Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, October 04, 1906, Image 7

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Annual Meeting at Hood River Octo
ber II and 12 Promises Well.
The fourth annual meeting of the
Oregon Irrigation association wilt be
held at Hood River in connection with
the Hood River Valley Fruit fair, Oc
tober 11 and 12, 1900, and all who are
interested in furthering the irrigation
movement which at this time means bo
much to the development of the state,
are invited to be present and partici
pate in the work of this organization.
The appointment of delegates will be
as follows: All state officials, includ
ing members of the legislative assem
bly, senators and members of congress,
including memberB of congress elect
and senators nominated, the mayor of
all cities, the presidents of the state
university, state agricultural college
and Btate normal schools, shall be con
sidered ex-ofncio memberB of the asso
ciation, and delegates shall be appoint
ed as follows: Fifteen by the governor
of the state, ten by the mayor of the
city of Portland, five by the mayor of
each other city in the state, five by the
county judge of each county and five by
each chamber of commerce, board of
trade or other commercial body or reg
ularly organized irriation, agricultural,
horticultural or engineering society
within the state.
It is respectfully urged that in the
appointment of delegates, persons shall
be selected who are sincerely interested
in the subject and who are likely to at
tend the convention, and that appoint
ments shall be made as early as possible.
The appointing powers will please
have the full na.ne and postoffice ad
dress of their appointees mailed to the
secretary, A. King Wilson, at his office
in the Chamber of Commerce building,
Portland, immediately upon appoint
ment being made.
Information of every character rela
tive to this meeting will be furnished
by the secretary.
A partial program has already been
arranged at follows:
"Irrigation Under the Carey Act in
the Deschutes Valley," Jesse 8tearns,
attorney for D. I. & P. Co.; "Need of
Legislation in Oregon on the Subject of
Waters," John II. Lewis, state engineer;
"Irrigation for Humid Regions," (Oct.
12) Prof. F. L. Kent, dairy instructor,
O. A. C; "Irrigation Conditions in
Malheur County, Oregon," F. W. Met
calf, manager famous Arcadia farm;
"Fruit Growing on Irrigated Lands,"
Judd Geer, of Cove, Oregon; "Some
Legal Phases of Irrigation," John H.
Lawrey, attorney, Pendleton; "Irriga
tion in the Willamette Valley," Grant
B. Dimick, county judge, Clackamas
county; "Irrigation iu the Rogue River
Valley," J. W. Perkins, member of
legislature, Jackson county.
Working Old Hammersley Mine.
Grants Pass The old Hammersly
mine, in the Jump Off-Joe district, is
again the scene of active mining opera'
tions, after lying id'e for a number of
years. R. G. Smith, of this city, has
a force of men at work, and the stamps
of the old mill are again dropping on
good ore. The old pile of tailings, of
whic h there are in the neighborhood of
350 tons is being run through a cyan
ide plant which has been erected. The
tailings, according to assays, carry $11
in gold, and as the expense of working
them is small, a handsome profit will
be realized.
O. A. C. Starts Well.
Corvallis In spite of the fact that
the O. A. C. opened early this year,
the first two days showed the largest
enrollment for a similar, time in the
history of the institution, 498 being en
Tolled and many are still coming. This
enrollment is an increaee of 58 over
last year. At this rate an enrollment
of more than 900 will be reached this
year. With an expectation of this four
new professors and assistant professors
have been added to the faculty. Very
noticeable among the new students is
the increase in the number of high
school students, several coming from
the Portland high school.
Teach Spanish in University,
Eugene The University of Oregon
las established a new department, that
of romance languages, which will be
under the charge of Dr. Timothy Clo
ran, who has just returned from a
year's travel in France and Spain.
Heretofore the university has offered
courses in French, with the instructor
under the direction of Professor F. G.
G. Schmidt, professor of modern lan
guages and literatures. But with the
coming of Dr. Cloran Spanish will be
added to the university curriculum,
and there will be opportunity for broad
er work in the department of Germanic
language and literature under Professor
Schmidt. --
Offers Big Ranch for Sale.
