor side. Here
I met a couple of sentries. Innocently
t PTiiwl into conversation with them,
condoling on their hard fate in being kept
on duty while pleasure was at tne neim
in Hw Piazza. (Jentlv deprecating such
excess of caution, I pointed out to them
the stationary lights ot rue ougires,
four or five miles out to sea, and with a
respectful smile at the Colonel's uneasi
ness, left the seed I had sown to grow in
,.Qcrori r,il T diuwl do no more, and
had to trust for the rest to their natural
inclination to the neglect of duty.
When I got back to the bottom of Lib
erty street, I ensconced myself in the
shelter of a little group of. trees which
stood at one side of the roadway. Just
across the road, which ran at right an
.rioa fn tha afreet, the wood began, and a
quarter of an hour's walk through its
shades would bring us to tne jouy wuei
the boat lay. My trees made a perfect
screen, and here I stood awaiting events.
For some time nothing was audible but
an ever-increasing tumult of joviality
from the Piazza. But after about twenty
minutes I awoke to the fact that a con
stant dribble of men, singly or in pairs,
had begun to flow past me from the Pi
azza, down Liberty stmt, across the road
behind me, and into the wood. Some were
in uniform, others dressed in common
clothes; one or two I recognized as mem
bers of Johnny Carr's missing band. The
strong contrast between the prevailing
revelry and the stealthy, cautious air of
these passers-by would alone have sug
gested that they were bent on business;
putting two and two together, I had not
the least dijubt that they were the Presi
dent's adherents making their way down
to the water's edge to receive their chief.
So he was coming; the letter had done
its work ! Some fifty or more must have
come and gone before the stream ceased,
and I reflected, with great satisfaction,
that the Colonel was likely to have his
hands very full in the next hour or two.
Half an hour or so passed uneventful
ly; the bonfire still blazed; the songs and
i.r,nini, nroro utill In full swing! It was
the fateful hour of two, when,
looking from my hiding place, I saw a
slight figure in black coming quiCKiy anu
fearfully along the road.
I recognized the Signorina at once, as
I should recognize her any day among a
thousand, and as she paused nearly oppo
site where I was, I gently called her
name and showed myself for a moment.
She ran to me at once.
"Is It all right?" she asked, breath
"We shall see In a moment," said I.
"The attack is coming off; it will begin
directly." i
But the attack was not the next thing
we saw. We had both retreated again to
the friendly shadow whence we 'could see
without being seen. Hardly had we set
tled ourselves than the Signorina whis
pered to me, pointing across the road to
the wood :
"What's that. Jack?"
I followed the line of her finger and
made out a row of figures standing mo-
tinnlQM nnd hH11 nn the verv eriare of the
wood. It was too dark to distinguish in
dividuals; but even as we lookea tne si
lent air wafted to our eager ea'rs a low
voiced command :
"Mind, not a sound till I give the
"The President!" exclaimed the Sig-
nnrtnn in n mrhiunot.
"Hush, or he'll hear," said I, "and
we re done.
Olenrlv nothintr would hannen from that
quarter till it was called forth by events
in tne opposite direction, ine signorina
was strongly agitated ; she clung to me
closely, and I saw with alarm that the
very proximity of the man she stood in
siieh nue of waa Inn mnph for tier com
posure. When I had soothed, and I fear
half-frightened, her into stillness, I again
turned my eyes toward the Piazza. The
fire had at last flickered out and the revels
seemed on the wane. Suddnnlv n hodv of
men appeared in close order, marching
oown tne street toward tne Dank, we
ffnd nnrharta D I111n1l-1.1l n-a funm fliaf
building, which was, in its turn, about two
hundred troni the Piazza. Steadily they
came along; no sound reached us from
the wood.
This is getting Interesting," I said.
"There'll be trouble soon."
As near as I could see, the Colonel's
band, for such It was no doubt, did not
number more than flve-and-twenty at the
outside. Now they wow at the bank. I
could hardly see what happened, but there
seemed to be a moment's pause ; probably
someone had knocked and they were wait
ing. A second later a loud shout rang
through the street and I saw a group of
figures crowding round the door and push
ing a way Into my poor bank. Then I
heard a short, sharp order from behind,
"Now! Charge!"
