LEXINGTON WHEATFIELD Published Ercry Thursday at LEXINGTON, OREGON S. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. OFFICIAL PIPES TOWN OF LEXINGTON Subscription, per year, - $1.00 Advertising rates on Application Entered as second-class matter October '6, 1905, at the post office at Lexington, Or 'egon, under the Act cf Congress of March .3. 1879. THURSDAY OCTOBER 18. 1906. RUSSIAN VERSUS TURK. A Contest In Which Ivsn Won With Lauchtbl . Some years ago a Eussian and a 'Turkish officer were having a dis pute as to the superiority in disci pline of their respective goldien. "I can prove to you on th pot,' eaid the Ilussian, "how perfectly our men are trained," and he called his orderly. "Ivan!" "Sir." "Goto Mehemet's, buy me a pound of to bacco and come back at onee." The Boldier Faluted, turned on K'.i heel and went out. "Navr," said tha Russian officer, taking out hi watch, "my orderly is- walking itraight to the next corner, where he muet turn; nor he is turning; now he is opposite the white mosque; now he is crossing the maydan; now he is at Mehemet's; now he is buying the tobacco; now he is coming back; now he is on the block below us; now he is at the door; now" And the Eussian called out, "Ivan!" "Sir." "Where's my tobacco?" "Here, sir." The Turkish officer, showing no sign of surprise at the precision of this liusso-tobacco movement, promptly broe out: "Ho, ho! My soldier can do that every day in the week," and he called, "iluchtar!" "Sir." "Go to Ali EHendi's and see that you bring me a pound of tobacco. My pipe is empty." , ';"lastfintly, sir." ' Following the tactics of the Rus sian officer, the Turk pulled out his watch and went on: "Much tar is ia the street ; now he ia passing the pal pooch bazaar ; now it is noon and he js saying his prayers; now he is , drinking at the stone fountain; now . Ali Eilendi hails him and a3k3 him : about my health; now Muchtar is paying for the tobacco ; now he is .coming back by another way; now ho is on our street; now he is at the door; now s "Muchtar!" shouted the officer. "Sir." "Where is my tobacco?" -"I haven't found my shoes yet!" Philadelphia's Famous Scroppla. To make Philadelphia scrapple stew two poumls of fresh pork until thoroughly done. TaKe me meai up and add enough water to the liquor in the kettle to make a quart. Remove the bones and chop the meat, then put it back in the kettle. Season, adding sage or summer sa vory and onion, if desired. Then sift in cornrncal, boiling slowly and stir ring as if for mush. Make it thick enough to slice when cold. Turn into a dish, and when wanted for the table slice and fry in drippings. The quantity may be increased, as it will keep a long time in winter. b' .. ..... .... . n n a m 9 AND GtlSS'IS THE LUUS Ksw Oiseovery fONSUMPTION Priee Fen 0UGII8 eke CLARK'S CANYON N. Shav Is making trips to the mountains. Mrs. Will Padberg and Mrs. John Padberg went to lone last week. The coyotes have been stealing Wm. Padberf's little pigs. He has put out poisoned horse meat to bait them. Clark's Canyon school began .Octo ber 1st. There are twelve pupils en rolled and Miss Margaret Hammer is Instructor. A Sunday school was organized Oc tober 7th at the Clark'i Canyon ichool house. Mr. Green is superintendent. The hour is 2 pTm. Mr. Harmer has returned from threshing. He feels ai though his crop was failure, but a Willamette Valley person would think it was good. What would a good crop be? NOTHING T FEAR Mothers need have no hesitancy in continuing to give Chamberlain's cough remedy to their little ones, as it con tains absolutely nothing injurious. This remedy is not only perfectly safe to give small children, but is a medicine of great worth and merit. It has a world wide reputation for its cures of.' coughs, colds and croup and can always relied upon. For sale by W. P. Ifattlfcae Dng Store Moray roa tor Boyt least mm in every town, In? 1M Mrtftli, tn the Oregon count .7 tn mm money, end trn It eettly, telling TUB DAILY and SUNDAY JOUR MAX No money u required to make the .tan, tnd only th tbilkty to ruatl it freed ad To y boy who will trv the pbifl wt wtH send lOioptea of THE SUN DAY JOURNAL. W bt oM at 5 cents th. After thai alt pepera that lire r-quimf-wiU be delivered v hon by ftall or pr nt whoieil pricee, and be be comet 1 tull (WdfW newapAper deafer. You mh Mart ir.y end if aix:evi?ul tMKlliAi THIS SUNDAY JfJUKKAL, ro ordm cut lit itm in for THAi Daily joukwal. ' VMS SUNDAY JOURNAL mnuim ALL THE NW and many apud let bar 4 fntenat to men nd wncn. and. braidaa. feu at tee tii!dro'a t,nnik