Athena J. J. Raulstone has placed
,tris large ranch on the market. He has
1,100 acres of the very best wheat lands
in Umatilla county, has farmed it for
many years and reaped a fortune. The
price asked is 175 an aore.
Is To Be Found In No Other Section
of United States.
Salem According to the statistical
information furnished Labor Commis
sioner Iloff, by the United States geo
logical survey bureau, at Washington,
D. C, there are 2,170 mines of differ
ent kinds in the Btate of Oregon, under
development, the greater number of
which are gold and copper, while in
some portions of the state deposits of
some kinds of mineral are found which
do not exist elsewhere in the United
States. Notable among these latter are
the cobalt mines of Grant county, paid
to be the only discovery of this valua
ble mineral to have been found in the
Cobalt is used extensively and is of
great value for coloring purposes and in
the arts. It is found in combination
with copper, carrying a large per cent
of gold. In his forthcoming biennial
report, Labor Commissioner Hoff will
comment upon this statistical data as
"A large number of the mines given
in the table are not operated, some
having been abandoned, and many are
in the first stages of development, on
account of the lack of capital to carry
on the work. Considerable harm has
been done the mining intereBst of the
state by unscrupulous promoters who,
by wildcatting,' have succeeded in
swindling many unsuspecting investors
and are responsible for retarding the
development ol the industry generally.
"The principal mining counties in
the order of the number of miners em
ployed are: Baker, Josephine, Jack-
pon, brant, Lane, Douglas and Uoos.
Other counties have extensive mining
interests, and the industry, already of
some magnitude, will continue to grow.
At present there are about 3,370 min
ers in the state who draw an average
wage of $3 per day. Estimating that
they work, on an average, two-thirds
of the time, the amount paid them
annually in wages is $2,022,000."
Farmers Catch Salmon.
Arlington The John Day river,
few miles west of Arlington, is simply
alive with fine big salmon, and farmers
a;e catching them there each day by
the wagon load. It is expected tnat at
least 10,000 of these fish will be cap
tured in that Btream within the next
two weeks.
Wheat Club, 6465c; bluestem, 67
68c; valley, 6768c; red, 6162c.
Oats No. 1 white, $2424 50; gray,
$2223 per ton.
Barley Feed, $2021 per ton; brew
ing, $21.5022, rolled, $22.
Rve $1.36 per cwt.
Corn Whole, $27; cracked, $28 per
ton. ,
Hay Valley timothy, No. 1, $10
11 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy,
1214, clover, $77.50; cheat, $7
7.50; gram hay, $7; alfalfa, $10;
vetch bay, $77.50.
Fruits Apples, common to choice,
25 76c per box; choice to fancy, 75c
$1.25; grapes, Oregon, 5075c per
crate; peaches, 76c$l: pears, 75c
$1.25; crab apples, $1 1. 25 per box
prunes, 2550c per box
Melons cantaloupes, $ll.25 per
crate; watermelons c per pound
casabas, $2.50 per crate. .
Vegetables Beans, 57c; cabbage,
l2cper pound; cauliflower, $1
1.25 per dozen; celery, 50 90c per
dozen; cucumbers, 15c per dozen; egg
plant, 10c per pound; lettuce, head
zuc per dozen; onions, iuizc per
dozen; peas, 45c; bell peppers, 5c
pumpkins, lc per pound; Bpinach
45c per p und; tomatoes, 40 50c
per box; parsley, 1015c; sprouts, 8c
per pound; squash, 134c per pound
turnips, 90c$l per sack; carrots, $1
1.25 per sack; beets, $1.251.50 per
Back; horseradish, 10c per pound.
Onions Oregon, $11.25 per hun
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, deliv'
ered, 8090c; in carlots f. o. b. coun
iry, o8uc; sweet potatoes, 2c per
Butter Fancy creamery, 2730c
per pound.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 29c per dozen
Poultry Average old hens, 14
14)c per pound; mixed chickens, 13
14c; spring, 15c; old roosters,
10c; dressed chickens, 1415c; tur
keyB, live, 1621c; turkeys, dressed
choice, 2122)c; geese, live, 910c
ducks, 1415c.
Hops 1906, 1517c per pound
191)5, nominal; 1904, nominal.
