Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, October 11, 1906, Image 2

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S.A. THOMAS, Pnbaster
la a Condensed Form for Our
Busy Readers.
A Resume of the Less Important but
Not Less Interesting Events
of the Past Week.
Panama and Colombia are quarrell
ing about their foreign debts.
Hill has leased large tracts of Minne
sota coal lands to the steel trust.
Forest fires are causing great damage
to forests in Southern California.
Gas explosion in Philadelphia kills
eight men and does great damage.
The army forces are gathering at
Newport News for transportation to
Howard Gould and his wife are ouir
relling about the management of Castle
Gould, and may separate.
Two clerka wrestling on the four floor
of a Cleveland department stote fell
from a window and were dashed to
The 18-year old son of a Chicago
millionaire has been arrested for rob
bing slot machines and spending the
money on chorus girls.
The St. Paul road his voted to issue
$150,000,000 of new stcck with which
to build a line down the coast from
Portland to San Fraucitco.
A great telephone system, backed by
the Western Union Telegraph company,
is being organized to fight the Ameri
can Telephone and Telegraph company.
The governor of Simbirsk province,
Russia, was wounded by a bomb.
The czar has returned to his gilded
prison from his yacht, keeping a sharp
lookout for bombs.
Roosevelt says the enlargement of the
powers of the national government is
the only remedy for the trust evila.
An emigrant steamer plying between
Hoihow and Hongkong foundered. The
captain and 60 passengers were lost. ,
The coroner's jury believes that
Carey M. Snyder, whose body v. a?
found in the woods near HillBboro, was
A strong desire for annexation by
the Cuban citizens of all nationalities
ia openly expressed and talk is indulged
in of tatking a vote on the question.
An Oregon minister has laid himself
liable to a fine for marrying a couple
on the Vancouver ferry while it was
moored on the Washington side. The
marriage license was procured in Van
couver. A window glass trust is being formed-.
General funs ton has been placed in
command of the American forces in
Seattle subscribed more than $500,
000 in one day (or the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific
An Alabama mob shot two of its own
members by mistake while searching
for a negro.
Ex-Governor Magoon, of the Panama
canal zone, is to be provisional gover
nor of Cuba
Forty-four light houses were wrecked
by the recent Gulf storm and four light
keepers drowned.
President f alma was in tears when
he departed from Havana with his fam
ily for their country home.
President Roosevelt says it will be
his aim not to annex Cuba, but to
restore the fallen republic.
Three of the largest packing houses
in Chicago were convicted of Belling
short-weight lard and fined $25 each.
Thieves have stolen many valuable
treasures from the vatkan at Rome.
Some of the plunder has been sold in
Four persons had bones broken and
one girl was killed by street cars in
San Francisco in one day, all in sepa
rate accidents.
Disarmament of Cubans is progres
sing rapidly.
Cuban Moderates accuse the Ameri
cans of forcing intervention.
Heavy rains are adding to the misery
of the homeless people on the Gulf
President Smith, of the Mormon
church, has been arrested for poly
gamy. The landing of American marines was
welcomed as a great relief by the Cu
ban people.
Baron Rosen, Russian ambassador to
the United Slates, had a narrow epcape
from injury in an automobile collision.
A hot wave has badly damaged the
California grape crop. Thousands of
tons of fine grapes are now fit for noth
ing but wine or raisins.
Virginia Coal Mine Still Holds Many
More Victims.
Pocahontas, Va Oct. 5. Nineteen
known dead and from 30 to 40 more
men entombed, and doubtless all dead,
is the situation up to a late hour to
day at the West Fork mines of the
Pocahontas Colleries Company, where
an explosion occurred late Wednesday
The bodies of these men were recov
ered from the mines as the result of
heroic work of a band of 35 men con
stituting a rescue party that worked
incessantly through the hours oftthe
night and day.
It. was not until 7:30 o'clock last
evening that the rescuers reached a
point near Paul entry, where the ex
plosion occurred. Toward the middle
of the evening the hope was expressed
that all the bodies would be recovered
by .midnight.
The authorities anticipated the
fearful extent of the casualties by or
dering a carload of coffins and burial
supplies, which are now on the way.
The order Is being rushed at Blue
field and the burial supplies, which
include 60 coffins, are expected to
reach Pocahontas early tomorrow
The West mine has over 700 acres
of "worked out" or abandoned work
ings. This fact alone made it difficult
for the men to get to the part of the
mine where the explosion occurred.
All the brattices in these old work
ings had been blown out. The scene
of the disaster Is over two miles from
the drift mouth. .
