Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, July 05, 1906, Image 2

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    Is Yo u r
Hair Sick?
That's too bad ! We had no
ticed it was looking pretty
thin and faded of late, but
naturally did not like to speak
of it. By the way, Ayer's
Hair Vigor is a regular hair
grower, a perfect hair re
storer. It keeps the scalp
clean and healthy.
"I km well acquainted with Ayer's Hair
Vigor and I like It very much. I would espe
cially recommend It as an excellent dressing
for the hair, keeping it soft and smooth, and
preventing the hair from plittlnir at the
ends," Minmk Fritz, Veedum, Mich.
Hade by J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Haai.
ao mantuaoiurers or
No Mystery at All.
"Speaking of strange and unaccounta
ble experiences," remarked the man with
the bulbous nose, "I am reminded of one
that happened to a friend of mine in the
summer of '93, while he was at the Co
lumbian exposition. He was in the Fine
Arts building, looking at the picture they
called 'Breaking Home Ties,' when he
heard a voice behind him say distinctly,
'That's what is happening at your house,
over on the west side.' He turned and
looked to see who it was that spoke, and
there was nobody near him."
"Is that all?" asked the man with the
fishy eye.
"No; the strangest part is to come.
When he went home in the evening he
found that his youngest brother had elop
ed with the hired girl and gone to St.
Louis. It had taken place, too, at the ex
act moment when he heard the voice. How
do you explain that, I'd like to know?
Was it telepathy? Or what was it?"
"H'umph ! Who tells that story?"
"The man himself Ike Stringham."
"O, Stringham tells it, does he? Why,
you gourdhead, that's the explanation."
Chicago Tribune.
In summer garb, and with new straw hat,
The commuter fared forth from his flat,
As chipper as you please.
Swiftly the "dummy" bore him to town
But swifter dropped the mercury down
Some 25 degrees.
Uncle Allen.
"My boy," counseled Uncle Allen
Sparks, "it is a mighty serious thing to be
a young man these days, and to have to
make your choice between Opportunity
and Responsibility. That's where a lot
of you go wrong."
Shedding; More Information.
Mrs. Chugwater Josiah, what is a
Mr. Chugwater Pronouncing amen to
anything you want to indorse. I should
think you could tell that by looking at
the word itself.
Hli Idea of a Joke.
"Jones has a queer sense of humor."
"He married his dead wife's sister, you
know. And now he refers to the deceased
as his sister-in-law." Cleveland Leader.
The Rome newspapers comment favor-1
ably on the scheme for the erection In j
that city of a monument to Shakspeare. '
The dowager Duchess of Abercorn, aged I
02, has 150 descendants.
Jounces fU
25 ounces
The artlsl Ic " Book of Presents "
free upon
When fitted Just right and aatlafactory to
the wi'arer lu every wey, la a thing any
dentist can congratu ate himself upon. It's
one ul the products or twentieth oentury
dentlstiy. Perhaps you're still using one
of the old ones. Suppose you let us show
you a celluloid plate T
WISE BROS.. Dentists
Falling Building,
1A.M. to v P. M.
DR. W. A. WI8B
Too Slow.
Sir John Franklin had made up his
mind to discover the northweit passage.
"I can't wait forever for the Panama
canal," he said.
Glancing at the latest dispatches from
Washington and ascertaining, to his dis
gust, that there was another deadlock as
to the question of the type of canal to be
adopted, and that Senator Morgan was
about to make another speech, he gave
orders for the immediate fitting out of the
In the Sweet Snbaeqnent.
Reporter It's to be a quiet wedding,
Isn't it?
Prospective Bridegroom (prominent
ward heeler) Yes, sir; de weddin' '11
be quiet enough, but we're goin' to have
de gol-whoppinest shlvaree dat ever wa
pulled off in de precin't!"
Slng-le Thong-ht.
"I think," remarked Growells the
other morning at breakfast, "I'll get a
"Good!" exclaimed Mrs. G, "and I
wish you would get one for me while
you are at it" ,
The Dew administration and jobbing
house building erected by the W. L.