pt't tttrmd by Uia big buitday jH-txro ol ua urn IO I IT? UAL Sti ere rrakmc at much M c to so 1 wees to email v.yna i j W txtn prtzet, win be 4lMt t tnmtfcy, i f Hi todltifl U HM trtfulif rr .1 '.t, MOVl 1 JOURNAL boy nin, yk. tl hn M tat reflM In tia wt trw ty m the trnaUer piari f'.ii havt t mutii h etums te lira t.u nrn rufif.cv &e thou n vn tue wrrr towu. (jet tr. i Hi, yjit- )l winrietl iji1 I'ut .Iini Ox. ft Everyone should subscribe for. his home paper, In order to get all the local sews, but to keep in touch with the world's dally events should also read Th3 Evening Telecast, Portland, Oregon, The loading evening newspaper of the Pacific Coast, which has com plete Associated Press reports and special leased -wire service, with correspondents in important news centers and in all the cities and principal towns of the Northwest. Portland and suburbs are covered ly a bright staff of reporters, and editorial, dramatic, society and special writers. Saturday's edi tion consists of 26 to 23 pages, and has colored covsic rcs, a3 well as a department for children, colored fashion page, aa intercoms serial story and otlior attractiva faaturcs in addition to all the news of the day. Subscription Kates: One month, 50 cents; three months, ?1.35; six months, $2.50; twelve months, $5. f Sample copies mailed free. 9' ; rr.tr 10) FOR GAS e a LEXINGTON, IMIImiiiii 8avlng Hit DInHy. Tbe ceremonial of the Ckiaeee court, which used to include com plete prostration before the throne, was once the occasion for a display of cool audacity. In the eighteenth century a Tertian enToy refusd to go through the degrading ordeal, and directions were given to the officials to compel him ty stratagem to do bo. On arriving one day at the entrance to the hall xl audience the envoy found no means of going in except by a wicket, which would compel him to stoop very low. With great presence of mind and consid erable audacity the' ambassador turned around and entered back ward, and thus, according to his own conception of etiquette, saved the dignity of hh country fr&m out rage. nniAS BLOOD IHAJIKS. A tale of horror was told by marks of human blcod in the home of J. W Williams, a well known merchant of Bac, Ky. He writes: "Twenty years, ago I had severe hemorrhages of the lungs, and was near death when I be gan taking Dr. King's New Discovery. It completely cured me and I have re mained well ever since." It cures Hemorrhages, Chronic Coughs, Settled Colds and Bronchitis, and is the only known cure for Weak Lungs. Every bottle guaranteed by W". P. McMiilan, Druggist. 50c and $1.00. Trial fettle free. Hotel Lexington Opposite Lcsch Brother; store, Wrs..A. E. Beymer, Prop. Good meals served. Newly furnished, refitted with hot and cold water. Strict attention to- guests. Rates one dollar per day and upwards. ' LEXINGTON OREGON. F. II. ROBINSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW NOTARY PI'BLIC Practice in all Courts. Legal business given promptand careful attention. Land Contests, Probate Work and Conveyanc ing a specialty. TONE, OREGON CARPETS I have a first class flying shuttle loom and am prepar ed to do all kinds of Carpet Weaving, Send me your rags. MRS, C, A. M0REY, Lexington, - , - Oregon We can save you money on Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes Hardware and Stoves We have a line of new and up-to-date Goods. s H R to R vrpa ii in "I l. fcm.. f LEXINGTON f I FLOUR MILLS ? inn nnnnnviir n. . Ji cj jus. DuuuuTNt, rroprietor V Users of Lexington Flour can save the ty merchants commission, 40 cents per bar- rell, by coming to the mill for their flour. Free delivery- for town customers every Saturday. Special reductions for orders of five bar rels lots or more. I ...THE PASTIME... 1 M M M h ALWAYS OPEN TO AMUSEMENT CIGARS AND TOBACCO Fruits, Nuts, Confections, and Soft Drinks Fine Candies a Specialty. C.'W. CHRISTENS0N, Proprietor. ! X L J. H. CHAPMAN & CO., Props ES, LIQUORS 1 FRESH BEER ALWAYS ON .DRAUGHT e. GOOD POOL TABLE IN CONNECTION LEXINGTON, OREGON I JOHN f! GENERAL BLACKSMITHING t HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY f Work Neatly Executed Charges Reasonable $ & A full supply of Hardwood, Blacksmith Coal and Blacksmith sup fj plies always on hand. ? , LEXINGTON, OREGON. h o 1 o OREGON BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES K SALOO D CIGARS. B. WHITE N M M IOcMf.00 Free Trial. OLDS Ktu-eit nad ttuicXeet Cere tor all I THE WHEATFIELD PRINTS THE NEWS D THROAT nd X.UITO T0T7O I n JjX3, or xtuiiiii xiuju Read The Wheattield and be happy.