ALL JAIL PE RU-ISA; A Case of STOMACH CATARRH. im ' WMmK Mihb Mary O'llrion, 300 Myrll Ave., jsrooKiyn, in. x., writes: "Peruna cured me in five weeks of catarrh of Ihe stomach, after suffering lor four yearo anil doctoring without (licet, in common with other urate- ful ones who have been bt-nelitted by your dincovery I say. All hail to J Peruna. Mr. II. J. Ilenneman, Oakland, Neb., writes: "I waited before writing to you about my sickness, catarrh of the stomach, which I had over a year ago. "There were people who told me 11 would not stay cured, but I am sure that I am cured, for I do not feel any more ill effects, have a good appetite and am getting fat. "Bo I am, and will say to all, I am cured for good. "I thank yon for your kindness. "Peruna will be our house medicine hereafter." Catarrh of the stomach is also known in common parlance as dyspepsia, gas' tritis and indigestion. No medicine will be of any permanent benefit ex cept it removes the catarrh. A Great Tonic. Mr. Austin M. Small, Astoria, Ore., writes: "During the hot weather of the past summer I lost my appetite. I tried Peruna, and found it pleasant to take, a splendid appetizer and a great tonic." A Unique City. In one respect, Quito, the capital of Ecuador, Is the most unique city In the world. It Is situated in both the north ern and southern hemispheres If w( accept the equator as the real dividing line a distinction claimed by no othei pluce of Importance on the globe. At Quito the sun rises and sets at fl o'clock the year round. You may for get to wind your watch while you art visiting the Ecuadorian capital, but you iced not hunt up a regulator; set II when the sun rises or sets, and you will l? sure to be 'right. Old Sol makes no Aiitrtukes. The seasons, ns far ns names are eon cerne), change almost Instantly; but, as tuft temperature is remarkably even, ticse curious points are seldom thought of by the people who make Quito tbeii home. Our iiueea I Force. It Is the locked up forces within that lie deep In our natures, not those that are on the surface, that test our mettle. It Is within everybody's power to call out these hidden forces, to be some body and to do something worth while In the world, and the man who does not do It is violating his sacred birth right. Success Magazine. LAND SCRIP Approved I-nt Scrip for surveyed, unsurveyd, timbered or pra.rlo government land, H. M. HAMILTON, 1'orllaud Hotel, Portland, Uregou GASOLENE ENGINES 8 to hor... nower fully warranted, (125. All sizes and V.y les at lowest prices. W rite for catalog. REIERSON MACHINERY COMPANY Portland. Oregon. CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING Portland Trade Directory Names and Addresses in Portland of Repre sentative Business firms. 11 AGIO LANTKHNb Welster Co., I'ortland. Lowest prices on Lanterns and Slides. IftjKBKU of all kinds lor sale at very reasonable prices. Inquire 276 Front Bt. CREAM SEPARATORS-We guarantee the U. S. Separator to be the best. Write lor free catalog. H Kiel wood Co., Fifth and Oak. MEN'S CLOTHING Buffum Pendleton, sole agents Alfred Benjamin Co.'s correct clothes. Everything In men's furnishings. Morrison and bixth streets. Opposite posloflice. POULTRY FOOD If you want your hens to lay more eggs write us for free particulars about PU RINA POULTRY IKEDa-Acme Mills Co., Portland, Oregon. IANOH A ORGANS Oldest piano house on Pa cific coast. Organs and Pianos on easy payments. Write for list. Let us quote you a price. Allen Ullbert-Ramaker Co., Portland, Oregon. WANTED Men and Women to learn Barber trade in eight weeks; graduates earn from 115 to 'Z6 weeklyj expert instructors; catalog free; Moler System of Colleges, 86 N. Fourth St., Portland. TELEGRAPHY TAUGHT FREE. Com plete course and position secured when graduated This offer good only for short time. Write for par ticulars. PACIFIC TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE Grand Theatre Building, Portland, Oregon. P. N. U. No. 26-08 jw BEN writing; to advertisers please mention mis paper. Kllcht-n I'unip. I feel sure that many farmers would bo astonished if they could really know Just how much vuluable time and how Many weary steps might be saved by a litlli! thought and planning and with so little ( xpense. I feel this especially true of the work of the good house vfe who has so many little tasks to do over and over again 8i." days in the vcur. I Illustrate herewith a little de vice I arranged some years ago when my wife's health wax delicate, and It was with difficulty she could lift even a tuna 11 pull of water, and which she n:ul all the girls who have worked In our kltclien have enjoyed very much. The pump as Is usual sits at the sink, a little distance from the range, and probably 18 Inches higher than the res ervoir. I thought why not let the water run Into the reservoir, Instead of Into a pail and have to wait each time for the pump to cease dripping? So I. 