Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, November 15, 1906, Image 2

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imwrmm 4....OSBGOM
la a Condensed Form for Oar
Busy Headers.
A Resume of the Less Important but
Not Less Interesting Events
of the Past Week.
Hearst may gei the mayoralty oi New
Idaho land fraud triala will begin
soon at Moscow.
An American consulate has been
opened at Mukden.
Cuban liberals are making trouble
for Governor Magoon.
All the provincial governors of the
republic of Panama will meet Boose-
Russian terrorists dynamited a train,
massacred the military guard, and Be
cured $500,000.
A small powder magazine SO miles
from Chicago exploded, breaking win
dows three miles distant.
Four men were killed and the found
ation laid for a lasting feud in Ken
tucky over the recent election.
All British employes on the Panama
canal will have a holiday to celebrate
the birthday of King Edward.
A whale ship has discovered an Es
kimo band on Prince Edward island
who had never seen a white man.
A crazy Chilean who tried to gain
admission to the White Home some
time ago has been arrested at Panama.
Secretary Bonaparte says the strength
shown by Hearst shows that the ques
tion must be dealt with "in a spirit at
once liberal and conservative."
v Taft is on a tour of inspection of
rmy posts.
President Roosevelt went to Oyster
Bay and cast bis vote, returning then
to Washington.
President Roosevelt has arranged to
receive the Ute chiefs at the White
House and hear their troubles.
The Royal Hawaiian band, which
has been making a tour of the United
States, is stranded in Ogden, Utah.
The president has .dismissed in dis
grace a whole battalion of negro troopB
for refusing to disclose the identity of
some wrong doers among them, and
will also co art martial a white officer
fgor making derogatory remaiks against
the negro troops.
Navy yard employes were given
leave of absence long enouogh to vote.
Chicago Bwitchmen will go on strike
unless the railroads acecde to their de
mands. It is probable that the authorities of
Harvard will prohibit football after
the present season.
The Harriman lines are building
wreck-proof steel mail cars to leplace
their present wooden cars.
A native loosed the brakes on a car
on the new railroad in Ecuador and
the car dashed down a grade and killed
seven persons.
Thomas Kinsey, purser on the At
lantic liner St. Paul, has crossed the
ocean 901 times, more than any other
living man. He has Bailed a total of
2,703,000 miles.
Sailors who were debarred from
dancing in an amusement ball at New
port, R. I., have begun suit against
the prorpietor. Roosevelt has contrib
uted $100 to help their case.
Tbe heirs of the estate of Pabst, the
Milwaukee brewer, will have to pay
the inheritance tax on $4,000,000 stock
in the Pabst Brewing company, trans
ferred to them shortly before his death.
Stensland and Hering, the wreckres
of the Milwaukee Avenue bank, of Chi
cago, were today sentenced to indeter
minate terms of imprisonment, whicb
may ran from one to ten years. This
will not increase Stensland's present
Peary says he Is only returning for
provisions and supplies.
The Standard Oil comapny is openly
fighting for control of the Illinois Cen
tral. Alice Roosevelt Longworth is making
politics an important part of her social
Bodies exhumed in Mount Calvary
cemetery, Portland, are found to be
After three days' persistent hunting,
Presdient Rooeevelt has finally bagged
a wild turkey.
It is expected that records of the San
Francisco mint will disclose rank grafts
in that institution.
A big German-American insurance
company has paid til its San Francisco
Are losses and reorganised to continue
la business.
President Roosevelt and Party Em
bark on Yacht Mayflower.
Washington, Nov. 9. "Goodbye, I
am eoinar down to see how the ditch
is getting along," shouted President
Roosevelt, who stood on th after
starboard deck of the yacht May
flower at the Washington navy yard,
as the vessel was leaving the dock for
his Panama trip.
Accompanying the President were
Mrs. Roosevelt and her maid; Surgeon-General
Rixey, of the Navy, and
M. C. Latta, one of the assistant secre
tarles t thn White House. The May
flower will take the party to Wolf
Trap Light, at the mouth of the Kappa
hannock river in Chesapeake Bay,
where a transfer will be made to the
battleship Louisiana, which is to con
vey the President to and from the
The .Louisiana will be convoyed to
and from the isthmus by the armored
cruisers Tennessee and Washington.