As the word was given another body of
nrty or more rushed by us full tilt, and
at their head we saw the President, sword
in hand, running like a young man and
beckoning his men on. Up the street they
swept. Involuntarily we waited a moment
to watch them. Just as they came near
thv bank they sent up a shout :
"The President ! the President ! Death
to traitors!"
Then there was a volley, and they clos
ed round the building.
"Now for our turn, Christina," said I.
She grasped my arm tightly, and we
sped across the road and Into the wood.
It seemed darker than when I came
through before, or perhaps my eyes were
dazzled by the glare of the street lamps.
But still we got alonit pretty well, I help
ing my companion with all in power.
"Can we do It?" she gasped.
"A clear quarter of an hour will do it,
and they ought to take that to finish off
the Colonel." For I had little doubt of
the issue to that melee.
On we sped, and already we could soe
the twinkle of the waves through the thin
ning trees. Five hundred yards more, and
there lay life and liberty and love 1
Well, of course, I might hare known.
Everything had gone so smoothly up to
now, that any itudent of tha laws of
chance could have foretold that fortune
was only delaying the Inevitable slap in
the face. A plan that seemed wild and
risky had proved In the result as effectual
as the wisest scheme. By a Batumi prin
ciple of compensation, the simplest obsta
cle was to bring ui to grief. "There's
many a slip," Bays the proverb. Very
l.kcly ! One was enough for our busi
ness. For just as we' neared the edge of
the wood, just as our eyes were gladdened
by the full sight of the sea across the in
tervening patch of bare land, the Sig
norina gave a cry of pain and, In spite
of my arm, fell heavily to the ground. In
a moment I was on my knees by her side.
An old root growing out of the ground !
That was all ! And there lay my dear
girl white and still.
"What is it, sweet?" I whispered.
"My ankle !" she murmured ; "oh, Jack,
It hurts so !" and with that she fainted.
Half an hour thirty mortal minutes I
knelt by her side ministering to her. I
bound up the poor foot and I fanned her
face with my handkerchief. In a few
minutes she came to, bu tonly, poor child,
to sob with her bitter pain. Move she
could not, and would not. Again and
again she entreated me to go and leave
her. At last I persuaded her to try and
bear the agony of being carried in my
arms the rest of the way. I raised her
as gently as I could, wrung to the heart
by her gallantly stifled groan, and slowly
and painfully I made my way, thus bur
dened, to the edge of the wood. There
were no sentries In sight, and with a new
spasm of hope I crossed the open land and
neared a little wicket gate that led to
the jetty. A sharp turn just before we
reached it, and, as I rouuded this with
the Signorina lying yet in my arms, I
saw a ho'rse and a man standing by the
gate. The horse was flecked with foam
and had been ridden furiously. The man
was calm and 'cool. Of course ho was!
It was tha President ! .
My hands were full with my burden,
and before I could do anything I saw the
muzzle of his revolver pointod full at
me? Oh, no ! At tha Signorina !
"If you move a step I shoot her through
the heart, Martin," he said, in the quiet
est voice imaginable.
The Signorina looked up as she heard
his voice. '
"Put me down, Jack ! It's no use," she
said ; ,"I knew how it would be."
I did hot put her down, but I stood
there helpless, rooted to the ground.
"What's the matter with her?" he said
""Fell and sprained her ankle," I re
"Come, Martin," said he, "it's no . go,
and you know it. , A near thing; but
you've just lost." '
"Let me put her down, and we'll have a
fair fight."
He shook his head.
1 "All very well for young men," he said.
"At my age if a man holds trumps he
keeps them.
"How long have you been here?"
"About two minutes. When I didn't
see you at the bank I thought something
was up, so I galloped on to her house.
No one there ! So I came on here. A
good shot, eh?"
In the bitterness of my heart I could
hardly, speak. But I was not going to
play either the cur or the fool, so I said :
"Your trick, sir, and therefore your
lead. I must do what you tell me. Take
the revolver if you like," and I nodded my
head to the pocket where It lay.
"No," he said, "I trust you,"
"I bar a rescue," said I.
"There "will be no rescue," said . he
grimly. "The Colonel won't come.
Whose utuso Is thut?"
It was uiy boatman's.
"Bring her there. Poor child, she suf
fers !"
We knocked up the boatman, who thus
did not get his night's rest after all. His
astonishment may lie Imagined.
"Have you a bod?" said the President.
