Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, November 15, 1906, Image 3

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State Socures Data on Building of
Home for Feoble-Minded.
Snlom For tho first time in the his
tory of Oregon, this state has gone
about tho establishment of a publie in
stitution in a businesslike way. In
planning for tho establishment of a
homo for tho fooblo-mlndod, the Board
-of Public Building Commissioners ar
ranged to send Superintendent 0. W.
.Jones, of tho State Blind School, on a
tour of Eastern States for the purpose
of gathering data which will enable
this stato to avoid the errors for which
othor states have paid by dear experi
ence. When othor state institutions
wore established, the locations wore se
lected and the buildings constructed
-with littlo anticipation of future needs.
In the enso of tho home for tho feeble
" Tiiiudod it will bo different. Tho Board
is looking particularly to the require
ments of such an institution 25 or SO
.years or more hence.
Superintendent Joiyss fllod his report
yesterday a voluminous document ac--compnniod
by statistics from institu
tions visited by him. Most valuable of
all is tlio information he gained by per
sonal conversation with the managers
of similar institutions in the Eastern
Superintendent Jones concludes his
report as follows: "Oregon cannot do
lay this important work much longer
without laying us liable to tho chargo
of neglecting one of tho most important
-duties which our civilization hag im
posed upon us as a people. Oregon must
not be the last Northern State to make
provision for this class, and it is to be
hoped that the wise plans of the last
Legislature will be carried into effect
by the coming session."
One Being Built at Klamath Falls and
One at Portland.
Klamath Falls Navigation as a per
manent moans of transportation of the
Klamath Basin is to be more effectu
ally established by the founding of a
new steamer route between Klamath
Palls and Fort Klamath. There is now
being built at the local boatyards a
new steamboat that will be operated
regularly between this place and Fort
Klamath, making the trip in about four
hours in each direction. This line will
be especially devoted to the cultivation
of closer trade relations between the
people of the country lying north of
Upper Klamath Lake and to caring for
the tourist travel of the summer season
for Crater Lake and other points of in
terest in that direction.
Work is progressing very satisfacto
rily deepening the Klamath River at a
point just below Lake Ewauna, where a
reef about 30 feet in width has been a
barrier to navigation at the low stage
ot the stream. This reef is being re
moved by the efforts of the Klamath
Lake Navigation Company, which is
having a second steamer built to ply
the river and Lower Klamath Lake.
Spray May Have Caused Death.
Hood River James H. McGinnis, a
native of Ontario, Can., .who has been
staying with his brother, D. L. McGin
nis, an employe of the Menominee Lum
ber Mill, died very suddenly Tuesday
from what is now thought to have been
poison. At the time of his sudden ill
ness he was attended by a physician,
who could not diagnose his case, but
left a prescription which, it is said,
failed to help him, and he died in a
short time.
Since his death it has been discov
ered that McGinnis, who had only been
here a short time, had been in the habit
of eating a good many apples and that
they were covered with Bpray, which
lie did not wipe off. The spray is poi
sonous and symptoms with which he
was attacked, such as vomiting and se
vere pains in the abdomen, now lead his
friends to think that he died from its
Finances of Clackamas.
Oregon City The net indebtedness
of Clackamas County, according to the
semi-annual report of Clerk Greenman,
just completed, and covering the six
months ending September 30 last, is
$63,335.24. There are outstanding war
rants to the amount of $53,994.53, upon
which the estimated interest is $1,800.
In addition there are outstanding road
warrants aggregating $18,342.79. On
the total indebtedness of $74,137.32,
there is applicable cash on hand and
uncollected taxes amounting to $10,
781.08, reducing the actual indebtedness
to $63,335.24. Clerk Greenman 's report
also shows the current expenses of the
county for the period covered in the re
port to have been $24,030.13, and in the
same, length of time the county spent
' $41,522.64 in the improvement of roads.
Polk Orchardists Elated.
Dallas The people of Pork County
are highly elated by the success of the
first apple fair, and a larger and better
show is already being planned for next
year. The exhibit of choice fruit has
demonstrated the fact that the Willam
ette Valley can produce apples as fine
as can be raised in the world, when
painstaking and intelligent effort is put
forth by the farmers in cultivating
their orchards and preparing their fruit
for the market.
Navigation May Soon Be Carried on
Nearly All the Year,
Corvallis Improvement of the upper
Willamette was discussod here today
by David B. Ogdon, engineer in charge
of tho Willamette expenditures, and
members of tho Citizens' Loaguo. The
snngboat Mathloma has been working
on the upper rivor for two weeks and
is to continue in the vicinity of Cor
vallis throughout the coming weok.