Wool Eastern Oregon average best
1519c per pound, according to shrink
age; valley, 2022c, according to
Mohair Choice, 2'30c per pound.
veal Dressed, 58o per pound.
Beef Dressed bulls, 3o per pound;
cows, 45c; country steers. 56c.
Mutton Dressed fancy, 78o per
pound; ordinary, 5 6c; lambs, fancy,
Pork Dressed, 78Jc per pound.
Citizens Desire to Show That Me
tropolis Has Not Lost Grip.
San Francisco, Sept. 25. A very
ambitious scheme has been put forward
here this week in the form of a pro
posal that San Francisco bold a world's
fair in 1911. The idea had been sug
gested early in the year, but nothing
was beard of it following the fire until
this week, when W. H. Mills, of the
Southern Pacific, in a letter to James
D. Phelan, revived the plan. It was
originally intended that the exposition
should be commemorative of the dis
covery of the Paciflo ocean by Balboa in
1513. The date 1911 has been suggest
ed for the exposition, as it follows so
closely on the world's fair to be held in
Paris in 1910, and would enable San
Francisco to have the exhibits trans
ferred as they were from St. Louis to
The suggestion of Mr. Mills has been
well received. Mr. Phelan in a cordial
reply suggested that Mr. Mills consult
with others who are known to be inter
ested in tuch a project. If sentiment
warrants, it is understood that prelim
inary' steps will then be taken to form
a corporation t? finarJce the undertak
It is the general opinion fiat such
an exposition morn than anything else
would contribute to the future welfare
of San Francisco. It is not intended to
operate on any such scale as the St.
Louis fair, but to use the Portland ex
position as a model and build on lines
unique and artistic. As a Bite for the
necessary buildings, the burned area
and Golden Gate park have been sug
gested. -
Bank Examiner May Be Asked
to Resign.
Chicago, Sept. 25. Depositors in the
looted Milwaukee Avenue Savings
bank, of which Paul O. Stensland was
nt-tsident, will make a demand on Gov
ernor Deneen this week for the removal
of Bank Examiner C. C. Jones. How
the state examiner overlooked for 10
years such gross frauds as those con tin
ually perpetrated in the Stensland
bank was a subject ol comment among
the members of the depositors' commit
tee immediately after the failure.
This oversight may have been over
looked, however, had it not been dis
covered yesterday tbat $340,000 in as
sets passed unnoticed when the exam
iner made his last investigation into
the institution's condition. Of this
sum, $81,000 is nn actual cash, and
perhaps the most startling feature o!
the case is the fact tnat cad any one
cared to pocket this money no one
would have been the wiser.
Receiver Fetzer will report the dis
covery to Judge Brentano tomorrow,
and the report will be followed by a re
quest from the depositors for an ex
planation or a resignation from Exam
iner Jones.
More Victims of the San Francisco
Disaster Found.
San Francisco, Sept. 25. Another
tragedy has been brought to light
through the finding of the remains of a
score or more of bodies in the ruins of
a lodging house at the corner of Fifth
and Mina streets.
J. R. Armstrong, a contractor, made
the grewsome find while clering - away
debris which choked the thoroughTare
The lodging house, which was a four
story frame building, was tossed bodi
lv into Minna street in a heap bv the
earthquake anil immediately took fire
It is said that the fire south of Market
street originated here.
Fifty people were in the place at the
time of the shake, only seven of whom
have been accounted for. Mrs. Mur
ray, the landlady, has never been Been
or heard from and it is thought that
her remains are among those found
She is said to have a wealthy daughter
residing in New York city and a broth
er-in-law in Vallejo.
Armstrong positively identified one
body as being that of a young man
named Woods who was employed by
the Risdon lion works.
Standard Oil Plant Besieged.
Chicago, Sept. 25. Angered by
report that further demonstrations
force by pickets which the Firemen'
union has thrown around the Standard
Oil company's plant at Whiting, Ind
will bring militia, martial law and
practical cessation of business, mer
chants of that town have come out
boldly in the strikers' favor. The
Standard Oil plant is practically under
siege by the strikers and it is feared
that the management's threat to im
port men will be followed by riot and
Up in the Billions.