"Yes," he staiumorod, recognising his
"Then carry her up, Martin; and you,
send your wife to her."
I took her up, and laid her gently on
the bed. Tho President followed mo.
Then we went downstairs again into the
little parlor.
"Lot us have a talk," he said.
Tho President sat down. 1 was sur
prised at bis leisurely, abstracted air.
Apparently he had nothing In tho world
to do hut sit and keep me company.
If your excellency," said I, lnstlnc-.
tlvely giving him his old title, "has busi
ness elsewhere you can leave mo safely. '
I shall not break my word."
I know that, I know that, ho an
swered. "But I'd rather stay here; I
want to have a talk. Yon see there's no
danger now. There's no one left to lead
them against mo."
"Then the Colonel Is ?"
ITes," he said gravely, "he Is deid. I
shot him." .
"In the attack?"
"Not exactly ; the fighting was over. A
very short affair, Martin. They never
had a chance ; and as soon as two or three
had fallen and the rest saw me, they
threw up the siKmge."
"And the Colonel?" '
"lie fought well. Ho killed two of my
fellows; then a lot of them flung them
selves on him and disarmed him."
"And you killed him in cold blood?"
The President smiled slightly.
"But for your scheme I oiiould havo
come back without a blow," he continued ;
"but then I should have shot McGregor
just the same."
"Becauso he led the revolt?"
' "Because," said the President, "ho has
been a traitor from the beginning even to
the end because he tried to rob me of all
I held dear in the worid. If you like,"
he added, with a shrug, "because he stood
between me and my will. So I went up
to him and told him his hour was come,
and I shot him through the head. lie
died like a man, Martin ; I will say that."
(To be continued.) '
About Man with Card and Far Too
ure-Thluif Ret.
A forlorn Individual, with a "tele
scope" grip In one hand and an empty
pocket book la tho other, enlightened
the detectives at the union station the
other day concerning the latest wrinkle
in confidence games, according to tho
Kansas City Star. Tho melancholy one
had Just been relieved of $30 by a
couplo of chance acquaintances on a
"This Is how It happened," said tho
travtler: "I was comlnj; from Okla
homa, and after leaving Fort Scott sat
In the smoker with a man who got on
at that station. We chatted a bit and
were watching a game of crlblmgo
among some traveling men across tho
aisle when a man came through the ear
wltn a pack of playing cards in his
hand, lie stopped by the cribbage play
ers and asked them 1x buy the cards.
They refused, ho ho turned to our scat :
"'Gentlemen, he said, 'I'd like to
sell these cards. They are of unusual
ly good quality, and I'll sell them for
the price of an ordinary deck.'
"'Let's see,' said my seat mate, tak
ing the pack. 'I don't see anything re
markable about these. They look liko
ordinary 25-cent cards to me.'
"'All right,' replied the owner of
the cards in an offended tone'; 'if you
can't distinguish the difference In tho
quality of cards, there's no uso In my
wasting tlmo talking to you.'
"He reached for the pack, and as it
was handed back to him one of tho
cards fell to tho floor, apparently un
noticed by tho owner. My seat mate,
however, saw tho card fall and said
banteringly :
" "Those cards may bo extra fine, hut
I'll hot there Is not a full pack there.'
"The owner of the cards glared in
dignantly at my seat male.
"'You say you will?' he exclaimed,
'Now what will you bet on that?'
"My companion had already covered
tlie card on the floor with his foot.
"'Oh, I'll call anything you've got,'
he laughed.
"Without more ndo tho card sales
man lugged out a bundle, of bills and
announced that he didn't like to take
candy from infants, but that ho would
bet a hundred, even money, that the
pasteboards ' In , his hand composed a
full deck of fifty-two cards, not count-
tno tha nVF TTiItt nf revnrnct lnnb-A(1
like Christmas expenses ", to us, who
knew thnt one card of the pack lay on
the floor.
'"I'll let' you In on half of the bet,'
said my sent mate generously, and, of
course, I Jumped at the chance.
"The money was posted, the cards
were counted and the deck found to
be complete. My seat mate and the
card salesman left the train at the
next station. Of course, I see it all
now that la, all but one thing :
"Why did It not occur to me that
there was something odd In a man
having $100 who had a moment before
been trying to peddle a two-bit pack of
Boyce What kind of a dress Is a
iawn dress? Joyce A garden part;
gown, to be sur