. Tho famous cut-off, whore the Wil
lamette has broken through a new chan
nel and reduced a 3Mi-mile stretch to
less than a mile by leaving a circuitous
route for a direct one, has been prac
tically cleared of snags, which had been
a menace to navigation. Similar work
is to bo done in other directions.
The. main topic, however, of the con
ference between Mr. Ogden and the cit
izens was tho chance of an all-year nav
igation by boats to Corvallis. Plans
with this end in view are being worked
to by the engineers. Their reeommcn-
dations for appropriations cover needs
in this particular. For two years the
work has been so carried on. Mr. Ug
don thinks that in another two years
the plan will bo consummated and if
navigation be not achieved throughout
the summer, it will at least be so bet
tored that there will be but a very short
period of inactivity. Local citizens
are much encouraged by the attitude of
tho engineering peoplo, and are prepar
ing to co-operate fully.
Annual Fair In Lane County.
Eugene At a meeting of the citizens
of Eugene it was decided to form a cor
poration for the purpose of holding an
annunl county lair in .Lane uounty,
Chairman Wilking appointed the follow
ing committee on organization: William
Ureen, J. M. Williams, D. Hi. Koran, li.
Gordon and I'. L, Chambers.
Improvement Company Formed.
La Grande An incorporation to be
known as the La Grande Improvement
Company has been completed with s
capital stock of $15,000. The incorpo
rators are George L. Cleaven, Frank K.
Boinhoff and William B. Sargent. The
object is to buy land and build houses.
The New York Journal of Commerce
said of cascara bark:
A wholesale dealer in cascara sagra-
da of Portland, Or., declared that ' not
more than five cars had been peeled this
season and receipts from the gathering
sections were generally in lots of 200 to
500 pounds. There is a fairly steady
demand on spot, and some ton lots are
wanted for export. Quotations are sus
tained at 10,12c as to age, quantity
and seller.
Wheat; Export basis: Club, 64c;
biuestem, bsc; Valley, tooc; red, 61c.
Oats No. 1 white, $24.5025.50;
gray, $23.50(5)24.00.
Barley Feed, $21.50 per ton; brew
ing, $zz; rolled, $23.
Rye $1.351.40 per cwt.
Corn Whole, $25.50; cracked, $26.50
per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, city, $14.50; coun
try, $10.00 per ton; middlings, $24.00:
shorts, city, $16.00; country, "$17.00 per
ton; chop, u. . Mills, $10. OH: linseed
dairy food, $18.00; acalfa meal, $18.00
per ton.
Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $1011
per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $14
16.00; clover, $6.507.00; cheat, $7
V.ou; grain hay, $7.00; alfalfa, $11.50
vetch hay, $7(a)7.50.
Domestic Fruits Apples, common to
cnoice, Z5c(a75c per box: choice to fan
cy, 75c$1.50; grapes, $1.501.65 per
crate; peaches, 75c$l; pears, 75c
$1.25; cranberries, $99.50 per barrel;
quinces, $11.25 per box; persimmons,
oc per pound.
Fresh Vegetables Cababge, 1
(auc pounci; cauiittower, $1.25 per
dozen; celery, 7585c per dozen; egg
plant, $1.50 per crate; lettuce, head, 20c
per aozen; onions, iU(aH2y2c per doz.
De.u peppers, oc; pumpkins, 114c pound
spinach, 45c per pound; tomatoes. 30
50c per box; parsley, 1015c: squash
VAa per pound; hothouse lettuce, 50
Root Vegetables Turnips, 90c$l
per sack; carrots, 90c$l ner sack:
I boots, $1.251.50 per sack; garlic, 7
,10c per pound; horseradish. 9(5)10c
per pound; sweet potatoes, 22o per
Onions Oregon, 75c$l per hundred
Potatoes Buying nrices: Orecon
Burbanks, fancy, 90c; common, 6580c.
Butter City creameries: . Extra
creamery, 30c. per pound. State cream
eries: Fancy creamery, 2527e; store
uuner, loigufc.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 3335c per doz
en; best Eastern, 2627c; ordinary
Cheese Oregon full cream twins,
14((l4y2ej Young America, 1515y2c,
rouitry Average old hens. 12ffll3c
mixed chickens, 1212c; Spring, 12
10c; oiu roosters, ($uc; dressed chick
ens, u(riU4c; turkeys, live, 17(5)17c
turkeys,, dressed, choice, 21(224c
geese, live, per pound, 89c; ducks, 14
15c; pigeons, $11.50; squabs, $2
Cattle Best steers, $3.593.75; me
dium, $33.25; cows, $2.2502.66: sec
ond-grade cows, $22.35; bulls, $1.50
2.00; calves, $44.50.
