f ctwccn Two Fircss By ANTHONY HOPE 'A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. " Francis Bacon. CHAPTER XVII. (Continued.) There was in the room, as perhaps might be expected, a washing stand. This article was of the description one often sees; above the level of the stand itself there rose a wooden screen to the height of two feet and a half, covered with pret ty tiles, the presumable object being to protect the wall paper. I never saw a more innocent looking bit of furniture ; it might have stood in a lady's dressing room. The Signorina went up to it and slid it gently on one side ; it moved in a groove ! Then she pressed a spot in the wall behind, and a small piece of it rolled aside, disclosing a keyhole. "He's taken the key, of course," she said. "We must break it open. Who's got a hammer?" Tools were procured, and, working un der the Signorina's directions, after a good deal of trouble, we laid bare a neat little, safe embedded in the wall. This safe "was legibly inscribed on the outside, "Burglar's Puzzle." We, however, were not afraid of making a noise, and it only puzzled us for ten minutes. When opened it revealed a Golconda! There lay in securities and cash no less than $500,000 ! We smiled at one another. "0 sad revelation," I remarked. "Hoary old fox !" said the Colonel. No wonder the harbor works were un remunerative in their early stages. The President must have kept them at a very "What are you people up to?" cried Carr. "Rank burglary, my dear boy, I re plied, and we retreated with our spoil. "NTnw" Bfiid I to the Colonel, "what are you going to do?" "Why, what do you think,: Mr. Mar tin'?" intemosed the Signorina. "He's going to give you your money, and divide the rest with his sincere friend, Christina Nugent." "WpII. I sumwse o." said the Colonel "But it strikes me you are making a good thing of this, Martin." "My dear Colonel," said I, "a bargain Is a bargain, and where would you have been without my money?" The Colonel made no reply, but handed me the money, which I liked much better. T tnnk the $320,000 and said : Now I can face the world, an honest man." TIib Simiorina laughed. "I am glad," she said, "chiefly for poor old Jones sake. It'll take a load off his mind." The Colonel proceeded to divide the re mainder into two little heaps, one of which he pushed over to the Signorina. She took it gaily, saying: "Now I shall make curl papers of half mv honds. and .1 shall rely on the what do you call it? the Provisional ' govern ment to pay the rest. lou remeinuer about the house?" "I'll see about that soon," said the Colonel ftnpatiently. "You two seem to think there's nothing to do but take the money. You forget we've got to make our positions safe." "Exactly. The Colonel's government must be carried on," said I. The Signorina did not catch the allu sion. She yawned, and said : "Oh, then I shall go. Rely on my loy alty, your excellency." She made him a courtesy and went to the door. As I opened it for her she whispered, "Horrid old bear ! Come and see me, Jack," and so vanished, carrying off her dollars. I returned and sat down opposite the Colonel. "T wonder how she knew about the washing stand?" I remarked. "Because Whittingham was fool enough to tell her," said the Colonel testily. Then we settled to business. This un ambitious tale does not profess to be a complete history of Aureataland, and I will spare my readers the recital of our discussion. We decided at last that mat ters were still so critical, owing to the President's escape, that the ordinary forms of law and constitutional govern ment must be temporarily suspended. The chamber was not In session, which made this course easier. The Colonel was to be proclaimed President and to assume su preme power under martial law lor some weeks, while we looked about us. It was thought better that my name should not appear officially, but I agreed to take In hand, under his supervision, all matters relating to finance. "We can't pay the Interest on the real debt," he said. "No," I replied ; "you must issue a no tice, setting forth that, owing to General Whittlngham's malversations, payments must be temporarily suspended. Prom ise it will be all right later on." "Very good," said he ; "and now I shall go and look up those officers. I must keeD them in good temper, and the men, too. I shall give 'em another ten thou sand." "flenerous hero!" said I, "and I shall go and restore this cash to my employ-erij." CHAPTER XVIII. It was twelve o'clock when I left the Golden House and strolled quietly down to Liberty street. The larger part of the oldlere had been drawn off, but a couple t ivminanlei still kept guard In the PI azza. The usual occupations of life were going on amid a confused stir of excite ment, and I saw by the Interest my ap pearance aroused that some part at least of my share In the night's doings had leaked out. The Gazette had published special edition, in which it hailed the advent of freedom, and, while lauding Mc Gregor to the skies, bestowed a warm commendation on the "noble Englishman who, with a native love of liberty, had taken on himself the burden of Aureata land In her hour of travail." ine meta phor struck me as inappropriate, but the sentiment was most healthy ; and when 1 finally beheld two officers of police sitting on the head of a drunken man for toast ing the falling regime, I could say to my self, as I turned into the bank, "Order reigns in Warsaw." General assent had proclaimed a sus pension of commerce on this auspicious day, and I found Jones sitting Idle and ill at ease. I explained to him the state of affairs, showing how the President's dishonorable scheme had compelled me, in the interests of the bank, to take a more or less active part in the revolution. It was pathetic to hear him bewail the vil lainy of the man he had trusted, and when I produced the money, he blessed me fervently, and at once proposed writ ing to the directors a full account of the matter. "They are bound to vote you an honora rium, sir," he said. "I don't know, Jones," I replied. "I am afraid there is a certain prejudice against me at headquarters. But in any case I have resolved to forego the per sonal advantage that might accrue to me from my conduct. President McGregor has made a strong representation to me that the schemes of General Whittingham, if publicly known, would, however un justly, prejudice the credit of Aureata land, and he appealed to me not to give particulars to the world. In matters such as these, Jones, we cannot be guided solely by selfish considerations." 