Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, October 04, 1906, Image 6

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Id a Condensed Form for Oar
Bnsy Readers,
A Resume of the Less Important but
Not Less Interesting Events
of the Past Week.
Still another plot to assassinate the
czar has been discovered.
A new outbreak of Jewbaiting has
occurred at Odessa, Russia.
A sister of Mrs. Howard Gould has
mairied a Chinese coolie in San Fran
cisco. Taft will not use troops in Cuba if he
can possibly get along with marines
and bluejackets.
All preparations are complete for the
inquiry into the doings of the lumber
trust at San Francisco.
The Hill lines are said to have sold
vast deposits of iron ore to the United
States Steel corporation.
The Navy department has issued or
ders to prepare the receiving ship Han
cock for use as a transport.
Governor Toole, of Montana, has an
nounced himself a candidate fcr the
United States senate to succeed W. A.
A Japanese steamer is accused nf re
fusing aid to the American steamer
Mongolia, which went ashore at Mid
way island.
The expenses of the San Francisco re
lief committee for September were
$121,57.6 Thelulget for October is
reduied to $49,507.
Teddy Roosevelt, Jr., and three
chums at Harvard have been arrested
for beating up a policeman in the col
lege town. They have been released.
Roosevelt does not expect a crisis in
the Cuban affair.
The United States navy is extremely
short of marines.
Russian terrorists have offered a re
ward for the assassination of the czar.
Outlawry in Leyte and Samar, Phil
ippine islands, may force military rule.
The hurricane which has swept the
Southern states will greatly damage the
cotton crop.
latt opposes ine pian ior a provis
ional government and may proclaim
Mexican rebels captured the town of
Jiminez, but after a sharp fight they
were driven out by troops.
San Juan, Porto Rico, experienced a
series of severe earthquakes. Buildings
were badly damaged and the people
were panic stricken.
General Stoessel has resigned from
the army and it has been accept d to
prevent his stirring up a scandal over
the surrender of Port Arthur.
In the hearings of the ioal land
fraud in Wyoming by the Intesttate
Commerce commission testimony was
offered that a justice of the Supreme
court of Wyoming helped the Union
Pacific to secure government coal land.
Sicily has been shaken by an earth
quake. The government will prosecute the
sugar trust.
A plot to blow up the czar's yacht
has just been discovered.
President Roosevelt has ordered six
more warshipB and 1,000 marines to
Twenty have been killed in the race
war at Atlanta. Troops are now in
control and quiet reigns.
United States marines have been or
dered to guard the British railroad in
Banta Clara province, Cuba.
The American legation at Stockholm
had a narrow escape from being blown
tip by Finnish refugee revolutionists.
Ruesian authorities have secured evi
dence that General Trepoff was poison
ed. A doctor has been arrested for
complicity in the crime.
Samuel Gompers, president of the
American Federation of Labor, says
Littlefield won his fight in Maine with
money. He accuses Cannon of contin
uing the wrongs of labor and Taft of
defending the injunction policy when a
judge of the Federal court. (
Because of tbe absence of Taft and
Bacon the meeting of the executive
committee of the National Red Cross
society has been postponed until Octo
ber 17. It is the purpose of the meet
ing to decide what disposition shall be
made of the $2,600,000 San Francisco
relief funds still held in Washington.
Speaker Cannon says he is not a can
' didate for presidential nomination. .
The Chicago city council is working
ior cheaper telephones, lights and street
Millions of Dollars Damage Done and
Probable Loss of Life.
LouiBville, Ky., Sept. 28. The trop
ical hurricane which for the past 24
hours has been churning the waterB of
the Gulf of Mexico and doing much
damage on the coast and far inland, Is
whipping through North Alabama in a
northeasterly direction at a velocity
but slightly less than that cf 45 to 60
miles an hour, recorded in New Or
leans during the day. Reports re
ceived by the Associated Press do not
indicate any loss of life, but the dam
age to propertty over the territory
touched by the Btorm is something
All wire communication is seriously
disarranged and in some instances has
resulted in cutting off cities complete
ly, Mobile not having bene heard from
in nearly 24 hours.
Numerous washouts have occurred
the interruotion from this cause intone
case extending for SO miles.
Pensacola, where the maximum ve
locity of wind was probably felt early
this morning, reports a property loss of
$3,000,000 in the city alone, and Bends
rumors of loss of life, which it is im
possible to confirm.
The damage to railroads is very
heavy. Reports to the officials of the
Louisville & Nashville road from the
superintendent of the Mobiile and
Montgomery divisions indicate that the
loss approximates $1,000,000. The
tracks between Flomaton, Ala., and
Peneacola, Fla., are obstructed in
many places and in some placeB badly
torn up by falling trees.