Aboard the Louisiana Lieutenant
Frank Evans, who will utilize the
wireless telegraph apparatus, with
which the ship is equipped, for com
municating with the White House at
Washington whenever the President
The President will spend, four days
on the isthmus. He will' arrive at
Colon Thursday, November 15, where
he is to be greeted aboard ship by
President Amador, of Panama,.- and
Mrs. Amador, Chairman Shonts and
other officials of the Canal Commis
sion. A considerable part of that day
will be spent at La Boca and Ancon,
the train making a slow run across the
isthmus in order to give an opportun
ity to see the sights and make an ex
amination of the work. At La Boca
there is to be an inspection of the
present terminals of the old French
canal and the Panama railroad, follow
ing which there will be a trip to near
by islands, where the President is to
be shown the proposed actual Pacific
end of the canal in deep water and its
approaches. In the afternoon there is
to be a sightseeing trip around Ancon
Proclamation Signed By President for
New Area of 7,406,556 Acres.
Washington, Nov. 9. President
Roosevelt, before leaving for Panama,
signed a proclamation creating four
new forest reserves in Idaho, and en
larging two others, adding to the re
serve area of the state 7,406,556 acres.
He created every reserve recommend
ed by the Forest Service, Including
the Shoshone reserve in Northern
Idaho, which was so vigorously fought
by Senator Heyburn. Creation of
these reserves exemplifies the admin
istration's disregard of Heyburn's pro
test and leaves Heyburn nothing more
to fight for.
Great Coeur d'Alene Reserve.
The Shoshone reserve is created in
conjunction with the Coeur d'Alene
reserve, adjoining it on the north, and
two others to be known as the Coeur
d'Alene Teserve. Their aggregate area
is 2,250,000 acres. They lie in Sho
shone and Kootenai counties, extend
ing northward to the middle of Lake
Bend d'Oreille.
In creating these various reserves
It Is stated that all their natural re
sources will be available for use and
development, but they will be admin
istered by the Forest Service, placed
under the protective system and tim
ber cutting will be restricted to ma
ture timber. The Coeur d'Alene re
serve is the largest of the lot.
Lemhi and Kootenai.
The Lemhi reserve, next in size, em
braces 1,346,460 acres in Lemhi and
Custer counties. This reserve con
sists of three narrow strips of land
running northwest and southeast ad
joining the Montana boundary. In
numerable streams that empty into the
Lemhi river head in this territory.
In extreme Northeastern Idaho, on
the British Columbia and Montana
lines, 165,240 acres have been re
served, forming but a small segment
of the larger Kootenai reserve in
Montana. Like the Lemhi this re
serve lies on the west slope of the
Rocky Mountains.
Great Tract on Salmon River.
The Salmon River reserve in Lemhi
and Custer counties embraces 2,201,
120 acres. It comprises a solid block
of mountainous country lying between
the Salmon River and the middle fork
of the Salmon river.
In Cassia and Oneida counties 291,
976 acres have been set apart as the
Raft River reserve, embracing many
tributaries of Raft River and Deep
Numerous additions are made to the
Sawtooth reserve, their aggregate area
being 1,371,760 acres. These addi
tions are made at various points along
the present boundary.
Freight Cart By the Thousand.
Chicago, Nov. 9. Prompted by the
congestion of traffic and the car short
age for this year, the Harriman lines
are making purchases of freight equip
ment for 1907 on a grand scale. It
was announced yesterday that they
now have orders in for $21,000,000
worth of refrigerator, box, flat and
gondola cars, all of which it is ex
pected will be delivered before the
season of heavy traffic next year. The
total number of freight cars ordered
but not yet delivered Is 16,600. Of
these 6,600 are refrigerator cars. These
will be of the most modern type.
No More Gambling In Panama.