Douglas Shoe Co. as a part of its mam
moth manufacturing plant in Brockton,
Mass., was dedicated June 19. The
program included open house from 11
in the morning until 8 in the evening.
There waB a musical program and re
freshments were served all day. Fif
teen thousand invitations were sent out
including over 11,600 retail dealers in
the United States who handled the W.
L. Douglas shoes. Mr. Douglas says
that his three large factories, also the
new building just dedicated, will al
ways be open to inspection and visitors
from everywhere will be welcome.
The new jobbing house just dedicat
ed will enable hurry orders for Douglas
shoes to be shipped the same day they
are received. The new building is 260
feet long, 60 feet wide and two stories
high. The jobbing department occui
pies the entire lower floor and the new
officeB of the Douglas Shoe company oc
cupy the entire second floor. In the
new huilding there will be special offices
occupied by the Western Union and
Postal Telegraph companies; also by
the telephone companies and there is
an elaborate mailiDg department. The
completion of this new administration
building marks the establishment of a
modern, up-to-date wholesale jobbing
house and office building.
Mr. Douglas has long considered the
advisability of a jobbing house, not
only for the purpose of supplying his
own retail stores more readily, but that
the 11,000 dealers throughout the
United States handling the W. L.
Douglas shoes might be able to obtain
shoes for immediate use with greater
The new building is said to be the
most complete and convenient of any
ever built for a commercial house in
the United States, so were the expres
sions of appreciation by the many per
sons who visited it for inspection Bin
cere and of a highly congratulatory na
ture. Architertural beauty as well as
adaptability to the uses to which it is
to be put has been the aim in construc
tion, and the result is most satisfactory,
to the visitor as well as the firm.
Reasonable Enough.
"And what are you going to do when
you're a man?" asked the visitor.
"I've been thinking," replied the bright
boy, "of starting an elephant farm in
"An elephant farm?"
"Certainly. Why not? They raise pea
nuts there." Philadelphia Ledger.
is the wonderful raising powder of the
Wave Circle. Thousands of women are
bringing greater health and better food
into their homes by using K C Baking
Fowder. Costs just one-third what you
always pay. If you have never used it
you don't know what you've missed.
Don't wait I All grocers.
for 25 tents
Third and Washington I
Bundays to 12
Prisoners and Captives
Easton laughed reassuringly. He was
not afraid of clever women. Miss Win
ter must almost have heard the laugh,
while there was still a smile on his face
as he bowed before her.
"I have never," he said, as he seated
himself, "been at an entertainment of
this description before. I am only a be
ginner. In our country we manage things
differently ; and I cannot yet understand
how much talking and so little action can
benefit any cause."
"But," said Miss Winter, "you are not
new to England. There is nothing about
you to lead one to that conclusion."
"Thank you," he replied, gravely. "My
claw-hammer cont was made in Piccadil
ly, so I suppose it is all right."
He looked down at the garment In
question, and dusted the sleeves lightly
with a perfectly gloved hand.
"Do you like it?" he Inquired simply.
Miss Winter -was becoming interested.
She therefore quelled a sudden desire to
laugh, and answered :
"Yes; it is a very nice coat."
"I am not," he said, after a pause, "new
to England, but I have not moved much
in London society. I suppose the men
do all the moving In your society ? they
seem to. The women sit mostly still and
wait till the men come to them. Uh us
it is different."
"The women." replied this womanly
lady, "are beginning to move with us, and
from what I have seen of tne result, i
rather inclino toward the old policy of
sitting still."
He turned and looked at her with a
little nod. There was in his queer, rest
less eyes a distinct glance of approval.
"Yes," he said, "yes. So I should sur
mise. Our ladies are very fascinating,
and very , clever, and all that, but but
the young men do not seem to make such
a pretty show of loving them as we read
of in olden times. At all events, they do
not continue to show them that regard
which, I remember, my father showed
toward my mother."
"I myself am an humble admirer of
the womanly school."
"And I," added Easton. "Now," he
continued, after a pause, "do tell me,
what do all these good people think they
are doing here to-night?"