At Pensacola, the Louisville & Nash
ville grain elevator has been destroyed
and the entire trackage to Escambia
bay is ruined. The railroad wharf at
Pensacola is reported to be a total loss
and 89 cars of coal of the company was
washed into the bay.
Biloxi, Miss., and Mosa Point, Miss.,
have not been heard from for 24 hours.
Mosa Point reported the water five feet
deep in the streets of tbe little town at
10 o clock Wednesday night.
There was a heavy rain and high
wind at Montgomery, Ala., during the
day, but no serious damage was done.
A'gale is blowing at Birmingham to
night after a day of steady rain, which
has been continuous for 36 hours.
Peasants Resist Army Enrollment, Kill
and Disarm Police.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 28. Grave
agrarian disorders have broken out in
the province of Viatka, the center of
the disturbance being tbe important
district of Malmuiah, witb a popula
tion of over 100,000, where the inhab
itants of more or less villages have
joined in the uprising have disarmed
and expelled the police and are pillag
ing and destroying the residences of the
landowners and devastating the coun
try. It is rumored at Viatka that the
administrative police chiefs in the
Malmuish district and eight of their
subordinates have been killed.
The excesses began September 20,
with a riot over the enrollment of army
reserve men for the automobile aeivice
At the village of Mulnami a body of
peasants attacked the enrollment sta
tion, killed a aergeant and six rural po
licemen, mortally wounded the assist
ant police chief of the district and de
stroyed the list of reserve men.
The Viborg manifesto is thought to
be more directly responsible for the
disorders than anything eke. It had a
wide circulation in Viatka province,
and its exhortation to tbe peasants to
refuse to do military service was spread
by the members of the outlawed parlia
ment from Viatka.
Make Final Effort.
Havana, Sept. 28. The Moderate
party last night decided to make a final
effort to perpetuate the authority of
the Palma administration by deter
mining to reject the resignation of tbe
president when presented to congreea
today. When this decision was reach
ed, Secretary of War Taft and Assist
ant Secretary of State Bacon, the Amer
ican commissioners, had aleady con
cluded to intervene, but they agreed to
await today's developments, as they
are anxious to afford the Cubans eveiy
opportunity to work out their own sal
vation. Salt Trust Raises Price.
New York, Sept. 28. The Interna
tional Salt company yesterday raised
its prices on all grades of Bait approxi
mately 60 cents per ton. This is said
to be the third raise within a period of
three months. Tho reasons given are
that the shutting down of two of the
largest producing plants in the Utica
district has caused a shortage in the
supply, that the demand is unprece
dented ly large and that much difficulty
has been experienced recently in se
curing cars in which to transport the
Estimates of Loss at Hongkong.
Manila, Sept. 28. Chinese newsoa
pers received here today estimate the
loss of life resulting from the typhoon
at Hongkong, September 18, at 10,000,
and the loss of the fishing fleet and the
damage to property at from $3,000,000
to f 1U,000,000,
Cuban Congress Gives Up and
He Assumes Control.
Majority of All Parties Refused to At
tend the Special Session of
Cuban Congress,
Havana, Sept. 29. American inter
vention in Cuba will be an accomplish
ed fact today.
President Roosevelt's peace commis
sioners, although clothed with the full
est authority from him to take Buch ac
tion whenever it became obvioua that
the securing of peace by harmonizing
the warring Cubans was impossible,
patiently withheld their hands from
thus setting -aside Cuban sovereignity
until the last hope disappeared. This
stage waB reached at a late hour last
night, when a majority of all parties
refused to attend the Bsnonof congress
called to act upon the resignation of
members of the government and declar
ed definitely that they would have
nothing more to do with the govern
ment of Cuba.
As was expected, there has been
much rat id denunciation of the course
pursued by the American commission
era, who, it has been alleged, have act
ed unfairly towards the government,
but the great maas of the reaidents of
Cuba, Cubans, Spaniards, Americans
and all other foreigneiB, welcome intar
vention as something for which they
have longed throughout six weeks of
unrest, disorder and ill-feeling.
Toe proclamation will be issued to
day. It will be singed by Mr. Taft, by
virtue of the authority vested in him
by President Roo3evelt. It will create
Mr. Taft provisional military governor
of Cuba until he deems the country
sufficiently pacified for civil govern
ment, whereupon he will call Beckham
Winthrop, governor of Porto Rico, to
act as civil governor.
Urgently Needed at Cienfuegos, None
Are Available.
Washington, Sept. 29. An appeal
for more men to assist in protecting
property at Cienfuegos, Cuba, was re
ceived today by Acting Secretary New
berry, of the Navy department, from
Commander Smith of the cruiser Cleve
land, which is now stationed at Cien
fuegos, together with the gunboat Ma
rietta. In addition to the regular comple
ment of marines and bluejackets on the
warships, 225 oihar marines were Bent
to Cienfuegos to ase'st in looking after
foreign interests there, and at present
the Nav department has no available
men. Practically all tbe marines who
can be spared from barracks in the
United States and from warships are
preparing to go to Havana. It is not
believed by the Navy department that
any of the men now at Havana or on
their way there can be Beared to assist
at Cienfuegos.