Sheep Best, $4.504.75; lambs, $5
oar ' ' T
Hogs -Beat, $6.506.75j lightweight,
Message From . Labrador Intimates
That He I Not Discouraged.
Lenox, Mass., Nov. 6. That Com
mander Robert E. Peary encountered
unusual difficulties in his search for
tho North Pole was Indicated in a
telegram received today by Morris K.
Jessup, president of the Peary Arctic
Club, The most significant portion of
the telegram, however, was that con
taining an Intimation that Command
er PeaTy would again try to find the
North Pole. The telegram follows:
"Honedale, Labrador, by way of
Twillingate, Newfoundland. steamer
Roosevelt now here, Repalrlne rud
der and stern, taking ballast and
awaiting arrival mall steamer to se
cure coal.
"Return voyage Incessant struggle
with ice to Cape York, September 20.
Then storms and head winds to Lab
rador coast, October 23.
"Carried away two rudders, stern
post and two blades of propellor, fore
top mast and spanker boom; lost one
boat; burned a!! coal and some Inter
ior beams, using wood and 'blubber
along coast.
"Expect to communicate again from
Chapeau Bay. All progress 'will be
slow. Have no anxiety for our safety
and give no credence to exaggerated
'Roosevelt is returning this year for
additional supplies and for repairs.
Several tons of whale meat and dog
food thrown away last fall after poi
soning a number of dogs, other sup
piles lost by breaking of ice In April.
New York, Nov. 6. Although Com
mander Peary failed ' to Teach the
North Pole, Secretary H. L. Bridg-
man, of the Peary Arctic Club, be-
lleveg that his feat in reaching farther
north ought to be a subject for Na
tional rejoicing. Mr. Bridgman, who
received the message from Command
er Peary, announcing his return to
civilization, telephoned the news of
Mr. Peary's safety to Mrs. Peary, who
happened to be In the city.
'Thank God he is safe," was her
first comment. Then she plied Mr.
Bridgman with questions regarding
the details of the news he had re
ceived from her husband.
Mr. Bridgman told her that her hus
band, while he bad failed to reach the
pole, because or ice, had low the dis
tinction of having gone farther north,
having reached 87 degrees 8 minutes,
a point 32 minutes nearer to the North
Pole than that reached by the Duke
of AbruzzI expedition in 1900. In dis
cussing Peary's dash late last fall
after he had time to study the Com
mander's message more closely, Mr,
Bridgman said:
I am sure it has been the ambition
of every true American to see the
Stars and Stripes first at the Arctic
pole. And that it should be an Amer
ican who should reach the farthest
north Is little less gratifying. It is
evident Peary has had the same ex
perience of getting on drifting ice and
being carried away from his goal that
other explorers have had. Probably
no other man living would have gotten
off so well as Peary has. He found
himself on ice that had been broken
up by a storm and was taken in a
contrary direction. It is likely that
he and his party went to .the limit of
human endurance before they gave up.
as instanced by the, eating of the
"Will Peary ever make the attempt
"I do not know. Although it was
said by the newspapers when he sail
ed away that if he failed this time he
would never try again, he never told
me that, and I was quite close to him.
I consider that one of the wonderful
features of this expedition is the fact
that the Roosevelt is coming home
with the entire party despite the hard
ships they have experienced.
"Peary probably reached within 203
miles of the North Pole. He passed
the Abruzzi party by about 30 miles."
This was "Peary s fifth attempt to
reach the pole. Other sledge Journeys
were made in the years 1892, 1895, 1900
and 1902.
The following message of congratu
lation for Commander Peary was re
ceived today by Mr. Bridgman, secre
tary of the Peary Arctic Club:
"Peary, Care Bridgman, New York:
Very hearty congratulations upon your
splendid achievement.
"Edinburgh, Scotland."
Get Insurance on Dummy.
Big Rapids, Mich., Nov. 6. To prove
that a wax figure rests in the grave
supposedly occupied by Lafora S.
Baker, alleged defaulting cashier of
the Northern National Bank of Big
Rapids, James Donovan, millionaire
lumberman, will have the coffin ex
humed. Donovan says Baker is alive
and well, and was last seen headed for
Honolulu. He asserts the wax figure
was prepared In New York and sent
to Big Rapids to deceive those who
sought Baker's arrest on a charge of
bank looting, to the tune of about
$2,000,000. ,
Bull-Baiting at Colon.