"They think firstly," replied Miss Win
ter, "that they are getting their names
into the fashionable society papers. Sec
ondly, that their natural or arificial
adornment is creating a distinct impres
sion. Thirdly, and lastly, that they are
assisting in some Indefinite way toward
the solution of a problem of which the
rudiments are entirely unknown."
"Then in England, as well as in my
own country, charity is a recognized play
thing of soelety,'"uggested Easton.
"Yes. We take it up in late autumn
and winter, when there are no races, no
regattas, nor lawn tennis parties."
"Ah! then," said the American, "so
ciety is very much the same here as else
where." At this moment Oswin Grace passed
within earshot of them. He heard the
remark, and recognized the voice. When
he turned, his surprise at seeing Miss
Winter and Easton together was so mark
ed as to cause a little frown to pass
across the queer, wistful face of the
American. He returned the young Eng
lishman's comprehensive bow, however,
with perfect equanimity.
"You know Oswin Grace?" inquired
Miss Winter.
"Oh, yes," was the cool reply; "Tyars
brought him to my rooms one evening."
Miss Winter skillfully concealed eager
ness. "They a.re great friends," she said,
"Ye-es. Yes, Tyars constantly talks
of him."
"I suppose," continued Miss Winter, in
the same Indifferently conversational way,
"that they have many interests In com
mon ; both being sailors. At least, I be
lieve Claud Tyars considers himself a
sailor now."
This was clever, and the wary little
man paused. He felt convinced that Miss
Winter knew less of the past life of Tyars
than she would have him believe. More
over, he suspected that she had never
hitherto called him Claud Tyars. The
Implied familiarity was a trap, womanly,
clever and subtle; but Easton avoided it
with equal skill. Ho maintained an easy
silence. Immediately afterward, how
ever, he made a blunder.
"Oswin," said Miss Winter, "Is a great
friend of mine, and I think Helen is my
greatest friend."
"A sister?" Inquired Easton, rashly.
"Yes. Mr. Tyars hag not spoken of
her, then?"
"No. Tyars did not tell me that Grace
had a sister."
There was a short pause. Perhaps the
American heard the little sigh of relief
given by his companion, marking, as it
were, the relaxation of an effort; such
a sigh as an athlete gives when he has
cored a success and his weary muscles
fall Into repose. He became instantly
conscious of his blunder. He had been
outwitted by this pleasant woman. He
Matthew, Mark Easton a born in
triguer, a man with real genius for con
"Ah t" reflected Mis Winter, "why has
Mr. Tyars omitted to make mention of
Helen's existence?" And with feminine
intuition she made a hasty mental note of
this Important item.
i "So," mused Easton, during the same
pause, "there Is a Miss Grace, and Tyars
never mentioned her. I must be very
careful. Seems to me that there are two
men at stake here, not one ; and I cannot
mora to lose two sailors such as these."
Aiiii winter wa now drawn into a
vertex ef light-hearted Idler beat upon
a systematic Inspection of the pictures,
and from their ranks Easton took the first
opportunity of dropping away unobserved.
lhey did not speak again during the even-
lug! but the little seed was sown the
little seed of mutual esteem or mutual
dislike, as the case may be, which under
either circumstance seems to draw some
people together here in life to spread
Its subtle tendrils, Intertwined and knit
together, until their united strength is a
thing undreamed of.
"I seem," reflected Easton. subseouent-
ly, "to have met that little English lady
somewhere before. Her ways of speaking,
and her method of expressing herself in
a cheery way, as if nothing mattered very
much, are familiar to me. I certainly
have not seen her before In this vale of
sorrow, as the lady, writers call it. I
wonder where I have met her."
It happened to fall to the lot of Claud
Tyars to shut the door of Miss Winter's
comfortable brougham ; while Grace, who
had helped her In, stood back and nodded
a good-night.
The lady leaned back against the soft
cushions, and drew her cloak more snug
ly round her. The flashing liglit of street
lamp or carriage showed her face to be
grave and thoughtful. She was realizing
that Claud Tyars was something more
than a mere lover of Intrigue, making a
mystery out of a very ordinary love affair.
She was recognizing now that matters
were more serious than she had at first
considered them.