'Heaven forbid, sir I" said Jones, much moved. "I have, therefore, consented to restrict myself to a confidential communication to the directors ; they must judge how far they will pass It on to the shareholders. To the world at large I shall say nothing of the second loan ; and I know you will oblige me by treating this money as the product of realizations In the ordinary course of business. The recent disturb ances will quite account for so large a sum being called in." "I don't quite see how I can arrange that." "Ah, you are overdone," said I. "Leave it all to me, Jones." And this I persuaded him to do. In fact, he was so relieved at seeing the money back that he was easy to deal with; and if he suspected anything, he was overawed by my present exalted po sition. He appeared to forget what 3 could not, that the President, no doubt, still possessed that fatal cable ! After lunch I remembered my engage ment with the Signorina, and, putting on my hat, was bidding farewell to busi ness, when Jones said: "There's a note just come for you sir. A little boy brought it while you were out at lunch." He gave It to me a little dirty envel ope, with an illiterate scrawl. I opened it carelessly, but as my eye fell on the President's hand, I started in amazement, The note was dated "Saturday From on board The Songstress, and ran as fol lows : "Dear Mr. Martin I must confess to having underrated your courage and abili ties. If you care to put them at my dis Dosal now. I will accept them. In the other event, I must refer you to my pub lic announcement. In any case it may be useful to you to know that McGregor designs to marry Signorina Nugent, fear that on my return it will be hardly consistent with my public duties to spare your life (unless you accept my present offer ). but I shall always look back to your acquaintance with pleasure. I have. if you will allow me to say so, seldom met a young man with such natural gifts for finance and politics. I shall anchor five miles out from Whittingham to-night (for I know you have no ships), and if you join me, well and good. If not, shall consider your decision Irrevocable Believe me, dear Mr. Martin, faithfully yours, "MARCUS W. WHITTINGHAM, "President of the Republic of Aureata land." The President's praise was grateful to me. But I did not see my way to fall In with his views. He said nothing about the money, but I knew well that Its re turn would be a condition of any alliance between us. Again, I was sure that he also "designed to marry the Signorina, and If I must have a rival on the spot preferred McGregor In that capacity, Lastly, I thought that after all there is decency in things, and I had better stick to my party. I did not, however, tell McGregor about the letter, merely send ing him a line to say I had heard that he had better look out. This done, I resumed my Interrupted progress to the Signorina's. When I was shown In, she greeted me kindly. "I have had a letter from the Presi dent." I said. "Yes," said she, "he told me he had written to you." "Why, have you heard from him?" "Yes, just a little note. He Is rather cross with me. Art you going over to him going to forsake me? "now can you ask me? won't you show me your letter, Christina 7" "No, John," ah answered, mimicking my Impassioned tones. "I may steal the President's savings, but I respect his con fidence." . "You know what he says to me about McGregor?" "Yes," said the Slghorlna. "But, curi ous to relate, the Colonel has just been hare himself and told mo the same thing. The Colonel has not a nice way of mak ing love, Jack not so nice as yours nearly." Thus encouraged I went and sat down by her. I believe I took her hand. "You don't love him?" "Not at all," she replied. "I like you very much, Jack," she said, "and it's very sweet of you to have made a revolution forme. It was for me, Jack?" "Of course it was, my darling," I promptly replied. "But you know, Jack, I don't see how we're much better off. Indeed, In a way it's worse. The President wouldn't let anybody else marry me, but he wasn't so peremptory as the Colonel. The Colo nel declares he will marry me this day week !" "We'll see about that," said I, savagely. "Another revolution, Jack?" asked the Signorina. "Kou needn't laugh at me," I said sulk ily. "Poor boyl What are we Idyllic lov ers to do?" "I don't believe you're a bit In earn- est." "Yes, I am, Jack now." Then she went on, with a sort of playful pity, "Look at my savage, jealous Jack. It's nleasant while it lasts: try not to be broken-hearted if It doesn't last." If you love me. why don't you come with me out of this sink of iniquity Run away with vou?" she asked with open amazement, uo you imua u e're the sort of people lor a romantic elopement? I am very earthy. And so are you, Jack dear, nice earth, but eartn, Jack." There was a good deal of truth In this remark. We were not an Ideal pair ror love in a cottage. "Yes," I said. ' I ve got no money. "I've eot a little money, but not much, ve been paying my debts," she added nrondlv. . , , . i . 