LEXINGTON GROWS WITHOUT WATCHING WIEATFELP VOL. II LEXINGTON, OREGON, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15, 1906 NO. 8 EX CHAFF FROM THE STRAW STACK Dont knock. They may laugh who win. East or West, homo Is best. Every fool wants to give advice. He li a man who acts like a man. For one pleasure a thousand pains. Gluttony kills more thaa the sword. A lost good name is never retrieved. Everyone feels that his own burden is heavy. Every bird thinks Its own nest Is beautiful. Nevr write your own- remarki on a borrowed book. He is a worthless being, who lives only for himself. Fair, good, rich and wise Is a wo man four stories high. In every rank, great Or small, 'tis Industry supports us all. The man without an idea generally, has the greatest Idei of himself. When you are about doing a dishon orable act, consider what the world will think of you when it Is completed. A man, vho does not examine his own conduct, will be sure to find some good natured friends ready to do it for him. Somebody says there is a decided difference between perseverance and and obstiriancy. One Is a strong will and the other Is a strong won't. I LOCAL NEWS Yes, Lexington grows. You don't have to watch it. ; - J. T. McMillan had his subscription date put one year ahead, last Friday. FOUND The best place in Morrow county to get commercial printing Is at The Wheatfield Printery. A cold taken at this time of the year is generally hard to get rid of but it will not be able to withstand Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar. That wi 1 cure all colds, coughs, croup, whooping cough, etc, by driving them out through the bowels. If you have a cold, try it and if not cured get your money back No opiates. Sold by W. P. McMillan's drug store. OJJEGON akoUMOMPACIFIG TO Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis, New York. Tlckti to and from all point of the Unit ed State and Europe, ftpswf!!!!. Trains Leave Lexington, Daily, ex cept Sunday, -' 9:25 A. M. Trains Arrive at Lexington, Daily, ex cept Sunday - 5:10 P. M. Trains Connect at Heppner Junction with Main Lino trains for all " points East and West - Wm. McMjjrray, G) P. A. n Lb u A i4 IS PROVING A DECIDED rtrMi The prices quoted are self evidence.- Everything is reduced, many articles are not mentioned but all go . at the same per 'cent. Sugar, 100 lbs best cane dry grnnulated j $5.65 Beet isugar 14c per sack less (Sugar prices subject to market changes) Potatoes, per sack . - .25 Rice, 15 pounds for . - - - 1.00 Beans, 20 " - - - 1.00 Prunes, 20 " - - - 1.00 " largery per pound --- ' 6 1-2 GLOVES.... $2 25 Gloves at 1 75 " $1 85 1 55 1 35 1 20 1 00 85 ' 7.5 65 55 30 1 50 1 35 1 25 1 00 85 . 75 65 40 All Shoes to go at a uwut nv vivimiig aim i itu Hosiery. BREAKFAST CEREALS v Five Minute Mush 12 1-2 now 11 Force ' - 20 " 16 Malta Vita - 20 " 16 Cream of Wheat -. 20 " 15 Postum - - 25 " 23 Fig Prune - 25 " 23 Columbia Oats - 35 " 31 TEA Gunpowder Tea Golden Gate Tea M & M Tea 50 now 45 60- " 54 50 " 46 PRODUCE TAKEN SAME eacfi 3$ roth ltd and everyone is sure that we Al IT rsrr di GROCERIES- Star Tobacco, per pound Horse Shoe Tobacco, per pound Spear Head Tobacco, per pound Aral & Hammer Soda, per pound Canned Corn, per can Canned Tomatoes, per can Canned Table Fruits, per can All Baking Powders reduced COMFORTS.... $125 Comforts - 95. 1 40 I " - - 1 10 2 00 " - - 1 G5 Wool Dress Goods The entire line at actual cost v Outing Flannels get the same price, at cost. We have a large line. New Home Sewing Machines at cost'. See them. orice that voucan see that is o i vucijt iu vvtai guuuot COFFEE Arbuckles 6 lbs for Lyon 6 lbs for Carcola M&JMixt.: Blended . $1.00 1.00 25 now 23 25 " 23 20 " 18 16 2-3 "15 Blended WALL PAPER 12 l-2c grade now 10c double roll 20c grade now 14c per double roll 25c " 19c " " - " 35c " " 28c " " " 40c " " 32c " " u 50c " 43c " " " AS .CASH ers ST i SUCCESS? are ic i ivi c-ce BLANKETS.:.. Cotton $175 Blankets 1 50 " 1 25 95 " 75 " - 75 " Wool- - $G 00 Blankets 4 75 " ' ' -4 50 . 3 75 " $1 35 1 22 1 05 76 70 48 $4 95 3 85 3 65 3 15 rierht. Do not fail to ask ate anrl tiuiio, yuuu vvvUit i iuiot utxvi SOAP AND LYE- ;' -i ,.(: t ' : All 5c Wash Soaps now ' 4c All 5c Toilet Soaps now . ' 4c All 6c Toilet Soaps now . 5c All 10c Toilet Soaps now 7c Babits Lye .. 10c now 9c Gold Dust " ' 25c "21 Sea Foam 5c " 4c 20 Mule Borax 2Q " U AH Potted Meats are reduced , Cheese, Best Cream 20c now 18c ore 45c 45c 45c 6c 11c I 11c 21c '