Washington, Sept. 25 The foreign
commerce of the United States has
crossed the $3,000,000,000 mark. In
the 12 months ending with August the
imports were $1,254,399,735 and the
exports $1,759,417,898. a total for the
12 months of $3,101,817,633. These
figures are supplied by the bureau of
statistics of the department of Com
merce and Labor.
Mediators Agree With One Side
and Submit Plans to Other.
Taft and Bacon Tell Government of
Terms Arranged With Lead
ers of Liberal Party.
Havana, Sept. 25. An unsatisfacto
ry conierence was held at the palace
last night by President Palma, Secre
tary of the Treasury Fontsy Sterling,
Secretary of State O'Farrill, Freyre
Andrade, speaker of the lower house,
Secretary of War Taft and Mr. Bacon,
Consul General Steinhart and Captain
McCoy, when the mediators called the
attention of the Cuban administration
to the status of the peace negotiations
with the Libert s ind insurgents. The
conference adjourned at 11 o'clock to
be resumed today.
The peace terms proposed are known
to be against the government. The
visit to the palace of the American
commissioners was therefore not par
ticularly pleasant. On departing, Mr.
Taft announced that the conference had
resulted only in exchange of opinions
and that another meeting was neces
sary. The big doors of the palace clos
ed as usual at 11 o'clock, but the presi
dent and memberB of the cabinet re
mained in conference long after that
At the conclusion of a long conference
between a committee of the insurgents
of eight members and the American
peace commissioners, the insurgent
committee announced that there was
practically no difference remaining be
tween it and Messrs. Taft and Bacon,
and that they would receive a draft of
the peace terms today. These probab
ly would be agreed to at a meeting to
be held in Ue Presidio, where the pns
oner members of the committee are
Mr. Taft said he could give no de
tails of what transpired at the confer
ence, for the reason that it was neces
sary to treat with the government lead
ers and that the publication of the
peace proposals might interfere with
their prompt acceptance.
The absence of a definite statement
from the commissioners makes it im
possible to say whether the plans carry
the resignations of the present admin
istration and, the congressmen elected
last year or not. There is a strong im
preesion that Mr. Palma will remain
and re-organize the cabinet, but that
new elections will be held for half the
senators and representatives, in other
words those who were elected last year,
and postibly also for provincial officers
Federal Investigation Expected to Re
suit In Reduction of Prices.
San Francisco. Sept. 25. The Fed
eral grand jury will commence its in
vestigation of the lumber trust October
United States District Attorney
Devlin has completed his investigation
of the great combine and its methods
and he is satisfied that a trust does ex
ist. All the information in the pos
session of the government prosecutor
will be turned over to the jury. There
are many witnesses to be examined in
the case, and these will be subpenaed
to appear before the body during the
course of tbe investigation.
Lumbermen state that the price of
timber has reached its highest mark
and the action of the government will
probably cause a decline. An author!
ty on the situation this morning stated
that lumber prices will drop November
1. and the succeeding months will see
a gradual decline in ail grades of build
ing material. This lumberman states
that the decrease is partially due to the
settlement of the sailors' strike. He
says that timber can now be, brought
into San Francisco at much lower rates
than heretofore, and can also be hand
led much more rapidly.
New Route for Chinese.
St. John, N. F., Sept. 25 AnAmer
ican yacht, claiming to hail from New
York, left Placeptia Sunday having
aboard 42 Chinese, whom it is supposed
she is trying to smuggle into Canadian
or American ports. Tbe Colonial
cruiser Neptune has been dispatched in
quest of ber, and has been instructed to
seize her for alleged violation of the
Colonial laws in embarking passengers
without a permit. This is the third
yacht in these waters during the pres
ent summer to be suspected of this
Soldiers Induced to Desert.
San Francisco, Sept. 25. A grave
problem is said to be facing the mili
tary authorities in this city. Soldiers
are reported to be deserting in large
numbers, and the reason given for the
increase in abandoning the colors is
said to be due to the fact that employ
ment agents are luring men from the
service by offers of big pay for small
service in civil life.
Conflict at Whiting, Ind , May Spread
Throughout Middle West.