Miss Winter sometimes fell a victim to
a longing for labor. She sometimes felt
useless, and looked beyond the work that
lay at hand for heavier labor. When she
heard of good works done by women, she
longed to do something also.
Hut it was only at times that Miss
Winter gave way to this weakness, and
she was very quiet about it. When the
paroxysm was upon her, she put on a
thick veil, her quietest dress, and took
the omnibus to Tower Hill..
She was too well acquainted with the
world to go empty-handed and to mnke
those trivial mistakes by which many
well-meaning women reduce charity to
the ludicrous. She had an old bag spe
cially devoted to this secret vice, for one
cannot ca-rry half pounds of butter, pack
ets of tea, and pounds of raw sausages in
one's best handbag.
The recipients of her charity were a
race of men overlooked by charity or
ganizations, Ignored by those bland dis
tributors of leaflet literature who call
themselves the Sailors' Friend. Very few
people find themselves by accident in the
London Dock or the St. Kathcrine s
Dock ; in fact, both these basins are rath
er difficult to find.
The shipkeeper Is a strange, amphibi
ous creature. His calling is afloat, his
business on the waters, and yet he is no
sailor. In busier times he rarely spent
more than two months on board of one
ship ; now there are men living week
after week, month after month, year after
year on the same vessel. Many of them
never set foot outside the dock gates;
some there are who remain afloat always.
Miss Winter had heard of these ships,
and from different sources she gradually
learned that there were men living on
board of them ; men whose lives were al
most as solitary as that of a sailor cast
upon some desert Island. It seems strange
that within the roar of city life, almost
within stone's throw of the crowded
streets, there should be men living day
after day without speaking a word to
their fellow creatures. For if they do
not choose to come ashore, certainly no
one will trouble to go on board and see
In course of time she evolved the Idea
of going to the docks to see if It was
difficult to get on board these ships, and
there she discovered that there was noth
ing easier. It was merely a matter of
paying, as it is In every other part of the
At first her advances caused consterna
tion, but, woman like, she gradually made
her way, never being guilty of one retro
grade step. A few distrusted her motives,
some thought she was merely a fool, oth
ers concluded she had "got religion."
These latter were the first to welcome
her. The explanation was so simple,
and it had served to account for stranger
conduct than this.
One and all appreciated the butter and
the sausages. Some made use of the soap,
and a few read the newspapers she
brought them.
Soon Miss Winter found that her ad
vent was looked for. The responsibilities
of beneficence began to make themselves
felt. She commenced to know personally
these quaint old hermits, and found that
there were sincere and insincere shipkeep-
ers shlpkeepers who were Interesting and
othrs who were mere nonentities. On
the whole, she gave preference to those
who took the butter and the sausages and
left the soap. These latter were old fel
lows who had never washed, and did not
see the good of changing their "habits in
old age. This conservatism indicated a
character worthy of admiration, and supe-
rior to that of such a asked for more
soap and hinted at tracts.
She became more and more interested
In this work, and lapsed into the habit
of going to the docks once a week, at
least. As Claud Tyars frequented the
same spot with an equal regularity, their
meeting was only a question of time.
They had missed each other several
times by the merest chance, but at last
they came face to face In a most unde
niable manner. The morning was rather
foggy, and in consequence the dock was
more silent and sleepier than usual. Miss
Winter having Just left a boat, was
mounting the steep wet eto from the
odgo of the slimy water, ' when a tall
limn, emerging from the fog, came to
the top of the stairs and hailed tho boat.
"Wait a mltiute," he said; "I want
you." .
lie came down a step or two and stood
to one side to let Mis Winter pass.
In doing so, he looked at her, and sho,
glancing up to thank him, gave a little
"Ah!" she exclaimed. "You here
Mr. Tyars?"
He raised hi hat without betraying
any surprise.
"Yes," he answered, "of course. The
docks have a uatural attraction for me
a sailor."
"I forgot," she said, looking calmly
at him, "that you were a sailor."
She had been betrayed Into surprise.
but In" a moment hor usual alertness re
turned to her. She passed on, and he
followed her.