CoIob, Nov. 6. The celebration of
the third anniversary of the founda
tion of the Republic of Panama con
tinued here today. There was a bull
baiting and other amusements in the
afternoon, and fireworks in the even
ing. A thanksgiving service was held
and a reception by the Consular offi
cers. Reading Road Raises Wages.
Philadflphla. Nov. 6. The Philadel
phia & Reading Railway Company an
nounced today an increase of wages
of 10 per cent to all employes whose
salaries are less than $200 per month.
Eastern Coast of Canada Strewn
With Wrecks.
Four Men Swept From Life-Raft
Many Reach Land After Ter
rible Experiences.
Halifax, N. S., Nov. 6. Dispatches
today have been pouring into this city
bringing news of vessels wrecked or
In distress, of wires prostrated and of
damage done by gale and sea along
the coasts of Nova Scotia, Cape Bre
ton, New Brunswick and Prince Ed
ward Island. Four vessels were driven
ashore; another, having everything
movable on deck washed away, was
forced to put back to the port from
which she had sailed, and the steamer
Turret Bell, which went aground on
the north side of Prince Edward Is
land last week, was driven farther
ashore and will probably be a total
The storm was more violent in
Northumberland Strait. Two schooners
and one bark were swept aground in
this strait, and a third schooner was
wrecked near the Eastern entrance.
The Norwegian bark Adeona tried
to weather the gale off Rexton, N. B.,
but dragged her anchors and ground
ed on North Reef. She sprang a leak
and, according to the latest informa
tion received here, five of the 12 men
constituting her crew had been
drowned in an attempt to reach shore
and the other seven were still on
board and in Imminent danger of be
ing swept overboard or dying from ex
posure. The tremendous seas made it
impossible for any vessels to go to
her assistance.
Near the same place the schooner
Alexander, lumber-laden, went ashore
The Windsor. N. S., schooner Ome-
ga, after being partly dismantled by
the storm, brought up on the rocks at
Fox Point, on the northern coast of
Nova Scotia. Her crew of four men
was rescued when almost overcome by
exhaustion and exposure.
Four of Crew Are Miss! no.
North Sydney, N. S., Nov. 6. The
Gaspe, Que., schooner Torrldon, Cap
tain Landon, coal laden, from this port
for Gaspe was wrecked on Melners
Island yesterday and four of the crew,
who boarded a raft hastily construct
ed, are missing. Captain Landon and
the others of the crew were rescued,
The vessel is a total loss.
Supreme Court Decides Against the
Whites Who Married Cherokees.
Washington, Nov. 6. The Supreme
Court of the United States today af
firmed the decision of the Court of
Claims in the case of Daniel Redbird
the Cherokee Nation and others vs,
the United States, known as "the
White ManB Case." The case in
volved the long-pending claims of be
tween 2,000 and 3,000 white persons
to participate in the distribution of the
land and funds of Cherokee Indians
because of the marriage of white men
to members of the tribe. The decision
was favorable to the Indians.
The Indians strenuously Teslsted the
claim, contending that they had never
by law recognized right of property
on account of intermarriage. In pass
ing on the cases decided today, the
Court of Claims held that the tribal
lands are not communal lands, but
that whites who acquired citizen
ship by .marriage prior to 1875 have
equal interests as Indians. In the
cases of marriages into the tribe since
that time, it was held , that no right
of property had been acquired except
by those who had paid into the com
mon fund the sum of $500. . The Court
of Claims also held that white hus
bands of Cherokee women, who have
abandoned their wives, have forfeited
all rights as Cherokee citizens, In
cluding that of participating .in the
sales of Cherokee lands.
Suspect Ute Treachery.
Sheridan, Wyo., Nov. 6. A .mes
senger arriving at Arvada from the
headquarters of the Tenth and Sixth
Cavalry reports a change in the plans
The Utes will be brought to Arvada
and taken from there by rail, instead
of marching overland to Fort Meade
as was at first proposed. They should
arrive at Arvada tomorrow evening.
Treachery on the part of the Utes
is believed to be the reason for the
change. Many dissatisfied Utes still
advise resistence to removal from
Powder River Valley.
Wireless From Tonopah Camp.
Tonopah, Nev., Nov. 6. Postmaster
L. M. Mushet announced today that
plans are now practically completed
for wireless telegraph service between
Tonopah and San Francisco. A wire
less plant is to be installed In this
camp, which it is expected will work
direct with San Francisco.
French Squadron for Jamestown,
Paris, Nov. 6. France will fend a
squadron of warships to the opening of
the Jamestown Exposition, April 26,
Runners Sent by Renegades for Help
to Drive Out Whites.