'had a small conductor pipe made the desired length with a slight turn at the lower end, and a very slanting funnel shaped at the other end, that would Just slip over the spout of the pump. I would not suggest the pipe to: over IVi Inches in diameter. Our3 n hen not In use slips In behind the nnge and Is not In the way, or In fight and Is always on baud and a ,.'rcat convenience. L, Farm Progress. , W. Ovlatt in Chop Siiey. One-half chicken ; one large onion ; n I'sndful of mushrooms; a stalk of cel ery; six Chinese potatoes; a bowl of flee; a small dish of Chinese sauce. Scrape the meat from the bones ot the chicken and cut it into strips an inch kng; slice the onion; soak the mush rooms ten minutes in water and cut olC the stems ; cut the celery Into Inch- lengths ; wash and slice the Chinese po tatoes. Fry the chicken in fat In a frying pan until done; add the sliced onions and cook for Ave minutes, add the mushrooms and enough Chinese sauce to make the Ingredients brown, Pour in water and stew foa a few min utes, put in celery, then the potatoes. Stew for a few minutes, then thicken with floured water. Boil up once and serve with boiled rice. Finn Chop. Make one pint of farcl sauce, omit ting the tomato and adding one-half pint more milk, using three tablespoon fuls flour; when smooth remove from tire, beat in one egg, one tablespoonful each of minced chives and parsley, one vablespoonful lemon Juice and one pint naked cooked fish;, spread on plate to cool ; then form into cutlets, crumb and dip into beaten egg and crumb again; fry a delicate brown; serve on napkin, and garnish with plmolas cut into slices. Sardine Croquettes. After drawing all oil off, All a cup with sardines from which skin and bones have been removed; cook half a cupful of grated, stale bread In half a cupful of milk, adding the beaten yolk of one egg, two tablespoonfuls of but ;er, a teaspoonful of lemon Juice, the cooked yolks of three eggs (sifted), and a dash of paprika with the sardine puree; mix thoroughly, shape Into ovals, dip In beaten egg and sifted crumbs, and fry In deep fat. Ginger Ice Cream. Make a custard of one pint of cream, and put four eggs into It. Cut up Into small pieces two ounces of preserved ginger, add sufficient ground ginger to flavor well, and syrup or' sugar to taste. Stir occasionally until cold, and put it Into the freezer. Care should be tak en to use fresh and good ground ginger, us otherwise It is apt to impart a moldy kirn! of flavor. Tartare Sauce. Yolks of four eggs, a teaspoonful of mustard, a . saltspoonful of salt, two chopped shallots, olive oil, tarragon vinegar, pepper. Break the yolks into a basin with the pepper and mustard; stir In a tablespoonful of oil, then a teaspoonful of vinegar alternately until the sauce Is of a right consistency; then add the chopped shallot, or chop ped ptfrsley, if preferred. Potato Time-Table. Baked Thirty to forty-five minutes. Steamed Twenty to forty minutes. Boiled (In skins) Twenty to thirty minutes. Boiled (pared) Twenty-five to forty five minutes. Well softened potatoes are cooked. The Mole Hn Rrea. The majority of people believe that' the mole Is even "blinder" than .the proverbial bat, but the naturalists know that such Is not the case. Sir John Lubbock and Carl I less, the lat ter a noted German naturalist, by care ful Investigation proved that the mole has eyes which are as perfect ns those of a horse or an elephant. They are very small optics, to be sure (only one millimeter In diameter), but In the matter of reflection and refraction do not differ from the normul eyes In larger animals. To Break In New Shoes. Always shake in Allen's Foot-Kane, a powder. It cure hot, sweating, aching, swollen feet. Cures corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. At all druggists and shoe uteres, if-'-. Imn't accept any substitute. Hample mailed FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, I-e Roy, N. Y. Few ThooffhU. Fred (after six months' absence) Are you married yet, old man? Joe Not me. Fred But I thought you were go ing to marry that wealthy young widow? Joe I thought so, too, but I discov ered that she was also a thinker. AVfcgetable Preparationfor As similating ihcFood andReg ula ling the Stomachs and Dowels of Promotes DigeslioaCheerfuI ness andRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. JRtape ofOldDrSMXLPfTCIEl Pumpkin Sent" Alx.Smnti JtauUtSattt- Jtmnninl -IliCmbonaltSoda WnaSttd CJaxlad Sugar YfatnjnmFUmr. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness andLoss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. 1 -ni-C fill He Had Remembered. Hiram Bobbs was absent-minded. He admitted that himself. Still, even he was occasionally surprised by his own fallings. One morning he reached his ofllce unaccountably late. "Dear me!" he thought. "Where can I have been?" The answer was not forthcoming. Hi ram sat down at his desk and took out his pocket-handkerchief. It was tied tightly in' a knot. "Now," he exclaimed, "what was that for? Oh, yes! Marthy told me to get niy shoes soled." With an air of resignation to the whims of womanhood be put on his bat. closed his desk, and went out to the "soled-whlle-you-wait" cobblers. He went In and sat down, took off his shoes, and settled back In a chair to read bis newspaper. "What Is It, Mr. Bobbs?" Inquired tbe cobbler. "What? Oh, er er er why oh, yes ! I want my shoes soled." "Pardon me, sir," said the cobbler, "but I finished soling them only half an hour ago. They can't be worn out yet, sl." ' Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. Tliere is only one Way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube 1b inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless tbe inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the-mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for Circulars, tree. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Bold by DruggistB, 75c. Hall's Family Mils are the beat. An Owl. "She thought he was very prominent before their marriage." "Y28, she saw his picture In a news paper labeled 'A Young Man of the Day. " "And now that they are married?" "She has fond out that he 1b a young man of the night" Unappreciated Ambition. "My hair," remarked ' th6 middle aged man, sadly, "Is the most ambi tious thing about me, it seems." "What's the answer?" queried his friend. "It Is always corning out on top," explained the party of the first part riTO Bt. Vitus' Dance nnd all Nervous DlS'-ase rl I W permanently cured by Dr. Klipe's (treat Nerve llesiorer. Kend for KBKK (2 trial bnttlx and treatise. Dr. it. H. Kiln , Ld., Vill Arch St., 'tilla.,l'a. Special Terms I "And have you any special terms for summer girls when they come in a party?" asked the pretty brunette in the mountain hotel. "Yes, indeed," responded the clerk, suavely.- "And what are they?" " 'Peaches' and 'dears.' " Mothers will find Mr-. Winslow's Soothing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. That Youngster Again. "Come, dear," said his mother, point ing to the silvery crescent in the sky, "and look at it. It's the same old moon." " 'Taiu't nuther," he said, still sulking. 'This one's broke!" The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good "are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THI OENTAUH OOMMNV. TT MUMMY TOUT, HEW VOMI CITY. Your Tongue is Coated! LOOK Inside your watch cover and seel That's bad busi ness, Bill! What you been Eating? What were you drinking? What kind of Lazy Chair did you take exercise in? Now don't think It doesn't matter I Because, it's your Bowels that talk now, every time you open your Mouth. i That doesn't help your Popularity, nor your Earning capacity. Besides, a man with bad Bowels Is In a bad way. And, a Coated Tongue, or a Bad Breath, are sure signs of bad Bowels and poor Digestion, Go and take a Ten Mile Walk, for Exercise! 'Finest thing In the world for Constipa tion, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Ten Mile Walks. Haven't time? Too Lazy? Well, there Is another Way. Take Artificial Exercise for your Bowels. That's CASCARETS. They rouse the Bowel Musdes, just as a Cold Bath freshens Athletic Muscles. Waken them up, Strengthen them so they Contract and Expand the Bowels and Intestines In a healthy active manner. That's how these muscles work the Food along, through your thirty feet of Intes tines, to Its Finish. . .. That's how they squeeze Gastric Juice Into the. food, to Digest It. That's how they make the millions of little Suckers in the Intestines draw the Nutrition out of Food, and transform It My Hair Ran Away Don't have a falling out with your hair. It might leave you! Then what? That would mean thin, scraggly, uneven, rough hair. Keep your hair at home ! Fasten it tightly to your scalp ! You can easily do it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is something more than a simple hair dress ing. It is a hair medicine, a hair tonic, a hair food. The best kind of a testimonial "Sold for over sixty yoars." A"' by J. O. Aver Co.. Lowoll. Also manufacturers of 9 SARSAPABILLA. 1 tO YQ piLts. ly C-f O CHEWY PECTORAL. Bought, and which has been has borne the eignatnre of and has been made under his per -Sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Signature of usUa into Blood, Brawn, Brain and Bone. No purging from CASCAR . ETS, because there Is no flood ing of the Bowels with a waste of precious Digestive Juice, as with Salts, Castor 0 11, "Physic," etc. Cascarets act like Exercise, harmless, pleasant, simple, convenient, but sure as Shoot ing. The thin little Ten Cent Box, carried In your Vest Pocket constantly, Is sure protection ajalnst the results of Late Suppers Cheerful Boozing Rapid Eating Slow Walking Easy Chair Athletics And Lazy Liver, One tablet taken whenever you suspect you need It will Insure you against 90 per cent of all other Ills likely to attack you. Because 90 per cent of these Ills begin In the Bowels, or exist through poor Nutrition. Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken, don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach. Ten Cents, at all Druggists. Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and never sold In bulk. Every tablet stamped r'CCC." tr free: to our friends r We want to send to our friends a beautiful French-designed, GOLD-PLATED BONBON BOX. bard-enameled in colors. It li a beauty for the dressing table. Ten cents In stamps is asked as a measure of good faith and to cover cost of Cascarets, with which thlslTiity trinket Is loaded. 728 Send to-day. mentioning this paper. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New Yfek.