Work of the Hurricane.
Mobile, Ala., Sept. 29. Between 75
and 100 lives lost, fully two score ves
sels driven ashore or wrecked in vari
ous parts of the Gulf of Mexico, dam
age amounting to $4,500 000 in the city
of Mobile, and two millions more at
outside points, is the record of the
storm which swept Mobile Wednesday
and Wednesday night. No accurate es
timate of the casualities can be made
as yet, and it is doubtful if exact figuree
will be known for a week or more.
Pensacola suffered as much aa Mo
bile. The loss of life is known to be
heavy and damage to property will
reach $5,000,000. The smaller towns
and country throughout the district felt
the hurricane equally as much as the
two cities.
Insured by Penny Paper.
New York, Sept. 29. A special cable
dispatch to the Times from London
states that the heirs of one of the vic
tims of the Granthan disaster have re
ceived $1,000 insurance, which was
effected at a coet of 1 penny. The in
sured was a regular subscriber to a
London penny weekly which insures
its readers against acccidents and
death. His bag, containing a current
copy of the paper, duly stamped, was
at the hotel at Retford. Witnin a few
hours of his death the claim was exam
ined, allowed and settled.
Uncle Sam Owns Palma Island.
Washington, Sept. 29. It is said at
the State department that no doubt
exists as to the American ownership
and control of Palma's island, one of
the small islands on the southeastern
edge of the Philippines. About 18
months ago the War department re
quested the department nf State to de
termine whether or not Palma's island
was included in the Philippine group
owned by the United States.
Will Thus Force Intervention by the
United States.
Havana, Sept. 26. The Cuban re
public stands on the verge of a second
period of American intervention. The
Moderate party, which six weeks ago
was in control of every office in the is
land, national, provincial and munici
pal, is determined to abdicate every
thing and compel the United States to
intervene. In fact, every government
official from President Palma down is
sincerely anxious to force such inter
vention rather than yield to any one of
the terms offered by the Liberal party
and those in arms against the govern
The Liberal leaders characterize the
conduct of the government as treason to
the republic, while Secretary of War
Taft regards it as an unwai ranted and
dishonorable attempt to force the hand
of the United States into intervention.
This, it has been stated, is precisely
what President Roosevelt has been moat
anxioua to avoid.
Senor Palma has called a special sea
sion of congress for Friday, when he
will present the resignation of himself
and Vice President Mendez Capote,
The Moderates, however, will not at
tend that session of congress, for in
their hurriedly called National Mod
erate assembly yesterday afternoon
they decided unanimously simply to
quit forthwith. They will not even at
tend the approaching petsion or have
anything more to do with the govern
ment of Cuba, alleging that they have
been unjustly treated by Mr. Roose
velt's commissioners.
Moody's Opinion on Meat Inspection
New Rules for Exports.
Washington, Sept. 26. A decision
has been reached by the department of
Justice that the meat inspection law
recently enacted by congress does not
apply to foreign products shipped into
thiB country. This opinion was pre
pared several days ago and submitted
to Attorney General Moody, He con
curred, it is understood, in the opinion
prepared by the department.
The acting secretary of commerce and
labor today promulgated certain rules
regarding the exportation of meats and
meat products, prescribing the manner
of inspecting carcasses and the issuance
of certificates, labels, etc.
The rules require that both the one
inal and duplicate certificate shall be
delivered to tbe exporter, who shall
file the original with the customs offi
cer and the duplicate with the con
signee, to be used by tbe latter in iden
tifying the shipment at the point of
destination by comparison with the
Clearance is to be denied to any ves
sel carrying meat products for exporta
tion where regulations have not been
strictly complied with. The rules will
go into effect on October 1.
Railroads Refuse Cars and Boost the
Price to Consumers.
Salt Lake, Sept. 26. That the rail
roads are to blame for the high price
and periodical shortage of coal in Bait
Lake was the conclusion to be drawn
from the testimony presented before
Charles A. Prouty, of the Interstate
Commerce commission today. The in
quiry was adjourned until Thursday
morning at 10 o'clock when it will be
returned in Denver. Mark Hopkina,
who opened two coal mines at Cumber
land, Wvo., was sworn as an expert
today. He said that coal could be
placed in cars at Wyoming and Utah
mines for $1 a ton and allow a reason
able profit. The present price on board
cars is $2 a ton. Salt Like dealers pay
$3.75 for the coal laid down and the
consumer pays $5.25 a ton.
