GENTRY'S BARBER SHOP J. E. GENTRY, Proprietor. FHST CLASS SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING joat for Crescnt Steam Laundry Sliop. ouc door west Lexington Bank f'XINGTON, - - OREGON. w.p.mcmillan 3) rugs yjiaiionerL Qonfections School Supplies Joilet Irtlcles X LEXINGTON, OREGON vy i; J-j) -J) or y f National SBank of Jfeppner Capital Stock $30,000. Surplus and undivided profits $70,000 rt C.'A. RHEA, - President T. A. RHEA, Vice-President G.'W. CONSER, - Cashier E. L. FREELAND, Ass't Csh'r 9 Transacts a General Banking Business Four per cent paid on Time Deposits EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE tfORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all points at reasonable terms. W ssssanxjeemmimA. ? iii jntl Assoc A J) .1 r y l 8 3 REAL ESTATE 80 Acres 4 miles from station. All wheat land. A great bar gain at $20. per acre. 160 Acres 8 miles from railroad station. "$16 per acre. 320 Acres 2 miles from station, good well. This won't keep long at $22 50 per acre 160 Acres 3 miles from railroad station, running water. A snap for someone, See me. 3000 Acres 15 miles from station, running water. All tillable, goes at $10. per acre. 640 Acres 12 miles from railroad station. All farm land. $10 per acre. 80 Acres 2 miles from station. 40 acres alfalfa land. Good buildings. Cheap, see me. 320 Acres 4 miles from station. Good house and barn, wind- ill mill and water system, .All under cultivation, H 160 Acres 4 miles from station. All in grain, $16 per acre. I have a number of Town Lots in Lexington to sell cheap. They are all well located and good building sites. Call on or address me at LEXINGTON, OREGON LOCAL NEWS Dr. M. A. Leach, Dentist. Heppner Flour 95 cents per sack at the mill. ; W. F. Barnett & Co. have a new ad today, Wheat is coming In quite rapidly these days. Leach Bros, have a change of ad in this Issue. Boost Lexington the best town in Morrow county. , Rev. Graham returned yesterday !rom conference. Mr. and Mrs. J.'H. Chapman drove, to Heppner Friday. Mr, and Mrs. E. L, Reaney spent Monday In Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reaney were Heppner visitors Monday. - Frank Engleman, of lone, was a Lexington visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Mac Clark, of Heppner, is visiting in Lexington this week. Mrs. W. B. McAlister and son. Marshall, returned Monday evening. Rev. T. P. Graham has been re turned to Lexington for another year. A daughter was born to Mr. and j Mrs. Lawrence Redding Saturday last. Mrs. S. E. Lee was looking after business matters in Heppner Monday. Jake Booher, of Athena, spent sev eral days with Lexington relatives last week. Orr Brown left last Monday for Portland where he expects to secure work. Mrs. Barfon, of Heppner, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Lane. The skating rink opened In lone last evening. Of course John White was there. H. Stowers, of Strawberry; was transacting business in Lexington yes terday. "Hank" Parker is among those who have made the printer happy the past week. Ray McAlister, James Cypert 'and Frank Parker are hauling wood from the mountains. Les Langley and family departed Tuesday for Portland where they will spend the winter, Orders were received yesterday that cars could again be loaded with grain for Portland. Get your stationery at the Wheatfield Printery and your business will never become stationary. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Barton, of lone spent Monday In Lexington, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lane FO U 11. DThe best place In Morrow county to get commercial printing Is at The Wheatfield Printery. It Is the gun that Is not loaded that kills, and it is the dog that doesn't bite that hangs to the seat of your pants. Claude White, Mesdames L. S. Gilbreath and J, E. Gentry and Miss Sarah White were Heppner visitors last Monday. T. L. Dorman, of near lone, was a Lexington visitor Tuesday. Mr, Dor man is intending to engage extensive ly in dairying, A suitable reward will be paid if the finder will return to J. E. Gentry, the ladies gold watch and chain, lost a bout two weeks ago. Mrs. B. M. Booher handed us two