Chicago, Sept. 24. Warfare be-
ween tbe Standard Oil company and
the labor unions of the country was
begun last night, when the Whiting,
Ind., emplo-es of the company quit
work to force their demand for an in
crease in wages. The strike, which al
ready threatens to tie up the business
of the big corporation in the Middle
West, is likely to assume gigantic pro
portions before it is ended. It was pre
dicted last night it might involve all
the employes of the company in the
Already the Chicago labor unions are
preparing to seize the opportunity pre
served by the Whiting strike to make
more trouble for the company. They
were wholly unprepared, because the
employjs there were not members of a
union, but after a hasty conference last
night it was said that they would sup
port the men who went out and that no
one from Chicago would take their
places. Three hundred firemen em
ployed by the Standard Oil company
left their places yesterday. More than
5,000 employes who are working with
trie Bremen are scheduled to leave their
places today. These include engineers,
skilled mechanci, laborers and others,
the officials of whom said last night
that they would refuse members of the
organization work when new memberB
might be put to work in place of the
The firemen were called out because
tbe representatives of the Standard Oil
company refused to advance wages from
cents an hour to 25 cents an hour,
and agree to grant all the workmen tbe
eight hour day. They also refused to
recognize the u&ion.
Parties Hold Muzzled Conventions
Reaction in TrepotT's Favor.
St. Petersburg, -Sept. 24. Active
work in the autumn electoral campaign
was inaugurated by tbe Octoberists.
who today opened the Kazan congress
with delegates from 12 of the Volga
provinces and the vast central districts
of Russia in attendance. Alexander
Guchkoff, tbe Octoberist leader, was
present, laboring tooth and nail.
Owing to failure of the Octoberists to
obtain official sanction, the congress
was held behind closed doors and mem
bers of the press were excluded.
In pursuance of the decision of the
government to permit the national con
gress of the Constitutional Democratic
party anywhere except in St. Peters
burg, the administration has permitted
the reopening of Constitutional Demo
cratic clubs in Moscow and elsewhere,
but persists in its determination to
suppress political agitation in tbe capi
tal. The most remarkable development
of the week has been the change in sen
timent concerning the late General
Trepoff. The universal chorus of mal
ediction and condemnation has given
place since his death to a non-partisan
appreciation of his real merits and de
fects, and his career has been the sub
ject of fair and even laudatory criti
cisms in nearly a'l c'rc.es. M. Mem
chinski, a prominent writer and pub
lisher, who was recently suppressed,
but who is now a contributor to Here
lorn, gives the following verdict on the
basis of lifelong acquaintance with the
dead man :
"General Trepoff was an excellent
man and a good official, though ; be
sometimes violated his own convictions
because of a false notion ol soldierly
obedience. He would have made a
splendid soldier, but lacked a thorough
education and, above all, the prepara
tion necessary (or the political activity
thrust upon him. He possessed, how
ever, one great asset, lacking in all con
temporary Russian statesmen charac
ter." .
' Will Pay No Blood Money.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 24. In re
sponse to representations with regard to
tbe murder at Riga September 15 of
Herr Busch, a partner in the Busch
Hinge company and a leader of the
German colony at Riga, the Foreign
office today informed Dr. von Mique,
first secretary of tbe German embassy,
that, while Russia made every effort to
discover and punish murders, it cannot
consider the question of paying a cash
indemnity and the laying down of a
general rule applicable to all foreign
ers in Russia.
Newfoundland Angry at Parent.
St. Johns, N. F., Sept. 24. The re
ported determination of the Imperial
government to override the colonial au
thorities and concede to the American
commission a more liberal construction
of the herring fishery laws asked on be
half of American fishermen, has evoked
much criticism here. Canada, it is
said, may be a factor in the dispute, as
she has for years enforced against
Americans tbe laws that Newfoundland
now seeks to make effective.
Monster Meteor Seen.
Stockton, Sept. 24. At 6 o'clock last
evening a great meteor fell in the north
western heavens, and many persons de
clare that an explosion occurred which
was felt in this city. A monster tall
of smoke followed the falling body,
which seemed to go in a zigzag course.