Cody, Wyo., Nov. 5. Colonel. Wil
liam F. Cody ("Buffalo Bill"), accom
panied by Colonel Breck and several
members of the party which returned
a few days ago from a big bear hunt
In the Big Horn Mountains, left here
for Sheridan, Wyo., intending to hold
a conference with the Utes before the
latter start on their overland march
to Fort Meade, where they are to stay
in charge of the Sixth Cavalry until
Notwithstanding the agreement
which was reached at the conference
between the soldiers and the Utes,
there are fears of a general uprising
of all northern Indians. "Buffalo Bill,"
who Is familiar with Indian charact
eristics, has been kept closely advised
or the developments in the recent
troubles, and he believes the matter
will not be entirely settled by the
arrangement which puts an end to the
wanderings and depredations of the
Utes under Appah and Black Whisker.
At the Instigation of the Utes, run
ners have been going to all the tribes
of the Sioux, Northern Cheyennes and
Crows, with a view of inducing them
to join in driving the whites out of
the land, and Colonel Cody believes
that steps should be taken at once to
counteract efforts of these messengers
to stir up revolt. On his arrival at
Sheridan, Colonel Cody will confer
with the military authorities as to
the exact methods of procedure.
Ten Million on Verge of Starvation
Crops an Utter Failure.
Shanghai, Nov. 5. Advices received
here indicate that famine conditions
of the most desperate nature prevail
in the Northern part of the great
Province of Klang-Su, with but one ex
ception the most fertile and valuable
of many provinces of the empire. Ten
millions of the total population of 21,-
000,000 in the province are reduced
to stern want.
Crops are an utter failure 'and
scenes of suffering that Tival anything
in the empire's history are reported
from every point in the region. Food
riots, which have been marked with
much bloodshed, are reported daily,
and so far the officials have taken no
steps to relieve istress. In fact, to
prevent the rioting spreading to the
cities all of the -local governors have
been ordered to keep the people in
their homes at all hazards, and fur
ther rioting has resulted from this
All of the local diplomatic represen
tatives have received advices from
foreigners in the famine.strlcken re
gion urging them to use all their in
fluence to have the imperial govern
ment take steps to aid sufferers. A
Presbyterian missionary who has just
returned from the region declares that
thousands of persons have already
starved to death, and that unless im
mediate aid is forthcoming the death,
list will be appalling.
Major Pitcher Recommends That Com
petition Be Established.
Washington,. Nov .5. According to
the annual report of Major John
Pitcher, Acting Superintendent of the
Yellowstone National Park, the mo
nopoly enjoyed by the Yellowstone
Lake Boat Company for the transpor
tation of tourists from Upper Geyser
Basin to the Thumb is becoming a ser
ious problem. Major Pitcher has rec
ommended that competition be estab
lished in some way, or that the stage
lines be permitted to operate their
own boats, in order to give their pat
rons the choice of boat or land trans
portation to the Thumb.
The Yellowstone Lake Boat com
pany charges $3 a head for the trip,
which is 18 miles' distance. Its fran
chise expires July 21 next. Major Pit
cher emphasizes his recommendation
of last year that the garrison at Fort
Yellowstone be increased to a four
troop or squadron post.
CXCCI IwnilRTRV pxpands.
Washington, Nov. 5. A bulletin is
sued by the Department of Commerce
and Labor says that exports of iron
and steel manufacture show an in
crease of about 25 per cent in the
.nine months ended with September,
and imports of a similar character
show also an increase of practically
25 per cent in the same period as
compared with the same months of
the preceding year.
The growth in operations of iron
and steel, the bulletin says, was larger
In the nine months ended with Sep
tember, 1906, than in any correspond
ing period of our export trade. The
gain In these months over the cor
responding period of the preceding
year was over $24,000,000.
Blank Hand Throws Bomb.
New York, Nov. 5. Unsuccessful in
their attempts to blackmail Francisco
Messina, a prosperous tailor of Brook
lyn, members of the so-called Black.
Hand Society, so the police say, hurl
ed a dynamite bomb against the front
door of the tenement-house in which
he lives and conducts his business.
Damage of $8,000 to the building and
surrounding property was caused.
Scores of persons felt the shock of the
explosion, but ne one was Injured.
Messina has received letters demand
ing $400 to $1,000. Detectives arrest
ed two men on suspicion.
Pirates Seize Launches.
Hongkong, Nov. 6. Reports have
been received that Chinese pirates
have seized a British launch and two
Chinese launches in West River and
escaped with $10,000 in booty after a
running fight. No casuallties are reported.