Panama, Nov. 9. The National As
sembly today unanimously approved a
bill prohibiting gambling In the repub
lic It will not be signed by President
Amador and gambling on the isthmus
will become a thing of the past. Gamb
ling Is already absolutely- prohibited
in the canal son. ,
Railroad . Commission Scents An
other Big Trust.
Combine Was Like Old Northern Se
curities Company Fish Gives
Commission the Tip.
The Harriman system has three, main
lines between the Missouri River and
the Pacific Coast, which under separate
ownership are natural competitors for
traffic originating east of their eastern
termini or destined to points east of
those termini.
The main line of the Union Pacific
extends from Omaha to Ogden, where
it connects with the Central Pacific,
extending from Ogden to San Fran
cisco. The Oregon Short Line extends from
Granger to Pocatello and the O. R. & N.
from Pocatello to Portland. These two
lines combined are natural competitors
of the Union Pacific and Central Pa
cific. The Kansas Pacific extends from
Kansas City to Denver and is a natural
competitor of the Union Pacific main
line. i
The Southern Pacific extends from
New Orleans to Los Angeles, and thence
to San Francisco and north to Port
land, forming a natural competing line
with the other lines described.
The acquisition of control of the Hli-
nois Central by Harriman gives him a
line from Omaha to Chicago and thence
to New Orleans, thus connecting the
eastern termini of his several lines and
enabling him to route traffic from and
to eastern points by any of them. It
practically makes him supreme in the
whole territory west of the Missouri
river and south of the Columbia river
in the. West and of Omaha in the East.
Washington, Nov. 10. A general in
vestigation of what is known as the
Harriman system of railroads, under the
authority conferred by law, is one of
the subjects which have been discussed
for some time by the Interstate Com
merce Commission, and that body, it is
said, really stands committed to an in'
quiry. "
"We have been informed." a mem'
ber of the Commission said recently,
tnat tnis system m some of Us fea
tures is not unlike the Northern Securi
ties Company, which was dissolved
through the interposition of the Attor
ney-General of the United States."
Any steps which may be taken by
tne commission along tne lines referred
to will be, it is said, in accordance with
the general powers of the Commission
conferred by law,' and not because of
any immediate specific complaint of a
violation of toe statutes.
During the Fisb-Harriman contest for
the control of the Illinois Central Bail-
way, it was hinted that data would be
placed in the bands of the Government
whereby it could get the official jack
screws under the Harriman system and
discover many interesting things. The
Commission wil begin the task early in
the new year.'!: . '
This investigation will be of as much
importance, in all probability, as was
that which the Commission made into
the combination of the Northern Pacific
and the Great Northern, which, as the
Northern Securities Company, was dis
solved by order of the Supreme Court
under the anti-trust law. In one. way,
the action of Harriman resembles that
of J. Pierpont Morgan and James J.
mu in allying the Northern Racine
with the Great Northern. He controls
the Union Pacific, the Southern Pacific
and the Oregon Short Line, which
should be competing roads, in the judg
ment of the Commission, and now he has
the Ilinoii Central and the Baltimore
Ohio, which makes him a big factor in
determining transcontinental rates. Fol
lowing its investigation of the com
bination of the Great Northern and the
Northern Pacific, the Commission trans
mitted testimony to the Department oi
Justice which used it to bring about
the dissolution of the Northern Securi
ties Company, i
JBeven Die and Eleven Rescued.
rv,..i4i.i t tr t xr in .
la the wreck of the full-rigged Finnish
ship Zovinto on Carew's Reef during
the hurricane Tuesday night seven of
the crew lost their lives and 11 were
Colorado Peak in Eruption.
Trinidad. Colo.. Nov. 10. Mount
Culebra, 40 miles west of Trinidad, is
reported in a state of eruption. Post
master Adolph Storz, of Stonewall, who
lives within 12 miles of the peak, has
sent word here that smoke and vapor
can be seen issuing from the mountain.
Factions Still Carry Guns.
New Orlflntm. Nnv 10. DiinatehflS
from Rio Grande late last night say
that HflTlfToi VA.ffan'a nrAtkrm trt Aiu
JUU ft1" a v u v
arm are not being obeyed. Most of the
. , 3 11
uiou un me street are armea, ineir
weapons being concealed.