In the operation of the telephone
system of the mine a number of boys
are employed, and the greater number
of these are said to have met death
in the explosion or were caught by
the afterdamp. It is said that shortly
after the explosion one of the boys
called up the office outside, but was
overcome before he gave his message.
The boy probably died at the tele
phone. The cause of the explosion cannot
he definitely ascertained as yet, but it
is thought to be due to a gas explosion
followed by afterdamp. The mines
were considered the safest and best
ventilated in this section and the com
pany has been at enormous expense In
equipping and ventilating them.
Palma's Early Request for Interven
tion Surprises Them.
Havana, Oct. 5 That ex-President
Palma early in September asked for
American interference In the Interest
of foreign lives and property is not
considered surprising here, in Yiew of
his subsequent request to Mr. Sleeper,
the American Charge, and Commander
John C. Colwell, of the cruiser Denver.
But that he suggested calling Congress
to ask for American intervention as
early as September 8 Is considered
surprising and that on September" 13
he officially asked for intervention
and had then Irrevocably decided to
resign causes amazement
The correspondence lretween the
State Department and Consul-General
Stelnhart in connection with Cuban
intervention reveals the truth of the
rumors current here at the time, which
were persistently denied at the palace,
Palma declining to speak for Interven
tion. On September 13 Mr. Bacon received
a dispatch which told of the Irre
vocable intention of President Palma
to resign and to turn over the govern
ment to an appointee of President
Roosevelt In order to prevent complete
anarchy. It is added that It may be
necessary to' land a force to protect
American property.
This message was sent upon the day
that American marines first landed In
Cuba, but were ordered back to the
vessels by Secretary Bonaparte. On
the day following It was announced
that Secretary Taft, and Bacon would
be sent to Cuba, and upon that same
day a message was received saying
that the Cuban Congress could not
meet for lack of a leader, neither the
President nor Vice President being
willing to retain their office.
Pronounce Dreadnaught a Success.
London, Oct. 5. The battleship
Dreadnaught today started a 80-hour
consecutive steam trial. In several
preliminarv short trials she is said to
have proved a distinct success from the
point of view of handines in maneu
vering. This in spiti of the weather
conditions, which were far from favor
able. As the Dreadnaught is the first
example of the use of turbine engines
in a warship, her success is regarded
with great satisfaction in naval circles,
and is attributed entirely to her double
Weird Evidence of Slaughter.
New York, Oct. 5. A special cable
to the Tiroes from St. Petersburg says
that nine corpses, with sacks over their
heads and birlet holes in their breasts
have floated ashore near the palace of
Peterbof. They are presumably those
of sailors recently executed at Kron-etadt.
Sweeping Through New Orleans
and Vicinity.
Total Damage Is Over $1,000,000
Crops Ruined and Hundreds of
Buildings Destroyed.
New Orleans, Oct. 6. This region
was the center of cyclonic disturb
ances, at least three of which were
tornadoes and caused the loss of six
lives, with nine persons fatally Injured.
The first tornado struck west Baton
Rouge Parish about 6 o'clock, killing
Mrs. T. Forel and her daughter, Mrs.
White. Mrs. Forel's body was found
in a field near her demolished house.
Two children In Mrs. Forel's house
were fatally Injured and five more
were Injured in the collapse of a sugar
In St. James Parish one woman was
killed and Mrs. H. Rebber and daugh
ter,. Mrs. John Meyer, and a neero
were fatally Injured. Fifteen build
ings were blown completely down In
this parish.
At Point Chataula, George Hawes
and son and daughter were killed by
the collapse of their house, and an
other child of the family was fatally
injured. A negro was also fatally In
jured there, besides Injuries to a dozen
other persons. ,
The third tornado struck New Or
leans about 8 o'clock. Although no
lives were lost, property damage
reached $500,000 and about fifty per
sons weTe Injured, one fatally. Fully
800 buildings were damaged, about 75
being blown flat. Most of the demol
ished buildings were negro cabins and
it was here that nearly all the injuries
The path of the tornado through the
city was about eight miles long.
The tornado here appeared at a dis
tance as a cloud sweeping the surface
of the earth. Its course was undulat
ing, some buildings being skipped en
tirely as It bounded skyward. Fre
quently it demolished verandas and
fences on one side of the street,
while not an object on the other side
was disturbed. The cloud occupied
several minutes In crossing the city
and hundreds of persons who saw and
heard it approaching had time to run
out of its pathway.
' One exciting race was made by a
street car, which was loaded with
passengers on their way tO Vvork. At
Marengo street the .motorman threw
on full power. The flying car was less
than half a block past the roller skat
ing rink when that structure went
down. Another street car was de
Fifteen Men Entombed By Gas Explod
ing In New Mexico.