P. J. Quealy, manager of the Kern
merer, Wyoming, coal company, and
Thomas Sneddon, superintendent of
the Diamondville mines, admitted that
their output could be increased to pre
vent the annual winter shortages, but
said that tbe railroads did not furnish
cars to carry a larger product. .
An attempt was made to show that
the Union Pacific railway carries sup
plies for its mines at a lower rate than
that quoted to independent operators,
but this was not substantiated by di
rect testimony.
Army Is Ready.
Oyster Bay, Sept. 26. Plans for the
transfer of troops from the United
States to Cuba in event of the failure
of Secretary Taft's mission to bring
about a peaceful solution of the trouble
in tbe island republic have been com
pleted. The final step was taken to
day, according to an announcement
made here tonight, when the transport
Sumner, now lying at the New York
navy yard, was put in commission.
Negotiations are already under way for
the acquisition of merchant steamers to
be used aa transports.
Adds to Montana Reserves.
Washington, Sept. 26. The secre
tary of the interior today withdrew
from entry 380,000 acres ef land in the
Kalispell, Mont., land district, which
are to be added to the Lewis and Clark
and Kootenai forest reserves.
They Fear Uncle Sam May Give
Jobs to Liberals.
Rebels and Government Will Treat
With Each Other Marines
Needed Anyway.
Havana, Sept. 27. The government
party last night abandoned its basic
contention that it is impossible to treat
for peace with armed rebels, and pro
posed to negotiate directly with a com
mittee of its opponents. It agreed to
leave all points upon , which under
standing is not reached to the final ar
bitration of Secretaries Taft and Bacon.
The government first suggested that it
would treat with the Liberals if they
would lay down their arms, but the
American commissioners ruled that
this Btipulation was unfair and the
Moderate representatives hold this
It is beyond question that both par
ties were brought to a more tractable
frame of mind by the verbal ultima
tum issued by Messrs. Taft and Bacon
yesterday in the name of President
Roosevelt, that, unless they consent to
a fair arbitration, the United States
must compel the same by a temporary
militaiy occupation. Such occupation,
it was declared, would not mean Amer
ican sovereignty. It would continue
only until new elections had been held,
the government firmly established and
order restored.
Whatever the outcome of the negoti
ations between the Liberals and Mod
erates may be, it is felt here that there
will be need for all the American ma
rines within reaches there is little
confidence in the ability of the rebel
leaders to control their men when or
dered to give up their arms and return
to their homes.
It is tactitly understood by the com
mittees of the two parties that, unless
an agreement is reached this week,
armed American intervention will en
sue. The Moderates declare that the
appointment of a committee to negoti
ate with the Liberals does not mean
tbe conceding of new elections. The
general disposition to get together is
Hearst for Democrats and Hughes for
Republicans Will Lead Fight.
New York, Sept. 27. By nominat
ing Charles E. Hughes, of New York
city, for governor, the Republican state
convention turned down the old leaders
and recognized the new ones, headed
by Herbert Parsons, chairman of the
county committee ef New York county.
It also bowed to the judgment of Pres
ident Roosevelt as to the strongest can
didate to nominate, and accepted the
preference of (iovernor Higginp. By
electing Timothy L. Woodruff for etate
chairman it finally reMred "Boss"
Odell, placated Senator Piatt and at
the same time recognized the ability of
a man who is a strong political force
irrespective of his affiliation with any
of the old bosses.
The control of new Jeaders"waa furth
er emphasized by the absence of Sena
tors Piatt and Depew, who have not
missed a state convention in many
years. The old leaders, however, were
pacified by the renomination of all the
state officers except that Lewis was
named for controller in place of Otto
Rnffalrv Rout 97 W;n; T
Hearst, backed bv "Rosa" Mnrnhv nf
i - rj i
Tammany Hall, has been nominated
for governor by the Democratic state
convention. The platform extends fe
licitations to William Jennings Bryan
without savins anvthinc ahnnt th
presidency. With Hearst two cflhe
other candidates of the Independence
league nominated for state offices ear
lier in this month t.hno nf 1! All tiflnonf
governor and secretary of state were
Wreck Police Chief's House.
Helaincfora. Finland. Rent.. 97 A
second bomb was thrown during the
night against the residence of Captain
Albrecht, commander of the police, fol
lowing the nnsnccpHsfnl attomr.t m.U
early yesterday morning to blow up the
ponce reserve Darracae. ine captain's
house was wrecked, but there was no
loss of life. It is thought that the
perpetrators of the outracn vr urinat
ed by a spirit of revenge for the recent
4JT tl
arresis oi me junnisn refugees in
Stockholm, in which the Finnish nnlipa
Honors for Japanese Heroes.
London. Sent. 27. TfilorrnTihini
from Tokio, the correspondent of the
Daily Telegram says that, in connection
with war honors, Marquis Ito and
Field Marshals Yamagata and Oyama
have been created princes and Vice Ad
mira. Togo a marquis,