LEXINGTON GROWS WITHOUT WATCHING n IT VOI,. I LEXINGTON, OREGON, THURSDAY JULY 20, 1900 NO. 44 COUNTY NEWS. lone Proclalmer Mrs. C. C. Chick, accompanied by aged mother, Mrs. E. A. Sherwin, ar rived Tuesday from Hardman and have taken up their residence In the house on Main St , formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Everitt. Miss Audry Woolery was in Lex ington the first of the week soliciting subscriptions for the Pacifc Northwest. She found the business men there very courteous and she came hqme with a gpod list of new subscribers from that place. Hoppner Times1 The first home1 Jjr5wn peaches of the season were Wtiught in from But ter Creek yerday by A. E. Westen berger. Vhlle the peach crop on the creek Is not large this year the fruit is an excellent quality. W. T. Campbell, who was in town Saturday from his ranch south of Lex ington, thinks grain In his locality has been Injured not more than 25 per cent or probably less. In other words, wheat that was estimated at 25 to 35 bushels per acre will be cut down to 20 or 25 bushels. C. A. Minor, who was In town Tues day, said the grain crop on the Pen land ranch Is looking fine and Is not injured in the least by the heat. He commenced heading this week, but Is short of help and has ordered a binder. With this he can leave the grain In the shock until he can get to it with out Injury to the grain. Heppner Gazette The Heppner ice plant Is running full time. The plant is taxed to its fullest capacity to supply the demand. Judge T. W. Ayers and wife and the Thornton boys left Friday morning for Newport where they will spend some time at the seaside. Don't cultivate the habit of looking for something to worry about, You may some day have your search re-Varded. CODNTV ASSKSSOft WAYLAID J. W. Coulter, of Leslie, S. D., Assessor of Stanly County, relates the following: "I was waylaid by a complica tion of throat and lung troubles, bron chitis, asthama and a terrible cough, which had affected me for years, when I was persuaded to try Dr. King's New Discovery. Relief came almost immer diately, and in a short time a perma nent cure resulted." No other medicine compares with as a sure and qifcck cure for cough and colds. It cures after all other remedies have failed. Every bottle guaranteed at V. P. Mc Millian's drug store. Price 50c and $ 1 .00. Trial bottle free. Read The Wheatfield and be happy. TEACHERS EXAMINATION Notice is hereby given that I will hold the regular examination of appli cants for State .and County papers at the court house, Morrow county, Ore gon, as follows: For 8tat Pper Commencing Wednesday, August 8, at 9 o'clock a. m. and continuing until Saturday, August 1 1, at 4 o'clock p. m. WEDNESDAY Penmanshtp, History, Spelling, Physical Geography, Reading, Psy chology. , "THURSDAY - Written Arithmetic, Theory of Teach ing, Grammer, Bookkeeping, Physics, Civil Covernment. v FRIDAY Physiology, Geography, Mental Arithmetic, Composition, Algebra. SATURDAY Botany, Plane Geometry, General MAY t.WE 100 YKAUS The chances for living a full century are excellent in the case of Mrs. Jennie Duncan, of Haynesville, Me., now 70 years old. She writes; "Electric Bitters cured me of Chronic Dyspepsia of 20 years standing, and made me feel as well and strong as a young girl." Elec tric Bitters cure Stomach and Liver diseases, Blood disorders, General De bility and bodily weakness. Sold on a guarantee at W. P. McMillan's drug store. Price only 50c. V, '. History, English Literature. For County Paper Commencing Wednesday, August 8, at 9 o'clock a. m. and continuing until Friday, August 10, at 4 o'clock p m. First, Second and Third grade certificates. WEDNESDAY Penmanship, History, Orthography, Reading. THURSDAY Written Arithmetic, Theory of Teaching, Grammer, Physiology. ' FRIDAY Geography, .Mental Arithmetic, School Law, Civil Government. Primary Certificate WEDNESDAY ' Penmanship, Orthography, Arith metic, Reading. " THURSDAY Art of Questioning, Theory of Teaching, Physiology. S. I. Stratton, County School Supt. BEATS TUB MUSIC CUKE "To keep the body in tune," writes Mrs. Mary Brown, 20 Lafayette Place Poughkeepsie, N.Y. "I take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are the most reliable and pleasant laxative I have found." Best for the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Guaranteed by W. P, McMillan druggist. 25c. tSJOTC. Smic Line AHoUMONfiACmC TO Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis, New York. Ocean Steatiiern for HiuFraneieo leave Portland at 8 P. M. every tirth day. Tickt to and from all point of tile Unit ed States and Europe. Get Your Name on - . , , The Wheatfield List Trains Leave Lexington, Daily, ex cept Sunday, 9:25 A. M. Trains Arrive at Lexington, Daily, ex cept Sunday . 5:10 P.M. Trains Connect at Heppner Junction with Main Line trains for all points East and West. A. L. CRAIG. G. P. A. PHELPS BRO'S DEALERS IN ICE LIGHT HAULING A SPECIALTY LKXlXQTOy. J 1 . OREGON H ARIZ EST SUPPLIES Special bargains on our Remnant Counters. Large assortment of working gloves, $1.25 to $2. values for $ 1 . All kinds of harvesting machinery, wagons, buggies, hacks, etc. Drapers and all kinds of extras for headers. Lace leather, belting, hardware, hay forks, der rick forks, blocks, cables, jacks, etc. 1 We are herdquarters for all kinds of harvest supplies. Prescott Flour, the best in the Northwest. 1 AeacA SBroth ers U fie S$L(j Store