LEXINGTON WHEATFIELD Published Every Thursday at LEXINGTON, OREGON S. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. OFFICIAL PAPER TOWN OF LEXINGTON Subscription, per year, - $1.00 Advertising rates on Application Entered as second-class matter October 6, 1905, at the post office at Lexington, Or egon, under the Act cf Congress of March 3, 1879. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15, 1906. LOCAL NEWS Robt. VanHorn and family moved into town lat Monday. They are oc cupying C. W. Christenson's residence on Knob Hill. The skating rink is open each even ing and is well patronized. A number of new beginners have been on the floor the past week. Dr. J. B. Sennett, the Morrow county optician, will be in Lexington on Friday and Saturday of this week. If you need glasses, call and see him. Rev. T. P. Graham will preach at Liberty school house next Sunday both morning and evening. ' His appoint ment there being changed from the 1st Sunday to the 3rd. " ' ' Grover Swaggart returned from Ar lington last Friday, having bagged an even dozen geese. The ' Wheatfleld family was remembered 'With' a : fine young goose for pur table. , ; James Carty and family, who spent the past few months at Mr. Carty's old home In Ireland, returned to Lex ington last Saturday. Mr. Carty has returned to Morrow county to stay. B. F. Swaggart was in town yester day and said, that while it was rather early for predictions for the winter, he says all Indications at this time point to an open winter with plenty of moisture. Subscriptions to the Pacific North west will be received at this office. Subscription price 50 cents per year, three years for $1. Subscriptions re ' ' All cough iyrupi containing opiates eonjtt jate the bowols. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tr moves the bowels and contains no opiate. Sold by W. P. McMillan's drug store. KILLthss cough and CURE the LUWC8 WITH s Discovery fONSUMPTION Price OUGHS ard iOLDS 60c &$ 1.00 Free Trial. rf$j Conform, to Y 'w-TtVf National Pur. I 1 .V? Food and M8 fj f'fjrli'. Drug Law. JF s ts ? 1 ceived will be forwarded to Miss Aud ry Woolery, at lone. A sour stomach, a bai breath, a pasty complexion and other conse quences of a disordeed digestion are quickly removed by the use of Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets. Two days treatm't free. Sold by W. P. McMillan's drug store. Several members of the Creamery Co. are making a canvas among the ranchers to see how many cows can be secured for the Creamery. At the business meeting last Saturday it was decided to start the Creamery at once if enough cows could be secured. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar the original laxative cough syrup acts as a cathartic onthe bowels. It is made from the tar gathered from the pine trees of our own country, therefore is the best for children. It is .good for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. Try our free offer. Sold by W. P. McMillan's drug store. The dance last Friday evening, was one of the most enjoyable affairs of the season. The new hard wood floor in the hall is equal to any dancing floor in the state. A number from lone at tended and all seemed to enjoy them selves to the fullest extent. The next dance will attract a much larger crowd. POSMUSIKK ROBBED G. W. Fouts, Postmaster at River- ton la., nearly lost his life and was Graysville, Mo., "three of my custom robbed of all comfort, according his erswere permanently cured of con letter, which says: "For 20 years I sumption by Dr.King.s New Discovery, had chronic liver complaint, which ; ann ar wll and ..tmno A led to such a severs case of jaundice that even my finger nails turned yel low; when my doctor prescribed Elect ric Bitters; which cured me and have kept me well for eleven years." Sure cure for Biliousness, Neuralgia, Weak ness, and all Stomach, Liver, Kidney, and Bladder, derangements. A won derful Tonic. At W, P. McMillan's Drug store. 