LEXINGTON GROWS WITHOUT WATCHING WHEAWEUD) i VOL. II LEXINGTON, OREGON, THURSDAY OCTOBER 18, 1906 NO. 4 LEX1NGTO OUR EXCHANGES Heppner Caztt The snake eating contest which vas to have ben pulled off last Saturday evenlnf, vas stoppei by Sheriff Shutt. W. H. Franch, of Hardman, Vas In the city today. Mr. French states that he haa wheat up nov four Inches In helfht and making rapid growth. Upon complaint of Sheriff Shutt five saloon man of Htppner were fined $10 ch In tha recorder's court, Monday, for ylolatlon of tha Sunday closlnf ordinance. 0. E. Farnaworth returned Satur day evening from Welser, Idaho. Mr. Farnsworth while at Welser closed out his stock Interests there by selling 4400 head of sheep to F. C. Oxman. Mr, Farnaworth Is now out of the sheep buslneaa for the first time In 31 years. ' Geo. Vincent was brought In from his Butter creek home Tuesday, for medical attention. Mr. Vincent has been suffering with very poor health for a long tlma and Is now vary feeble. At times his mind wanders and It was thought best to travel with him tn hopes of benefitting his haalth. J. L. Howard left with him this morning. Mr. Vincent Is one of Morrow county's well known and highly respected citi zens and Is a man with many friends who hope to see him soon regain his health. Heppner Tim Vavrm Hnvarrf solrt this "week his flna stock ranch, consisting of 1000 acrei, to H. W. Fell, of Prescott, Wash. The , consideration vas $10,000. The ranch Is located about fifteen miles south of Heppner ana" Is considered good buy at the price for which It was sold, Henry Blackman returned last veek from Pendleton and Spokane where he has been attending fairs the past two weeks. , He speaks very favorably of the Umatilla-Morrow fair. His prin cipal business at Spokane was to look after some mining properties, taking In the fair as a aide attraction. Alfred L. Ayers was In the latter part of the veek to look after the re moval of a 1 00 horse power boiler and ALTTCWT roflTVISTHCSS ta Mra. Alexander, of Carey, Me., vho haa found Dr. Klnf'e New Life Pills to ba tha bast ramady aha ever tried for keeping tha Stomach. Liver and Bov ala In perfect ordar. You'll agree vlth her If you try thaia palnleae purifiers that Infuse new Ufa. Guaranteed by W. P. McMillan, druggist. Price 25c. engine to replace the old ones at the Parker mill, south of Hardman, His old machinery became altogether too Inadequate to handle his increasing business In the lumber trade, hence the necessity for more powerful ma chinery, Frank Roberts was a passenger Monday for Portland, where he went to place his patent car ventilator be fore prominent railroad officials. Mr. Roberts' ventilator Is In the shape of a fan, which Is operated by the motion of the train. It is a very effective contrivance for the purpose it Is Intend ed, and no doubt Mr. Roberts will suc ceed In convincing the railroad people of Its usefulness as a car ventilator. AH AWTVX. COCOH CCKKD "Two years ago our little girl had a touch of pneumonia, which left her with an awful caugh. She had spells of caughlng, just like one with the whooping cough and some thought she would not get well at all.' We got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy which acted like a charm. She stop ped caughing and got stout and fat," writes Mrs. Ora Bussard, Brubaker, III. This remedy Is for sale by W. P. McMillan's Drug Storev 19 THE MOON INHABITED Science has proven that the moon has an atmosphere, which makes life In some form possible on that satellite; but not for human being, who have a hard enough time on this earth of ours; especially those who don't know that Electric Bitters cure Headache, Bil iousness, Malaria, Chills and Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Tor pld Liver, Kidney complaints, General Debility and Female weaknesses. Un equaled as a general tonic and appetiz er for weak persons and especially the ag;a. it induces sound sleep, rully guaranteed by W. P. McMillan, Drug gist. Price only 50c. Get Your Name on The Wheatfield List vwaM & IMJ EA!X A COLD A1WATS TASI Chamberlain' Cough Remedy It to fiu&ouc for ik curae ti can ! vcyn be dapeadod upon. It ecuo toraota my Ushaerxy at a eold to remit in pneumonia. 3Q CHU. TO Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis. New York. Ocean Stanmora tor SanKrHiioUi !' Portland at 8 P. IT. cvory fli 'ti !. Tlckta to and from all point of I h. ' 11 i t- d States and Knrojir. Trains Leave Lexington,. Daily, ex cept Sunday, - 9:25 A. M. Trains Arrive at Lexington, Daily, ex cept Sunday - . 5:10 P. M. Trains Connect at Heppner Junction with Main Line trains for a!' points East and West. A. L. CRAIG. 3 A. READ THE WHEATFIELti LEACH BROTHERS GREAT OCTOBER 1 BARGAIN SALES--BETTER TAKE ADVANTAGE Special sale on Cotton Blankets. We offer you a fine double Cotton Blanket for 75 cents. A little wider and heavier Blanket for 85 cents. 4 and 5 pound Blankets from $1.25 to $1.75. Special fine lot of Ladies Rain Coats just arrived. Value from $12.50 to $20.00. We are offering on account of short crops at prices that will simply astonish you, from $5. to $12.50. Special on Ladies 15 cent black cotton hose, per pair, 10 cents Wall Paper stock is complete and prices are correct. We can save you, money on your fall order for groceries. Cll and see and take advantage. Hardware? Yes, we sell a little hardware too. In Paints and Oils we can -furnish you anything you want at close figures. Don't averlook us when you want Implements and Vehicles, remembering that we sell everything you use, eat and wear. CLOTHING PRICE TO MOVE THEM $ 5.00 Suits for - - - - $ 3.75 6.00 " " - ' - - - - 4 50 7.00 ' " " . - - - - 5.25 9.00 " " - - .. . 6.75 10.00 " - - - - 8.50 12.00 " " - - - ... 9.00 14.00 " " - - - . - 10.50 15.00 "--' - - 11.25 16.00 " " - - , - - 12.00 17.00 " " - - - 12.75 18.00 " " - .- - 13.50 20.00 " - - - . 15.00 All Boys and Childrens clothing 1-4 off. "For cash of course" CAR POTATOES' . Just received $1.50 per 100 Onions $1.75 per sack BUTTERICK PATTERNS . 15 cents each. FAIRY QUEEN Heppuer Flour $1.05 SPECIAL SALE ON OUTINGS 6 1-4 cent grades at 8 1-3 " " 20 " 1 u ( 12 1-2 " " " 16 2-3 " " " 5 c 6 1-4 9c 11c 12 All wool dress goods at 1-4 off PRESCOTT FLOUR $1.25 per sack. We hare 50 dozen school handkerchiefs at 1 cent each. Large Line Men's dress and work shirts $1.00 to $1.50 bpecial at - ... jrjc All Lace Cifrtains at 1-4 less Above Prices are for "Cash Only." JeacA SBrotA ers tit Ae 3$ia Store