Denver, Colo., Oct. 6. According to
a special to the News, 15 men are be
lieved to have been entombed In the
Dutchman mine at Blossburg, N. M.,
at 2:30 o'clock this morning, by an
explosion which wrecked the walls
and roof of the tunnel In which they
were working. Only six men are posi
tively known to have been in the
tunnel at the time of the explosion,
but the usual night shift numbers 15,
and none of them have been located
outside of the mine.
Rescuing parties have taken out
four dead bodies, one of which has
been Identified as Jan Jenskl, 40
years old. All but one of . the night
shift were Austrlans, the exception be
ing an American.
Firedamp has settled In the tunnel,
making rescue work difficult. It is
not thought that any of the entombed
men can live With this condition pre
vailing. As yet no Are has been re
ported. Palma Enriches a Rough Rider.
Wichita, Kan., Oct. 6. C. A. Mosh
er, of Wichita, received a commission
as a General In the Cuban Army and
the next day he was asked to resign.
His commission came directly from
President Palma. He had In mind to
raise a regiment of Rough Riders. Mr.
Palma sent him a commission as a
general, dating the commission back
three months.
When Secretary Taft arrived in Ha
vana, Mosher was asked to resign and
a draft was sent to him for his salary
since the date of his commission.
Rebels Capture $125,000.
Ufa, Russia, Oct. 6. An armed band
numbering 40 men held up a mail
train near the bridge over the Bjela
river last night. After killing a soldier
and wounding three others who were
in charge of the mail the robbers de
camped with $125,000.
Fearing Divorce Suit Gives His Wealth
to His Sons.
New York, Oct. 3. Fearing a Buit
for divorce and In order to prevent his
wife from obtaining a large settlement,
Senator Thomas C. Piatt, in the last
few months, It is declared, has given
away nearly all his fortune, so that hiB
financial resources are no greater than
those of a man of moderate means.
From authoritative quarters the fur
ther statement comes that Mrs. Piatt
has been acquainted with her hus
band's procedure for Borne time and is
striving to ward off the possible loss
of a financial adjustment in her favor.
At Tioga Lodge, the Piatt villa at
Highland Mills, the former Mrs. Jane
way said she was the victim of a con
spiracy and one of the most abused
women of the times. "There are other
Mae Woods In this case," she said;
"dozens of them." Miss Wood is the
young woman who recently threatened
to sue Mr. Piatt on a charge of breach
of promise to marry. Mrs. Piatt also
said It was only her intervention that
prevented the wife of another Senator
prominent in Washington from being
in the party on the much talked of
trip to San Francisco.
"Senator Piatt wanted a beautiful
wife and he got one. Now he must
pay for me," she declared angrily.
Attorney General Moody and Secre
tary Shaw Will Resign.
Washington, Oct. 3 Two retire
ments from the President's Cabinet
are slated for the coming winter. They
are those of Attorney-General Moody,
whose resignation will become effec
tive about December 1, and Secretary
of the Treasury Shaw, who, according
to present Intentions, will retire in
February. For one of the vacancies
the President will nominate George
Von L. Meyer, American Ambassador
to Russia, but for the other he Is not
yet ready to announce a successor.
Mr. Roosevelt has sought to prevail
on Mr. Moody to remain in the Cab
inet, but the latter, because of busi
ness arrangements, has found it im
possible to do so. He would also like
to have Secretary Bonaparte take Mr.
Moody's place when the latter retires,
but the former prefers the position at
the head of the Navy Department.
Some suggestions have been made
that Secretary Metcalf, of the Depart
ment of Commerce and Labor, take one
of the positions, but he also has ex
pressed a preference to remain where
he is.
Elevator Men Say Railroads Drove
Them Out of Business,
Chicago, Oct. 3. William H. Suf
ferns, of Decatur, 111., was the first
witness at today's session of the inter
state Commerce Commission which Is
Investigating the alleged rebate cases.
Sufferns entered the grain exporting
business over nine years ago. Three
years ago, he discovered that Harris,
Scoten & Co., grainmen of Chicago,
and Rosenbaum & Co. were receiving
an elevator allowance at New Orleans
of 2 cents per hundred pounds from
the Illinois Central railroad.
"The rate on grain for export via
New Orleans was 12 cents per hun
dred," said the witness. "Two cents
of that went to the export elevator in
terest, and the Temainder to the rail
road. The rebate allowed these firms
prevented me. from competeing with
them in the European market. I dis
covered they were offering grain In
European markets at what It cost here.