50 cents. OEveryone should rebflcrtb for Ms borne paper, in order to get all the local news, but to keep in touch with the world's daily events should also read The Evening Telegram, Portland, Oregon, The leading evening newspaper of the Pacific Coast, which has com plete Associated Press reports and special leased -wire service, with correspondents in important news centers and in all the cities and principal towns of the Northwest. Portland and suburbs are covered hy a bright staff of reporters, and editorial, dramatic, Bociety and special writers. Saturday's edi tion consists of 26 to 28 pages, and has colored comic pages, as well as a department for children, colored fashion page, an interesting serial story and other attractive features in addition to all the news of the day. Subscription Rates: One month, 60 cents; three months, $1.38; six months, $2.50; twelve months, (5, Sample copies mailed free. ( WHEN YOU HAVE A COLD ALWAYS TAE Chamberlain's Cough Remedy It is) famous for ito oures I" 1 eon al ways be depended upon. It covin- toraots any tendency of a oold to result in pneumonia. IT IS SAFE AND SURE. .Price 25c, Lanfo 5Q otnli. F. H. ROBINSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW NOTARY Pl'BLIC Practice in all Courts. Legal business given prompt and careful attention. Land Contests. Probate Work and Conveyanc ing a specialty. IONE, - OREGON FOR CASH- T PVIMPTAM fci LyCAilNU 1 WIN, FORTUNATE MISSOURIANS "When I .was a druggist, at Livonia, Mo.," writes T. J.Dwyer, now of was trying to sell his . property and move to Ari?ona,,but after using; New Discovery a short tlrrio he, found It un necessary " to do so. I .regard Dr iving's New Discovery ' as that must wonderful 'ntedicine: In' existence." Surest.: Cough:sand Cold - cure ; and Throat and Lung healer. ..Guaranteed by W. P. McMillan's .Druggist. . 50c and$l. Trial bottle free." ivor Hotel Cexmgtpn ; ; Opposite Leach Brothers, ...store, Mrs. A. E. Beymer, Prop. Coodmeals served. Newly furnished, refitted with hot and cold water. Strict attention to guests. Rates one dollar 'per day and upwards. LEXINGTON" r OREGON. -sir THE WHRATFIELD PRINTS THE NEWS njrnoi1 ba dalivarad ar him by mall at aitpraa at vtnlaaala ortcaa, and ha ba- aonMa a full W4(ed nawapar oaalct. 1 Yon caa iurt any lima, and U tuccaaafal WndUnf THE SUNDAY JOURNAL, tkaa Ofdan can't aaal at lor THB Daily journal. I THB SUNDAY IOURNAJ. AU. THE NEWS, and auny apodal taa tarta al intarttl to mail and arainan, and, a-aaldia, hu all tba chUdroa'a camk paao anrrM by tba bi aWnday papata al Ika aaal JOURNAL boya art caaMnf aa muck aa 13 to It a w..a la anaU towna aa tba arthwoal Don't yoa want to oy K 121 IK CASH a aatra ptUta. wtt ba BHrf monrtily. la addition u tka ra(ula proflta, ajnonn tkoat JOURNAL boya who da tho baw J MONXY tO IOY IT L oy Imm mm ta avaty lew, tnrfa 1, f "TrJV at amall, la tlx Or.on country can lT il n money, ind Mm K naalh, MlHn fc , J Zlr THE DAILY ana SUNDAY JOUB- 1 MAU No mornj la required to anaka (ha I.V .Man, and anr tba abMrf 10 ruatk h II! II ' mM To an boy wbo will tr " II If sUain.nMndloiMof THKIUN- II! J I DAY JOURNAL, to M told at S carta 1 1 aacn. Alttr thai all naoera that an ra- I worta wno Intraaaa thalr aroara D I aat pareanua In thai way tha boya at f tHa amalltt placet will baaa aa awash I I ckanai to tarn thii aitra nonay aa akaat I aa tfit larjer toama. Oat In THE JOUR KAL proctMloni THB JOURNAL ( I artnnarl Addraaa, THB JOORNAU Jk Pomand, Ol. J ZZ30EZIE We can save you money on Groceries1, Dry Goods, Shoes Hardware and Stoves We have a line of new and up-to-date Goods. BARNETT BON TON MARKET C, T.CONNER, Prop. FRESH AND SALT MEATS FISH IN SEASON SAUSAGES, LARD, Market price for' Hides.' LEXINGTON, - . rxzzZ'XzX'ZZS'Z'XrX'Zxzzzez-z-Z'ZKZ'Z-X'Ze;! I M M M M ..THE PASTIME 8 ALWAYS OPEN TO AMUSEMENT -BILLIARD AND CIGARS AND TOBACCO M Fruits, Nuts,. Confections, and Soft Drinks ft M M : M M M. M W Fine Candies a Specialty. C. W. CHRISTENSON, Proprietor. M szriixzizzziiX'X'ZZ-iz-zaixizaxiizai-i-i'iarizziiz-ziziizzxz I X L SALOON J. H. CHAPMAN & CO., Props WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FRESH BEER ALWAYS ON - DRAUGHT n. GOOD POOL. TABLE IN CONNECTION -n JOHN B. WHITE ft I GENERAL BLACKSMITHING I UHP SPQUnTCTAJfl A QPT7P TAT TV $ 0 Work Neatly Executed A full supply of Hardwood, Blacksmith Coal and Blacksmith sup plies always on hand. 30 o O O fil CO. OREGON 2 EC OREGON. V POOL TABLES K M M H Charges Reasonable J si READ THE WHEATFIELD Surest and Quickest Cure for nil mxTTJ nAf nnrt 1AHJQ TBOUB- LEXINGTON, OREGON. LES, or HOJNJiix xsa.ua.