1 haven't been even doing mat. Ana 'm not quite equal to purloining that $300,000." "We must wait. Jack. But this I win promise : I'll never marry the Colonel. If It comes to that or running away, we'll run away." "And Whittingham?" The Sienorina for once looUed grave. "You know him." she said "Think what he made you do ! and you're not a weak man, or I shouldn't be fond oi you, Jack, you must keep him away. She was quite agitated ; and it was one more tn-OUte to tne iresiuemo yuwcia that he should exert so strange an influ ence over such a nature. I was burning to ask her more about herself and the President, but I could not while she was distressed. And when I had comforted her, she resolutely declined to return to the subject. "No., en awav now. she said. minn how we are to checkmate our two Presi dents. And, Jack, whatever happens, I got you back the money. I've done you some good. So be kind to me. l m not very much afraid of your heart breaking. You have plenty of useful things to oc cupy your time." At last I accepted my dismissal, and walked off,' my happiness considerably damped by the awkward predicament In which we stood. Clearly McGregor meant business; and at this moment McGregor was all powerful. If he kept the reins, I should lose my love. If the President came back, a worse fate still threatened. Supposing it were possible to carry off the Signorina, which I doubted very much, where were we to go to? And would sne come? On the whole, I did not think she would come. (To be continued.) The Inmilntlve Ilarber. 1 No doubt ninny renders have henrd of tlio austere disposition of America's greatest living uctor, Hlelmrd Mans field. Perlinps the following conversa tion, which took place in one of Bos ton's lending , hotels, better illustrates the satirical nature of tho player. En tering the barber's shop one morning, he was Immediately recognized ns Rich ard Mansfield by the barber. "Good nioriilug," snld the barber af fably. A grunt was the only reply. "Well, how was things over at the house last night?" "What house?" answered the actor Ironically. "The Ilollls," snld the barber. "What do you mean, sir?" "Why, are you not Richard Mans field?" the barber asked. "Oh, no, Indeed," replied Mr. Mans field, "I just got out of Jail this morn ing." "What! You're not Richard Mans field ; and you Just got out of jail this morning 1 What for, pray?" "For assaulting Inquisitive barbers," was the response. Bolt! Invaders. There were some phases of country life with which the little city girl Mad as yet only one day's acquaintance, but the rights of property-owners and property-renters were firmly fixed in her mind. "Mother!" she called, In evident ex citement, the morning after the family had settled for the summer In Sunset View Cottage, "mother ! , Just come here and look! There are somebody' hens wiping their feet on our nice clean grass!" HelplHelpI I'm Falling Transportation of fruits and vegeta bles ln,a vacuum Is said to have been tried successfully by a California Inventor. Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res cue with' a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved I In gratitude, it grew long and heavy, and with all the deep, rich color of early life. Sold In all parts of the world for sixty years. About one year airo I lnt nearly all of my hair following altaek of meaalea. I ii Bdviied by a friend to uie Ayer' Hair Vigor. I did o, anil as a ronult 1 now hare abnautiful hed of hair."-Mus. W. J. BliowM. Menom. ouee Fulls, Wli. Lowell. Mail. Also manulaaturera of Made by 3.0. Ayr Oo. ifers SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. CllliKKY P2C7C2AL. Banking by Mail WE PAY Knew His Business. Crltlcus I have only one fault to find with this rural scene. DeAuber What is that? Crltlcus Why In the name of com mon sense am you paint mose cuwn blue? DeAuber Oh, that's all right. The models I used were from the blue-grass section of Kentucky. One Woman'i Way. nusbnnd Why do you encourage that Mrs. Tattles to keep calling so of ten? Is It because you enjoy hearing the neighbors talked about? Wife Oh, no, but when she Is here I know she Isn't somewhere else talking about me. More of Him. Miss Mugley The Idea of his calling me homely. I may not be very pretty, but I'm certainly not as homely as he Is. Miss Pert No, dear, but that's slm- nly because he!a bleeer than you. Phil adelphia Public Ledger. Another Viewpoint. Chaplelgh I aw nevah associate with those aw howld baseball play- nhs, doncher know. Miss Caustique I suppose not There are some things that even baseball play ers won't stand for. Why It I. "Why is It," asked the Frenchman, "that you have no duels like we have In France?" "We are all such eood shots," an swered the American, "that we would be sure to hit each other. That's why.' As a Snpplanter. The Maid Do you think the automo bile will ever supplant the horse? The Man No; but It may supplant the mule In the course of time. On Is fully at unreliable as the other. INTEREST On savings deposits of a dollar or more, compounded twice every year. It is just as easy to open a Savings Account with us by Mail as if you lived next door. Send for our free book let, "Bank.ng by Mail," and learn lull particulars. 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Carry heater from room to room. All parts easily cleaned. Gives intense heat without smoke or smell because equipped with smoke less device. Made in two finishes nickel and japan. Brass oil fount beauti fully embossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and bourns 9 . hours. Every heater warranted. If you cannot get heater or information from your dealer, write to nearest agency for descriptive circular. Lamp cannot be equalled for its bright and steady light, simple con struction and absolute safety. Equipped with latest Improved burner. Made of brass throughout and nickel plated. An ornament to any room whether library, dining-room, parlor or bed room. . Every lamp warranted. .Write to nearest agency if not at your dealer's. - STANDARD OIL COMPANY