They had an actual advantage of 14
"I quit the export business last win
ter, because I could not live, let alone
make anything."
R. J. Barr, of New Orleans, told a
similar story.
Win Race Against Tariff. '
Yokohama, Oct. 3. The ocean race
against the new and heavily Increased
customs tariff which went Into effect
at midnight, September 30, was easily
won by the American, from San Fran
cisco, September 14, for this port, and
the Denbighshire, from Middlesbor
ough, England, July 14, but the Se
quoia broke down at Singapore and is
belated. The heaviest advances In
duties are chiefly on wines, liquors,
watches and metal manufactures.
Kills Judge Advocate.
Askabad, Russia .Oct. 3. During the
trial yesterday of the second section
of the troops who mutinied here in
June, an unknown man entered the
courtroom and killed the Judge-Advocate,
General Rinkevitch, and attempt
ed to shoot the president of the court,
General Ushakoffskl.
The assassin was shot down by an
Pacification of Cuba Proceeds
- Without a Hitch.
Guerrera's Troops Being Sent Home
by Tralnloads Fighting Was
Mostly by Gamecocks.
Havana, Oct. 4. The alacrity with
which the rebels are laying down their
arms to the commission appointed to
superintend that Important phase of
the termination of the revolution is
the greatest surprise the provisional
has yet encountered in the smoothly
working program. This operation is
now well under way In the vicinity of
Havana, 700 of Guorra's men with
their horses having already been en
trained for Pinar del Rio, while one
brigade marched to Guanajay today
without a sign of disorder.
Hundreds of . persons from Havana
went out to Santiago de las Vegas and
RIncon today to view the disarma
ment. They were disappointed at not
seeing the rebels actually surrender
their guns, hut nevertheless they wit
nessed an Interesting sight. As a con
cession to the men General Funston
and Major Ladd permitted them to
take their arms to Pinar del Rio, where
most of the men joined the insurgent
army. The rifles, however, were first
counted by officers of marines under
the direction of Major Ladd and the
men will be required to surrender
them before leaving the train at Pinar
del Rio.
It is reported that some of Del Cas
tillo's followers were reluctant to dis
arm, but all the brigade commanders
have informed Major Ladd that all
their men will disarm and disband
when ordered to do so by General Del
Castillo. Wednesday afternoon Gen
eral Castillo gave Majer Ladd an or
der directed to all his subordinate com
manders and telling them to comply
with every request made by the Amer
ican officers. Major Ladd will work to
night to carry out the disbanding ar-v
According to the testimony of an
American named Harvey, a former"
Roosevelt Rough rider, who has been'
with the insurgents, the amount of
actual fighting during this revolution
was really very small. Harvey says
that most of the fighting he had seen
was between game cocks. About 10
per cent of Guerra's men carried
fighting cocks tied to their saddles.
Full Details Concealed and Health)
Officers Working Hard.
Key West, Fla., Oct. 4. An opposi
tion many times more serious than the
Insurrection In Cuba Is awaiting Uncle
Sam's army of intervention, according
to a wireless message received here
late tonight from Havana. The new
enemy is yellow fever.
According to the dispatch ten new
cases were reported today and dozens
of suspicious cases are being closely (
watched. The first reports sent out,
tending to minimize the extent of the
epidemic, are now acknowledged to.
have been purposely toned down.
It is said that the American forces,
will find Havana in a much different. -sanitary
condition from that which ob
tained under General Wood's rule.
There Is said to have been a decided'
lapse toward the old, inefficient condi
tion under Spanish rule. Major Jef
ferson R. Keene, who left here tonight
for Havana, expressed no surprise at
the report of the serious condition of
affairs, but declared that the sanitary
department of the army of occupation
is ready to meet the situation and will
doubtless be doubly reinforced as soon
as Washington can be acquainted with
the real gravity of the situation.
Freight Steamers Tied Up.
- Port Arthur, Ontario, Oct. 4 A
dozen big freight steamers are tied np
at Fort William and entrances to the
freight sheds and docks of the Canadian
Pacific railway are gnarded by police
and members of the Ninety-sixth regi
ment. Six hundred infuriated strikers,
mostly Greeks and Italians, surround
the district, where 800 imported strike
breakers worked all the afternoon un
loading vessels. All the ttiknare
heavily armed and more than 100 shots
have been fired, but no serious injury
Loss by the Gulf Storm.
Mobile, Out. 4. Prominent insur
ance men estimate the storm loss here
at 11,000,000. The total, loss of life
will not exceed 100.