Hearst Carries Most Cities, But Total
It Against Him.
New York, Nov. 7. According to
returns received up to an 'early- hour
this morning, Charles E. Hughes, Re'
publican candidate for Governor, has
been elected by 60,000 or more plural
Ity. Outside of Greater New York,
with 160 election districts missing, Mr.
Hughes has a plurality of about 124,'
000. In Greater New York with 69
election districts missing, W. R.
Hearst, the Democratic and Independ'
ence League candidate, has a plurality
of 75,036. Mr. Hearst carried all the
boroughs of theegreater city, despite
the fact that the early returns seemed
to indicate that he had lost Brooklyn.
No definite figures are yet available
as to the results with regard to the
state officers, and both Democrats and
Republicans are claiming victories
from Lieutenant-Governor down.
The indications are that the State
Legislature will show little change in
its political make-up.
The Tammany Judiciary ticket in
New York County, with the exception
of Otto Rosalsky for General Sessions
Judge, Republican, has been elected.
The Judiciary nominators ticket was
State Chairman Max F. Ihmsen, of
the Independence League, claims that
Hearst has been elected. He sent out
late last night telegrams to all Inde
pendence League watchers to be on
guard to Bee that the vote was
New York, Nov. '.According to in
complete returns from all over the
state received up to 10:30 p. m.,
Charles E. Hughes, the Republican
candidate, has been elected Governor
of New York state over William Ran
dolph Hearst, the nominee of the
Democratic party and the Independ
ence League, by approximately a plur
ality of 40,000. Two years ago Gov
ernor Higgins was elected on the Re
publican ticket by 80,560.
Some doubt was expressed tonight
as to the fate of the Democratic and
Independence League tickets outside
of Mr. Hearst, several of the New York
newspapers which have been support
ing Mr. Hughes declaring that there
was a chance for the subordinate offi
cers of the Democratic and Independ
ence League combination having been
Tbe latest figures seems to indicate
that Mr. Hughes plurality above the
Bronx exceed 115,000.
To offset this, Mr. Hearst's plurality
in Greater New York will probably be
from 75,000 to 80,000.
In Brooklyn, where Senator Patrick
H. McCarren made a bitter fight
against Mr. Hearst, the latter carried
the borough by a small plurality, prob
ably 4,000. At one time it seemed that
Hughes had been successful in Brook
lyn, but the late returns were all
strongly in favor of the Democratic
Mr. Hearst has been given a major
ity of nearly 70,000 In Manhattan and
the Bronx. Queens county, which in
cludes Long Island City, has gone for
Hearst by from 6,000 to 8,000, and
Richmond, Staten Island, has also
given the Democratic candidate a
TIONS. New York Republican Governor
and Legislature. Probably no change
in Congressmen.
Pennsylvania Republican Govern
or; no change in Congressmen; Repub
llcan Legislature.
Massachusetts Republican Govern
or, state ticket and Legislature; no
change in Congressmen.
Colorado Claimed by both parties,
although indicating favor Republicans;
Republican Legislature. .
California Republican throughout.
Idaho Governor in doubt. Congress
men and Legislature probably Repu-
Montana Republican Congressmen
and majority of Legislature.
Illinois Republican state offices and
Legislature; probably no change in
Nebraska Republican Governor
and no change in Congressmen.
Wadsworth, of New York, and Bab
cock, of Wisconsin, defeated for Con
Telegraphs Ohio Victory.
Columbus, O., Nov. 7. At 1 o'clock
this morning Senator Dick, chairman
of the State Republican committee,
sent the following telegram to Presi
dent Roosevelt and to the chairman
of the Congressional committee: "Ohio
Republican by not less than 75,000 and
elects 17 Republican Congressmen,
three Democrats, with one district in
doubt." Chairman Garber, of the
Democratic committee, still refuses
verbally to concede the election of the
Republican -ticket, the nearest to tha
being a statement that the Republican
plurality would not exceed 25,000.
In California.