dollars last Monday and ordered The Wheatfield sent to her daughter in Alberta, another year. The Wheatfield family is under ob ligations to Mrs. B. M. Booher for some nice carrots and string beans. Mrs. Booher had a fine garden, this year. Commencing last Monday, October I st the Lexington merchants adopted the cash system. They will be able to sell goods for less money than they could under the credit system. Subscriptions to the Pacific North west will be received at this office, Subscription price 50 cents per year, three years for $ 1 . Subscriptions re ceived will be forwarded. -to Miss Aud X'J Woolery, at lone. E. F, Zaspel, the cash meat man, Will make regular trips to Lexington Wednesday and Saturday of each week. Good fresh meats from 2 to 7 cents a pound. 52tf Part of the Lexington party that at tended the Pendleton Fair visited In Walla Walla before returning. One of the party says there is no pleasure in buggy riding on the Walla Walla streets without a lap robe. Fuel is getting scarce and there does not seem to be much prospect cf a change in the situation. The ship pers claim they cannot get cars, yet five empty cars stood on the siding at this point four days the past week. Plenty of time to have had' them lead ed and returned here. TV Mgi &! Box. Proccre e large pill box and pntib the bottom in a little way; then get some gum and stick a small portion of canary or other seeS on the bot tom so as to make it appear a full box. Obtain a email bag with a little seed in it and pretend to fill the box, but instead of doing bo only bring out a little Beed on the bottom. Aft erward rub the loose Beed off, and the audience, seeing the seed that is fast on, will naturally think the box is full. Then take the box in the right hand, a cap ot hat in the left hand and cover the box and show the empty Bide. Again cover the box and say: "Presto! Come back!" Turn the box and show the full side. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given that the partnership existing between R. C. Warren and S. E. Lee, under the firm name of Warren & Lee, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. S. E. Lee Will continue the business, col lect all accounts and pay all bills, Dated at Lexington, Oregon, this 15th day 0f September, 1906. R. C. Warren, . S. t. WHEAT BOUGHT. Wharton buys wheat and barley". Market quotations received daily. E. D. Brown will represent me at Lex ington. Phone or call on him for prices. iz. "3 s fys.t an jj ii lao " j, 1 XuJ i-n ONSUKPTIOH Price J u'l I OUGHSaad EOo&Sl.OO D OlDS Free Trial. i Surest and Uuickeat Onr fnr oiT I tTHKOAT and IAJNO XEOUD- WOUNDS, BRUISES AND BURNS By applying an antiseptic dressing j ' o to wcunds, bruises, burns and like ln ; juries before inflammation sets in, they may be healed without maturation and j in about one-third the time required by the eld treatment. This is the , ratest discovery and triumph of mod ern surgerv. Chamberlain's Pain1 ! Balm acts on this same principal. It' Is an antiseptic and when applied to such injuries, causes them to heal very quickly. It also allays the pain and soreness and prevents any danger of blood poisoning. Keep a bottle of Pain Balm in your home and it will save you time and money, not to men tion the Inconvenience and suffering such injuries entail. For sale by W. P. McMillan's Drug Store. - . - CUT IT OUT 4- 'T'HIS COUPON will be redeemed by the under signed for 25 cents on purchases amounting to $10. or over, and for 10 cents on purchases amounting to $5. and under $10. Not more than five (5) coupons, number ed consecutively, will be redeemed from one customer on one purchase. Purchases are not restricted to any partic ular line or articles. Patrons may select any goods from my entire stock of jewelry or optical goods. Articles not carried in stock will be ordered and coupons accepted same as if goods were carried in stock. This is coupon No. 5, and will be redeemed any time be fore November 1st, 1906. A. J. JEWELER LEXINGTON, CALKIN AND OPTICIAN OREGON 3 444- $ This Space Reserved For 0 si i i W. G. SCOTT & CO. Lexingtons Oregon. 2 ?i si r) THE WHEATFIELD ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR