yJ ' a. LEXINGTON GROWS WITHOUT WATCHING LEXINGTON VOL. II w i 1 t MEATHELO LEXINGTON, OREGON, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 8 1906 CHAFF Tim THE STIA STACK Dont knock. He has enough who Is content. Fussy people are social nuisances. Take time while time Is, for time will away. Never turn the misfortune of others Into ridicule. He who prizes little things Is worthy of great ones. Business may be troublesome, but Idleness Is pernicious. Try to be regular and It will soon become a second nature. If your wife be a sensible wcman make her your private secretary. A billiard-room Is a bad place to g t your daily bread, yet they always have a loaf(er), too, there. Were the Book of Fate laid open to view, no man would enjoy a moments peace from the day he lookd'into It. The difference between an uncleanly serant and a chicken is that one la a foul domestic and the other Is a do mestic foul. . "Mike, If you meet Pat, tell him to make haste." "Sure an' I will," said Mike; "but what shall I tell him If I don't mate him?" The cussedness In a boy ts now be ing removed by an operation on the brain. The old fashioned way was to take it out of the hide. "You dare!" she cried. An angry glow Across her Jeatures flamed. He dared, and then she whispered low "You ought to be ashamed!" A St Louis woman who was sued for payment of a costly pair of corsets will endeavor to prove in court that they did not fit her snugly. St Louis is in Missouri, you know. Almost every town has a character who sprained his back in 1863, or thereabouts. He Is physically unable to work, but he can sit all day on a hard box In a livery barn playing checkers, while his wife chases under breeches up and down the wash board to keep him in grub and smoking tobacco. SHOWTIME and UH1UI1 KAwnu -TO Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, St- Louis, New York. Tlckti to nml from all point of the Unit ed States mid Rurojie, Trains Leave Lexington,- Daily, ex cept Sunday, - 9:25 A. M. Trains Arrive at Lexington, Daily, ex cept Sunday v- 5:10 P. M. Trains Connect at Heppner Junction with Main Line trains for all points East and West. Wm. McMurray, G. P. A. NO. 7 WE HAVE DECIDED TO QUIT BUSINESS j and are offering every article in our entire stock at reduced prices for cash. Anything that happens to be the least shelf worn at prices far below cost. ''SEEING IS BELIEVING" It is impossible to quote the prices-we are offering on the different line, but we invite you to call and secure prices and convince yourself f that "Seeing is Believing". r mh ivi nvart We are selling on next fall terms on good bankable notes. GLOVES.... $2 25 Gloves at - $1 85 1 75 - - 1 55 1 50 " 1 35 1 35 " -c -i 20 1 25 " i 00 1 00 " . 85 85 . .75 75 " - . G5 G5 " . 55 40 30 COMFORTS:... $1 25 Comforts - $ 95 1 40 " - - 1 10 2 .00 " - - 1 05 Wool Dress Goods The entire line at actual cost Outing Flannels get the same price, at cost. We have a large line. New Home Sewing Machines at cost. See them. BLANKETS.... Cotton $1 75 Blankets 150 1 25 95 " 75 " 75 " -Wool- $6 00 Blankets 4 75 " 4 50 3 75 $1 35 1 22 1 05 70 70 48 $4 95 3 85 3 65 3 15 All Shoes to go at a price that you can see that is right. Do not fail to ask about the Clothing and Men's ready to wear goods, Shirts, Underwear, Hats, and Hosiery. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar, (subject to market change) Beans Castor Machine Oil Soap $5.65 sack Potatoes , ' Sugar, 17 pounds for Tobacco, any kind, Starch 5c pound $1.95 can 4c bar $1.25 sack $1.00 45c pound 7c pound This is only a few things we mention to show you we mean business and what we say is true. "We intend to quit". COME BEFORE OUR STOCK IS BROKEN PRODUCE TAKEN SAME AS CASH Ceack 3$roti eacn ijjroiners ,J hp .rsi