"Are you alone?" he inquired.
"Oh, yes" she replied, lightly. "I am
quite at home here. I come nearly every
week and Interrupt the meditations of
the ship keepers. I look after their tem
poral welfare. It is quite my own Idea,
I assure you, that I have no connection
with nny philanthropic society."
"Tracts?" ho Inquired, shortly.
"No; no tracts," she replied. "Sau
sages, butter and soap essentially of this
He wag walking beside her, suiting his
step with an Implied senso of protection,
almost of approbation, which annoyed
"There may be," he suggested, half
Ironically, "a hidden motive In the soap."
"But there is not," she replied, sharply.
I advocate cleanliness only. Personally,
I prefer the dirty ones."
"Probably," ho said, you do a great
deal of good. Theso poor fellows lead a
very lonely life. You must seem to them
like a being from another world.
"So I am, Mr. Tyars," she said, still
upholding her work. "Quite another
Then she suddenly laid aside her grav
ity with that strange Inconsequence which
Is one of the many Important difference
between the male and female mind.
"You speak feelingly," whe continued,
In thinly veiled mockery. "Perhaps you
have been a ship Jteeper yourself. You
seem to have been a good many things."
"Yes," was the calm reply. "I have.
I was once a ship keeper in the Southern
She was silenced. The details of his
terrible experience on board the fever
stricken merchantman had never been
vouchsafed, but It waa not difficult to
Imagine them from the official account he
had been forced to publish. v
Suddenly this cheerful little lady had
realized the pettiness of her own exist
ence, the futility of her own small ca
price. She glanced up at him, almost
meditating an apology. Observant and
analytical as she was, she had not yet no
ticed a fact of which Tyars was fully1
aware; she had not noticed that In her
Intercourse with Claud Tyars she inva
riably began in an antagonistic vein, and
that with equal monotony this antagon
ism melted after a few moments.
In one respect Tyars was a common
place man. He possessed the genius' of
command, which is the genius most often
encountered In the world. It Is merely a
genius of adaptation, not of creation. Its
chief characteristic is a close but un
conscious observation of human nature.
He understood all who came in contact
with him much better than any one of
them understood him. Miss Winter was
conscious of a reserve In this man's
mind which was irrevocably closed to
her. He casually glanced Into her char
acter in passing; If there was an Inner
motive beyond his fathom, he remained
indifferent to its presence. When their
paths crossed he was pleased to meet her,
but she never flattered herself that he
would go far out of his way to hear her
opinion upon any subject..
"If," she said, 'I cared for horrors, I
should ask you some day to tell me about
about those days your ship-keeping
days; but I hate horrors."
"I am glad," he said, with evident re
lief. "I hate horrors, too, and should not
make a picturesque story of It."
They walked on In silence, feeling rath
er more friendly toward each other every
moment. It was necessary to pass be
neath a crana of which the greasy chain
hung loosely right across their path. Ti
ars stepped forward, and with a quick
turn of the winch-handle, drew the chain
taut, and consequently out of her way.
It was a mere incident, trivial in its way ;
but women note these trivialities nad
piece them together with a skill and se
quence which men cannot rival or even
imitate. Tyar's action showed an inti
mate knowledge with the smallest details
of the calling he had chosen to follow.
(To be continued.)
Willing: to Retnrn Part.
Bicker I hear your confidential
clerk has skipped out with your daugh
ter and $10,000 of your coin.
Easyun Yes, ' that's right but 1
guess he Isn't such a bad sort of chap
after all. I had a letter from him
this morning saying that he was will
ing to send my daughter back If I'd
pay her railway fare.
Hla Awful Fate.
Giles According to the coroner's ver
dict a mob composed entirely of wom
en was responsible for Green's demise.
Miles How did It happen?
Giles He accidentally got near a
bargain counter where $1 shirt walsta
were being sold at 08 cents and waa
trampled underfoot
Pussled Him.
Citizen I see there Is a great deal
of agitation about the smoke problem
these days. Does It worry you?
Ex-Alderman I should say . so 1
Since I lost my office It keeps me busy
thinking how I can make a stogie smell
like a Havana,