San Francisco, Nov. 6. From mea
ger returns received from various sec
tions of the state up to 10 p. m., Gil-
lett, Republican, for Governor, is prob
ably elected by about 10,000 majority,
with Bell, Democrat and Union Labor,
second, and Langdon, Independence
League, third.
Disastrous Floods In Willamette
Valley Streams.
Main Line of Southern Pacific Block
aded Santlam and Clackamas
Raging Torrents.
Portland, Nov. 8. Floods in the
Santlam and Mollala rivers, cauBed by
the recent rains, have washed away
two Southern Pacific bridges and ren
dered another unsafe. The main line
of the Southern Pacific is effectually
blockaded, perhaps for weeks. The
bridge across the Santlam at Jeffer
son was carried away last night, block
ing the main line. The South Santlam
bridge on the Woodburn-Natron
branch was washed out yesterday. The
Mollala bridge Is so shaky that It will
not permit the passage of tralnB. The'
bridge of the O. W. P. across the
Clackamas near Oregon City Is unsafe.
Other damage has been caused and at
a late hour last night the streams con
tinued to rise.
Passenger trains to California and
the Upper Willamette valley are being
routed over the West Side division of
the Southern, Pacific to Corvallls and.
ovei the Corvallis & Eastern tracks
to Albany, beyond which place the-
Southern Pacific's line is reported
clear.. Freight is refused at Portland
for points north of Albany on the East
Side. Local passengers and freight
service will be maintained between
the wrecked bridges.
The Overland leaving Portland yes
terday morning had a narrow escape
from a disastrous wreck. A scant
half hour after the train crossed the
bridge 100 feet of the falsework sup
porting the structure was swept away.
The river continued to rise rapidly and
late last night the remaining false
work went out, allowing the 205-foot
steel span of the new bridge in process
of erection to fall into the raging river.
The Santlam bridge has been under
going reconstruction for some time-
and falsework had been built to sup
port the weight of trains while the old-
wooden structure was being replaced
with a new steel bridge. Had the new
bridge been In or the old one left in
tact no damage would probably have
occurred. The Overland train, due In
Portland last night, was diverted from
the main line at Albany and this ar
rangement will be continued until t
damage is repaired. Passenger trains,
will be -operated locally between Port
land and Jefferson.
A wrecking crew was put to work at
the bridge yesterday and an attempt
made to save it from going out, bt
the Santlam, swollen by the heavy
rains of the past few days, continued
to rise rapidly. - At a late hour last
night it was reported as rising six
inches an hour.
The flood also disabled the Southern
Pacific bridge on the Woodburn- Nat
ron line, and caused heavy damage to
sawmill men by the breaking of
booms. Quantities of cord wood be
longing to the Lebanon paper mills
were also washed away. Reports from
Jefferson indicate that much more
damage will be done before the flood
Chicago, Nov. 8. Returns received.
up to 1 o'clock this morning show that
the Republicans have elected 223 Con
gressmen and the Democrats 163. as
State Rep. Dem-
Alabama ... 9
Arkansas T
California 8
Colorado 3
Connecticut 5
Delaware 1
Georgia 11
Idaho 1
Illinois 19 6
Indiana 9 ' 4
Iowa .' 10 1
Kansas 8 ...
Kentucky , 4 T
Louisiana 7
Maine 4 ...
Maryland 3 3"
Massachusetts 11 3
Michigan 12
Minnesota 8 1
Mississippi 8
Missouri 4 12
Montana 1 ...
Nebraska .5 1
Nevada 1
New Hampshire 2
New Jersey 6 4
New York 25 12
North Carolina. 10-
North Dakota 2
Ohio ; 17 4
Oregon 2 ...
Pennsylvania 26
Rhode Island 1 1
South Carolina 7
South Dakota 2
Tennessee 2 S
Texas lfc
Utah 1
Vermont 2 ...
Virginia 1 9
Washington 3
West Virginia 5
Wisconsin 9 2
Wyoming 1
Totals .- 223
All Under Civil Service.
Washington, Nov. 8. The President
today made an order which will bring
all employes of the Internal Revenue
Service under the Civil Service.